18 resultados para 320.84

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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O efeito da somatotropina recombinante bovina (rBST) no desempenho de novilhos alimentados com rações com diferentes volumosos foi avaliado. Quarenta novilhos cruzados e castrados, com 360,2 kg PV médio e 30 meses de idade, foram usados. Os animais foram alimentados com rações contendo diferentes volumosos (silagem de milho, cana-de-açúcar, silagem de milho + cana-de-açúcar e bagaço de cana hidrolisado) e receberam aplicação de 320 mg rBST a cada 28 dias e foram pesados a cada 14 dias durante um periodo experimental de 84 dias. Ganho de peso, consumo de matéria seca e proteína bruta por kg de ganho de peso e conversão alimentar, foram avaliados. Não houve diferença no ganho de peso entre os animais que receberam (1,210 kg/cab dia) ou não (1,062 kg/cab dia) rBST, apesar de os animais que receberam rBST terem apresentado maior ganho de peso nos períodos após a segunda e terceira aplicação. Não houve, também, diferença entre as rações contendo silagem de milho (1,100 kg/cab dia), cana-de-açúcar (1,240 kg/cab dia), cana+silagem (1,064 kg/cab dia) e bagaço hidrolisado (1,138 kg/cab dia). A conversão alimentar foi 9,43 e 9,69 kg MS/kg de ganho de peso para os animais que receberam ou não rBST, respectivamente. O consumo de proteína bruta reduziu com a aplicação de rBST e foi mais expressivo na ração contendo cana-de-açúcar. Não houve interação entre a aplicação do hormônio e o tipo de volumoso.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar as alterações cardíacas estruturais e funcionais causadas pela exposição à fumaça do cigarro em ratos. MÉTODOS: Os animais foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em dois grupos: fumante (F), composto por 10 animais, expostos à fumaça do cigarro, na taxa de 40 cigarros/dia e controle (C), constituído por 10 animais não submetidos à exposição. Após 4 meses, os animais foram submetidos a estudo morfológico e funcional por meio do ecocardiograma. As variáveis estudadas foram analisadas pelo teste t ou pelo teste de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Os ratos fumantes apresentaram maior átrio esquerdo (F=4,2± 0,7mm; C=3,5±0,6mm; p<0,05), maiores diâmetros diastólicos (F=7,9±0,7mm; C=7,2±0,5mm; p<0,05) e sistólicos (F=4,1 ±0,5; C=3,4±0,5; p<0,05) do ventrículo esquerdo (VE). O índice de massa do VE foi maior nos animais fumantes (F=1,5 mg/kg± 0,2; C=1,3 mg/kg±0,2; p<0,05), e a fração de ejeção (F=0,85±0,03; C=0,89±0,03; p<0,05) e a fração de encurtamento (F=47,8 %±3,7; C=52,7%±4,6; p<0,05) maiores no grupo controle. Não foram identificadas diferenças nas variáveis de fluxo diastólico (onda E, na onda A e na relação E/A) transmitral. CONCLUSÃO: A exposição crônica à fumaça do cigarro resulta em remodelação cardíaca, com diminuição da capacidade funcional ventricular.


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Freshwater stingrays are very common in the Parana, Paraguay, Araguaia, and Tocantins Rivers and tributaries in Brazil. This study presents the clinical aspects of 84 patients injured by freshwater stingrays. Intense pain was the most conspicuous symptom. Skin necrosis was observed in a high percentage of the victims, mostly fishermen and bathers. The initial therapeutic procedures, like immersion of the affected member in hot water were effective in the initial phases of the envenoming, especially in the control of the acute pain; however, they did not prevent skin necrosis. By SDS-PAGE, the freshwater stingray (Potamotrygon falkneri) venom extract presented a major band of approximately 12 kDa. Several other components distributed between 15 and 130 kDa were detected in the venom extract. Many components with molecular mass above 80 and 100 kDa have gelatinolytic and caseinolytic activities, respectively. Hyaluronidase activity was detected only in a component around 84 kDa in P. falkneri venom extract. Our results demonstrated that the presence of these enzymes could explain partially the local clinical pictures presented by patients wounded by freshwater stingray. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of the present study was to trace the inclusion of poultry offal meal (POM) in the diet of meat-type quails reared for a long period using the technique of stable isotopes. A number of 320 quails were randomly distributed into eight treatments: vegetable diet (T1), and a diet containing 8% POM were fed until the end of the experimental period (T2) or replaced by the vegetable diet on day 42 (T3), 56 (T4), 70 (T5), 84 (T6), 98 (T7), and 112 (T8). Breast muscle samples were collected from four birds randomly selected per treatment every 14 days. The obtained isotope results were submitted to multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with the aid of the GLM procedure of statistical SAS program. Treatments were different from T1 when birds were sacrificed at least two weeks after the diet was changed. T2 results were different from T1 in all evaluated periods. It was concluded that it is possible to trace poultry offal meal inclusion in a strictly vegetable diet after the diet was changed for at least 14 days.


