17 resultados para 3.339.122
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar histologicamente a qualidade, tipo e orientação dos tecidos formados na área de regeneração óssea produzida durante alongamento simultâneo do rádio e da ulna, com fixador externo de Ilizarov, a partir de osteotomia subperiosteal diafisária distal, com dois incrementos diários de 0,5 mm. A montagem foi composta de dois anéis e quatro hastes telescópicas, sendo a distração óssea iniciada no sexto dia de pós-operatório. Utilizaram-se 15 cães, sem raça definida, adultos, com peso corpóreo entre 17 e 30 kg, divididos por sorteio em subgrupos (A, B, C, D e E) compostos por três animais, que foram submetidos a eutanásia após os seguintes procedimentos: A- oito dias de alongamento, B- 15 dias de alongamento, C- 22 dias de alongamento, D- 28 dias de alongamento e oito dias de fase neutra com o fixador, E- 28 dias de alongamento, 60 dias de fase neutra com fixador e 45 dias sem fixador. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o tipo e localização da osteotomia, bem como o ritmo de distração utilizado, não interferiram sobremaneira na regeneração óssea. A reparação óssea foi eficiente, notadamente intramembranosa, contudo nos subgrupos B e C foi observada a presença de cartilagem.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Na avaliação da qualidade de sementes pode ser necessária a hidratação das mesmas, como ocorre no teste de deterioração controlada que requer a uniformização do teor de água na amostra de sementes antes do processo de deterioração. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar o potencial fisiológico de sementes de milho após a hidratação pelo método do substrato de papel toalha, sob diferentes temperaturas e quantidades de água no substrato, para elevar o teor de água para 15%, 20% e 25%. Foram avaliadas três quantidades de água no substrato (2,0; 2,5 e 3,0 vezes a massa do papel), sob temperaturas de 20 e 30°C. A qualidade inicial das sementes e após a hidratação foi determinada pelos seguintes testes: teor de água, massa de mil sementes, germinação, massa seca de plântulas, teste de frio, envelhecimento acelerado, condutividade elétrica, tetrazólio, porcentagem e velocidade de emergência das plântulas em campo. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey, a 5%, seguindo o delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial (3x2), independentemente para cada teor de água. A hidratação pelo método do substrato de papel toalha não afetou a germinação de sementes de milho, independentemente da temperatura e das proporções de água no substrato. As proporções de 2,0 e 2,5 vezes a massa do substrato papel toalha em água para a temperatura de 30°C e de 3,0 vezes a massa do substrato para a temperatura de 20°C não alteraram o potencial fisiológico das sementes, mostrando-se adequadas para hidratação de sementes de milho para teores de água de 15, 20 e 25%.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
PURPOSE: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of sonohysterography (HSN) and conventional transvaginal ultrasound (USG) in assessing the uterine cavity of infertile women candidate to assisted reproduction techniques (ART). METHODS: Comparative cross-sectional study with 120 infertile women candidate to ART, assisted at Centro de Reprodução Assistida (CRA) of Hospital Regional da Asa Sul (HRAS), Brasília-DF, from August 2009 to November 2010. Sonohysterography was performed with saline solution infusion in a close system. The sonohysterography finding was compared to previous USG results. The uterine cavity was considered abnormal whenthe endometrium was found to be thicker than expectedduring the menstrual cycle and whenan endometrial polyp, a submucous myoma and an abnormal shape of the uterine cavity were observed. The statistical analysis was doneusing absolute frequencies, percentage values and the χ 2, with the level of significance set at5%. RESULTS:HSN revealed that 92 (76.7%) infertile women candidate to ARThad anormal uterine cavity, while 28 (23.3%) had the following abnormalities: 15 polyps (12.5%).
Introduction: The World Health Organization considers pharmaceutical care (PC) of fundamental importance for the patient and the community. Its exercise requires knowledge and skills, which can be acquired in academic and/or continuing educations, credited for effectiveness and impact evaluation. However, few manuscripts in the literature have showed the contribution of the educational interventions on the knowledge, skill and attitude of students and professionals who participate in scientifi c events related to PC. Objective: To evaluate the impact of an educational intervention (EI), and its degree of satisfaction, to pharmacists and pharmacy students. Method: A quasi-experimental study was performed, through an extension course with 40 hours of lectures approaching issues related to PC and clinical pharmacy (CP). Participants answered a survey which was handed out before and after the EI. The statistic tests of Sinais and Mann-Whitney were applied to evaluate the EI signifi cance. Results: Participants (n= 49) were mostly (n= 34) students and performing activities related to PC and CP (n= 20). Statistics differences, before and after the EI, were found in the scores of knowledge, skill and attitude (p <0.001). The evaluated item which showed the most improvement was the last one. Most (n= 30) had exceeded or met their expectations (n= 19). Conclusions: The analysis of the data led us to conclude that an EI of 40 h/week about knowledge, skill and attitude in PC using traditional methods, improves knowledge and problem-solving skills of participants. ©2012 Ediciones Mayo, S.A. All rights reserved.
