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em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Colheram-se amostras de sangue do cordão umbilical (SCU) e do sangue circulante de cinco eqüinos neonatos, imediatamente após o nascimento, e o sangue da própria mãe, utilizando-se um sistema a vácuo. O material foi submetido à contagem global de hemácias e leucócitos e à determinação do volume globular e da concentração de hemoglobina; à contagem diferencial de leucócitos em esfregaços sangüíneos; e ao cálculo dos índices eritrocitométricos. Foram realizadas a dosagem de proteínas séricas totais e a eletroforese das proteínas séricas em gel de agarose. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os parâmetros do SCU e do sangue da jugular dos potros. No SCU dos potros observaram-se valores mais elevados para contagem global de hemácias (9,75x10(6)/µl), dosagem de hemoglobina (14,65g/dl) e concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (37,23g/dl); e valores menores para volume corpuscular médio (40,50fl), proteína total (4,37g/dl), alfa-globulinas (0,65g/dl), beta-globulinas (1,10g/dl), gama-globulinas (0g/dl) e contagens global (5,40 x 10³/µl) e diferencial de leucócitos, exceto contagem de neutrófilos bastonetes e monócitos, quando comparados com os valores obtidos no sangue de suas mães.
Confeccionou-se um microarranjo de tecido (TMA) com 146 amostras de lesões prostáticas caninas. Este continha 17,2% de hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB), 32,4% de atrofia inflamatória proliferativa (PIA), 2,6% de prostatite, 8,6% de focos de neoplasia intraepitelial prostática (PIN), 29,1% de carcinomas e 9,3% de próstatas normais. Cortes histológicos sequenciais foram feitos e utilizados para reação de imunoistoquímica com os anticorpos primários anti-p-53, anti-NOS-2 e anti-GSTP. Avaliou-se de cada core o escore de células marcadas para cada anticorpo utilizado. Os resultados foram tabulados por grupo diagnóstico e submetidos ao teste Tuckey. Os carcinomas prostáticos do cão e a PIA apresentaram maior número de amostras (41) com mais de 75% das células positivas para NOS-2, demonstrando a influência do estresse oxidativo no desenvolvimento dessas lesões. As próstatas normais e as afecções desta glândula, HPB, PIA, PIN, prostatite e carcinoma, expressaram a proteína GSTP-1, o que conferiu proteção ao tecido prostático canino a danos oxidativos. A proteína p53 estava presente em todas as amostras estudadas, incluindo o tecido prostático normal, porém as lesões prostáticas apresentaram maior número de amostras com escores mais elevados de marcação (escores três e quatro), presente em 95% dos focos de PIA e carcinoma. Concluiu-se que o aumento de expressão de óxido nítrico nas lesões prostáticas no cão e a expressão de GSTP-1 podem ter protegido o tecido prostático canino e que a expressão de p53 foi positiva e uniforme nas próstatas normais e com lesões hiperplásicas e displásicas.
The Cretaceous Barra do Itapirapua carbonatite in southern Brazil experienced extensive postmagmatic hydrothermal alteration. In this article, Sr and Nd isotope ratios of coexisting samples of hydrothermally overprinted and of preserved, nonoverprinted carbonatite are presented. Hydrothermal alteration caused strong REE enrichment, leading to the formation of minerals of the bastnaesite group. In the overprinted carbonatite, Nd contents reach 4000 ppm, two orders of magnitude higher than in the fresh carbonatite, but epsilon(Nd) varies only within a range of 3.4 units. In contrast, Sr was leached from the carbonatite during the postmagmatic alteration; hence values of around 10,000 ppm in the fresh carbonatite drop to about 1000 ppm in the overprinted samples. Leaching is accompanied by a variation of Sr isotopic composition toward more radiogenic values, resulting in an increase of 15 units in epsilon(Sr). Variation of Sr isotopic composition is related to postmagmatic alteration and is decoupled from the variation of Nd isotopic composition, ruling out heterogeneities in the mantle source as the main cause of isotopic variability in the data set. Furthermore, this cannot be explained by bulk crustal contamination. A two-step model is proposed in which (1) a REE-rich, carbonatite-derived hydrothermal fluid overprinted the pristine carbonatite, causing REE-enrichment with a relative small change of isotopic composition; and (2) crust-derived hydrothermal fluids percolated the cooling carbonatite, leaching the original Sr from the carbonatite and introducing a more radiogenic Sr isotopic signature. The amounts of carbonatite-derived Nd with primitive, carbonatite-like Nd isotope ratios introduced during the first stage of hydrothermal alteration are high enough to buffer the effect of crust-derived Nd on the Nd isotopic composition of the overprinted carbonatite.
