164 resultados para terras altas
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB
A determinação da capacidade de uso das terras numa bacia é muito importante para o planejamento e uso do solo, pois o uso inadequado e sem planejamento dessas terras provocam a baixa produtividade das culturas. Este trabalho visou definir as classes homogêneas de capacidade de uso da terra da bacia do Ribeirão Água Fria - Bofete (SP) para atender ao planejamento de práticas de conservação do solo desta área. A bacia situa-se entre as coordenadas geográficas 22o 58' 30`` a 23o 04' 30`` de latitude S e 48o 09' 30`` a 48o 18' 30`` de longitude W Gr., apresentando uma área de 9.180,12 hectares. A carta de capacidade de uso da terra da bacia foi elaborada a partir da carta clinográfica obtida por Santos et al. (1999), mapa pedológico do Estado de São Paulo (Oliveira et al., 1999), da tabela de julgamento de classes de capacidade de uso do solo (França, 1963) e das recomendações constantes no manual para levantamento utilitário do meio físico e classificação das terras no sistema de capacidade de uso (Lepsch et al., 1983). A discriminação, o mapeamento e a quantificação das áreas das classes e subclasses de capacidade de uso pelo Sistema de Informação Geográfica - IDRISI apresentaram os seguintes valores: IIIe,s - 517,020 ha (5,63%); IIIs - 863,150 ha (9,40%); IVe - 846,730 ha (9,23%); VIe - 871,110 ha (9,49%) e VIIe - 6082,115 ha (66,25%). Os resultados permitiram concluir que a bacia essencialmente constituída por 2/3 pela subclasse VIIe, ou seja, são terras que podem ser utilizadas por pastagens com uso moderado ou florestas, pois apresentam problemas complexos de erosão por causa de sua declividade. O Sistema de Informação Geográfica IDRISI permitiu através de seus módulos discriminar, mapear e quantificar as áreas das classes e subclasses de capacidade de uso das terras da bacia com rapidez e confiabilidade.
A presente invenção refere-se a composições vanstoras à base de óxidos metálicos, mais particularmente à base de diáxido de estanho (SnO~ 2~) com a adição de óxidos metálicos dopantes, preferencialmente óxido de cobalto (CoO), pentóxido de nióbio (Nb~ 2~O~ 5~) e triáxido de cromo (Cr~ 2~O~ 3~), para conformação de e blocos cerâmicos varistores cujas propriedades eletrónicas não-óhmicas finais são independentes das dimensões dos corpos cerâmicos. A independência das propriedades não-óhmicas em relação às dimensões do corpo permite que uma mesma composição varistora seja utilizada em aplicações para baixas, médias e altas tensões.
Through the polymeric precursor method were synthesized samples Ca0.98Sr0.01X0.01TiO3 (X= Eu3+, Sm3+ and Pr3+), which under different heat treatments were obtained with levels of distinct structural order-disorder. The synthesized materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, confirming the obtaining of ahomogeneous material with perovskite-type orthorhombic structure. This characterization allowed evaluating the average crystallite size of the samples that varies depending on the rare-earth ion. The results of photoluminescence emission confirmed the presence of this optical phenomenon at room temperature and its relationship to the level of order-disorder structural system. The photoluminescence emission is more intense in samples annealed at 500 ° C (independent on the dopant ion), the variation of the dopant influence on the emission intensity due to charge transfer between the host and emitting rare-earth ion, where the doped with Pr3+ ion has charge transfer more efficient and hence more intense emission in the photoluminescence. Another factor that favors the optical property of the samples is the charge compensation, as it contributes to the increase in structural disorder due to formation of Ca2+ vacancies.
Due to the expansion of the wild crop to regions with higher temperatures is important to develop cultivars adapted to high heat. The aim was to select tests for evaluating seed physiological quality of wild radish to estimating genetic characters in order to select cultivars adapted to high temperature conditions. Hundred of half-brothers of wild radish were subjected to germination test and vigor (first count of germination, classification of seedling vigor, accelerated aging test, germination and testing of the first count at high temperature as well as seedling emergence in field. The germination test, first count test, accelerated aging and high germination test (20-35°C) can be used for the selection of wild radish crop populations adapted to germination and field emergence under high temperatures.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the coverage of spray droplets on coffee plants as well as their deposition using a sprayer with and without adaptation of an auxiliary branch for tall plants. The experiment was conducted following a randomized block design with six treatments and four replications to evaluate the percentage of coverage for the spraying liquids in water sensitive paper fixed at four quadrants and two heights (lower and upper) of the plants, and the spray deposit with metallic marker (MnSO4) on sheets in the same positions of the water sensitive paper in two spray volumes (450 and 750 L h(-1)). The experiment was conducted in October 2011 in the town of Patroc nio-MG, and the experimental plots consisted of 30 plants of Catua IAC-99, with approximately 12 years of age and average height of 3.50 meters. The experiments were conducted following a randomized block design with six treatments and four replications to evaluate the coverage and deposition, in two spray volumes (450 and 750 L ha(-1)). Leaves were collected in four positions and also at the top four in the lower canopy. The results of the evaluations were analysed statistically by F test and for comparison of means by Tukey test at 5% probability. The auxiliary branch installed at the rear of the equipment is the most suitable when compared to use of equipment without this feature or installed in the front of the equipment. Furthermore, the application volume of 450 L ha(-1) results in coverages and deposits of spraying liquids equivalents to volume of 750 L ha(-1), considered sufficient according to the parameters evaluated.
This paper describes a Precocious Student Attention Program With High Abilities/Giftedness Behaviors developed since 2011 at Júlio Mesquita Filho Philosophy and Sciences São Paulo State University, located in the city of Marília/SP/Brazil. Based on Joseph Renzulli's three rings theory, the authors describe how they organized the process of identification and evaluation of the precocious children with giftedness behaviors that attend the program. Based on Joseph Renzulli's Enrichment Triad Model, the authors categorize the students and give an account of the enrichment activities that are developed alongside with the students and their respective guardians. It is concluded that programs of this nature serve this still little recognized category of students, as well as help the development of studies and is a significant locus to educational formation.
Among students with special educational needs, subjects of special education, are those with high ability/giftedness, a complex phenomenon that requires the participation of education professionals and researchers to foster the potential of development of these students. In this sense, we aimed to identify and analyze thesis and dissertations that they propose to investigate the theme high ability/giftedness, verifying participation of the area of education in these studies. The study was done through a literature review, guided by the following questions: Have the researches on high ability/giftedness been growing in recent years? What is the participation of education area in those researches? What are the issues related to high ability/ giftedness addressed in Education? The results show that the institutions present an increasing trend and there is a predominance of education area in this scientific production. However, there is an imbalance between the institutions that aim to investigate the theme in Brazilian regions, as well as among the cases covered by these researches on high ability/giftedness.