ObjectiveThe aim of this clinical report was to reestablish the buccal bone wall after immediate implant placement. The socket defect was corrected with autogenous bone, and a connective tissue graft was removed from the maxillary tuberosity to increase the thickness, height, and width of the buccal bone and gingival tissue followed by immediate provisionalization of the crown during the same operation.Clinical ConsiderationsA 66-year-old patient presented with a hopeless maxillary left central incisor with loss of the buccal bone wall. Atraumatic, flapless extraction was performed, and an immediate implant was placed in the extraction socket followed by preparation of an immediate provisional restoration. Subsequently, immediate reconstruction of the buccal bone plate was performed, using the tuberosity as the donor site, to obtain block bone and connective tissue grafts, as well as particulate bone. Finally, immediate provisionalization of the crown followed by simple sutures was performed. Cone-beam computed tomography and periapical radiographs were taken before and after surgery. After 4 months, the final prosthetic crown was made. After a 2-year follow-up, a satisfactory aesthetic result was achieved with lower treatment time and morbidity.ConclusionThis case demonstrates the effective use of immediate reconstruction of the buccal bone wall for the treatment of a hopeless tooth in the maxillary aesthetic area. This procedure efficiently promoted harmonious gingival and bone architecture, recovered lost anatomical structures with sufficient width and thickness, and maintained the stability of the alveolar bone crest in a single procedure.Clinical SignificanceIf appropriate clinical conditions exist, immediate dentoalveolar restoration may be the most conservative means of reconstructing the buccal bone wall after immediate implant placement followed by immediate provisionalization with predictable healing and lower treatment time.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Avaliou-se o desenvolvimento de folículos pré-antrais ovinos após o cultivo in vitro do córtex ovariano em várias concentrações de ácido 3-indol acético (IAA). O córtex ovariano foi dividido em fragmentos de aproximadamente 3×3mm. Um fragmento foi imediatamente fixado em Bouin (controle - dia 0) e os demais destinados ao cultivo por dois ou seis dias em meio essencial mínimo (MEM+) acrescido de 10, 40, 100, 500 ou 1000ng/ml de IAA. Após o cultivo in vitro, não houve variação entre folículos dos tratamentos e folículos-controle, exceto nos suplementados com 40ng/ml de IAA. Nestes observaram-se redução de folículos primordiais e aumento de folículos em desenvolvimento (P<0,05). em relação aos folículos do grupo-controle, houve redução de pré-antrais normais no cultivo de seis dias (P<0,05). Após dois dias de cultivo, a redução foi observada somente nos folículos suplementados com 500 ou 1000ng/ml de IAA. Folículos pré-antrais ovinos podem ser ativados in vitro com sucesso após o cultivo em MEM+ suplementado com 40ng/ml de IAA.
This report compares the in vitro activity of three cephalosporins (cephalothin, cefoxitin and ceftriaxone) against 57 Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from cows with clinical mastitis on the basis of the minimal inhibitory (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC). The majority of the S aureus strains showed resistance to cefoxitin and ceftriaxone and sensitivity to cephalothin. The highest MICs and MBCs were found for cefoxitin and ceftriaxone. Antimicrobial tolerance (MBC/MIC greater-than-or-equal-to 32:1) was observed in relation to cephalothin and ceftriaxone. The data suggest that these cephalosporins may not be effective for the treatment of staphylococcal bovine mastitis. The precise definition of their antimicrobial efficacies requires more detailed in vitro and in vivo studies.
Sudden eccentricity increases of asteroidal motion in 3/1 resonance with Jupiter were discovered and explained by J. Wisdom through the occurrence of jumps in the action corresponding to the critical angle (resonant combination of the mean motions). We pursue some aspects of this mechanism, which could be termed relaxation-chaos: that is, an unconventional form of homoclinic behavior arising in perturbed integrable Hamiltonian systems for which the KAM theorem hypothesis do not hold. © 1987.
Objective: The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) is a standardized method that allows international and regional comparisons of asthma and allergic diseases prevalence. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of rhinitis and related symptoms among 6-7 year-old children (SC) and 13-14 year-old adolescents (AD) from 20 Brazilian cities applying the ISAA C's standardized written questionnaire (WQ). Methods: ISAAC's WQ was applied to 23,422 SC and 58,144 AD living in different regions of Brazil: North (N), Northeast (NE), Middle West (MW), Southeast (SE), and South (S). Results: The prevalence of rhinoconjunctivitis in the last year ranged from 10.3% to 17.4% and from 8.9% to 28.5% among SC and AD, respectively. Considering SC the highest values were observed in SE region. In NE, the prevalence in countryside centres was higher than those along the coast. Among AD, the highest values were observed in N and S regions, mainly in Pará (Belém). The evaluation of populations probably with the same genetic background has shown higher prevalence among those living in urban centres (capital) in comparison to those in the countryside. Conclusions: The prevalence of rhinitis and related symptoms were variable and predominate in Brazilian N and NE centres.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)