25 resultados para Alonso Bermejo, Antonio

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The origin and structure are described of the secondary protective tissue in the stem of Erythorxylum tortuosum Mart., a fire tolerant shrubby species common in Brazilian cerrado. The highly tortuous stems are covered with thick bark which is more developed at the base of the stem. After fire in the cerrado, rhytidome fragments of the burned stem flake off, revealing newly formed cork. The first periderm appears near of the terminal buds and is iniated by periclinal divisions in subepidermal cells giving rise to radial rows of cells. The first phellogen is discernible only after the differentiation of the several radial rows of cork cells. Other phellogens have their origin in successively deeper layers of the cortex. The sucessive periderms are discontinuous around the circumference. The collapsed cells with phenolic substances and the accumulated dead cells cause the formation of discontinuous blackish lines, which delimit the sucessive periderms in the rhytidome. The rhytidome contains large quantities of sclereids developed from cell wall thickening of cortex cells. The occurrence of periderm, in the young parts of the stem and of rhytidome in the older parts represents pyrophytic characteristics and may explain, in part, the fire tolerance of this species.


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O Projeto de Iniciação Científica foi desenvolvido na Farmácia-Escola Prof. Dr. Antônio Alonso Martinez, uma unidade auxiliar da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da UNESP-Araraquara e que é parte integrante do NAC (Núcleo de Atendimento à Comunidade). Por ser vinculada à uma instituição pública ela serve como modelo para toda a comunidade, além de ser um estabelecimento de ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Por isso, ela tem o compromisso de cumprir com todas as exigências legais de maneira exemplar, garantindo a qualidade dos produtos manipulados. Realizou-se a revisão e adequação dos Procedimentos Operacionais Padrão (POPs) presente no Manual de Boas Práticas de Manipulação da Farmácia-Escola, baseando-se nas diretrizes da RDC 67/07 (Anexo I - Boas Práticas de Manipulação em Farmácia) e também uma inspeção na rotina dos processos envolvidos na manipulação e dispensação dos produtos manipulados. Fez-se a aplicação do Roteiro de Inspeção para Farmácia - Anexo VII da RDC 67/07 com a finalidade de constatar e avaliar o cumprimento das Boas Práticas de Manipulação em Farmácias (BPMF). Verificou-se que a Farmácia-Escola ainda não está em conformidade com todos os critérios estabelecidos pela RDC 67/07, mas que mesmo com as dificuldades enfrentadas para se adequar ela atende à quase todos os itens considerados imprescindíveis. Segundo as farmacêuticas responsáveis, medidas corretivas vêm sendo estudadas para que aos poucos todos os itens constantes na Resolução em questão sejam cumpridos.


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Medicamentos manipulados são preparados nas farmácias ou nos serviços farmacêuticos hospitalares pelo profissional farmacêutico ou sob sua direta responsabilidade, a partir de prescrições médicas ou de fórmulas inscritas no Formulário Nacional ou Formulários Internacionais reconhecidos pela Anvisa. No Brasil, o consumo desses produtos mostra um crescimento importante no cenário da Saúde Pública. A finasterida é um fármaco representativo de uma grande parcela desse mercado por seu fácil acesso e alta eficácia. Contudo, a manipulação deste produto deve ser realizada com bastante cautela, por ser um medicamento de baixa dose. Nesse meio, a Farmácia-Escola “Prof. Dr. Antonio Alonso Martinez” conquista a confiança da população de Araraquara e região há muitos anos. A fim de se fundamentar essa confiança, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar cápsulas de finasterida manipuladas na Farmácia Escola supracitada por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE), utilizando metodologia devidamente validada. Foram analisados parâmetros como teor e uniformidade de conteúdo das cápsulas, bem como teor da matéria-prima e da mistura de pós destinados ao preenchimento de cápsulas. Os resultados encontrados apresentam-se dentro dos critérios adotados pelas Farmacopeias Americana e Europeia, uma vez que a Farmacopeia Brasileira ainda não tem monografia inscrita da finasterida e dos respectivos medicamentos


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Ao examinar os textos de Antonio Callado publicados na Folha de S. Paulo e reunidos no livro Crônicas de fim do milênio (1997), buscamos investigar de que maneira Callado lança mão de textos literários diversos para constituir seu ponto de vista nos comentários que faz sobre os dados do jornalismo e da história. Mais que uma ilustração do conteúdo das crônicas, essas obras apresentam-se como organizadoras de sua argumentação, revelando-se como um dispositivo de descoberta do mundo, por meio do qual o autor revê a história do Brasil. Nesse contexto, este trabalho aborda a trajetória da crônica brasileira e a obra geral de Antonio Callado, as quais apresentam um ponto fundamental de convergência com as crônicas do autor: a vinculação entre o texto literário, os fatos jornalísticos e os dados históricos, aspecto que se constitui como um dos eixos centrais de nosso estudo.


