50 resultados para Action to improve the health and wellbeing
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The objective of this study was to test a device developed to improve the functionality, accuracy and precision of the original technique for sweating rate measurements proposed by Schleger and Turner [Schleger AV, Turner HG (1965) Aust J Agric Res 16:92-106]. A device was built for this purpose and tested against the original Schleger and Turner technique. Testing was performed by measuring sweating rates in an experiment involving six Mertolenga heifers subjected to four different thermal levels in a climatic chamber. The device exhibited no functional problems and the results obtained with its use were more consistent than with the Schleger and Turner technique. There was no difference in the reproducibility of the two techniques (same accuracy), but measurements performed with the new device had lower repeatability, corresponding to lower variability and, consequently, to higher precision. When utilizing this device, there is no need for physical contact between the operator and the animal to maintain the filter paper discs in position. This has important advantages: the animals stay quieter, and several animals can be evaluated simultaneously. This is a major advantage because it allows more measurements to be taken in a given period of time, increasing the precision of the observations and diminishing the error associated with temporal hiatus (e.g., the solar angle during field studies). The new device has higher functional versatility when taking measurements in large-scale studies (many animals) under field conditions. The results obtained in this study suggest that the technique using the device presented here could represent an advantageous alternative to the original technique described by Schleger and Turner.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The zircon mineral is widely studied in geochronology. In the case of the fission track method (FTM), the age is determined by the density of fission tracks at the zircon surface, which can be observed with an optical microscope after an appropriate chemical treatment (etching). The etching must be isotropic at the zircon grain surface to be used in the FTM, which leads those zircon grains whose etching is anisotropic to be discarded. The only reason for this discarding is the nonuniform morphology of the surface grain seen by optical microscopy, that is, no further physicochemical analysis is performed. In this work, combining micro-Raman and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to study the etching anisotropy, it was shown that zircon grains that present at least one area at the surface where the density of fission track is uniform can be used in the FTM. The micro-Raman showed characteristic spectra of the standard zircon sample either from the areas where there are tracks or from where there are not. The only difference found was in the Raman bandwidths, which were broader for the areas with higher density of fission tracks. This suggests simply a decrease in the relative percentage of the crystalline/amorphous phases at these areas. The SEM/energy dispersive spectrometry (EDX) showed that there were no significant differences in the principal chemical composition at the areas with and without fission tracks. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Brazil is a wide country with huge contrasts. Its peculiarities can highlight environmental factors that could influence the frequencies of different cancers. The standard treatment and results achieved from several different areas of the country may not be found in others. The establishment of a national cooperative group has the potential to improve outcomes. The The Brazilian Cooperative Group on Pediatric Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (BCG-MDS-PED) was first organized in January 1997 as a working group of hematologists, pediatric oncologists, pediatric-hematologists, molecular biologists and other professionals in order to study pediatric (age < 18 years) MDS. Six distinct subcommittees constituted with members from several universities: cytology, histopathology, clinical, cytogenetics, molecular biology and epidemiology. The goals of the BCG-MDS-PED were: (i) to offer support for diagnosis and orientation for treatment; (ii) educational Support for the colleagues all over the country and (iii) research on pathogenesis and new approaches for pediatric MDS patients. There are socio-economical differences among the five regions of the country. The BCG-MDS-PED believes that it is absolutely necessary to Study the clinical, cellular, molecular and epidemiological aspects of MDS, taking in account these peculiar differences among populations and regions. Since 1997, 114 pediatric cases were referred to the