23 resultados para Ajoneuvojen EMC standardit
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
This article presents an thermoeconomic analysis of cogeneration plants, applied as a rational technique to produce electric power and saturated steam. The aim of this new methodology is the minimum exergetic manufacturing cost (EMC), based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The decision variables selected for the optimization are the pressure and the temperature of the steam leaving the boiler in the case of using steam turbine, and the pressure ratio, turbine exhaust temperature and mass flow in the case of using gas turbines. The equations for calculating the capital costs of the components and products are formulated as a function of these decision variables. An application of the method using real data of a multinational chemical industry located in São Paulo state is presented. The conditions which establish the minimum cost are presented as finals conclusions.
In this paper is proposed the use of biogas generated in the Wastewater Treatment Plant of a Dairy industry. The objective is to apply a thermoeconomic analysis to the supplementary cold water production of an absorption refrigeration system (NH3 + H2O) by the burning of such gas. The exergoeconomic analysis is carried out to allow a comparison between an absorption refrigeration system and of an equivalent compression refrigeration system that uses NH3 as work fluid. The proposed exergoeconomic model uses functional diagrams and allows one to obtain the exergetic incremental functions for each component individually and for the system as a whole. The model minimizes the exergetic manufacturing cost (EMC) which represents the cost of supplementary cold water production at 1degreesC (exergetic base) needed for this dairy's cold storage. As a conclusion, the absorption refrigeration system is better than compression refrigeration system, when the biogas cost is not considered. 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, a thermoeconomic analysis method based on the first and second law of thermodynamics and applied to an evaporative cooling system coupled to an adsorption dehumidifier, is presented. The main objective is the use of a method called exergetic manufacturing cost (EMC) applied to a system that operates in three different conditions to minimize the operation costs. Basic parameters are the RIP ratio (reactivation air/process air) and the reactivation air temperature. Results of this work show that the minimum reactivation temperature and the minimum RIP ratio corresponds to the smaller EMC. This result can be corroborated through an energetic analysis. It is noted that this case is also the one corresponding to smaller energy loss. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
For redundant second-class constraints the Dirac brackets cannot be defined and new brackets must be introduced. We prove here that the Jacobi identity for the new brackets must hold on the surface of the second-class constraints. In order to illustrate our proof we work out explicitly the cases of a fractional spin particle in 2 + 1 dimensions and the original Brink-Schwarz massless superparticle in D = 10 dimensions in a Lorentz-covariant constraints separation.
Dirac-like monopoles are studied in three-dimensional Abelian Maxwell and Maxwell-Chern-Simons models. Their scalar nature is highlighted and discussed through a dimensional reduction of four-dimensional electrodynamics with electric and magnetic sources. Some general properties and similarities whether considered in Minkowski or Euclidean space are mentioned. However, by virtue of the structure of the space-time in which they are studied, a number of differences among them occur. Furthermore, we pay attention to some consequences of these objects when they act upon the usual particles. Among other subjects, special attention is given to the study of a Lorentz-violating nonminimal coupling between neutral fermions and the field generated by a monopole alone. In addition, an analogue of the Aharonov-Casher effect is discussed in this framework.
In this work we discuss the effect of the quartic fermion self-interaction of Thirring type in QED in D=2 and D=3 dimensions. This is done through the computation of the effective action up to quadratic terms in the photon field. We analyze the corresponding nonlocal photon propagators nonperturbatively in k/m, where k is the photon momentum and m the fermion mass. The poles of the propagators were determined numerically by using the MATHEMATICA software. In D=2 there is always a massless pole whereas for strong enough Thirring coupling a massive pole may appear. For D=3 there are three regions in parameter space. We may have one or two massive poles or even no pole at all. The interquark static potential is computed analytically in D=2. We notice that the Thirring interaction contributes with a screening term to the confining linear potential of massive two-dimensional QED (QED(2)). In D=3 the static potential must be calculated numerically. The screening nature of the massive QED(3) prevails at any distance, indicating that this is a universal feature of D=3 electromagnetic interaction. Our results become exact for an infinite number of fermion flavors.
We devote effort to studying some nonlinear actions, characteristic of W theories, in the framework of the soldering formalism. We disclose interesting new results concerning the embedding of the original chiral W particles in different metrical spaces in the final soldered action; i.e., the metric is modified by the soldering interference process. The results are presented in a weak field approximation for the W-N case when Ngreater than or equal to3 and also in an exact way for W-2. We promote a generalization of the interference phenomenon to W-N theories of different chiralities and show that the geometrical features introduced can yield a new understanding of the interference formalism in quantum field theories.
The aim was to analyze the prevalence of the stages of behavior change (BCS) and the perceived barriers to physical activity in older people residents in a medium size city of São Paulo state, Brazil. Seventy-nine older people participated of the study. The BCS was assessed by the Questionnaire of Behavior Chance Stages and those on perception of barriers by the Questionnaire on Barriers to the Practice of Physical Activity in Older People (QBPPAE). Statistical analyses was comprised by the Chi-square test (p<0.05). Data showed that: a) 64,6% of the older people do not practice physical activity and only 22,8% of them have been practicing it on a regular basis for more than 6 months; b) The most perceived barriers were: "Active enough", "Too old"; "Need to rest" and; "Disease or injury"; c) The BCS seems modulate significantly the perception of barriers (p<0.05). We can conclude that: a) most of the older people are in the pre-contemplation, contemplation and preparation stages of the BCS, yet; b) gender influences almost nothing with perception of barriers and; c) the BCS interferes with the type of perceived barriers. Such conclusions support the suggestions that it is necessary to develop specific strategies for different stages of behavior change if it is to minimize the barriers. This may help to find the most effective way to change to more active lifestyle in the elderly.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Effect of bound nucleon internal structure change on nuclear structure functions is investigated based on local quark-hadron duality. The bound nucleon structure functions calculated for charged-lepton and (anti)neutrino scattering are all enhanced in symmetric nuclear matter at large Bjorken-x (x greater than or similar to 0.85) relative to those in a free nucleon. This implies that a part of the enhancement observed in the nuclear structure function F-2 (in the resonance region) at large Bjorken-x (the EMC effect) is due to the effect of the bound nucleon internal structure change. However, the x dependence for the charged-lepton and (anti)neutrino scattering is different. The former (latter) is enhanced (quenched) in the region 0.8 less than or similar to x less than or similar to 0.9 (0.7 less than or similar to x less than or similar to 0.85) due to the difference of the contribution from axial vector forrn factor. Because of these differences charge symmetry breaking in parton distributions will be enhanced in nuclei. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O termo osteocondromatose refere-se a anormalidades proliferativas benignas de tecido cartilaginoso que acomete ossos de origem endocondral. Esta condição pode ser solitária ou múltipla e, neste último caso, é referida como exostose múltipla cartilaginosa (EMC). em felinos, é caracterizada pelo surgimento em animais adultos e por apresentar desenvolvimento progressivo. A osteocondromatose pode ser silenciosa e o paciente poderá apresentar sinais clínicos quando o desenvolvimento das exostoses resultar em compressão de estruturas vitais, como a medula espinhal. em felinos, a enfermidade não possui tratamento conhecido devido ao seu caráter recidivante. Este trabalho relata o êxito da aplicação de hemilaminectomia no tratamento de osteocondromatose vertebral em gato.
We study a new mechanism for the electromagnetic gauging of chiral bosons showing that new possibilities emerge for the interacting theory of chiral scalars. We introduce a chirally coupled gauge field necessary to mod out the degree of freedom that obstructs gauge invariance in a system of two opposite chiral bosons soldering them together.
The SU(2) Shyrme model, expanding in the collective coordinates variables, gives rise to second-class constraints. Recently this system was embedded in a more general Abelian gauge theory using the BFFT Hamiltonian method. in this work we quantize this gauge theory computing the Noether current anomaly using for this two different methods: an operatorial Dirac first class formalism and the non-local BV quantization coupled with the Fujikawa regularization procedure. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, a thermoeconomic analysis method based on the First and the Second Law of Thermodynamics and applied to analyse the replacement of an equipment of a cogeneration system is presented. The cogeneration system consists of a gas turbine linked to a waste boiler. The electrical demand of the campus is approximately 9 MW but the cogen system generates approximately one third of the university requirement as well as 1.764 kg/s of saturated steam (at 0.861 MPa), approximately, from a single fuel source. The energy-economic study showed that the best system, based on pay-back period and based on the maximum savings (in 10 years), was the system that used the gas turbine M1T-06 of Kawasaki Heavy Industries and the system that used the gas turbine CCS7 of Hitachi Zosen, respectively. The exergy-economic study showed that the best system, which has the lowest EMC, was the system that used the gas turbine ASE50 of Allied Signal. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.