em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The number of lawsuits against dental surgeons has increased considerably in the recent years. Probably this is due to a change in the behavior of the patients, from a passive role in the past to a more demanding stance now. A transversal study was carried out to evaluate the point of view of lawyers in Araçatuba, SP, Brazil, about the professional liability of dentist, the major reasons for treatment failure, the dental specialties more involved in legal actions, their attitudes if they were submitted to an unsuccessful dental treatment, their opinion on what the dentist should do when a patient does not accept the treatment provided, and, finally, what a dentist should do when facing a civil liability action. A questionnaire was sent to 318 lawyers, and 151 of them answered it. The results show that for most lawyers an occasional failure in the treatment occurs due to professional incompetence and, in their opinion, the specialty more involved in legal problems is orthodontics (64.7%). Of the lawyers interviewed, 27.0% affirmed they would seek another dentist and also a lawyer, if they were subjected to an unsuccessful dental treatment. For 36.5% of them, the dentist should give further information and explain the reasons why the treatment did not meet the patient's expectations. According to 36.1% of the interviewees the best policy to be adopted by the dentist in case of a civil liability action would be an extra judicial settlement.
O presente artigo procura discutir a atualidade do conceito de paideia, à luz do entrelaçamento entre o original referente grego e a categoria operatória do que aqui nomeamos uma ética em profissão. Trata-se de um estudo que busca formular algumas diretrizes para se pensar o tema do ensino e do aprendizado, metodologicamente partindo da acepção de interdisciplinaridade. Assim, poder-se-á, fugindo das fragmentárias especializações do campo, recompor a arte do pensamento pedagógico, incluindo nela seus essenciais aspectos éticos. Desse modo, supomos possível estabelecer para professores e estudantes contemporâneos desse terceiro milênio uma nova e moderna paideia.
An axiological discussion is drawn from the analysis of the three codes of ethics in archives developed by the Association of Brazilian Archivists (AAB), the International Council on Archives (ICA) and the Society of American Archivists (SAA), presenting a framework of ethical values for the activities related to the organization and representation of knowledge, thus contributing to the theoretical framework underlying the social issues in Archival science.
The study consist on an analysis of attitude by professors of Brazilian Dental Schools before the aspects bioethical, ethic and legal dental treatment aspects. The data collect occurred by semi-structured questioners send by e-mail and correspondence. It was applied the content analysis, by categorical analysis technique, according to Bardin. About bioethical aspects, 94,6% cited that the decision of treatment should be realized between professional and patient, because it don t interfere on negative form (100%). Everybody consider important the interaction professional/patient, because it establishes the respect and mutual agreement between them (61,8%). Tangent at ethic aspects, 95,5% show all alternatives for determined case, even knowing that can lost patient, explaining on the technique and laical form to clear doubts(61,9%). About legal aspects, 82,4% allege that dental surgeon should treat his patient like consumer whereas offer techniques, materials and know through profession. And, like legal prove on occasional lawsuit, 57,1% mentioned that professional don t need of contract necessarily, but a good documentation about patient and e assigned by him. It concluded that these aspects should be teached always to Dentistry academics, whereas they re inherent at profession, to not stay vulnerable at future ethic, judges and other problems.
Foram estudadas práticas profissionais em saúde, no contexto das poilítcas sociais em um município paulista. Objetivou-se conhecer as influências dessas políticas nas práticas profissionais e na observância de princípios éticos e de preceitos legais do Sistema Único de Saúde. Foram entrevistados profissionais de saúde, responsáveis pela gestão do sistema de saúde do município, coordenação de instituições de saúde e chefias de unidades. Os entrevistados fizeram referências à gravidade da situação atual do sistema de saúde, manifestando percepção fatalista e visão mecanicista dos fatos, influenciadas pela concepção liberal. Como conseqüência, buscam soluções alternativas individuais, nem sempre lícitas ou éticas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)