BCG-MDS-PED from 21 centres. Seven Brazilian states have sent cases to the group, 31 patients were referred from universities, 73 patients from pediatric oncology units (foundations) and 10 patients came from private clinics. Some of these patients have been followed up and/or treated by the physician who referred them to the BCG-MDS-PED for confirmation of the initial diagnosis. The majority of these physicians have required orientation on diagnostic and treatment issues, as well as to complete cytogenetic and molecular studies. From these 114 patients, 64 patients were confirmed as MDS. We believe that, the more numerous the MDS-studied cases, the more experienced will be the referee group on clinical and laboratory features on childhood MDS in Brazil. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective. The general aim of this article is to describe the state-of-the-art of biocompatibility testing for dental materials, and present new strategies for improving operative dentistry techniques and the biocompatibility of dental materials as they relate to their interaction with the dentin-pulp complex.Methods. The literature was reviewed focusing on articles related to biocompatibilty testing, the dentin-pulp complex and new strategies and materials for operative dentistry. For this purpose, the PubMed database as well as 118 articles published in English from 1939 to 2014 were searched. Data concerning types of biological tests and standardization of in vitro and in vivo protocols employed to evaluate the cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of dental materials were also searched from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), International Standards Organization (ISO) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI).Results. While there is an ongoing search for feasible strategies in the molecular approach to direct the repair or regeneration of structures that form the oral tissues, it is necessary for professionals to master the clinical therapies available at present. In turn, these techniques must be applied based on knowledge of the morphological and physiological characteristics of the tissues involved, as well as the physical, mechanical and biologic properties of the biomaterials recommended for each specific situation. Thus, particularly within modern esthetic restorative dentistry, the use of minimally invasive operative techniques associated with the use of dental materials with excellent properties and scientifically proved by means of clinical and laboratory studies must be a routine for dentists. This professional and responsible attitude will certainly result in greater possibility of achieving clinical success, benefiting patients and dentists themselves.Signcance. This article provides a general and critical view of the relations that permeate the interaction between dental materials and the dentin-pulp complex, and establish real possibilities and strategies that favor biocompatibility of the present and new products used in Dentistry, which will certainly benefit clinicians and their patients. (C) 2014 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Biodegradable polymers are starting to be introduced as raw materials in the food-packaging market. Nevertheless, their price is very high. Starch, a fully biodegradable and bioderived polymer is a very interesting alternative due to its very low price. However, the use of starch as the polymer matrix for the production of rigid food packaging, such as trays, is limited due to its poor mechanical properties, high hidrophilicity and high density. This work presents two strategies to overcome the poor mechanical properties of starch. First, the plasticization of starch with several amounts of glycerol to produce thermoplastic starch (TPS) and second, the production of biocomposites by reinforcing TPS with promising fibers, such as barley straw and grape waste. The mechanical properties obtained are compared with the values predicted by models used in the field of composites; law of mixtures, Kerner-Nielsen and Halpin-Tsai. To evaluate if the materials developed are suitable for the production of food-packaging trays, the TPS-based materials with better mechanical properties were compared with commercial grades of oil-based polymers, polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene-terphthalate (PET), and a biodegradable polymer, polylactic acid (PLA).
Tuberculosis is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Current treatment has several challenges including multi-drug resistance, extensively drug-resistance and HIV co-infection. Problems related to patients, treatment and health care system also contributes negatively to this panel. This review summarizes the main obstacles to treat tuberculosis and discuss several strategies to improve the treatment.
