239 resultados para Íícone
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
In this paper, an experimental set-up which differs from the traditional ones is established in order to determine the moment of inertia of a right circular cone. Its angular variation and inertia ellipsoid are determined by means of an experimental study. In addition, a system that allows for the evaluation of the angular acceleration and torque through electric current or frequency measurement is utilized.
Trata-se de avaliar como a aproximação entre os países promovendo a integração regional incide sobre qualidade da democracia e como esta se apresenta no setor de defesa e segurança. A perspectiva adotada é que o grau de estabilidade nas relações civil-militares incide diretamente sobre a formulação e desenvolvimento da cooperação em segurança regional e na estabilidade da democracia latino-americana.
Vaginal weight cone (VWC) versus assisted pelvic floor muscle training (APFMT) in the treatment of urinary incontinence (UI) in women.One hundred three incontinent women were randomly distributed into two groups: group G1 (n = 51) treated with VWC and G2 (n = 52), APFMT. The following parameters were performed initially and after treatment: (1) clinical questionnaire, (2) visual analogue scale (VAS), (3) 60-min pad test, and (4) subjective and objective assessment of pelvic floor muscle (PFM).There was a significant decrease in nocturia and urine loss after treatment in both groups (p < 0.05). In VAS, there was a significant improvement of all parameters in both groups (p < 0.05). The pad test showed significant decrease in both groups (p < 0.05). There was a significant increase of PFM strength in both groups (p < 0.05).There was no difference between groups treated with VWC and APFMT.
Mechanisms of testicular thermoregulation, the relationship of scrotal, testicular vascular cone (TVC), and testicular morphology with thermoregulatory capability, and their effects on semen quality and sperm production were studied in 20 Bos indicus, 28 crossbred, and 26 Bos taurus bulls. The ratio of testicular artery length and volume to testicular volume were larger (P < 0.05) in B. indicus and crossbred bulls than in B. taurus bulls (1.03 and 0.94 cm/cm(2). versus 0.48 cm/cm(3); 0.034 and 0.047 ml/cm(3) versus 0.017 ml/cm(3), respectively). Testicular artery wall thickness (average 192.5, 229.0, and 290.0 mum, respectively) and arterial-venous blood distance in the TVC (average 330.5, 373.7, and 609.4 pm, respectively) were smallest in B. indicus, intermediary in crossbred, and greatest in B. taurus bulls (P < 0.05); the proximity between arterial and venous blood was consistent with the estimated decrease in arterial blood temperature after passage through the TVC (5.9, 5.0, and 2.9 degreesC, in B. indicus, crossbred, and B. taurus bulls, respectively). In crossbred and B. taurus bulls, there was a positive top-to-bottom scrotal temperature gradient and a negative testicular subtunic temperature gradient. However, in B. indicus bulls, both scrotal and testicular subtunic temperatures gradients were positive. Differences in the vascular arrangement, characteristics of the artery (e.g. wall thickness) or thickness of the tunica albuginea may have affected the testicular arterial blood and subtunic temperatures in B. indicus bulls. Better testicular thermoregulatory capability was associated with increased scrotal shape (pendulosity), testicular artery length and volume, and top-to-bottom gradient of the distance between the artery wall and the veins in the TVC. Increased semen quality was associated with increased testicular volume and scrotal subcutaneous (SQT) temperature gradient, and with decreased scrotal surface and testicular temperatures. Increased sperm production was associated with increased testicular artery volume, testicular volume, and SQT temperature gradient, and with decreased testicular artery wall thickness, scrotal circumference (SC), and scrotal surface, testicular subtunic, and epididymal temperatures. In conclusion, morphology of the TVC may contribute to the greater resistance of B. indicus bulls to high ambient temperatures by conferring a better testicular blood supply and by facilitating heat transfer between the testicular artery and veins. Testicular thermoregulation was associated with opposing scrotal and testicular subtunic temperatures gradients only in crossbred and B. taurus bulls. Scrotal, TVC, and testicular morphology influence testicular thermoregulatory capability and were associated with differences in semen quality and sperm production. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to compare the percentage of gutta-percha (PGP) in mesial root canals of mandibular molars obturated with LC (Lateral Compaction) or SC (Single Cone) ProTaper Universal System techniques at different levels of the root. Mesial root canals of 20 human permanent molars with similar anatomical characteristics were instrumented using the ProTaper Universal rotary system technique until the F2 instrument, with 20 canals filled by SC ProTaper Universal technique and 20 canals by the LC technique. The mesial roots were sectioned transversely to 3, 5, and 7 mm from the root apex. Digital images of specimens were obtained at MIC-D digital microscope in increases of 30 to 35X. The gutta-percha area was measured using ImageTool software. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni test (a = 0.05). The SC technique provided greater PGP than the LC technique in the apical third (3 mm) (P < 0.001). In the other thirds (5 and 7 mm) there was no statistical difference between the two techniques regarding the PGP (P > 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between thirds of the root canal for both techniques (P > 0.05). It was concluded that SC technique provided greater PGP than the LC technique in the apical third of mesial root canals of mandibular molars. There was no difference between the two techniques regarding the PGP in the cervical and middle thirds. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:12291232, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate craniofacial asymmetry by using 2-dimensional (2D) poster-oanterior cephalometric images, 3-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and physical measurements (gold standard). Methods: Ten dry human skulls were assessed, and radiopaque markers were placed on 17 skeletal landmarks. Twenty linear measurements were taken on each side to compare the right and left sides and to compare these measurements with the physical measurements made with a digital caliper. To acquire the 2D posteroanterior radiographs, an Extraoral Phosphor Storage Plate (Air Techniques, Chicago, Ill) was used as the image receptor with a Eureka x-ray-Duocon Machlett unit (Machlett Laboratores, Chicago, Ill). Three-dimensional imaging data were acquired from a CB MercuRay (Hitachi Medical, Tokyo, Japan). Results: on average, the right side was larger than the left for most of the 20 distances evaluated in the digital 2D and the CBCT images, and there was poor agreement between the digital 2D images and the physical measurements (kappa = 0.0609) and almost perfect agreement (kappa = 0.92) between the CBCT and physical measurements when individual measurements were considered. Conclusions: Human skulls, with no apparent asymmetry, had some differences between the right and left sides, with dominance for the right side but with no clinical significance. CBCT can better evaluate craniofacial morphology when compared with digital 2D images. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011; 139: e523-e531)
Feynman integrals in the physical light-cone gauge are more difficult to solve than their covariant counterparts. The difficulty is associated with the presence of unphysical singularities due to the inherent residual gauge freedom in the intermediate boson propagators constrained within this gauge choice. In order to circumvent these non-physical singularities, the headlong approach has always been to call for mathematical devices - prescriptions - some successful and others not. A more elegant approach is to consider the propagator from its physical point of view, that is, an object obeying basic principles such as causality. Once this fact is realized and carefully taken into account, the crutch of prescriptions can be avoided altogether. An alternative, third approach, which for practical computations could dispense with prescriptions as well as avoiding the necessity of careful stepwise consideration of causality, would be of great advantage. and this third option is realizable within the context of negative dimensions, or as it has been coined, the negative dimensional integration method (NDIM).
The only calculations performed beyond one-loop level in the light-cone gauge make use of the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt (ML) prescription in order to circumvent the notorious gauge dependent poles. Recently we have shown that in the context of negative dimensional integration method (NDIM) such prescription can be altogether abandoned, at least in one-loop order calculations. We extend our approach, now studying two-loop integrals pertaining to two-point functions. While previous works on the subject present only divergent parts for the integrals, we show that our prescriptionless method gives the same results for them, besides finite parts for arbitrary exponents of propagators. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Here we present a possible way to relate the method of covariantizing the gauge-dependent pole and the negative dimensional integration method for computing Feynman integrals pertinent to the light-cone gauge fields. Both techniques are applicable to the algebraic light-cone gauge and dispense with prescriptions to treat the characteristic poles.
Motion of a nonrelativistic particle on a cone with a magnetic flux running through the cone axis (a flux cone) is studied. It is expressed as the motion of a particle moving on the Euclidean plane under the action of a velocity-dependent force. The probability fluid (quantum flow) associated with a particular stationary state is studied close to the singularity, demonstrating nontrivial Aharonov-Bohm effects. For example, it is shown that, near the singularity, quantum flow departs from classical flow. In the context of the hydrodynamical approach to quantum mechanics, quantum potential due to the conical singularity is determined, and the way it affects quantum flow is analyzed. It is shown that the winding number of classical orbits plays a role in the description of the quantum Bow. The connectivity of the configuration space is also discussed.
This paper considers the Schrodinger propagator on a cone with the conical singularity carrying magnetic flux (flux cone). Starting from the operator formalism, and then combining techniques of path integration in polar coordinates and in spaces with constraints, the propagator and its path integral representation are derived. The approach shows that effective Lagrangian contains a quantum correction term and that configuration space presents features of nontrivial connectivity.
In this paper, a real-time formulation of light-cone pp-wave string field theory at finite temperature is presented. This is achieved by developing the thermo field dynamics (TFD) formalism in a second quantized string scenario. The equilibrium thermodynamic quantities for a pp-wave ideal string gas are derived directly from expectation values on the second quantized string thermal vacuum. Also, we derive the real-time thermal pp-wave closed string propagator. In the flat space limit it is shown that this propagator can be written in terms of Theta functions, exactly as the zero temperature one. At the end, we show how superstrings interactions can be introduced, making this approach suitable to study the BMN dictionary at finite temperature.
Constrained systems in quantum field theories call for a careful study of diverse classes of constraints and consistency checks over their temporal evolution. Here we study the functional structure of the free electromagnetic and pure Yang-Mills fields on the front-form coordinates with the null-plane gauge condition. It is seen that in this framework, we can deal with strictu sensu physical fields.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We present a prescription for light-cone gauge singularities which embeds in it causality and show that it results in simpler and less demanding integrals to be performed.