201 resultados para rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper reports twenty eight acarine species belonging to twenty four genera in eleven families, associated with rubber trees, Hevea spp. (Euphorbiaceae), from Brazil. A key to the genera and species is included.


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O ataque dos ácaros Calacarus heveae Feres e Tenuipalpus heveae Baker em seringueira pode causar intenso desfolhamento precoce das plantas. É provável que a queda de folhas antes do período de senescência normal resulte em diminuição da capacidade fotossintética e como conseqüência, da produção. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do desfolhamento provocado por ácaros sobre a produção de látex da seringueira. O experimento foi desenvolvido no município de Reginópolis, SP, com o clone PB 235, no período de setembro de 2002 a agosto de 2003, com dois tratamentos: área tratada com defensivos agrícolas para evitar o desfolhamento e área sem pulverização. As plantas foram submetidas ao sistema de sangria 1/2 S d/5 6d/7. 10m/y. ET 3.3% 4/y e a produção foi pesada mensalmente. As amostragens dos ácaros foram realizadas com intervalo de 7 a 10 dias. O desfolhamento foi avaliado pela medição, com auxílio de um luxímetro, da intensidade de luz sob a copa das plantas. Houve diferença significativa na ocorrência dos ácaros. Para C. heveae, a média geral, de todas as avaliações, foi de 0,34 ácaros/cm² na área tratada e de 0,93 ácaros/cm², na área sem tratamento. Para T. heveae esses valores foram de 0,06 e 1,09 ácaros/cm², respectivamente. Como consequência, houve diferença significativa com relação ao desfolhamento e à produção nos meses de maio, junho, julho e agosto.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The basic knowledge of the seasonal occurrence of mites can supply data for elaboration of programs of ecological management to be implanted with success in the future. The objective of this study was to determine the species richness and the seasonality of mites present in two areas of rubber tree crops neighboring to native areas in Itiquira, MT. Along one year, 25 quantitative samplings were accomplished in rubber tree crop neighboring to two fragments of Cerrado (Cerradao and Mata Riparia). There were registered 199,380 mites, of 48 species, belonging to 15 families. of those, 13 species are phytophagous, 18 predators and 17 mycophagous or of unknown alimentary habit. Three phytophagous species represented more than 97% of the mites collected: Phyllocoptruta seringueirae Feres (80.8%), Tenuipalpus heveae Baker (12.7%) and Calacarus heveae Feres (3.6%). Among the predators, the most abundant species were Agistemus sp., Scirula sp. and Euseius concordis (Chant). Twenty-eight species were common to both crops. The families that had the largest number of species collected in the neighboring area to Cerradao were Tydeidae (7), Tarsonemidae (6), Eriophyidae and Phytoseiidae (4), and in the area close to Mata Riparia, Tydeidae (9) and Phytoseiidae (8). The presence of vegetation near the crop should explain the great number of species of mites classified as accidental found in this study. The largest abundances and species richness occurred in the end of the rainy season and beginning of the dry season.


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The rubber tree red false spider mite, Tenuipalpus heveae Baker, is an important pest of Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex. Adr. de Juss.) Muell. Arg. The phytoseiid mite Euseius citrifolius Dennmark & Muma has frequently been recorded on rubber tree crops. The objective of this work was to determine the predatory activity of E. citrifolius on the different life stages (egg, larva, nymph and adult) of T. heveae. The experiments were carried out in Petri dishes (9-cm diameter) containing a layer of wet cotton inside, onto which a disk of rubber tree leaf (2.5-cm diameter) was laid. The disks were taken from naturally infested leaves. Twenty specimens in the life stage that was to be tested were left on the disk and the others were eliminated; a predator life stage (larva, nymph or female) was obtained from a laboratory stock colony and put into each dish. For each tested life stage of E. citrifolius, 4 treatments (T. heveae life stages) and 20 replications were considered in a randomized block design. The observations were made after 24 hours for larvae and nymphs of the predator, and after 24, 48 and 72 hours for the females. E. citrifolius larvae and nymphs had a higher preference for T. heveae larvae followed by nymphs, eggs and adults. Within 72 hours, each predator female consumed 15.0 larvae, 14.5 nymphs, 7.4 adults or 2.2 eggs of T. heveae. It is concluded that E. citrifolius can feed on red false spider mites, the larva and nymph being the preferred stages.


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The present work of research was developed in rubber tree plantation, clone RRIM 600, with 15 years of age, in the region of Jose Bonifácio - SP, situated 21°03′ latitude (s), 49°41′ of longitude (w) and 490 altitude of m, to the sum of the micro watershed of the river Barra Grande. The research had the purpose to evaluate the redistribution of precipitations in hidric year 1995/96, esteem the rain precipitation, effective, throughfall, stemflow and the interception by canopies of the rubber tree. They had been installed the open sky and under the canopy of the trees rain gauges and interception of trunk to quantify (mm) the redistribution of rains. The annual average rain precipitation was of 1053,6 mm, the throughfall of 699,4 mm and stemflow for the 92,3 mm. the interception by canopies and the precipitation effective had resulted in 261,9 and 791,7 mm; being these respectively 24.9% and 75.1% of the rain precipitation in the rubber tree.


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Green chemistry is an innovative way to approach the synthesis of metallic nanostructures employing eco-friendly substances (natural compounds) acting as reducing agents. Usually, slow kinetics are expected due to, use of microbiological materials. In this report we study composites of natural rubber (NR) membranes fabricated using latex from Hevea brasiliensis trees (RRIM 600) that works as reducing agent for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles. A straight and clean method is presented, to produce gold nanoparticles (AuNP) in a flexible substrate or in solution, without the use of chemical reducing reagents, and at the same time providing good size's homogeneity, reproducibility, and stability of the composites. Copyright © 2013 Flávio C. Cabrera et al.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)