The genus Astronium (Anacardiaceae) includes species, such as Astronium fraxinifolium, Astronium graveolens, and Astronium urundeuva, which possess anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerogenic, healing, and antimicrobial properties. Nanostructured lipid systems are able to potentiate the action of plant extracts, reducing the required dose and side effects and improving antimicrobial activity. This work aims to evaluate a nanostructured lipid system that was developed as a strategy to improve the anti-Candida albicans activity of hydroethanolic extracts of stems and leaves from Astronium sp. The antifungal activity against C. albicans (ATCC 18804) was evaluated in vitro by a microdilution technique. In addition to the in vitro assays, the Astronium sp. that showed the best antifungal activity and selectivity index was submitted to an in vivo assay using a model of vulvovaginal candidiasis infection. In these assays, the extracts were either used alone or were incorporated into the nanostructured lipid system (comprising 10% oil phase, 10% surfactant, and 80% aqueous phase). The results indicated a minimal inhibitory concentration of 125.00 µg/mL before incorporation into the nanostructured system; this activity was even more enhanced when this extract presented a minimal inhibitory concentration of 15.62 µg/mL after its incorporation. In vivo assay dates showed that the nanostructure-incorporated extract of A. urundeuva leaves was more effective than both the unincorporated extract and the antifungal positive control (amphotericin B). These results suggest that this nanostructured lipid system can be used in a strategy to improve the in vitro and in vivo anti-C. albicans activity of hydroethanolic extracts of Astronium sp.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Swallowing dynamics involves the coordination and interaction of several muscles and nerves which allow correct food transport from mouth to stomach without laryngotracheal penetration or aspiration. Clinical swallowing assessment depends on the evaluator's knowledge of anatomic structures and of neurophysiological processes involved in swallowing. Any alteration in those steps is denominated oropharyngeal dysphagia, which may have many causes, such as neurological or mechanical disorders. Videofluoroscopy of swallowing is presently considered to be the best exam to objectively assess the dynamics of swallowing, but the exam needs to be conducted under certain restrictions, due to patient's exposure to radiation, which limits periodical repetition for monitoring swallowing therapy. Another method, called cervical auscultation, is a promising new diagnostic tool for the assessment of swallowing disorders. The potential to diagnose dysphagia in a noninvasive manner by assessing the sounds of swallowing is a highly attractive option for the dysphagia clinician. Even so, the captured sound has an amount of noise, which can hamper the evaluator's decision. In that way, the present paper proposes the use of a filter to improve the quality of audible sound and facilitate the perception of examination. The wavelet denoising approach is used to decompose the noisy signal. The signal to noise ratio was evaluated to demonstrate the quantitative results of the proposed methodology. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Equine pituitary extract (EPE) has been reported to induce heightened follicular development in mares, but the response is inconsistent and lower than results obtained in ruminants undergoing standard superovulatory protocols. Three separate experiments were conducted to improve the ovarian response to EPE by evaluating: (1) effect of increasing the frequency or dose of EPE treatment; (2) use of a potent gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) prior to EPE stimulation (3) administration of EPE twice daily in successively decreasing doses. In the first experiment. 50 mares were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups. Mares received (1) 25 mg EPE once daily; (2) 50 mg EPE once daily (3) 12.5 mg EPE twice daily; or (4) 25 mg EPE twice daily. All mares began EPE treatment 5 days after detection of ovulation and received a single dose of cloprostenol sodium 7 days postovulation. EPE was discontinued once half of a cohort of follicles reached a diameter of greater than or equal to35 mm and hCG was administered. Mares receiving 50 mg of EPE once daily developed a greater number (P = 0.008) of preovulatory follicles than the remaining groups of EPE-treated mares, and more (P = 0.06) ovulations were detected for mares receiving 25 mg EPE twice daily compared to those receiving either 25 mg EPE once daily and 12.5 mg EPE twice daily. Embryo recovery per mare was greater (P = 0.05) in the mares that received 12.5 mg EPE twice daily than those that received 25 mg EPE once daily. In Experiment 2, 20 randomly selected mares received either 25 mg EPE twice daily beginning 5 days after a spontaneous ovulation. or two doses of a GnRH-a agonist upon detection of a follicle greater than or equal to35 mm and 25 mg EPE twice daily beginning 5 days after ovulation. Twenty-four hours after administration of hCG, oocytes were recovered by transvaginal aspiration from all follicles greater than or equal to35 mm. No differences were observed between groups in the numbers of preovulatory follicles generated (P = 0.54) and oocytes recovered (P = 0.40) per mare. In Experiment 3, 18 mares were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. Then, 6-11 days after ovulation, mares were administered a dose of PGF(2gamma) and concomitantly began twice-daily treatments with EPE given in successively declining doses, or a dose of PGF(2alpha), but no EPE treatment. Mares administered EPE developed a higher (P = 0.0004) number of follicles :35 mm, experienced more (P = 0.02) ovulations, and yielded a greater (P = 0.0006) number of embryos than untreated mares. In summary, doubling the dose of EPE generated a greater ovarian response, while increasing the frequency of treatment, but not necessarily the dose. improved embryo collection. Additionally, pretreatment with a GnRH-a prior to ovarian stimulation did not enhance the response to EPE or oocyte recovery rates. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.