141 resultados para 412

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Many efforts are currently oriented toward extracting more information from ocean color than the chlorophyll a concentration. Among biological parameters potentially accessible from space, estimates of phytoplankton cell size and light absorption by colored detrital matter (CDM) would lead to an indirect assessment of major components of the organic carbon pool in the ocean, which would benefit oceanic carbon budget models. We present here 2 procedures to retrieve simultaneously from ocean color measurements in a limited number of bands, magnitudes, and spectral shapes for both light absorption by CDM and phytoplankton, along with a size parameter for phytoplankton. The performance of the 2 procedures was evaluated using different data sets that correspond to increasing uncertainties: ( 1) measured absorption coefficients of phytoplankton, particulate detritus, and colored dissolved organic matter ( CDOM) and measured chlorophyll a concentrations and ( 2) SeaWiFS upwelling radiance measurements and chlorophyll a concentrations estimated from global algorithms. In situ data were acquired during 3 cruises, differing by their relative proportions in CDM and phytoplankton, over a continental shelf off Brazil. No local information was introduced in either procedure, to make them more generally applicable. Over the study area, the absorption coefficient of CDM at 443 nm was retrieved from SeaWiFS radiances with a relative root mean square error (RMSE) of 33%, and phytoplankton light absorption coefficients in SeaWiFS bands ( from 412 to 510 nm) were retrieved with RMSEs between 28% and 33%. These results are comparable to or better than those obtained by 3 published models. In addition, a size parameter of phytoplankton and the spectral slope of CDM absorption were retrieved with RMSEs of 17% and 22%, respectively. If these methods are applied at a regional scale, the performances could be substantially improved by locally tuning some empirical relationships.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar as relações entre formas de paisagem e erosão em um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico (LVef) por meio de técnicas geoestatísticas na Fazenda Santa Isabel, município de Jaboticabal (SP), identificaram-se modelos de paisagem côncavo e linear. Coletaram-se amostras de solo em ambas as formas de paisagem em uma malha regular espaçada de 50 x 50 m em sete transeções na profundidade de 0,00-0,20 m, totalizando 412 pontos em 93 ha. Determinou-se a erodibilidade dos solos pelo método indireto, granulometria, bem como o carbono orgânico para cada ponto da malha, sendo esses valores usados na estimativa do potencial natural de erosão (pne). Os dados obtidos das propriedades de solo, erodibilidade e potencial natural de erosão foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e geoestatística com a modelagem de semivariogramas, sendo este utilizado para a confecção de mapas de krigagem. Segundo os resultados, as propriedades do solo e do pne apresentaram maior variabilidade espacial na pedoforma côncava, apesar de esta forma de paisagem apresentar menores perdas de solo por erosão e menor variabilidade espacial da erodibilidade. Deste modo, conclui-se que a erosão não adicionou variabilidade espacial para as propriedades do solo na mesma magnitude do relevo.


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A demanda de recursos energéticos pelos sistemas de produção, aliada à escassez dos combustíveis fósseis, tem motivado a produção do Biodiesel, que é um combustível obtido de fontes renováveis. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar dois ensaios: o primeiro dinâmico, para avaliar o desempenho operacional utilizando como parâmetro o consumo de combustível, e o segundo, estático, para mensurar a opacidade da fumaça (material particulado) do motor de um trator agrícola, operando com diesel metropolitano e interior misturados ao Biodiesel de mamona, em sete proporções. O trabalho foi conduzido no Departamento de Engenharia Rural da UNESP/Jaboticabal - SP. Os resultados mostraram que o tipo de diesel influenciou no consumo de combustível e na opacidade da fumaça, sendo o diesel metropolitano de melhor qualidade; observou-se, também, que à medida que a proporção de Biodiesel aumentou, o mesmo ocorreu para o consumo de combustível; entretanto, a opacidade da fumaça reduziu com o acréscimo de Biodiesel até B75.


