48 resultados para <0.5 µm

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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We present the structural, electronic structure and magnetic studies of Ni doped SmFeO3. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies confirm the single phase nature of the samples having orthorhombic Pbnm structure and the unit-cell volume is decreasing with the increase of Ni concentration. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) studies on O K. Fe L-3.2, Ni L-3.2 and Sm M-5.4 edges of SmFe1-xNixO3 (x <= 0.5) samples along with the reference compounds revealed the homo-valence state of Fe and Ni in these materials. From magnetization studies it has been observed the materials exhibit ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic sub-lattices, which are strongly dependent on the thermo-magnetic state of the system. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structural, electronic structure and magnetic properties of Ni doped GdFeO3 perovskite materials have been studied. A decreasing trend in volume with the increasing Ni concentration without any structural change is confirmed from X-ray diffraction studies. The electronic structural studies show that the competing ions within the ensemble have +3 oxidation states, which includes the Gd, Fe and Ni ions, and also confirms the octahedral symmetry of the Fe/Ni ions. The magnetic properties clearly depict that the Ni doping can tailor the phase transitions arising due to temperature/field dependence having a heavy impact on spin dynamics. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A ropivacaína foi introduzida na prática clínica há pouco mais de dez anos, associando-se a baixo risco de complicações do sistema nervoso central e cardiovascular. O objetivo destes relatos é apresentar um caso de parada cardíaca e outro de toxicidade neurológica, após injeção intravascular acidental da ropivacaína, durante a realização de anestesias peridurais. RELATO DOS CASOS: Trata-se de duas pacientes submetidas a cirurgias plásticas estéticas sob anestesia peridural torácica com ropivacaína a 0,5%. Durante a realização da técnica, uma delas apresentou parada cardíaca em assistolia e a outra, toxicidade neurológica. Prontamente atendidas, ambas apresentaram rápida recuperação, tendo sido possível a realização dos respectivos atos cirúrgicos. CONCLUSÕES: O reconhecimento e o tratamento rápidos da injeção intravascular acidental, bem como as características farmacológicas da ropivacaína foram decisivos, em ambos os casos, na boa recuperação das pacientes.


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Avaliaram-se efeitos da dorzolamida do timolol e da combinação de ambos sobre pressão intra-ocular (PIO) de cães normais, além de alterações no olho contralateral, não-tratado. Foram utilizados 60 cães sadios, distribuídos em três grupos (G) de 20 animais. No primeiro grupo (GT), foi avaliada a ação do maleato de timolol 0,5% na PIO; no segundo (GD), a ação do cloridrato de dorzolamida 2%; e, no terceiro (GTD), o efeito da associação fixa timolol/dorzolamida. A PIO foi aferida utilizando-se tonômetro de aplanação (Tonopen®), uma hora antes e uma, duas, quatro, seis e oito horas após a instilação do colírio em análise no olho esquerdo. O efeito da associação timolol/dorzolamida foi mais intenso (27%) que os efeitos do timolol (21,9%) e da dorzolamida (22,4%) na redução da PIO. No olho contralateral, verificou-se redução de 7% no GT, 13,8% no GD e 13,6% no GTD, após quatro e duas horas da administração.


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Objetivou-se, com este experimento, avaliar a ação da ropivacaína a 0,5% no bloqueio do nervo alveolar mandibular de gatos. Vinte gatos adultos, sem raça definida, machos ou fêmeas, receberam clorpromazina (1,0mg kg-1, VO) e propofol (3,0mg kg-1, IV). Ropivacaína a 0,5% foi administrada com uma agulha 13x3,8 em forma de L, inserida no ângulo da mandíbula direita, aproximadamente 1,0cm rostral ao processo angular e 0,5cm dorsal à superfície medial do ramo da mandíbula, a fim de depositá-la próximo ao nervo alveolar mandibular, no forame mandibular. As freqüências cardíaca e respiratória foram mensuradas antes da administração da clorpromazina, 20 minutos após administração desta (T0), 20 minutos após o bloqueio do nervo alveolar mandibular com ropivacaína (T20) e, em intervalos de 20 minutos, até a volta da sensibilidade na região anestesiada. Observou-se o período de latência e a duração da anestesia por meio do pinçamento da pele e gengiva da região lateral direita da mandíbula. Encontrou-se início da anestesia após 22 minutos, com duração de 164,25 minutos. Os parâmetros de freqüência cardíaca e freqüência respiratória tiveram alterações, porém sem significado clínico para a espécie. A ropivacaína a 0,5% anestesia a região dos dentes pré-molares, molares, caninos, incisivos, pele e mucosa oral e lábio inferior, sem causar efeitos colaterais.


