154 resultados para ressonâncias orbitais


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The style of life in the cities deprives the man of the contact with nature. As a way to escape from the turbulent reality of the urban system, the urban planning provides areas that allow the contact between man and nature like botanical gardens, parks, leafy squares, etc. These places, through specific analysis, are also called green areas. Thus, the main purpose of this research is to outline and analyze, through geoprocessing techniques, green areas of Americana, São Paulo considering them as indicators of urban environmental quality. This evaluation will be based on the methodology adapted by Bargos (2010) where products of remote sensing were used (aerial photos and satellite images) and it will be also based on field work and calculation of the amount of green areas. The software ESRI ArcGIS® will be used to create thematic maps connected with city’s green areas. Based on the results achieved in this study, it’s expected to contribute to the government of the city of Americana in order to provide benefits of analysis for decision makers in the context of urban planning aiming an improvement in the urban environmental quality, thus benefiting its entire population


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The objective of this research was to conduct an analysis of multitemporal landscape Ipanema National Forest, located in the municipalities of Iperó, Capela do Alto and Araçoiaba da Serra – São Paulo estate, Brazil, considering the scenarios of 1965, 2007 and 2011. The multitemporal analysis, using aerial photographs and satellite images, contributed to the contextualization and spatialization of the evolution of the landscape area. Through analysis interpretation of the images, performed by means of supervised classification were obtained thematic maps of the area, equivalent to approximately 53 km2. Through geoprocessing techniques, especially Geographic Information Systems, it was possible the integration and manipulation of data, both spatial and statistical, allowing integrated analysis of data from the entire area of the National Forest of Ipanema. As the main result, we found that the Ipanema National Forest is in landscape evolution positive, with those 46 years examined the increase of native heavy foliage areas. Increasing from 7.1 km2 of the total area of dense vegetation in 1965 to 35.9 km2 in 2011. Overall, it was possible to realize a scenario landscape quite optimistic about the evolution of forest conservation area


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The fundamental objective of this research was analyzed the urban expansion’s process of municipality Piracicaba, it is located in the countryside of São Paulo state. The use and occupation of land by observing the social and environmental impacts related, including the Protection Permanent Area (PPA) of urban fringes according to the successive expansions of Piracicaba city in 2006, the publication year of the current city hall director planning, until 2011, when the approval of the eighth and most recent update of Piracicaba’s expanding the perimeter. The development of the study was conducted with the support of bibliographic, cartographic, considering maps and satellite images, further more field work. Thematic maps of the current urban expansion were created, urban voids and land use were developed, typifying the occupation according to the activities established thus through the analysis of land use through cartographic interpretation, as research in locus. To assist the research geotechnologies were used, both for production and for the interpretation of cartographic materials, specially in Geographic Information Systems


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The metropolitan region of São Paulo is the most populous of the country, this happens because of its great importance in the national economy and the job opportunities that are offered to the population. These factors result in intense population growth and urban expansion, reaching some non-habitable places of the metropolis, as areas of pipelines, which are very important for the transportation of natural gas, oil and its derivatives. Before the population growth of the region, these sites were unoccupied, do not presenting problems for the population. However, with the disorderly occupation is generated great anthropogenic pressure on the pipeline stitches, causing risks to people who are around them. Therefore it is extremely important to monitor the strip of pipelines through products and techniques of remote sensing and geoprocessing, enabling, through high spatial resolution images, identification of objects or phenomena that occur on Earth's surface that can alter the functioning and safety of pipelines. Therefore, this study aims to monitor a stretch of the area of the pipeline mesh GASPAL/OSVAT and Capuava Refinery (RECAP), located on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of São Paulo in the city of Mauá, who suffer great human pressure, proving thus the techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) as effective tools for monitoring phenomena occurred in urban areas of great complexity. The monitoring was done by object-based classification applied in orbital images Ikonos II and RapidEye, of high spatial resolution and, image processing, detection of objects, segmentation, classification and editing were developed through the eCognition and ArcGis softwares. To determine the statistical accuracy of the mapping of the land cover of the stretch of pipeline in Maua, the results were analyzed by error matrix... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This paper discusses about the use of remote sensing image and processing digital images tools for mapping and assessing the effect on the biomass of the culture of sugar cane in the city of Rio Claro. We used satellite images from CBERS in the passages of 19/04/2009 and 23/09/08, which correspond respectively to the stages where the sugar cane appeared in growing and adult pre-harvest stage. In these images, we applied procedures of digital processing, as the application of the procedures for extending linear contrast, radiometric normalization, Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) and pixel by pixel classification by ISOSEG through of the software SPRING. As a result we obtained mapping of the distribution and development stages of the culture of sugar cane in the city of Rio Claro and the mapping of the existing biomass of this culture, showing that the method used to assess the relative effect on biomass in culture of sugar cane was efficient, and that images of low-medium resolution are not the most suitable for the mapping of this culture


