141 resultados para sistema municipal de saúde


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Congenital toxoplasmosis is a serious public health case, for it causes irreversible damage to the embryo/fetus, which may cause its death. The identification and the care to pregnant women with suspect acute toxoplasmosis (IgM+) is performed in prenatal monitoring. This study aimed to measure the incidence and know the profile of positive pregnant women for toxoplasmosis in a Basic Health Unit (BHU) in Matão - SP, between the years 2011 to 2013. This is a retrospective descriptive study, from the medical records of pregnant women attended. The project was approved by the Municipal Departament of Health and BHU was chosen along the Municipal Epidemiological Surveillance. From 2011 to 2013, 189 women began prenatal care in the unit, an annual median of 71(±26.91), of which 17 (8.99%) were positive for the serological test indicative of acute phase (IgM+). The distribution over the trial period was: four cases in 2011, twelve cases in 2012 and one in 2013. Pregnant women IgM positive for toxoplasmosis attend by BHU were: age 24(±5.47) years; color: equally distributed among white, black and brown; as the number of pregnancies: multiparous (2±0.97), most of them with a cesarean delivery as obstetric history and possessed no other risk factors associated with pregnancy (94.12%); gave entrance at BHU with 13.65(±7.35) weeks of gestation and had a median of 5(±2.36) consultation on their prenatal care. The examination for toxoplasmosis was requested as recommended by the Health Ministry (HM) and the medication prescribed was Roxamicina® - spiramycin, as soon as the test results (IgM+) arrived. Of the 17 pregnant women, only 10 completed the pre-natal at BHU - attendance at the postpartum consult (58.8%). Of these, the deliveries were vaginal (55.55%), made preterm with 36.5 weeks of gestation at the Municipal Hospital. The babies were born alive (100%) with the weight of 2.68(±0.77) Kg and required special care hospital scope. From the ...


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This study aims to reflect the organization of the mental health services in primary care from a new organizational arrangement to health work, defined as Matrix Support (Campos, 1999), which aims to build technical and educational support in the relationship between health professionals from mental health professionals in the Family Health Strategy. The methodology used in the Matrix Support the “Wheel” method, which is mediated by a supporter who, through questions and reflections, points out possibilities for case discussions, promotes links between the health teams, discusses the concept of link between professionals and users, strengthens the co-responsability for the actions of health and tries to break the logic related with the services organized by referrals. So the wheels when they occur in health services enables the interdisciplinary, and through it, it is expected to talk about the complexity of the phenomena that surround each subject, so that they overcome the dichotomy between individual and collective, social and biological revealing new values to be incorporated into health practices. In front of this analysis that is theoric and conceptual, allied with the experience from a nursisn area professional that worked in this work method, can be concluded that this experience related here, eas strategic for the health care actions for strengthen based on the Unique Health system and Psych Rebuild principles.


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Brazilian Curricular Directrix demand changes on teaching dental surgeon, proposing new scenes of learning and study other than the classroom. So, pedagogic projects should search for integral and adequate education by relating teaching, research and extension/assistance. This paper discusses the importance of university extension activities on teaching Odontology students and relates the experience of Araçatuba Dental School of São Paulo State University. This school develops some university extension activities since the 60s by Dental Service Beyond School (SEMO, in portuguese). Among the activities included by SEMO there are several projects, such as: “Program of Dental Attention for Pregnant Women”, “Program of Dental Attention to Juvenile Foundation at Araçatuba”, “Always Smiling – Health Promotion for Institutionalized Elderlies”, “Santa Clara de Assis Nursery School Program of Dental Attention”, and "Promotion of oral health in Araçatuba public kindergarten schools”. These programs give the student knowledge of structure dimensions of public health services; chance to participate on attendance for the population, comprehension of oral health politics, and the role of dental surgeon in social context, where these students will work in the future. The positive impact obtained with these services is perceived by students return. Most of them feel satisfied about the experience lived there.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Human recourses on Brazilian Health System (SUS) are important social points because on this form the State can guarantee the health like a right of Brazilian population, based on National Constitution Dictates. The Plan of Offices, Careers and Salaries (PCCS) is an administrative tool that should be elaborated to attendance objectives of organization. It maintain the satisfaction level of workers, with a politic of Human Recourses that allows its development and so, can get higher productivity, efficiency and objectivity of services rendered at community. The aim of this study is to contextualize the PCCS like an instrument of People Management to guide and incentive one of forms to turn no precarious the work force of Public System Dental Professionals in SUS. For them, it was realized a literature review, and official documents of Health Ministry were consulted, like governmental decrees, laws, health conference written report. It was possible to verify that, although there is legal basement on the use of PCCS-SUS by Brazilian cities like a tool to attract and maintain dental surgeon developing his profession on SUS, is often the absence of valorization of this professional, and this situation no allows his exclusive dedication at health public services. Precarious work in Dentistry is still observed on many regions of Brazil.


