255 resultados para Índice de vulnerabilidade socioambiental

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this study we intent to contextualize the topic environmental vulnerability on the world stage, highlighting similarities and differences in their conceptions in Portugal and Brazil. In the literature about the vulnerability is already established the contribution of Geotechnologies, especially the Systems of Remote Sensing and Orbital Imaging as well as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and its potential for modelling physical and socioeconomic aspects for the prevention, mitigation and facing risk manifestations, whether natural, technological or mixed. This paper aims to discuss the methodological framework of vulnerability studies and the results of application in the modelling of socioeconomic and environmental data in the context of the Region Centre of Portugal and the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The methodology for analysing the vulnerability of these regions was based on quantitative studies of the capacity of resistance and resilience of populations and territories. The results were consistent with the socio-environmental realities of the study areas and reflect the complexity of facing and recovery of risk situations in case of territories and populations under low economic conditions and urban infrastructure, whether in Brazil and Portugal.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Urban space occupation occurs in an extremely disordered way. Political, economical and social aspects converge to create a problem that affects mostly poor people who are impelled to occupy areas where social and environmental problems are likely to emerge. Floods, landslides and different forms of pollution have more effects on the most vulnerable groups. In many cases, actions taken by the government legitimate this structure and reinforce its reproduction. This work seeks to confirm both that poor people are vulnerable to social and environmental problems resulting from inappropriate urban solid waste disposal and that the local government contributes to this situation. It is assumed that the issue is related first to the government’s disregard for poor people who live in unhealthy places and, second, to the inability of such people to demand for better living conditions. In this study, a waste disposal area within Jardim Graminha neighborhood in Leme (São Paulo) was selected to be analyzed by means of systematic observation. The study clearly shows that poor people living near that area where different types of garbage are disposed are vulnerable and the government does not control the situation. It is also pointed out that governmental intervention and the use of political and technical tools are necessary for planning and managing the area to mitigate these problems and to decrease poor people’s social and environmental vulnerability.


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This study is based on the mapping of occurrences associated with social vulnerability and natural risks, which refer to the resilience of populations and territories, regarding natural hazards associated with the functioning of natural systems (eg, earthquakes, flood, mass movements). According to UNISDR (2014), the state of São Paulo is a reference in working with Urban Resilience and Disaster in the Resilient Cities Campaign (2014), considering the high investment in Risk Areas Mapping and Public Education Campaigns implemented by the Civil Defense. Thus, this study aims to mapping the occurrence of events related to Tree Falls, Erosion, Landslides, Irregular Housing, Rocky Blocks Falls, Wall Falls, Unroofing and Irregular Construction, attended by the Civil Defense in the city of Santos, São Paulo State, from 2011 to 2014. Thereafter, correlated analyzes to the Environmental Vulnerabilities were generated. The Environmental Vulnerability databases used in this dissertation compose the results of the CNPQ Project - Environmental Vulnerability Mapping of the State of Sao Paulo - Brazil: a methodological contribution of Freitas (2013) and Bortolettoet al (2014), with information collected from the 2010 Census (IBGE, 2010), on a census sectors scale. The adopted methodological procedure involves document analysis followed by data integration in Geographic Information System, through algorithms analysis and mapscrossing.The results obtained in Maps of Social and Environmental Vulnerability Occurrences presented areas of High or Very High Vulnerability. The main variables obtained with such characteristics are Irregular Housing, Landslides and Rocky Blocks Falls, which was associated with hilly terrain formations, with slopes above 30%. To the areas of Medium, Low and Very Low Vulnerability were associated the variables Tree Falls, Wall Falls, Erosion, Unroofing and Irregular Construction, which are spatially distributed without an...