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In this work we study some topics of Celestial Mechanics, namely the problem of rigid body rotation and “spin-orbit” resonances. Emphasis is placed on the problem formulation and applications to some exoplanets with physical parameters (e.g. mass and radius) compatible with a terrestrial type constitution (e.g. rock) belonging to multiple planetary systems. The approach is both analytical and numerical. The analytical part consists of: i) the deduction of the equation of motion for the rotation problem of a spherical body with no symmetry, disturbed by a central body; ii) modeling the same problem by including a third-body in the planet-star system; iii) formulation of the concept of “spin-orbit” resonance in which the orbital period of the planet is an integer multiple of the rotation’s period. Topics of dynamical systems (e.g. equilibrium points, chaos, surface sections, etc.) will be included at this stage. In the numerical part simulations are performed with numerical models developed in the previous analytical section. As a first step we consider the orbit of the planet not perturbed by a third-body in the star-planet system. In this case the eccentricity and orbital semi-major axis of the planet are constants. Here the technique of surface sections, widely used in dynamical systems are applied. Next, we consider the action of a third body, developing a more realistic model for planetary rotation. The results in both cases are compared. Since the technique of disturbed surface sections is no longer applicable, we quantitatively evaluate the evolution of the characteristic angles of rotation (e.g. physical libration) by studying the evolution of individual orbits in the dynamically important regions of phase space, the latter obtained in the undisturbed case


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“Ao vencedor, as batatas” era o lema de Humanitas, princípio filosófico concebido por Quincas Borba, um rico e excêntrico filósofo que se apresentava como o maior homem da terra. Usando ironia, paródia, recursos satíricos e tendo uma aguçada visão da existência humana, Machado de Assis retrata um quadro impressionante das condições políticas e sociais não apenas da decadência do império brasileiro, mas também do gênero humano. O ensaio analisa o romance machadiano - narrado em terceira pessoa e publicado em livro em 1891 - utilizando os recursos fornecidos pelos estudos de literatura comparada. As ressonâncias das leituras de Erasmo (Elogio à loucura), Cervantes (Dom Quixote), Voltaire (Cândido) e Darwin, no tocante à teoria da seleção natural das espécies, demonstram o impacto da presença da cultura europeia no pensamento do escritor brasileiro e sua aclimatação aos costumes do Rio de Janeiro num curto e turbulento período histórico em que a nação experimentava profundas mudanças políticas: a abolição da escravatura (1888) e proclamação da República no ano seguinte.


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Pós-graduação em Física - FEG


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The short stories of Charles Nodier and Théophile Gautier, respectively “Une Heure ou La Vision” (1806) and “La Morte amoureuse” (1836), while showing elements originating from the Gothic novel, are structured as fantastic narratives, rousing the ambiguity from the themes of dreams and madness. This article tries to highlight the resonances of Gothic literature in the selected short stories, as well as the characteristics which determine the fantastic and define it as a new subgenre in the European Romanticism.


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Starting from general considerations on the Orpheus myth and its resonance on Brazilian poetry, this essay aims at an interpretative analysis of the prose poem “Orpheus” from José Paulo Paes, published in one of the author’s latest books, A meu esmo (1995).


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Over the past 60 years, the advancement of the sciences, the urbanization process of industrial centers, the mediatical advancement, the new family arrangements, the conquers of sexual minorities: homosexuals, transsexuals, transvestites, among other phenomena, coupled with the emphasis on individualism, and upon obtaining mediatical visibility, have softened the ethos of gender relationships in such a way to insert other approaches to the hegemony of the heteronormativity, whose resonances are present in and through symbolic exchanges with the other being, through which the contemporary subject comprises the subjectivation process.


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The present study aims to analyze the Brazilian public policies made for the elderly citizen population and to examine their resonance in the production of senses and images on the process of aging. For this, we draw cartographies that could find producing figures of sense about the aging, passing through some politics formulated for to this age group, since the decade of 1920 until the creation of the “Estatuto do Idoso”, in 2003. We checked that the appearance of public policies for the old age happened as an answer to the challenge of managing and controlling the aging process courses in front of the increase of the elderly citizen population. The “Estatuto do Idoso” is an important landmark of the management advance of the State upon the oldness and of the substitution of an philanthropic-assistance model for a preventive model which is based on the promotion of a healthy and productive longevity. With that, next to the figure of the sick and inactive elderly , it begins to appear figurations of a healthy and powerful aging, crossed by images of vitality and rejuvenation.


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The question of the relationship between subject and object has been discussed and explored in several theoretical and methodological systems, showing resonances and disagreements about the possibilities of developing a science or a philosophical system to allow the construction of the knowledge about the world. Among these, the systems of two authors in particular are different, respectively, regarding the complexity and ontological taxonomic: Michel Foucault and Karl Marx. This work aims to discuss the objectivity and subjectivity in the work of these two thinkers, indicating some possible correlations. The discussions were about the concept of knowledge in Michel Foucault, difficulties experienced by its researchers to classify their work within a classical theoretical system and the difference of Marxist theory in relation to other research programs for not presenting the individual as the fundamental ontological entity. Foucault´s work influenced the process of restoration and redemption of Marxism by Marxists groups.


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This paper aims to present a reflection on the contemporary way of life substantiated by its pillars -consumption, individualism, competitiveness, fluid relationship - aiming to assimilate it to an administrative management model that is widely distributed in monopolistic-financial capitalism - strategic management model - guided by the question: Why does this management model find such a fertile field for development in the contemporary scenario? Thus, the study was theoretically and methodologically based on the approach of psychosociology and was developed from a theoretical review. We have conducted a contextualization and definition of contemporaneity in which a market society that celebrates the spectacle lies, analyzing, from this point, the strategic organizational management model that has been working as a drug in the subjective constitution of the individuals producing the striking resonances in the psychosocial field. The assimilation performed in this paper allowed us to clarify some possible causes of social pathologies arising from the increasingly cruel world we face in professional life.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)