49 resultados para ARYL HALIDES

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The use of an effective surface charge density has allowed the Gouy-Chapman (CC) theory to explain surface potential isotherms of Langmuir monolayers of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB). The effective surface charge density of DODAB monolayer increases with the electronegativity of the counterions in the subphase. The pressure-area isotherms indicate a very condensed monolayer for DODAB spread on an I--containing subphase, which exhibits the lowest surface charge density, whereas the monolayer on a F-containing subphase is extremely expanded owing to the high surface charge density or electrostatic repulsion between headgroups. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The influence of the axial organic ligand R on the electrochemical oxidation of the compounds [RCoIII(salen)DMF)], where salen is bis(salicylaldehyde)ethylenediimine, and R CH3, C2H5, n-C3H7, n-C4H9, s-C4H9, i-C4H9, CH2Cl, CF3CH2, c-C6H11CH2, c-C6H11, C6H5, C6H5CH2, p-CH3C6H4CH2, and p-NO2C6H4CH2, was studied by means of cyclic voltametry in dimethylformamide (DMF), 0.2 M in tetraethylammonium perchlorate (TEAP), at 25 and -20°C, with a platinum disc working electrode. The above-mentioned compounds can be classified according to their electrochemical behavior. (a) The complexes with R CH3, C2H5, n-C3H7, n-C4H9, c-C6H11CH2, and C6H5 undergo a reversible one-electron oxidation in the 10-50 V s-1 potential scan range. At slower scan rates, the oxidized product decomposes chemically. At -20°C, this chemical step is slow, and a reversible one-electron electrochemical oxidation is observed. (b) The compounds with R CH2Cl, C6H5CH2, p-CH3C6H4CH2 and p-NO2C6H4CH2 undergo a quasi-reversible one-electron oxidation at room temperaure. At -20°C, the electrochemical process becomes more complex. A following chemical reactions is coupled to the quasi-reversible one-electron transfer. Two reduction peaks are observed. (c) The compounds with R i-C4H9, s-C4H9, and c-C6H11 undergo a reversible one-electron oxidation at -20°C. At room temperature, the irreversible chemical reaction following the electron transfer step is too fast to allow the isolation of the electrochemical step. (d) At -20°C, the derivatives with R C2H5, c-C6H11 CH2 and c-C6H11 are adsorbed at the electrode surface. Evidence indicates that the reagent in these reactions is the pentacoordinated species [RCoIII(salen)]. A linear free-energy relationship between E1/2 (for reversible processes) and the Taft polar parameters o* was obtained with a slope of ρ* = 0.25 ± 0.03. As expected, the benzyl derivatives which present mesomeric effects do not fit this polar correlation. The rated of the electrochemical oxidation is also affected by the nature of the ligand R. For the ligands which are strong electron-withdrawing groups and for the benzyl derivatives, the rate of the electrochemical oxidation of the metal ion decreases at room temperature. At lower temperatures, it is suggested that the oxidation to the CoIV-R species is followed by a chemical reaction in which this complex is partly transformed into a CoIII(R*) species, which is reduced at a much more cathodic potential than the Co(IV) species. © 1979.


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The intra- and intermolecular rates of degradation of cephaclor were determined with and without hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr). Micellar-derived spectral shifts were used to measure the association of the ionic forms as well as to determine the effect of CTABr on the apparent acid dissociation constant of the antibiotic. The rate of degradation of cephaclor increased with detergent and was salt sensitive. Micellar effects were analyzed quantitatively within the frame-work of the speudophase ion exchange model. All experimental data were fitted to this model which was used to predict the combined effects of pH and detergent concentration. Micelles increased the rate of OH- attack on cephaclor; most of the effect was due to the concentration of reagents in the micellar pseudophase. The intramolecular degradation was catalyzed 25-fold by micelles, and a working hypothesis to rationalize this effect is proposed. The results demonstrate that quantitative analysis can be utilized to assess and predict effects of detergents on drug stability.


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The local concentrations of chloride, Cl b, and bromide, Br b, in the interface of vesicles prepared with dioctadecyldimethylammonium chloride, DODAC, or bromide, DODAB, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC, dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, DMPC, and mixtures of DMPC, DPPC, and DODAC were determined by chemical trapping by analyzing product yields from spontaneous dediazoniation of vesicle-bound 2,6-dimethyl-4-hexadecylbenzenediazonium ion. The values of Cl b and Br b in DODAC and DODAB vesicles increase with vesicle size, in agreement with previous data showing that counterion dissociation decreases with vesicle size. Addition of tetramethylammonium chloride displaces bromide from the DODAB vesicular interface. The value for the selectivity constant for Br/Cl exchange at the DODAB vesicular interface obtained by chemical trapping was ∼2.0, well within values obtained for comparable amphiphiles. In vesicles of DPPC the values of Cl b were very sensitive to the nature of the cation and decreased in the order Ca 2+ > Mg 2+ > Li + > Na + > K + = Cs + = Rb + ≥ +. The effect of the cation becomes more important as temperature increases above the phase transition temperature, T m, of the lipid. The values of Cl b increased sigmoidally with the mol % of DODAC in vesicles prepared with DODAC/lipid mixtures. In sonicated vesicles prepared with DODAC and DMPC (or DPPC), the values of Cl b reach local concentrations measured for the pure amphiphile at 80 mol % DODAC. These results represent the first extensive study of local concentration of ions determined directly by chemical trapping in vesicles prepared with lipids, synthetic ampliiphiles, and their mixtures.


