22 resultados para Aislamientos del suelo
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Brazil's Atlantic Forest ecosystem has been greatly affected by land use changes, with only 11.26% of its original vegetation cover remaining. Currently, Atlantic Forest restoration is receiving increasing attention because of its potential for carbon sequestration and the important role of soil carbon in the global carbon balance. Soil organic matter is also essential for physical, chemical and biological components of soil fertility and forest sustainability. This study evaluated the potential for soil recovery in contrasting restoration models using indigenous Atlantic Forest tree species ten years after their establishment. The study site is located in Botucatu municipality, São Paulo State-Brazil, in a loamy dystrophic Red-Yellow Argisol site (Typic Hapludult). Four treatments were compared: i) Control (Spontaneous Restoration); ii) Low Diversity (five fast-growing tree species established by direct seeding); iii) High Diversity (mixed plantings of 41 species established with seedlings) and; iv) Native Forest (well conserved neighboring forest fragment). The following soil properties were evaluated: (1) physical-texture, density and porosity; (2) chemical-C, N, P, S, K, Ca, Mg, Al and pH; (3) biological-microbial biomass. Litter nutrient concentrations (P, S, K, Ca and Mg) and C and N litter stocks were determined. Within ten years the litter C and N stocks of the Low Diversity treatment area were higher than Control and similar to those in both the High Diversity treatment and the Native Forest. Soil C stocks increased through time for both models and in the Control plots, but remained highest in the Native Forest. The methods of restoration were shown to have different effects on soil dynamics, mainly on chemical properties. These results show that, at least in the short-term, changes in soil properties are more rapid in a less complex system like the Low Diversity model than in the a High Species Diversity model. For both mixed plantation systems, carbon soil cycling can be reestablished, resulting in increases in carbon stocks in both soil and litter.
The effect of the application of three doses N, P and K on substrates on the nutritional status of root stock of 'Citrumelo' lemon (Citrus paradisi x Poncirus trifoliata) was evaluated. The experiment followed a fully randomized factorial design (3x3) (three nutrients x three doses plus a control) with three replicates. The treatments consisted of D1 = half standard dose, D2 = one standard dose and D3 = twice standard dose, in addition to the control that did not received fertilization at all. At four months after the emergence of the root stock of lemon 'Citrumelo' the plants tissue (leaves) were determined for nutrients analysis to obtain its accumulation. The results showed that plants of lemon 'Citrumelo' 'Swingle' are responsive to the application of N, P and K. The application of nitrogen showed a linear accumulation pattern of N and K, while the applications of phosphorus and potassium provided a quadratic response.
Zinc application methods can affect the nutrition and the initial development of the wheat. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze the different ways of Zn application in the soil, on nutrition and on dry matter production. A completely randomized experimental design with four replications was used. The experiment was composed by the following Zn application treatments: control (no zinc application); soil incorporation, furrow located, seeds treatment and leaf pulverization. The experimental unit was composed of a pot filled with 7 L of soil. Morphological traits for each plant were determined on 52 days after emergence by the evaluations of plant height, internodes number, tillers number and aerial part dry matter. Still, the soil and plant chemical analysis was accomplished. The furrow located method provided larger concentrations of the micronutrient available. The zinc application methods did not influence the initial growth of the wheat plants. The zinc concentration in leaves was influenced by the different application methods, being the leaf pulverization the one that was caused the largest zinc accumulation on aerial part dry matter.
To evaluate the growth and pattern of nutrient absorption (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S amongst others) in three berry cultivars (treatments), four plants by treatment in different phonological stages were harvested. The experiment was arranged in randomized design of factorial 3x5 with three replicates. There cultivars were used FM Shima-Miura, IZ 56/4 and Miura and above ground biomass was harvested in five occasions 45, 60, 75, 90 and 115 days after plantation. It was observed that the accumulation of nutrients presented different pattern and cv. IZ 56/4 was superior compared with PM Shima-Miura for N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S and N, P, K and S for Miura. For example, the accumulation of N expressed on mg plant"(1) per berry plant cultivar PM Shima-miura, IZ 56/4 and Miura was respectively 4,21; 8,14 and 5,56, for K 2,71; 5,22 and 2,64 and for Ca 2,47; 4,52 and 3,59.
