9 resultados para Aby Warburg

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The respiratory metabolism of immature forms (eggs, larvae, prepupae and pupae) of Camponotus rufipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) was studied at 25 degrees C, using a Warburg respirometer. Mean respiratory rates (mu l O gamma mg(-1) live weight.hr(-1)) for eggs, first instars, second instars, third instars, fourth instars, prepupae, and pupae were respectively: 2.53, 5.07, 1.23, 0.32, 0.22, 0.19 and 0.13. Adult workers with body mass between 20 and 30 mg had a mean respiratory rate of 0.43. The high respiratory rate in first instars probably reflects, besides the size influence, the metabolic costs of differentiation that occurs in this phase. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Nesta pesquisa procurou-se verificar as características físicas e químicas de bebidas lácteas preparadas com três concentrações de soro de queijo Minas Frescal (30, 40 e 50%), empregando-se dois tipos de culturas lácticas: uma tradicional para iogurte (YC-180) contendo cepas mistas de Streptococcus salivarus subsp. thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis e Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus e outra (ABY-1) contendo cepas mistas de Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophillus, Bifidobacteria e Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus. Constatou-se que as bebidas lácteas apresentaram diferença estatística no tempo zero para os teores de gordura e de extrato seco. À medida em que se elevou a proporção de soro em relação ao leite, os teores de gordura e de extrato seco diminuíram. O teor de proteína também diminuiu à medida em que se aumentou o teor de soro nas bebidas lácteas, embora a diferença não tenha sido tão acentuada quanto as observadas para os teores de gordura e de extrato seco. em relação à lactose, não se constatou diferença entre os tratamentos. Os teores de soro não influenciaram o índice de proteólise das bebidas lácteas. Verificou-se todavia que as bebidas elaboradas com a cultura probiótica ABY-1 apresentaram valores superiores para proteólise quando comparadas às bebidas elaboradas com as culturas YC-180. As bebidas lácteas elaboradas com 30% de soro apresentaram maiores valores para viscosidade. As bebidas elaboradas com a cultura YC-180 apresentaram valores superiores para viscosidade durante o período de armazenamento.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Oxygen uptake and the influence of declining oxygen pressures (Po2's) were examined in a Brazilian spirostreptid millipede, Pseudonannolene tricolor. The data were obtained in a Warburg respirometer at 25-degrees-C from both male and female animals, sexually inactive, in the intermolt stage, and fasting for 24 h. In a sudden exposure to a decreased Po2 the millipedes regulated respiration down to at least 71 mmHg O2. From a Po2 of 35 mmHg O2 downward the animals started to show oxyconformity. When the millipedes were exposed to a stepwise declining Po2 the results indicated only conformation. After exposure to hypoxia, P. tricolor showed a pattern of underrepayment on return to normoxia, but larger millipedes accumulated more O2 debt than smaller ones.


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In the present investigation the locomotor and the metabolic activity of Gymnostreptus olivaceus were studied, using 24-hr cycles at different photoperiods and constant temperature and RH. Locomotor activity was studied by the actography method and was reported as coefficients of nocturnalism [CN (N/N + D). 100]. The results showed a nocturnalism coefficient of 98,71% under normal photoperiod conditions and of 29,58% under inverted photoperiod conditions. In constant illumination, the CN of G. olivaceus was 88,22%, and in constant darkness, its rhythm was close to that of the normal photoperiod (CN = 94,92%). The metabolic activity was studied by manometric Warburg respirometry and lit was reported as mu l O-2 . g(-1). h(-1). The respiratory rate of G. olivaceus under normal photoperiod condition was higher at night than during the day (52,52 x 28,76), coinciding with the pattern of nocturnal locomotor activity of the animal. However, under conditions of inverted photoperiod, the millipede maintained its tendency toward a more intense nocturnal respiratory rate (50,35 x 39,14). Similar behaviours were observed under constant illumination and constant darkness, in which G. olivaceus again presented higher nocturnal respiratory rates than diurnal ones(85,84 x 53,48 and 73,18 x 57,0, respectively). The present experimental data suggests the persistence of an endogenous rhythm where the light may not be an important exogenous synchronizer of the activity of G. olivaceus, because it was insufficient to block the start of the biological clock and the natural tendency of higher nocturnal activities of millipedes, principally when the tests were performed in constant illumination or darkness (free-running tests).


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Respiratory rates of individual workers of Camponotus rufipes Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were measured at 25-degrees-C and LD 12:12 h (lights on 06.00 hours), DL 12:12 h (lights on 18.00 hours), LL (850 lux) and DD (red light, 20-30 lux), using the micro-Warburg technique. Worker ants were collected from natural nest during the winter of 1987 in a woodland park in the region of Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil. The respiration of ants showed a circadian rhythm with acrophase ranging from 20 h 41 min to 01 h 18 min and from 10 h 32 min to 12 h 22 min at LD and DD, respectively. In constant darkness the rhythmometric variables were similar to those presented by ants kept at LD 12:12 h. Under constant light no circadian rhythm in the respiration rates was found. A reduction in the amplitude was observed, indicating an inhibitory effect of this light regime on the respiration process.


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1. The oxygen consumption of the tropical millipede, Pseudonannolene tricolor (Spirostreptida, Pseudonannolenidae) was studied in both male and female animals (body mass varying from 0.242 to 2.802 g) using a Warburg microrespirometer at 25-degrees-C.2. The allometric equation M = a W(b) was used in order to check the metabolic increases with increasing body mass. The b exponents were, respectively, 0.68 for males and 0.60 for females.3. Results are discussed in terms of the meaning of the b values in Diplopoda and animals in general.4. A relationship between volume and body mass in P. tricolor is also reported.


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The effects of deltamethrin on the respiratory metabolism of Gymnostreptus olivaceus and Plusioporus setiger were investigated. Acetone solutions corresponding to half the LD50 values, i.e., 20 μg.g-1g for G. olivaceus and 4.40 μg.g-1 for P. setiger, were used. Metabolism was determined with a Warburg respirometer at 25°C. Respirometric measurements were performed 1, 3 and 6 hours after administration of the pyrethroid to the same groups of millipedes. After 24 hours, daily respirometric measurements lasting 1 hour each were made on different millipede groups for a period of 10 days. Significant differences were detected only between the groups treated with the pyrethroid and the two control groups. In G. olivaceus, respiratory rates increased by about 1.65-fold compared to normal immediately after administration of the pyrethroid, followed by a gradual decrease up to 72 hours and a return to normal levels thereafter. In P. setiger the increase was about 1.1-fold compared to normal, with a decrease up to 96 hours and a return to normal thereafter. Although increased oxygen consumption was observed, a detoxification process occurred in both species, so that the possible metabolism of the pyrethroid may justify the low toxicity of deltamethrin for G. olivaceus and P. setiger.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)