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O câncer é um problema de saúde pública mundial, com destaque para a incidência do câncer de cabeça e pescoço, em função da biologia das lesões, custo do tratamento, acompanhamento e ônus social. Seus tratamentos mais utilizados como a cirurgia e radioterapia, apresentam sérios efeitos colaterais de curto e longo prazo, cujo é são complexo. As principais orientações e cuidados no tratamento do câncer de cabeça e pescoço foram obtidos através de revisão de literatura sistemática em bases de dados públicas. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura foi mostrar os principais cuidados na prevenção e tratamento das sequelas da radioterapia desse tipo de câncer. Nesse particular, observa-se a necessidade de um protocolo de enfermagem-odontologia, visto a complexidade e a falta de direcionamento das normas do Sistema Único de Saúde, além da responsabilidade dos cuidados desses pacientes, que ficam a cargo da equipe de saúde, atendendo as suas reais necessidades, tanto pessoais, psicológicas e fisiológicas.


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Introduction: The violence against children and teenagers severely damages physical health and psychological development of their victims. Health professionals are in a strategic position to detect cases of assault and legally obliged to report such cases, even suspected. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the knowledge of health professionals who work in the National Health System (SUS) on reporting of violence against children and adolescents. Methods: We conducted interviews with 54 primary care team of four cities from the region of São José do Rio Preto. Results: Through the study could be seen that 92.6% of respondents suspected or witnessed violence against children exercising their profession in the SUS. About Order 1968/2001, 75.5% of practitioners claim ignoring it. 96.2% were not informed about completing the notification form of violence. 88.9% do not know about the existence of the same workplace. The association between obtaining information on work and the act of notification was significant (p = 0.0276). Conclusion: The professionals are still unaware of the legal issues related to notification. It is suggested that the training of them to deal with the bureaucratic side of the issue, once notify contributes to the delineation of the epidemiology of violence and consequent development of public policies


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of Hygienists (TSB) and Dental Auxiliaries (ASB) in relation to their roles regulated by Law number 11.889, December 24th, 2008, and formation of them and capacitating received before they had been admitted in public health system. It’s a transversal and descriptive study where the target population were TSB and ASB (N=76) that works in public service from 5 cities of the DRS II-SP. Data collection was performed by semi-structured instrument with opened and closed questions. The answer rate was 90.79% (n=69). The results showed that the majority of professional know part of their duties (56%) Near half of them had formation course (47.8%). In relation to information received during formation courses, 80% stated had received all information necessary to actualization of knowledge, however, 84% stated to feel necessity to actualize their knowledge to develop their works, 58% of professionals said that they don’t receive capacitating after they had been admitted. It was possible to conclude that the majority of professionals know part of their roles, has formation course and the majority don’t receive capacitating when they are admitted in public health system, however, it was observed that a part of them don’t have specific formation yet and don’t know part of their roles according to current legislation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS