140 resultados para ANTICARIES EFFICACY
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
People increasingly desire tooth whitening. Considering the wide range of whitening products on the market, this study evaluated the efficacy of whitening toothpastes and mouth rinses compared with the 10% carbamide peroxide (CP) whitening gel. We obtained 120 cylindrical specimens from bovine teeth, which were darkened for 24 hours in a coffee solution. The color measurement was performed by a spectrophotometer using the CIE L*a*b* system, and specimens were divided into six groups according to the use of the following agents: group 1, conventional fluoridated toothpaste; group 2, Close Up White Now; group 3, Listerine Whitening; group 4, Colgate Plax Whitening; group 5, experimental mouth rinse with Plasdone; and group 6, 10% CP Whiteness Perfect. After the simulation of 12 weeks of treatment for groups 1 to 5 and 14 days of treatment for group 6, the specimens were subjected to a new color reading. Data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance (α=0.05), which showed significant differences among groups after 12 weeks for ΔE (p=0.001). Results of the Tukey test revealed that groups 3, 4, and 6 presented significantly higher color alteration than groups 1, 2, and 5. The whitening toothpaste Close Up White Now and the experimental mouth rinse with Plasdone showed similar color alteration as conventional toothpaste after a 12-week treatment simulation. These groups presented significantly lower color alteration compared with whitening mouth rinses Listerine and Colgate Plax Whitening, which showed similar results to those observed after 14 days of bleaching with 10% CP treatment.
Infected calves from two different rural estates in Brazil were studied to assess the anthelmintic efficacy of oral trichlorfon against naturally occurring ivermectin resistant parasitic nematode strains. In experiment 1, infected animals were from a region where ivermectin resistant populations of Haemoncus placei, Cooperia punctata,Cooperia spatulata and Trichuris discolor have recently been identified. Six calves with natural gastrointestinal nematode infections were treated with 48.5 mg/kg aqueous trichlorfon administered orally and six calves acted as a non-treated control group. In experiment 11 24 naturally infected calves were selected to enter one of four treatment groups, six animals each received: 48.5 mg/kg oral trichlorfon; 200 mu g/kg subcutaneous 1% ivermectin; 630 mu g/kg subcutaneous 3.15% ivermectin; or no treatment (control group). Gastrointestinal helminths were counted and identified post-mortem at 7 days (trichlorfon and 1% ivermectin treated and untreated animals) or 14 days (3.15% ivermectin treated and untreated animals) after administration of the test agents. Experiment I identified a high level efficacy for oral trichlorfon against four helminth species that have previously been shown to be ivermectin resistant in this geographical region: percentage efficacy was 99.82% against adult H. placei, 99.18% against C. punctata, 99.33% against C. spatulata, 81.06% against T. axei, 98.46% against Oesophagostomum radiatum and 100% against T. discolor. Trichlorfon also showed activity against the ivermectin (1% and 3.15%) resistant helminth species identified in experiment 11, attaining efficacy levels of 99.17% against H. placei, 98.46% against C punctata and 100.00% against T. discolor. These findings indicate that oral trichlorfon is an effective treatment option in the management of cattle infected with ivermectin resistant helminths. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o controle em pré-emergência de Brachiaria decumbens, Digitaria horizontalis e Panicum maximum pelo herbicida S-metolachlor aplicado em pré-emergência em área de cana-de-açúcar colhida mecanicamente sem queima prévia das plantas, com e sem palha sobre o solo. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema de parcela subdividida 7 x 2. Nas parcelas, foram estudados cinco tratamentos de herbicidas (S-metolachlor a 1,44, 1,92 e 2,40 kg ha-1; clomazone a 1,20 kg ha-1; e isoxaflutole a 0,188 kg ha-1) e duas testemunhas sem aplicação. Nas subparcelas, foi avaliada a manutenção ou não da palha de cana na superfície do solo. A eficácia do herbicida S-metolachlor não foi prejudicada pela presença de 14 ou 20 t ha-1 de palha de cana sobre o solo. Com a manutenção da palha, a dosagem de S-metolachlor para o controle adequado das plantas daninhas foi de 1,44kgha-1. No ambiente sem palha, o S-metolachlor controlou B. decumbens, D. horizontalis e P. maximum nas dosagens de 1.92, 1.44 e 1.92kgha-1, respectivamente. Nas duas condições de palha, os herbicidas clomazone e isoxaflutole foram eficazes para as espécies estudadas. O S-metolachlor não causou nenhum sintoma visível de intoxicação à cana-de-açúcar. O clomazone e o isoxaflutole ocasionaram injúrias visuais às plantas de cana. Os herbicidas estudados não afetaram o número de colmos viáveis por m², a altura e o diâmetro de colmos.