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The present work reports on the synthesis, biological assaying and docking studies of a series of 12 aryl thiosemicarbazones, which were planned to act over two main enzymes, cruzain and trypanothione reductase. These enzymes are used as targets of trypanocidal activity in Chagas disease control with a minimal mutagenic profile. Three p-nitroaromatic thiosemicarbazones showed high activity against Trypanosoma cruzi in in vitro assays (IC50 < 57 μM), and no mutagenic profile was observed in micronucleous tests. Although the in vitro inhibition test showed that 10-μM doses of eight compounds inhibited cruzain activity, no correlation was found between cruzain inhibition and trypanocidal activity. © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Four crude oil samples from the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, northeastern Brazil, were analyzed using full scan gas chromatography-quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-qMS) for biomarkers, in order to correlate them using aromatic carotenoids thereby enhancing knowledge about the depositional environment of their source rocks. The geochemical parameters derived from saturated fractions of the oils show evidence of little or no biodegradation and similar thermal maturation (Ts/(Ts+Tm) for terpanes, C29 αββ/(αββ+ααα), C27, and C29 20S/(20S+20R) for steranes). Low pristane/phytane ratios and the abundance of gammacerane and β-carotane are indicative of an anoxic and saline depositional environment for the source rocks. Moreover, we identified a large range of diagenetic and catagenetic products of the aromatic carotenoid isorenieratene, including C40, C33, and C32 diaryl isoprenoids and aryl isoprenoid derivatives with short side chains and/or additional rings. These results indicate anoxia in the photic zone during the deposition of the source rocks. © 2013 The Authors.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The compounds [NiX 2(PPh 3) 2] (where X is Cl -, Br -, I -, NO - 3, NCS -; and PPh 3 is triphenylphosphine) were prepared and characterized by infrared and atomic absorption spectroscopies and by carbon and hydrogen analyses. Simultaneous thermogravimetric (TG) and derivative thermogravimetric (DTG) curves of these complexes were recorded in air. The decrease in mass observed indicates conversion of the complexes to oxides. The thermal decomposition of the halogen and nitrate complexes occurred in a number of steps; the thiocyanate complex decomposed in a single step. © 1994.


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The molar single ion activity coefficient (y(F)) of fluoride ions was determined at 25 degrees C and ionic strengths between 0.100 and 3.00 mol L(-1) NaClO(4) using an ion-selective electrode. The activity coefficient dependency on ionic strength was determined to be Phi(F) = log y(F) = 0.2315I-0.041I(2). The function Phi(F)(I), combined with functions obtained in previous work for copper (Phi(Cu)) and hydrogen (Phi(H)), allowed us to make the estimation of the stoichiometric and thermodynamic protonation constants of some halides and pseudo-halides as well as the formation constants of some pseudo-halides and fluoride 1:1 bivalent cation complexes. The calculation procedure proposed in this paper is consistent with critically-selected experimental data. It was demonstrated that it is possible to use Phi(F)(I) for predicting the thermodynamic equilibrium parameters independently of Pearson's hardness of acids and bases.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Os deslocamentos químicos de RMN 13C de carbonos a , b , g e d de 17 conjuntos de haletos (F, Cl Br e I) alifáticos, inclusive compostos mono, bi e tricíclicos, podem ser reproduzidos por uma equação linear de duas constantes e duas variáveis do tipo : d R-X = A*d R-X1 + B*d R-X2 onde A e B são constantes obtidas por regressão multilinear a partir de deslocamentos químicos de 13C; d R-X, o deslocamento químico de 13C do composto com halogênio (R-X); d R-X1 e d R-X2 deslocamentos químicos de outros haletos. Para brometos (R-X) alifáticos a melhor correlação foi obtida com os dados de fluoretos (R-X1) e iodetos (R-X2) com R2 de 0,9989 e desvio médio absoluto (DM) de 0,39ppm. Para cloretos (R-X) a melhor correlação foi com dados de brometos (R-X1) e iodetos (R-X2) com R2 de 0,9960 e DM de 0,76ppm. Para fluoretos (R-X) a melhor correlação foi com brometos (R-X1) e iodetos (R-X2) com R2 de 0,9977 e DM de 1,10ppm e para iodetos (R-X) foi com fluoretos (R-X1) e brometos (R-X2) com R2 de 0,9972 e desvio médio absoluto de 0,60 ppm.


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Products from the spontaneous reaction of a long-chain arenediazonium salt, 2,6-dimethyl-4-hexadecylbenzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate(16-ArN2BF4), in aqueous micellar solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)? are used to estimate the local concentration of chloride and bromide ions at the micellar surface. The arenediazonium ion, 16-ArN2+, which is totally bound to the SDS micelle, reacts by rate-determining loss of N-2 to give an aryl cation that traps available nucleophiles, i,e., H2O, Cl-, and Br-, to give stable phenol, 16-ArOH, and halobenzene products, 16-ArCl and 16-ArBr, respectively. Product yields, determined by HPLC, are related to local concentrations using calibration curves obtained from independent standards. The local concentrations determined by this method are consistent with co-ion concentrations calculated, using a cell model, by numerical integration of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PBE) taking into account salt-induced micellar growth. The salt dependence of the intel facial concentrations of Cl- and Br- are identical. indicating no specific interactions in the interfacial co-ion compartment. PBE calculations predict that, in micellar SDS, increasing the concentration of a particular halide salt (NaX) at constant concentration of another halide (NaY) should result in an increase in the local concentrations of both co-ions. Using this chemical-trapping method, this prediction was demonstrated experimentally.