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A diversidade de espécies de vespas sociais associadas à vegetação de cerrado no Oeste da Bahia foi analisada neste estudo. Dentre as dezenove espécies de vespas sociais encontradas, Chartergus globiventris de Saussure, Chartergellus communis Richards e Metapolybia cingulata (Fabricius) são registradas pela primeira vez para o estado. O cerrado arbóreo, apesar de apresentar maior riqueza (S = 19) e maior diversidade de espécies (H' = 2,33), apresentou níveis de abundância (N = 87 ninhos) inferiores aos sistemas agrícolas (N = 107 ninhos; S = 8 espécies; H' = 1,84). A fisionomia de cerrado campo sujo apresentou a menor abundância de colônias de vespas sociais (N = 61) e valores intermediários de riqueza (S = 13) e diversidade (H' = 2,20).


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OBJETIVO: O excesso de peso é um grande problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo, atingindo crianças e adolescentes. O presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar se a condição de portador de sobrepeso se associa à presença de fatores de risco à saúde. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 84 sujeitos entre seis e 17 anos, constituindo-se um grupo de 34 pacientes portadores de sobrepeso e outro de 50 obesos, atendidos em ambulatório de Nutrologia Pediátrica da Universidade de Ribeirão Preto (Unaerp), durante o período de outubro de 2004 a outubro de 2005. Foram obtidas as variáveis: pressão arterial, circunferência abdominal, glicemia de jejum, glicemia de segunda hora, colesterol total, HDL-c, LDL-c e triglicérides. Comparam-se os dois grupos por meio de duas abordagens estatísticas: comparação entre as distribuições dos valores absolutos (teste de Mann-Whitney) e entre as frequências de valores considerados alterados (teste exato de Fisher). RESULTADOS: Quanto à primeira abordagem, verificou-se diferença estatística apenas para o HDL-c, com maiores valores para o subgrupo de portadores de sobrepeso de seis a dez anos. Quanto à segunda comparação, verificou-se diferença estatística para a circunferência abdominal (segundo os critérios de Freedman), HDL-c e glicemia de jejum, com maiores frequências de valores alterados entre os obesos. CONCLUSÕES: Os portadores de sobrepeso apresentaram alterações indicativas de prejuízos à sua saúde, semelhantemente aos obesos, sendo necessário também incluí-los nos programas de prevenção e tratamento.


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With the help of orthopantomograms we analyse the tooth development beside body weight and height from Brazilian healthy boys and girls. So, their dental age were compared to their chronological age. The results of this investigation, according to the methodology employed, indicated that: 1. girls showed accelerated formation of permanent teeth and mean values of dental age higher than boys; 2. the mean values of dental age in girls were higher than their chronological age in all groups; 3. the teeth development stages were appropriate in assessment of the degree of physiological maturity of a growing child.


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Objective: To assess the effect of growth hormone (GH) on myocardial remodeling in infarcted rats. Methods: This study comprised 24 Wistar rats divided into 3 groups as follows: 1) AMI-GH group - comprising 8 rats that underwent infarction and were treated with GH; 2) AMI group - comprising 8 rats that underwent infarction and received only the diluent of the GH solution; and 3) control group (C group) - comprising 8 rats that underwent simulated infarction. After 30 days, the animals underwent functional study through echocardiography, and the changes in myocardial contractility of the isolated left ventricular (LV) papillary muscle were studied. Results: The echocardiography identified an increase in the diastolic (C=7.32±0.49; AMI=8.50±0.73; AMI-GH=9.34±0.73; P<0.05) and systolic (C=3.38±0.47, AMI=5.16±1.24; AMI-GH=5.96±1.54; P<0.05) diameters (mm) in the LV of the infarcted animals. The AMI-GH group animals had a lower ejection fraction (%) (C=0.9±0.03; AMI=0.76±0.12; AMI-GH=0.72± 0.14; P<0.05 for C vs AMI-GH) compared with those in controls. The study of the isolated left ventricular papillary muscle showed that the AMI-GH group had changes (C=1.50±0.59; AMI= 1.28±0.38; AMI-GH=1.98±0.41; P<0.05 for C vs AMI-GH) only in the tension at rest (TR - g/mm2) and in the time delta for a 50% decrease in the tension developed (TR50, ms) after stimulation with calcium (C=23.75±9.16; AMI=-16.56±14.82; AMI-GH=-4.69±8.39; P<0.05 for C vs AMI-GH) and in the delta of tension developed (TD, g/mm2) after stimulation with isoproterenol (C=0.99±0.17; AMI=0.54±0.62; AMI-GH=0.08±0.75; P<0.05 for C vs AMI-GH) compared with those in control animals. Conclusion: The early administration of GH in the experimental infarction model in rats may result in adverse effects on the process of ventricular remodeling.


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: The pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is composed of aerobic and resisted exercises that improve the functional capacity to the exercise, life quality and decrease respiratory symptoms in subjects with chronic pulmonary disease. Objective: Assess the effects of a combined PR program in the cardiorespiratory function and peripheral muscle strength in subjects with chronic pulmonary disease. Method: Patients with chronic pulmonary disease were submitted to the PR program, which was developed on 24 sessions of 60 minutes (three times per week). The program was composed of aerobic exercises (two times per week) and resisted exercises (once a week). Before and after the PR the patients were submitted to manovacuometry in order to measure the maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and the maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), ventilometry, peek expiratory flow (PEF), six minute walking test (6MWT) and one maximum repetition (1RM). The data are presented in absolute frequency, percentage and mean±standard deviation. The t Student test was used to compare data before and after the PR and the ANOVA test to compare before, after and predicted distances in the 6MWT (p<0.05). Results: Seven patients were part of this study, 85.70% of women, 71.40% with pulmonary emphysema diagnosis. The mean age was 69.43±5.59 years old, the height was 1.61±0.07 m, the mean weight was 66.20±8.40 kg and the body mass index mean was 25.50±2.48 kg/m². From the variables assessed, the MEP increased from 79.71±13.69 to 84.42±12.83 cmH2O (p=0,03), the PEF increase from 255.71±66.3 to 320.00±93.63 l/min (p=0,03) and the distance in the 6MWT from 415.28±47.90 to 483,79±79,77 m (p=0,02). The load in the 1RM test in the reverse peck deck exercise (before - - 17.10±8.10kg; after – 210.40±9.00kg), knee in leg extension machine (before – 17.10±9.50kg; after – 26.40±13.10kg) and hip extensors (right before – 48.60±22.10kg; after – 62.90±19.30kg; and left before – 46.40±20.10kg; after – 62.10±18.20kg) increased significantly (p<0,05). Conclusion: After the PR program there was improvement in the expiratory muscular strength, in the lower limbs strength and in the functional capacity. Besides that, there was a reduction in the airflow obstruction of the subjects with chronic pulmonary disease.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from Malaysia: Castanediella eucalypti from Eucalyptus pellita, Codinaea acacia from Acacia mangium, Emarcea eucalyptigena from Eucalyptus brassiana, Myrtapenidiella eucalyptorum from Eucalyptus pellita, Pilidiella eucalyptigena from Eucalyptus brassiana and Strelitziana malaysiana from Acacia mangium. Furthermore, Stachybotrys sansevieriicola is described from Sansevieria ehrenbergii (Tanzania), Phacidium grevilleae from Grevillea robusta (Uganda), Graphium jumulu from Adansonia gregorii and Ophiostoma eucalyptigena from Eucalyptus marginata (Australia), Pleurophoma ossicola from bone and Plectosphaerella populi from Populus nigra (Germany), Colletotrichum neosansevieriae from Sansevieria trifasciata, Elsinoë othonnae from Othonna quinquedentata and Zeloasperisporium cliviae (Zeloasperisporiaceae fam. nov.) from Clivia sp. (South Africa), Neodevriesia pakbiae, Phaeophleospora hymenocallidis and Phaeophleospora hymenocallidicola on leaves of a fern (Thailand), Melanconium elaeidicola from Elaeis guineensis (Indonesia), Hormonema viticola from Vitis vinifera (Canary Islands), Chlorophyllum pseudoglobossum from a grassland (India), Triadelphia disseminata from an immunocompromised patient (Saudi Arabia), Colletotrichum abscissum from Citrus (Brazil), Polyschema sclerotigenum and Phialemonium limoniforme from human patients (USA), Cadophora vitícola from Vitis vinifera (Spain), Entoloma flavovelutinum and Bolbitius aurantiorugosus from soil (Vietnam), Rhizopogon granuloflavus from soil (Cape Verde Islands), Tulasnella eremophila from Euphorbia officinarum subsp. echinus (Morocco), Verrucostoma martinicensis from Danaea elliptica (French West Indies), Metschnikowia colchici from Colchicum autumnale (Bulgaria), Thelebolus microcarpus from soil (Argentina) and Ceratocystis adelpha from Theobroma cacao (Ecuador). Myrmecridium iridis (Myrmecridiales ord. nov., Myrmecridiaceae fam. nov.) is also described from Iris sp. (The Netherlands). Novel genera include (Ascomycetes): Budhanggurabania from Cynodon dactylon (Australia), Soloacrosporiella, Xenocamarosporium, Neostrelitziana and Castanediella from Acacia mangium and Sabahriopsis from Eucalyptus brassiana (Malaysia), Readerielliopsis from basidiomata of Fuscoporia wahlbergii (French Guyana), Neoplatysporoides from Aloe ferox (Tanzania), Wojnowiciella, Chrysofolia and Neoeriomycopsis from Eucalyptus (Colombia), Neophaeomoniella from Eucalyptus globulus (USA), Pseudophaeomoniella from Olea europaea (Italy), Paraphaeomoniella from Encephalartos altensteinii, Aequabiliella, Celerioriella and Minutiella from Prunus (South Africa). Tephrocybella (Basidiomycetes) represents a novel genus from wood (Italy). Morphological and culture characteristics along with ITS DNA barcodes are provided for all taxa.