Os psilídeos são um grupo de pragas amplamente distribuídas, causando perdas consideráveis em sistemas agrícolas e florestais. A recente descoberta da ocorrência do psilídeo-de-concha Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), no Brasil tornou-se um problema de grande importância, por ser específico de Eucalyptus. O parasitóide Psyllaephagus bliteus Riek (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) é indicado como principal agente no controle biológico desta praga. Portanto, para o monitoramento adequado de ambas espécies é necessário um método eficiente de amostragem. Devido a falta de informações referentes ao seu comportamento em plantações extensivas de eucalipto, realizou-se este trabalho, para verificar a distribuição espacial de G. brimblecombei e de seu parasitóide P. bliteus, através de armadilhas adesivas em floresta de E. camaldulensis. Para determinação da distribuição espacial foram utilizadas 53 armadilhas amarelas distribuídas uniformemente no talhão, formando uma grade amostral espaçadas de 50 x 36 m, à altura aproximada de 1,80 m do solo. Cada armadilha foi presa com auxílio de um arame plastificado em um fio estendido entre duas árvores em um talhão de 19 ha com E. camaldulensis em Luiz Antônio, SP. Foram realizadas dez avaliações, entre janeiro e junho de 2005. Após a coleta as armadilhas foram levadas ao laboratório para ser feita à triagem e contagem do número total de adultos de G. brimblecombei e de P. bliteus, nas duas faces das armadilhas. Concluiu-se que as populações de ambas espécies apresentaram distribuição espacial agregada, no período avaliado.
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of substituting chemical nitrogen (N) fertilization for equivalent N levels from sewage sludge of Wastewater Treatment Plant (WTP) on sunflower plant development. Nutrient levels in physiologically mature leaves and seeds, besides nutrient exportation during a 130-day assay, were also assessed. The experiment was carried out in 100 m(2) permanent plots at Sao Manuel Farm, which belongs to School of Agronomical Sciences, São Paulo State University-UNESP, Botncatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The farm is located in the municipality of Sao Manuel, São Paulo State. Experimental design was in randomized blocks including 5 treatments and 5 replicates. Treatments were: T1 - chemical N fertilization according to the recommendation for the culture; T2 - 50% N from sewage sludge and 50% N from chemical fertilization; T3 - 100% N from sewage sludge; T4 - 150% N from sewage sludge; T5 - 200% N from sewage sludge. For all treatments, equal amounts of P and K fertilization were applied. Treatments differed for plant height from 21 to 64 days, stern diameter from 28 to 57 days, and leaf number from 21 to 38 days. Seed nutrient levels slightly varied; however, the quantities of exported N, P, Mg, Fe and Zn varied as sewage sludge levels increased.
An important factor in crop production is the nutrient liberation matching the growth rates, so these combined effects together with plant development can reach the best results. In this work, the times of nitrogen application (topdressing) were tested in the rate of 120 kg ha(-1) of N, applied at 20 (T20), 25 (T25), 30 (T30), 35 (T35) and 40 (T40) days after emergency in eight cultivars of pea (Pisum sativum L) (Maria, Kodama, Mikado, Flavia, Luiza, Amelia, Dileta and Marina). Here, the aim was to evaluate the effect of these treatments on yield and seed quality in Cerrado Region. After harvest, the seeds were submitted to the quality tests (germination tests, electric conductivity and emergency under field conditions). The results showed that the peas crops are not influenced by the N timing application. Amongst the eight cultivars studied, the best productivity were for Mariana, Mikado, Amelia, Maria and Flavia and the lowest yield was for Kodama cultivar. The cultivar Mikado showed the best results for the quality tests.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Accelerated soil erosion is, at present, one of the most widespread environmental problems in the world. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become an essential tool in soil erosion studies and consequently in the development of appropriate soil conservation strategies. The objective of this paper was to assess the degree of soil erosion associated with land cover dynamics through GIS analysis and to validate the modeling with indicators of soil erosion. Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) model, GIS technology and ground-truth dataset (erosion indicators) were employed to elaborate the soil loss maps for four dates at Sorocaba Municipality (SP, Brazil). It was verified that, although the predicted soil loss rate is normally small along the study area, such rate is significantly greater than the soil formation rate. This shows a non-sustainable situation of soil and land cover management. Unplanned urban expansion seems be the main driving force that acts in increasing the erosion risk/occurrence along the study area.