A new device was developed to hold linear transducers for transvaginal follicle aspiration. Efficacy of follicle aspiration was compared using a linear 6 MHz and a convex 5 MHz transducer. Fifty-five cows were submitted to follicle aspiration at random days of the estrous cycle. Aspirations were conducted with linear (n = 28) and convex (n = 38) transducers with 18 G needles at a negative pressure corresponding to 13 ml H2O/min. A greater number of follicles were aspirated using convex than to linear probe (12.4 versus 7.8, respectively, P < 0.05). Mean number of oocytes and recovery rates were similar for convex (5.4 and 48.6%) and linear (4.6 and 59.3%) transducers. Limited space between the linear transducer and needle guide restricted access to some portions of the ovary, reducing the number of follicles aspirated using a linear transducer. The newly developed adaptor allowed greater stability, holding the ovaries firmly against the linear transducer. This diminished mobility permitted a similar number of oocytes to be recovered with both transducers. In conclusion, this new adaptor provided a low cost alternative for routine follicle aspiration and oocyte recovery in cattle. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The protective effect of various Salmonella vaccines regimens against an experimental Salmonella Gallinarum challenge (SGNalr strain at 12 wk of age) was evaluated in two experiments. In Experiment 1 commercial brown layers were vaccinated according to one of the following programs: (i) two doses of a SE bacterin (Layermune SE; group 1); (ii) a first dose of a live SG9R vaccine (Cevac SG9R) followed by a SE bacterin (Layermune SE; group 2); (iii) one dose of each of two different multivalent inactivated vaccines containing SE cells (Corymune 4 & Corymune 7; group 3) or (iv) not vaccinated (group 4). In Experiment 2, broiler breeders were given the same vaccination treatments except for the group vaccinated with the multivalent vaccines. Overall, in both experiments, all vaccination schemes were effective in reducing mortality after challenge with a SG field strain. Primary vaccination with an initial dose of a live SG9R vaccine followed some weeks later by a dose of an inactivated SE bacterin was the most effective (p<0.05) vaccination program against mortality induced by field SG experimental challenge in both experiments. In conclusion, Salmonella vaccination programs containing SE bacterins alone or in combination with a live SG9R vaccine are effective in preventing mortality induced by infection of field SG. Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize that any vaccination program against any Salmonella serotype will only be effective if it is part of a sound and comprehensive biosecurity program designed for Salmonella control in poultry farms.
Two experiments were performed to evaluate the protective effect of various vaccination combinations given at 5 and 9 weeks of age against experimental challenge with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis ( SE) phage type 4 at 12 weeks of age. In Experiment 1, groups of commercial layers were vaccinated by one of the following programmes: Group 1, two doses of a SE bacterin (Layermune SE); Group 2, one dose of a live Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum vaccine (Cevac SG9R) followed by one dose of the SE bacterin; Group 3, one dose of each of two different multivalent inactivated vaccines containing SE cells (Corymune 4K and Corymune 7K; and Group 4, unvaccinated, challenged controls. In Experiment 2, groups of broiler breeders were vaccinated by the same programmes as Groups 1 and 2 above while Group 3 was an unvaccinated, challenged control group. All vaccination programmes and the challenge induced significant (P<0.05) seroconversion as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Overall, in both experiments, all vaccination schemes were significantly effective in reducing organ (spleen, liver and caeca) colonization by the challenge strain as well as reducing faecal excretion for at least 3 weeks. Vaccinated layers in Groups 1 and 2 and broiler breeders in Group 2 showed the greatest reduction in organ colonization and the least faecal excretion. In Experiment 1, layers vaccinated with multivalent inactivated vaccines containing a SE component (Group 3) were only moderately protected, indicating that such a vaccination programme may be useful in farms with good husbandry and housing conditions and low environmental infectious pressure by Salmonella.
Muita atenção tem sido dada ao desenvolvimento de inseticidas vegetais buscando-se um efetivo controle de ectoparasitas de bovinos, sem prejudicar animais, consumidores e meio ambiente. Este estudo, realizado de abril a julho de 2008, na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Pecuária Sudeste, em São Carlos, SP, Brasil, avaliou a eficácia de uma torta comercial de nim (Azadirachta indica) no controle da mosca-dos-chifres (Haematobia irritans) em bovinos. A torta de nim, misturada ao sal mineral na concentração de 2%, foi fornecida a 20 vacas Nelore, durante nove semanas, e sua eficácia foi monitorada através de contagens semanais nos grupos tratado e controle. Infestações individuais foram registradas por meio de fotos digitais em todos os animais de ambos os grupos, e o número de moscas foi, posteriormente, quantificado com o auxílio de um sistema de análise de imagem computadorizado. A quantificação dos componentes da torta de nim, por cromatografia líquida, revelou a presença de azadiractina (421 mg.kg-1) e 3-tigloyl-azadirachtol (151 mg.kg-1). A adição da torta de nim a 2% reduziu o consumo de sal mineral em cerca de 22%. O tratamento com torta de nim a 2% não reduziu as infestações por mosca-dos-chifres em bovinos durante as nove semanas do estudo.
Este projeto objetivou relacionar a eficiência de controle de herbicidas inibidores da ACCase aplicados em pós-emergência em plantas de Digitaria horizontalis submetidas a diferentes teores de água no solo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação, com a aplicação de três diferentes herbicidas (fluazifop-p-butil, haloxyfop-methyl e sethoxydim + óleo mineral Assist). O delineamento experimental utilizado para cada herbicida foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, constituído de um fatorial 3 x 4, sendo a combinação de três manejos hídricos (-0,03, 0,07 e -1,5 MPa) e quatro doses desses produtos (100, 50, 25 e 0% da dose recomendada). A aplicação dos herbicidas foi feita em dois estádios vegetativos: 4-6 folhas e 2-3 perfilhos. As avaliações visuais de fitotoxicidade foram realizadas aos 14 dias após a aplicação e avaliou-se a matéria seca das plantas ao final do estudo. A eficiência de controle não foi influenciada pelos manejos hídricos quando se aplicou a dose recomendada de todos os herbicidas na fase inicial de desenvolvimento das plantas (estádio de 4-6 folhas). em aplicações tardias (estádio de 2-3 perfilhos), as plantas mantidas sob estresse hídrico apresentaram menor fitotoxicidade.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of the formulated mixture clomazone and hexazinone applied in soil or combined with sugarcane mulch, after different periods of permanence without the occurrence of rain. The experiment was carried out in vases under greenhouse conditions in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. The weeds Brachiaria decumbens, Ipomoea grandifolia, Ipomoea hederifolia and Euphorbia heterophylla were sown and covered or not with sugarcane mulch. The experiment was arranged in a complete randomized design with four repetitions. The treatments were displaced in a 3x6 factorial scheme, with the factors being six periods without rain (0, 3, 7, 15, 30, and 60 days) and three modes of herbicide application(on the soil without sugarcane mulch, on and under sugarcane mulch). Control evaluations were carried out at 10, 21, 35 and 42 days after the occurrence of rain. The clomazone + hexazinone mixture promoted an excellent weed control for all the species studied when applied on, under, or without sugarcane mulch. However, the control levels tended to reduce for periods over 60 days without rain.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objective. Measure physical therapists' exposure to the electric and magnetic fields produced by 17 shortwave diathermy devices in physical therapy clinics in the city of Presidente Prudente, São Paulo State, Brazil. Compare the observed values with the exposure levels recommended by the International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Observe the efficacy of Faraday cages as a means of protecting physical therapists from exposure to oscillating electric and magnetic fields.Methods. Electric and magnetic field measurements were taken at four points during actual physical therapy sessions: in proximity to the operator's pelvis and head, the devices' electrical cables, and the electrodes. The measuring equipment was a Wandel & Goltermann EMR-200.Results. The values obtained in proximity to the electrodes and cables were 10 to 30 times higher than ICNIRP's recommended occupational reference levels. In the shortwave diathermy treatment rooms with Faraday cages, the fields were even higher than in treatment rooms not so equipped-principally the magnetic field, where the values were more than 100 times higher than the ICNIRP exposure limit.Conclusions. The electric and magnetic field intensities obtained in this study are generally above the exposure levels recommend in ICNIRP standards. It was also observed that the Faraday cage offers physical therapists no protection, and instead, increases their level of exposure.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)