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In the present experimental study we assessed induced osteoarthritis data in rabbits, compared three diagnostic methods, i.e., radiography (XR), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and correlated the imaging findings with those obtained by macroscopic evaluation. Ten young female rabbits of the Norfolk breed were used. Seven rabbits had the right knee immobilized in extension for a period of 12 weeks (immobilized group), and three others did not have a limb immobilized and were maintained under the same conditions (control group). Alterations observed by XR, CT and MRI after the period of immobilization were osteophytes, osteochondral lesions, increase and decrease of joint space, all of them present both in the immobilized and non-immobilized contralateral limbs. However, a significantly higher score was obtained for the immobilized limbs (XT: P = 0.016, CT: P = 0.031, MRI: P = 0.0156). All imaging methods were able to detect osteoarthritis changes after the 12 weeks of immobilization. Macroscopic evaluation identified increased thickening of joint capsule, proliferative and connective tissue in the femoropatellar joint, and irregularities of articular cartilage, especially in immobilized knees. The differences among XR, CT and MRI were not statistically significant for the immobilized knees. However, MRI using a 0.5 Tesla scanner was statistically different from CT and XR for the non-immobilized contralateral knees. We conclude that the three methods detected osteoarthritis lesions in rabbit knees, but MRI was less sensitive than XR and CT in detecting lesions compatible with initial osteoarthritis. Since none of the techniques revealed all the lesions, it is important to use all methods to establish an accurate diagnosis.


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The electrochemical behavior in 0.5 M H2SO4 at 25 degreesC of a Cu-Al(9.3 wt%)-Ag(4.7 wt%) alloy submitted to different heat treatments and an annealed Cu- Al(9.7 wt%)-Ag(34.2 wt%) were studied by means of open circuit potential (E-mix) measurements, potentiodynamic polarizations and cyclic voltammetry. SEM and EDX microanalysis were used to examine the changes caused by the electrochemical perturbations. The steady state potentials observed for the studied samples were correlated in terms of the phases present in the alloys surface. The resulting E/I potentiodynamic profiles were explained in terms of the potentiodynamic behavior of pure copper and pure silver. The presence of aluminum decreased the extent of copper oxidation. In the apparent Tafel potential region, two anodic Tafel slopes were obtained: 40 mV dec(-1) in the low potential region and 130 mV dec(-1) in the high potential region, which were related with the electrochemical processes involving copper oxidation. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the present study, different types of 75% Cr3C2-25% NiCr coatings were applied on a steel substrate by means of high velocity oxygen fuel spraying (HVOF), and studied using ac and dc electrochemical measurements in an aerated and unstirred 0.5 M H2SO4 solution. Structural characterization was determined before and after electrochemical tests. Differences between all sprayed systems are related to the gun transverse speed and number of deposited layers, which strongly affected the electrochemical characteristics of the coated steels. The coating obtained with a higher torch speed showed better resistance against corrosion. The electrochemical impedance results were analyzed using an equivalent circuit where porosity of the coatings and substrate oxidation were considered. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The electrochemical behaviour of coated Cr3C2-NiCr steel in aerated 0.5 M H2SO4 solution was studied by means of electrochemical a.c. and d.c. measurements. A complete structural characterization of the coated steel before and after electrochemical tests was also carried out to access the corrosion mechanism of coated steel, electrolyte penetration through the coating, and to confirm the results obtained using electrochemical techniques. Two types of Cr3C2-NiCr coatings produced by a high velocity oxy-fuel spraying system (HVOF) were studied. Differences between coated steels are related to the spraying parameters reflecting their behaviour against corrosion phenomena. The electrochemical behaviour of the coated steel was strongly influenced by porosity and the presence of microcracks in the coating. Once the electrolyte reaches the steel substrate, it corrodes in a galvanic manner resulting in coating detachment from the steel.


