13 resultados para Órdenes religiosas de mujeres

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Nous avons analysé les résultats d'une recherché sur les pratiques de guérison mystico-religieuses (chez les Églises Évangéliques et Catholique Renovée, et chez l'Oumbanda). Ainsi que leur comparaison avec le traitement fourni, chez les Ambulatoires de Santé Mentale publiques, aux individus se plaignant de souffrance psychique. L'analyse statistique a révélé que les pratiques de guérison mystico-religieuses sont efficaces à la solution des problèmes de ceux qui les ont cherché, en surmontant, dans le court délai, l'efficacité obtenue par les pratiques ambulatoriales. Un des principaux moyens d'efficacité des pratiques de guérison mystico-religieuses consiste dans l'offre de sens de diverses nuances, d'où se ressort le sens radical de teneur imaginaire, qui implique en des adhésions institutionelles du type fanatique ou ritualistique en bonne partie des cas. Les pratiques de guérison mystico-religieuses semblent fonctioner comme des orthopédies des maladies de l'individualisme contemporain, en réinstallant, par des moyens syntoniques, quelque fonctionalité de la catégorie individu. Comme suite de l'analyse, nous arrivons à l'hypothèse sur l'existence d'une Culture du Mysticisme en état avancé de formation dans le contexte brésilien, comme conséquence des caractéristiques culturelles et des effets de la perturbation des rapports du sujet avec le domaine du symbolique, dans les sociétés de consommation mondialisées à exclusion sociale accentuée et affectées par une importante crise de sens, conséquence de l'ébranlement des idéaux les plus basilaires du libéralisme.


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Objectives. To search intermittent and continous trainning (IT and CT, respectively) effects through deep water running for the control and prevention of excessive body fat accumulation and improvement of quality of life. Methods. Experimental study composed by 30 women, aged between 34 to 58 years old, during 12 weeks, three sessions per week, 47 minutes each. Body composition, cardiorespiratory condition and Quality of Life by WHOQOL-Brief were considered. Student's and Wilcoxon's non parametric tests were applied at 5% significance level. Results. With the only exception for social domain of quality of life, all investigated variables revealed improvement in both groups for IT in comparison to CT. Conclusion. Deep water running contributes to body fat reduction, physical fitness evolution and improvement of WHOQOL-Brief domains, regardless of the trainning type conducted. © 2012 Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Le champ littéraire est plein d’oeuvres qui remettent à des mythes. L’ensemble de récits Mujeres, de Eduardo Galeano, a comme thématique la femme et il est composé par des micro-contes, genre narratif qui promeut une condensation maximale d’eléments thématiques et structuraux. Il s’agit des descriptions littéraires où la synthèse est placée ou même niveau que le lyrisme. Ayant pour objectif d’analiser la nature archétypique des mythes sur la féminité, nous avons travaillé spécifiquement les contes de Mujeres où se reconstruisent poétiquement des mythes de la féminité. Méthodologiquement, notre notre étude a pour base la mythocritique et la théorie des structures anthropologiques de l’imaginaire ídéalisées par Gilbert Durand. En partant de ces bases, nous avons réalisé l’analyse des récits qui s’articulent en notre corpus, ayant pour but, celui d’identifier les divers artifices narratifs spécifiques qui y opèrent. Par le moyen des mythèmes présents dans les récits, nous avons révélé les structures archétypiques du texte et nous avons constaté comment elles s’édifient littérairement. En outre, nous avons élucidé la teneur de la représentativité archétypique de la feminité inhérente aux récits et finalement, nous avons rassemblé les situations et les combinatoires qui existent dans l’ensemble de microrécits, traçant les connexions possibles qui y existent. Ainsi, nous avons fait une étude proprement dite, d´analyse mythocritique


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O Brasil caracteriza-se pela pluralidade cultural e religiosa. Muitas religiões, como a Umbanda, o Candomblé e o Espiritismo, utilizam plantas em rituais ou com o intuito de combater doenças. No combate das doenças, as plantas medicinais são utilizadas com base no conhecimento tradicional, muitas vezes distorcido pela sociedade moderna. Portanto, há um risco inerente nesta prática, pois o efeito das plantas medicinais está relacionado à presença de substâncias químicas, geralmente metabólitos secundários, as quais exercem ação farmacológica de forma análoga aos fármacos sintéticos, bem como podem produzir reações adversas ou intoxicação. Além disso, o uso adequado das plantas medicinais envolve conhecimento sobre seu cultivo, colheita/coleta, modo de preparo, posologia e indicação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o uso de plantas medicinais por comunidades religiosas e avaliar o risco de sua utilização com base em evidências científicas. Concluiu-se no trabalho que a maioria das plantas utilizadas está de acordo, totalmente, ou em parte com as indicações de uso na medicina popular ou respaldadas por estudos científicos. Porém, algumas das plantas medicinais utilizadas apresentam alta toxicidade e a indicação de uso de algumas outras, não condiz com estudos científicos ou uso na medicina popular