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Alternaria alternata, the causal agent of Alternaria brown spot (ABS), causes necrosis on leaves, twigs, and fruit, reducing the productivity and quality of fruits. Tangerines and their hybrids are highly susceptible to the disease. Species, hybrids, and cultivars of Citrus from the germplasm bank of the Estacao Experimental de Citricultura de Bebedouro, São Paulo, Brazil, were evaluated in 2004 and 2005 with respect to their resistance to A. alternata, both through natural infection and by inoculation. Detached leaves were also used to demonstrate susceptibility or resistance to the disease. Ten cultivars of Satsumas (Citrus unshiu), and 14 cultivars of Clementine mandarin (C. clementina) did not show any symptoms of the disease in their leaves, either through natural infection or when inoculated in the field. The Burguess SRA-412, Wallent SRA-438, Carvalhais, Ampefy SRA-459, Ananas SRA, and Macaque SRA-426 mandarin hybrids (C. reticulata) did not show symptoms of the disease under natural or artificial infection in the field. Some cultivars of C. deliciosa, C. tangerina, C. erythrosa, and C. temple showed symptoms of the disease, even though no previous record of their susceptibility to Alternaria brown spot had been previously reported. The hybrids Fairchild, Nova, Page, Fortune, and Sunburst were susceptible to the disease. However, Fremont mandarin (a crossing between C. clementina and C. reticulata), Encore (C. nobilis x C. deliciosa), and Fallglo (C. reticulata x C. paradisi) did not show symptoms in field, and few symptoms were verified in detached leaves. These materials are promising for the cultivation of tangerines, and will enable genetic improvement for the development of cultivars resistant to Alternaria brown spot. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present work aimed at learning the population dynamic of Triozoida limbata (Enderlein, 1918) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in a guava orchard submitted to the minimum use of insecticide in Jaboticabal - SP. For the study of population fluctuation and the evolution of damage from the psillid we analyzed 20 plants of the orchard biweekly, during the period from March 2005 to June 2006. For each plant we evaluated 10 leaves containing the symptom of the attack from the psillid. The evaluated parameters were the number of nymphs and the percentage of damage caused in the leaves, in accordance with a scale of notes. These parameters were analyzed in histograms and correlated to the meteorological factors. The population density of the psillid increased considerably with the approach of the spring and presented a positive correlation with the temperature. The level of damage of the psillid accompanied the population density of the pest. According to the data found in this work we may conclude that the increase of the temperature causes an increase in the population density of T. limbata and the largest population densities from psillid occur in the months of September to November and the smallest densities occur between the months of May and July.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The probiotics are live microorganisms, in latency state, that benefices the development of the animals. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the Bacillus subtilis in different doses about the growing, survival and immunological and hematological analyses in the Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) froglets. The test was developed in Experimental Frog farm of Agriculture Department, Pindamonhangaba, SP. Three doses of probiotics were tested (T1 - 2.5 g/Kg, T2 - 5 g/Kg and T3 - 10 g/Kg of food). The test was carried out with three simultaneous replicates, plus control group. The products were added to froglet's diet and mixed to the meal. The animals were previously feed with this diet for a period of 14 days and accompanied for about 42 days after metamorphose. Biometrics were performed every 7 days. It was evaluated the final weight, the survival, phagocytic capacity, phagocytic index and hematological analyses as hematocrit, hemoglobin level, erythrocyte number, absolute indices hematimetrycs (MCV and MCHC), differential counting of leucocytes and total counting of leucocytes and trombocytes. The results had shown that the doses of the probiotics had produced none effect on the final weight and survival. The immunological analyses had shown that the probiotics have presented immunostimulator effect, but haven't influenced the hematological parameters of the animals.


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The indiscriminate management and use of soils without moisture control has changed the structure of it due to the increment of the traffic by agricultural machines through the years, causing in consequence, a soil compaction and yield reduction in the areas of intensive traffic. The purpose of this work was to estimate and to evaluate the performance of preconsolidation pressure of the soil and shear stress as indicators of changes on soil structure in fields cropped with sugarcane, as well as the impact of management processes in an Eutrorthox soil structure located in São Paulo State. The experimental field was located in Piracicaba's rural area (São Paulo State, Brazil) and has been cropped with sugarcane, in the second harvest cycle. The soil was classified by Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) [Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), 1999. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos. Sistema Brasileiro de Classificao de Solos, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), Brasilia, 412 pp.] as an Eutrorthox. Undisturbed samples were collected and georeferenced in a grid of 60 m x 60 m from two depths: 0-0.10 m (superficial layer - SL) and in the layer of greatest mechanical resistance (LGMR), previously identified by cone index (CI). The investigated variables were pressure preconsolidation (sigma(p)), apparent cohesion (c) and internal friction angle (phi). The conclusions from the results were that the SLSC was predicted satisfactorily from up as a function of soil moisture; thus, decisions about machinery size and loading (contact pressures) can be taken. Apparent cohesion (c), internal friction angle (phi) and the Coulomb equation were significantly altered by traffic intensity. The sigma(p), c and phi maps were shown to be important tools to localize and visualize soil compaction and mechanical resistance zones. They constitute a valuable resource to evaluate the traffic impact in areas cropped with sugarcane in State of São Paulo, Brazil. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar diferentes períodos de controle e de convivência de uma comunidade de plantas daninhas na cultura da batata 'Atlantic'. O experimento foi realizado no município de Botucatu-SP, e o delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de seis períodos de controle, nos quais a cultura foi mantida livre da comunidade de plantas daninhas e após cada período, as plantas daninhas foram deixadas crescer livremente; e de seis períodos de convivência, nos quais a cultura foi mantida na presença da comunidade de plantas daninhas e após cada período, as plantas daninhas foram eliminadas até a colheita. Os períodos foram de 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 e 42 dias após o plantio dos tubérculos, além de uma testemunha mantida sempre livre de plantas daninhas e outra mantida sempre na presença dessas plantas. Foram identificadas 9 famílias e 15 espécies de plantas daninhas, com destaque para Bidens pilosa, Galinsoga parviflora,Brachiaria plantaginea,Commelina benghalensis e Digitaria horizontalis. Os resultados de produção de tubérculos ajustaram-se ao modelo de regressão não-linear: y = 8,907+(17,722/[1+(x/16,865)-8,412]), (R² = 0,963*) - equação para os períodos de controle e y = 5,728+(24,789/[1+(x/39,292)2,247 ]), (R² = 0,947*) - equação para os períodos de convivência. Assim, considerando perda de 5% na produtividade como aceitável, foram determinados o período anterior à interferência (PAI), que foi de 20 dias; o período total de prevenção à interferência (PTPI), de 21 dias; e o período crítico de prevenção da interferência (PCPI), de apenas de um dia, dos 20 aos 21 dias após o plantio dos tubérculos.