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Busca-se aqui investigar a conexão entre duas características definidoras da originalidade crítica de Antonio Candido: sua filiação à linhagem do marxismo ocidental e sua inserção numa tradição nacional.


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Background. Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is almost always lethal if not treated, but most infections with the causative agents are clinically silent. Mannan-binding lectin (MBL), an opsonin, is a candidate molecule for modifying progression to VL because it may enhance infection with intracellular pathogens. Mutations in the MBL2 gene decrease levels of MBL and may protect against development of VL. This case-control study examines genotypes of MBL2 and levels of MBL in individuals presenting with different outcomes of infection with Leishmania chagasi.Methods. Genotypes for MBL2 and levels of serum MBL were determined in uninfected control subjects (n=76) and in individuals presenting with asymptomatic infection (n=90) or VL (n=69).Results. Genotypes resulting in high levels of MBL were more frequent (odds ratio [OR], 2.5 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.3-5.0]; P=.006) among individuals with VL than among those with asymptomatic infections and were even more frequent (OR, 3.97 [95% CI, 1.10-14.38];P=.043) among cases of VL presenting with clinical complications than among those with uneventful courses. Serum levels of MBL were higher (P=.011) in individuals with VL than in asymptomatic infections.Conclusions. Genotypes of the MBL2 gene predict the risk for developing VL and clinical complications in infections with L. chagasi.


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The myocardial protection allowed great advance in cardiac surgery, decreasing the mortality and making more feasible complex surgeries. Latterly, the patient population elected for cardiac procedures has been changing towards elderly patients with ventricular function depressed and myocardial hypertrophy. The myocardial hypertrophy condition represents a great challenge since the beginning of the cardiac surgery. Several techniques have been described to protect the myocardial hypertrophy, however with no satisfactory results. In this manuscript we present the state of the art technique of myocardial protection.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic variation, the genotype × soil interaction and the selection among and within Corymbia citriodora progenies in three different kinds of soils (Red Latossol, Quartz Sand and Purple Latossol), which occur in the Luiz Antônio Experimental Station, São Paulo State, Brazil. The progeny test was established 1983, using 56 open-pollinated families of C. citriodora. Twenty fve years after planting the following traits were measured: height, diameter at breast height (Dbh), stem form and survival. Best growth occurred in Purple Latossol. Significant differences among progenies were detected for most traits in all sites, suggesting the possibility of improvement by selection. In the analysis with sites, Significant differences among locals, progenies and genotypes × soil interaction were detected, confiming that the tested material has sufficient genetic variation to be explored by selection in all sites. The analysis of genotype × soil interaction indicates that growth traits present single interaction and the same progenies can be selected in each site. On the order hand, genotype × soil interaction for stem form and survival was complex; and specifc progenies need to be selected for each kind of soil. The population, due to its high genetic variation and strong genetic control of traits, permits to obtain considerable genetic gains by selection among and within progenies.


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Intensive deforestation and forest fragmentation of the Brazilian forest biomes has contributed to increase the number of trees species under the risk of extinction. Peltophorum dubium (Sprengel) Taubert is one of these species. Some of its populations are being conserved ex situ by the Instituto Florestal de São Paulo through provenance and progeny tests. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic variation and to estimate genetic parameters at age 24 years in a progeny test of P. dubium established in Luiz Antônio, São Paulo State, Brazil. The trial was established in a random block design, with six replications, five plants per plot and 18 open-pollinated progenies. Measured were: diameter at breast height (DBH), height and stem form. The genetic parameters heritability, genetic variation and effective population size were estimated. Significant genetic differences were observed only for DBH. This trait also presented a high coefficient of genetic variation (CV g=4.8%) and heritability, especially among progeny means (h m 2=0.6607). This indicates that DBH is the most indicated trait for selection in the population. The effective population size conserved ex situ in the test was estimated to be 38.9. Concerning genetic conservation, although the effective population size in the test is small, the values of the genetic variation and of the heritability indicate that the ex situ population has sufficient genetic variation and potential to respond to changes promoted by natural and artificial selection.


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Subluxation of the proximal interphalangeal joint is a rare and little studied condition in horses. We describe the case of a 12-year-old mare with bilateral dorsal subluxation of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the hind feet. Tenectomy of the medial digital flexor was performed in both limbs, and the patient showed signs of recovery within 14 days. Goniometry of the proximal interphalangeal joints 10 months after surgery showed diminution of 5° for the proximal interphalangeal axis of the left hind limb. However, no change was found for the joint angle of the right limb. Even so, the patient's gait and radiographic results were normal, and clinical abnormalities such as joint clicking and swelling were no longer observed. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)