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O geógrafo Lutiane Queiroz de Almeida analisa neste livro os riscos e vulnerabilidades socioambientais para tentar compreender as inter-relações entre vulnerabilidades sociais e exposição aos riscos naturais, como as inundações urbanas. Como estudo de caso, analisa a bacia do rio Maranguapinho, na Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza, que além de ocupar territórios da capital cearense, se estende pelos municípios de Caucaia, Maracanaú e Maranguape. Recorrendo ao cruzamento de uma multiplicidade de dados, parte levantada por ele próprio, referentes a pluviometria, topografia, evolução de ocupação urbana, demografia, renda e educação, entre outros, Almeida criou e aplicou ao espaço analisado um Índice de Vulnerabilidade Socioambiental. Sustentado por inúmeros mapas e tabelas, o trabalho, que serve de modelo para o estudo de outras áreas urbanas do país, demonstra que os espaços com maior exposição aos riscos de inundação são aqueles que detêm os mais altos indicadores de vulnerabilidade social.


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Este trabalho descreve os resultados obtidos com o método da eletrorresistividade usando a técnica da sondagem elétrica vertical (arranjo Schlumberger) aplicada em estudos ambientais envolvendo as águas subterrâneas. A vulnerabilidade natural de aqüíferos, importante ferramenta em estudos ambientais, pode ser estimada a partir de métodos geoelétricos, cujos parâmetros resistividade e condutância longitudinal, aliados ao tipo de ocorrência dos aqüíferos (livre a confinado) e profundidade do nível d'água, permitiram obter um índice de vulnerabilidade natural correspondente ao normalmente utilizado. Os resultados, aplicados em uma fase preliminar de estudos, são bons, permitindo um melhor direcionamento e programação das fases posteriores.


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The Guaraní aquifer has relevant importance both as a source of water for several urban centres and the development of agriculture and livestock. In recharge areas the aquifer is free and, therefore, subject to contamination of effluents and tailings deposited on soils that cover it. Thus, it becomes crucial not only its protection at all levels, as the knowledge of its degree of natural vulnerability. The present work used geostatistics modeling techniques to study the natural vulnerability of the Guaraní aquifer in the city of Rio Bonito, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, where the Guarani aquifer is exposed. These techniques, extensively used in evaluation studies of mineral deposits and oil tanks, can be adapted to produce a spatial classification or a regionalisation of probabilistic indices of vulnerability. By ordinary kriging method maps of vulnerability classification were obtained. To determine the vulnerability of the aquifer was employed the Aquifer Vulnerability Index (AVI), which requires knowledge of unsaturated zone thickness and permeability. The final product was a map with probabilistic index of vulnerability of the Guaraní aquifer, which presented values between 0 to 0.33 years, framing the area studied in AVI class extremely high vulnerability


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The Socio Climate Vulnerability Index (IVSC, Portuguese acronym) aims to expose spatially and in a comparative basis, human settlement areas that are more susceptible to the potential risks posed by climate change. To access this vulnerability, the IVSC draws on the aggregation of adaptive capacity and sensitivity indicators (Human Development Index and population density) and an indicator of projected climate change (Regional Climate Change Index-IRCM). The IVSC can be applied to any spatial scale, as long as data in reasonable resolution.is available. Knowing the spatial distribution of vulnerability is an important strategic step in development and implementation of measures that seeks to improve human development and the preparedness of society for future environmental changes. In addition, the production and comparison climate change vulnerability indexes is an important exercise to improve gradually the quality of information provided to decision makers and stakeholders in the management of measures involving climate change adaptation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The problem of flooding in urban areas exist in many cities and their causes are as varied as the areas of occupancy or Valley weatherproofing Fund areas of infiltration in the drainage basin. The anthropic activity come triggering changes and impacts on the environment for a long time, and there is a growing need to come up with solutions and strategies that minimize and reverse the effects caused these risk areas. Thus, the present work will address the case study in São José do Rio Preto-SP that is an exception, since the area that is considered of risk lies in the Centre, unlike most lying on the outskirts. This will also analyze the processes of urban expansion and the situations of social and environmental vulnerability, including their interrelations in urban scale. The physical study of the area will serve as an important basis for the work, but it will focus mainly on the population and the problems which this is being in hazardous areas. We will not join a single methodology, wharever, we will follow our knowledge to adapt what we feel that fits better, every time. The importance of this study is that in addition to identifying the problems which the local population suffers with floods, lists measures that minimize the environmental impacts arising through the fostering of public policies