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Two Macusanite pebbles (MB1 and MB2) were dated with the fission-track method. Six irradiations were carried out in different nuclear reactors: Pavia (Italy), IPEN-CNEN (Brazil) and IPEN-Lima (Peru). Measurements of the thorium and uranium induced-fission per target nucleus using natural thorium thin films and natural U-doped glasses calibrated against natural uranium thin films, together with lambda(F) of 8.46 x 10(-17) a(-1) were used to determine the ages. The apparent ages were corrected using the plateau and size correction methods. Track measurements were performed by different analysts, using different counting criteria. In addition, tracks were measured on samples which had been submitted to thermal treatment as well as on samples which had not been heated. Thermal treatments were carried out to erase the fossil tracks before neutron irradiation. No significant differences have been found in individual results, using the two Macusanite pebbles and the different nuclear reactors, age correction techniques, analysts, track-counting criteria, and thermal treatments before neutron irradiation. The great majority of the results (14/17) is compatible with the Ar-Ar ages of 5.12 +/- 0.11 and 5.10 +/- 0.11 Ma, Macusanite MB1 and MB2, respectively. However, the fission-track ages are systematically less (similar to8%) than the Ar-Ar ages of the two Macusanite samples studied. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Haemophilia A is an X-linked, recessively inherited bleeding disorder of varying severity, which results from the deficiency of procoagulant factor VIII f(8). Linkage diagnosis using polymorphic markers in the f8 gene is widely used to detect carriers. The objective of this study was to verify the informativeness of three polymorphic markers in the Brazilian population, to evaluate the usefulness of such markers in carrier detection procedures. Sixty-three unrelated healthy volunteers and 10 haemophilic families were studied. Two microsatellite repeats and one HindIII RFLP markers were used. Carrier and non-carrier status could be determined in 80% of females investigated. Intron 13 markers presented the highest heterozygosity rate (79%) followed by intron 22 (68%) and intron 19 (57%). When all three markers were used together, linkage analysis informativeness increased significantly. We conclude that these markers are suitable for carrier detection in the Brazilian population and we recommend their use in combination to maximize diagnostic efficiency.


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The quality of machined components is currently of high interest, for the market demands mechanical components of increasingly high performance, not only from the standpoint of functionality but also from that of safety. Components produced through operations involving the removal of material display surface irregularities resulting not only from the action of the tool itself, but also from other factors that contribute to their superficial texture. This texture can exert a decisive influence on the application and performance of the machined component. This article analyzes the behavior of the minimum quantity lubricant (MQL) technique and compares it with the conventional cooling method. To this end, an optimized fluid application method was devised using a specially designed nozzle, by the authors, through which a minimum amount of oil is sprayed in a compressed air flow, thus meeting environmental requirements. This paper, therefore, explores and discusses the concept of the MQL in the grinding process. The performance of the MQL technique in the grinding process was evaluated based on an analysis of the surface integrity (roughness, residual stress, microstructure and microhardness). The results presented here are expected to lead to technological and ecological gains in the grinding process using MQL. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)