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As lesões tendíneas nas extremidades distais dos membros estão entre as mais freqüentes alterações do aparelho locomotor na rotina clínico-cirúrgica humana e animal e, não raro, necessitam de terapias adjuvantes para seu completo retorno às funções fisiológicas. O ultra-som terapêutico (UST) é a modalidade mais utilizada nas clínicas de reabilitação para tratar lesões tendíneas, mas devido à falta ou a divergências de estudos específicos sobre seus efeitos no tecido ósseo, sua utilização sobre as regiões distais dos membros, ricas em protuberâncias ósseas e áreas desprovidas de cobertura muscular, sempre preocuparam os profissionais da área médica. No intuito de esclarecer os efeitos do UST sobre o tecido ósseo, seis cães receberam tratamento ultra-sônico contínuo, de 1MHz, durante cinco minutos diários, por um período de 20 dias sobre a região craniodistal do rádio e da ulna. A intensidade do UST aplicada foi de 0,5W cm-2 no membro torácico direito, ficando o membro contralateral como controle. A região distal de ambos os membros torácicos foi radiografada para análise de densitometria óssea em imagens radiográficas, antes do início da terapia e ao final do tratamento. Não houve alterações significativas de densidade mineral óssea entre os membros tratados e os controles. Conclui-se que dentro dos parâmetros utilizados no experimento a utilização do UST em regiões ósseas protuberantes ou desprovidas de cobertura muscular pode ser feita com segurança.


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Photoluminescence (PL) properties at room temperature of disordered Ba0.50Sr0.50(Ti0.80Sn0.20)O-3 (BST:Sn) thin films were obtained by the polymeric precursor method. X-ray diffraction data and corresponding PL properties have been measured using the 488 nm line of an argon ion laser. The PL spectra of the film annealed at 350 degrees C for 21 h are stronger than those of the film annealed at 350 degrees C for 28 h, indicating a disorganized structure. The energy band gaps of the crystalline and amorphous BST:Sn thin films were 3.35 and 2.25 eV, respectively. The doped BST thin films also tend to a cubic structure, resulting from TiO6 deformations. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The triply chloro-bridged binuclear complexes [Ph3X=O...H...O=XPh3][Ru2Cl7(XPh3)(2)].0.5(CH2Cl2) (H2O) (X = As or P) were obtained from [RuCl3(XPh3)(2)DMA].DMA (DMA = dimethylacetamide) CH2Cl2/Et2O solution. The structures were characterized by X-ray diffraction studies. The complexes are formed from two Ru atoms bridged by three chloride anions. The two ruthenium atoms are also coordinated to two non-bridging Cl atoms and an AsPh3 or PPh3 ligand respectively. As an interesting feature, the cations of these complexes are protons, trapped in a very short hydrogen bond between two triphenylarsine or triphenylphosphine oxide molecules.


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The electrochemical behavior of the annealed Cu-5wt.%Ni alloy in 0.5 M H2SO4 was studied by means of open-circuit potential (E-OCP) measurements, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and quasi-stationary linear potential sweep. The hydrodynamics of the system was also studied. This material is constituted by a single a, phase. The anodic behavior of a Cu-Ni alloy in H2SO4 consists fundamentally on the electrodissolution of Cu, its main component, and the formation of a sulfur-containing passive layer. The presence of Ni decreases the rate of Cu oxidation, mostly at high positive potentials. The impedance spectra, obtained for the unrotating electrode, can be interpreted in terms of a simple charge-transfer reaction across a surface layer. When the electrode is rotated, the occurrence of an inductive loop evidenced the existence of an adsorbed layer. All the resistance estimated from the proposed equivalent circuits diminished with the electrode rotation rate, emphasizing the influence of ion transport in the overall electrode process. The system presented two anodic Tafel slopes: 40 mV dec(-1) for E < 255 mV and 67 mV dec(-1) for E > 275 mV. A Tafel slope of 40 mV dec(-1) evidences that copper dissolution can be interpreted in terms of the mechanism proposed by Mattsson and Bockris. The second Tafel suggests that at potentials more positive than 275 mV, copper dissolves according to a mechanism that considers the disproportionation of adsorbed Cu(1) species. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)