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In the present study aimed to study the use of radio and television in Brazil by the various Christian aspects rooted in the country. The main objective was to analyze how the churches define the orientation or the use of strategies of both comprehensive and traditional media vehicles, which are still the most popular mass media, both for the formation of culture and national public opinion in both states and municipalities, which demarcate and retain regional traits that differentiate culturally, economically and socially diverse Brazilian populations. Christian churches are increasingly seeking loopholes and legal facilities, public spaces and broadcast media to facilitate the achievement of followers of their theological ideologies. On the radio, on television and also through social networks of the Internet, pastors, priests, bishops and lay Christians to seek their potential both in public space and home individually, using old and new individual devices and portable reception of audiovisual content. All preachers fiercely competing for space leased the open television networks, in national and local radio stations and invest in the organization of broadcasters Community legalized or informal. The work also aims to study the radio and television concessions in Bauru, to show the failures that occur in broadcasting spectrum management by the federal government and also for the reader to understand what the Constitution says about the use of these vehicles public concession by religious institutions


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Background: The possibility to acquire sexually transmitted diseases generates bio-psycho-social conflicts affecting daily life of women. Objective: To investigate the knowledge of women on the concept of being infected by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and to understand the significance they attributed to their condition as HPV carriers. Material and method: It is a qualitative study in which ten women were interviewed, after the result of a cytopathological exam suggesting HPV. Data were collected at the Center of Health School of the Universidade Estadual Paulista -UNESP-Brazil. Results: The significant items were: deception and preoccupation about the cure, since they indicate that it is very deceptive to be infected with an incurable disease by a person whom they trust; the method of having sexual relations and being infected again; the necessity of care and of being optimistic to face the disease and the threat of cervix cancer originating anxiety. Discussion: Orientations made by health professionals were efficacious to clarify the relationship with cancer development. It is possible to understand the necessity of assistance orientations and the opportunity to hear them, offering individualized quality care. This study also offers important elements to reinforce the educational role of health professionals, principally those referring to sexually transmitted infection and cancer, seeking prevention and early treatment with the offered information. However, there is no desire of finishing the subject regarding perception, thus there is much to discover about diseases related to human papilloma virus. Key words: women carriers of HPV, feelings attributed by women.


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Introduction: Health indicators tend to be altered due to the participation of people in social networks. Objective: To find out ideas of individuals belonging to Portuguese speaking communities in Toronto, Canada, about the possibility of creating a social support network for women experiencing breast cancer. Method: Nineteen participants of the present ethnographic and critical study answered to questions, providing their opinions regarding to the social support network and its positive and negative aspects. Also, the participants suggested other possible individuals who could participate and help in the creation of such network. Discussions were transcribed, analysed and coded using qualitative software called Atlas ti 6.0. Results: The main components for the creation of the social support network were: the demystification of breast cancer and its prevention, emphasis in health education, dissemination of the need of volunteers and a direct social support to those women. The positive aspects were the participation of oldest women as social leaders and the utilization of schools and religious institutions for publicity. Negative aspects that were perceived as barriers are: the belief that breast cancer is a disease lived by women, the lack of knowledge about its cure and rehabilitation, as well as a collective sensitiveness to it. Also, about the participation of community leaders, the suggestions were: diplomats, priests and pastors, schools directors and communication entrepreneurs. Conclusion: The creation of the social support network should consider the cultural sensitiveness and the inner diversity of the consulted Portuguese speaking communities. Due to the insufficient number of Angolan participants to sustain a major analysis, a special recommendation was that Angolan social leaders and professionals should be invited to design the structure of such network according to their specific cultural traits.


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Objective. To describe women behavior regarding birth control and analyze if such behavior has any cultural influence. Methodology. Qualitative study in which patients were women who were waiting for their family health program consult in three health units of the city Ilah Comprida in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected during October and November of 2007, the interview was used as source of information, subsequently they were subjected to the content analysis technique. Results. Women are responsible for birth control; they consider there are difficulties with birth control especially due to inefficient information about methods of contraception and family influence over this adopted behavior. Conclusion. Birth control is influenced by cultural models, moral, social and religious values related with the exercise of sexuality.