Estudou-se a técnica de núcleo-fragmentação para a extração da lente em seis eqüinos adultos, utilizando-se instrumentais cirúrgicos adaptados. Nas avaliações pós-operatórias, verificou-se diminuição da pressão intra-ocular, em todos os animais, nos primeiros dias de pós-operatório e, ainda, fotofobia, blefarospasmo, edema de córnea e iridociclites, em graus diversos. Observou-se produção de fibrina que, na maioria dos casos, localizava-se na porção axial da pupila, dificultando ou impedindo a visão.
The present study aimed to quantify the proportion of 13C from energy and protein feed ingredients that follow the metabolic routing of the liver and muscle in broiler chickens. A stable isotope of carbon technique was used that is based on the isotopic discrimination that occurs in the plants during the photosynthesis process. One-day-old male chicks were subjected to treatments based on free choice of energy and protein sources. Rice bran (R) and soybean meal (S), C3 plants, have higher isotopic ratios than corn (C), a C4 plant, and corn gluten meal (G). Choices were R+S, C+G, R+G, C+S, or R+C+G+S. A complete feed (CF) was a sixth treatment. Feed intake and BW were measured at 30 d of age, when liver and breast muscle were collected for isotopic analysis. Treatments affected the amount of feed intake and the choices of energy or protein sources. Complete feed had the largest intake, differing from the other treatments that had free-choice feeding. Final BW was a direct reflection of consumption by these birds in all treatments. The isotopic results indicated that the 13C/12C ratio was generally higher in breast muscle than in liver, probably because of higher protein content. Moreover, in the liver, the proportion of 13C retained from the energy ingredient was greater than the proportion from the protein ingredient. That is in contrast to muscle, where the proportion of 13C retained from the protein ingredient was greater than from the energy ingredient that was self-selected.
The effects of time averaging on the fossil record of soft-substrate marine faunas have been investigated in great detail, but the temporal resolution of epibiont assemblages has been inferred only from limited-duration deployment experiments. Individually dated shells provide insight into the temporal resolution of epibiont assemblages and the taphonomic history of their hosts over decades to centuries. Epibiont abundance and richness were evaluated for 86 dated valves of the rhynchonelliform brachiopod Bouchardia rosea collected from the inner shelf. Maximum abundance occurred on shells less than 400 yr old, and maximum diversity was attained within a century. Taphonomic evidence does not support models of live-host colonization, net accumulation, or erasure of epibionts over time. Encrustation appears to have occurred during a brief interval between host death and burial, with no evidence of significant recolonization of exhumed shells. Epibiont assemblages of individually dated shells preserve ecological snapshots, despite host-shell time averaging, and may record long-term ecological changes or anthropogenic environmental changes. Unless the ages of individual shells are directly estimated, however, pooling shells of different ages artificially reduces the temporal resolution of their encrusting assemblages to that of their hosts, an artifact of analytical time averaging. © 2006 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to compare the bond strength to enamel between resin cements combined with total-etch and self-etch adhesive systems and a self-adhesive cement. Eighty bovine incisors had their buccal surface ground flat exposing a plane area in the enamel. Eighty Artglass resin cylinders measuring 3 mm in diameter and 4 mm in height were fabricated. The teeth were divided into eight groups of 10 teeth each and the resin cylinders were cemented with different adhesive systems and resin cements; G1: RelyX Unicem (self-adhesive cement); G2: H 3PO 4 + Single Bond + RelyX ARC; G3: AdheSE + Variolink II; G4: H 3PO 4 + Excite + Variolink II; G5: Xeno III + Enforce; G6: H 3PO 4 + Prime&Bond NT + Enforce; G7: Biatite Primers 1 and 2 + Bistite II DC; G8: H 3PO 4 + Bistite Primers 1 and 2 + Bistite II DC. After application of the adhesives, the cylinders were cemented according to manufacturer instructions. The specimens were submitted to 2000 thermal cycles at a temperature ranging from 5±5°C to 55±5°C, and shear bond strength was then tested at a variety of 1 mm/min. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and the Tukey's test (á=5%), obtaining a p value of 0.00. The following mean (±standard deviation) bond strength values were observed for each group: G1: 5.14(±0.99)a; G3: 16.23(±4.69)b; G7: 17.82(±3.66)b; G5: 18.48(±2.88)bc; G8: 20.15(±4.12)bc; G4: 22.85(±3.08)cd; G2: 24.96(±2.89)d; G6: 26.07(±1.69)d. Groups followed by the same letters did not differ significantly. For most of the resin cements tested, the application of adhesive systems using acid etching resulted in a higher bond strength when compared to the self-etch adhesive systems and to the self-adhesive cement.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo fazer algumas considerações sobre os elementos classificados por Dik (1989, 1997) como constituintes extrafrasais (ECCs). Procuramos especificar as propriedades comuns a todos os ECCs e levantar alguns problemas advindos da relação entre os constituintes extrafrasais e os elementos tradicionalmente conhecidos como satélites dentro da teoria da Gramática Funcional.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)