The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse from May 1 to July 31, 2008, in Areia county, Paraiba State, PB, Brazil, in order to evaluate the effects of irrigation water salinity on initial growth of the passionfruit seedlings in non-saline substrate with and without bovine biofertilizer. The treatments were distributed in a completely randomized design, with three replications and twelve plants per plots, in a factorial arrangement 5 × 2 × 2, corresponding the former to the levels of salinity in the irrigation water: 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 and 4.0 dS m-1, in soils with and without bovine biofertilizer applied at two moments (25 and 65 days after seedling emergence). The growth of the seedlings and the soil electrical conductivity were evaluated at the end of the experiment. The biofertilizer was diluted in a low saline water at a 1:1 ratio and was applied once two days before sowing, corresponding to 10% of the substrates volume. The increase in water salinity inhibited the growth in height of plants, leaf area and root length, but always to a lesser extent in the treatments with bovine biofertilizer. The increase in electrical conductivity of the irrigation water elevated the soil salinity, independently of the addition of biofertilizer.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
All trees with diameter at breast height dbh >= 10.0 cm were stem-mapped in a "terra firme" tropical rainforest in the Brazilian Amazon, at the EMBRAPA Experimental Site, Manaus, Brazil. Specifically, the relationships of tree species with soil properties were determined by using canonical correspondence analyses based on nine soil variables and 68 tree species. From the canonical correspondence analyses, the species were grouped into two groups: one where species occur mainly in sandy sites, presenting low organic matter content; and another one where species occur mainly in dry and clayey sites. Hence, we used Ripley's K function to analyze the distribution of species in 32 plots ranging from 2,500 m(2) to 20,000 m(2) to determine whether each group presents some spatial aggregation as a soil variations result. Significant spatial aggregation for the two groups was found only at over 10,000 m(2) sampling units, particularly for those species found in clayey soils and drier environments, where the sampling units investigated seemed to meet the species requirements. Soil variables, mediated by topographic positions had influenced species spatial aggregation, mainly in an intermediate to large distances varied range (>= 20 m). Based on our findings, we conclude that environmental heterogeneity and 10,000 m(2) minimum sample unit sizes should be considered in forest dynamic studies in order to understand the spatial processes structuring the "terra firme" tropical rainforest in Brazilian Amazon.
The enrichment of an organic compound with biofertilizers of microorganisms (solubilizing phosphorus bacteria, BSF) can improve the properties of phosphate fertilizers applied to soils to increase nutrient availability. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks with a factorial 4x2 +1 arrangement of treatments: 1) four sources of phosphorus: phosphate rock, natural phosphate, triple superphosphate (TSP) and Cuban phosphate rock; 2) two sources of bio-fertilizer prepared from filter cake (cane waste) enriched with microorganisms and no enrichment; 3) and an absolute control (no filter cake or fertilizer); repeated three times. Data was analyzed with ANOVA and treatment means were compared using Tukey (p <= 0.05). Assessments of available P (Bray-2 and Oniani methodology) and the quantification of total and solubilizing bacteria and fungi in the soil were performed 30, 60 and 90 d after starting the experiment. After 60 d, the population of BSF was lower in the control (p <= 0.05) and the content of P (Bray-2) was higher for SFT (p <= 0.01). The application of the bio-fertilizer increased the P content compared to the control. At 90 d P (Bray-2) increased with the SFT treatment, which also increased (p P in the soil at 60 and 90 d regardless of the presence of microorganism-enriched bio-fertilizer. The use of filter cake enriched with microorganisms associated with different sources of P, and applied to the soil with a high content of P, did not change the soil populations of total and solubilizing bacteria and fungi in the short term. TSP promoted the highest levels of P in the soil, irrespective of the presence of the organic compound enriched with P solubilizing microorganisms.