163 resultados para quimioterapia de indução
This paper aims to show practical and effectiveexperiencesfor lessons Industrial Automation Laboratory taught inundergraduate degreein ElectricalEngineering from the University Júlio MesquitaFilho - UNESP, Guaratinguetá. Experiments carriedsimulatecontrol and drive systems of electric three phase induction motors (MIT)widely usedinindustries. The experiments simulate a manufacturing environment where there isa need to control the activation and continuous operation ofelectricmotors. Seven experimentsthat simulatethe firing of electrical motors through a controlsystem, a driver along with asimulator loads coupled to the electric motor was developed. Experiments usinga Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) as acontroller,an inverter frequencyasdriver, and MagneticBrake, as simulatorengine loads . The experiments were divided accordingto the speed reference signal used fordrivingand operating the electric motor: digital and analog. The first five experiments performing the drive control and operation of the electric motor via digital signals. The sixth and seventh experiments using an analog signal as a reference speed for the electric motor
This work aims to make the closed loop control of a three phase induction motor, through the integration of the following equipment: a frequency inverter, the actuator system; a programmable logic controller (PLC), the controller; an encoder, the velocity sensor, used as a feedback monitoring the control variable and the three-phase induction motor, the plant to be controlled. The control is performed using a Proportional - Integrative - Derivative (PID) approach. The PLC has a help instruction, which performs the auto adjustment of the controller, that instruction is used and confronted with other adjustment methods. There are several types of methods adjustments to the PID controllers, where the empirical methods are addressed in this work. The system is deployed at the Interface and Electro Electronic Control laboratory in the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio Mesquita Filho, Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, then, in the future, this work becomes an experiment to be conducted in the classroom, allowing undergraduate students to develop a greater affinity to the programs used by the PLC as well as studies of undergraduate and graduate works with the help of assembly made
Most cancer types are treated by antineoplastic chemotherapy, which can be performed conjointly with other treatments, such as radiotherapy and surgery. Due to its action, chemotherapy provides the possibility of cure, but it also leads to a number of adverse effects, such as myelosuppression, cutaneous and gastrointestinal toxicity, etc. Patients undergoing chemotherapy must receive constant information concerning how to prevent or minimize these effects in order to achieve better quality of life and, consequently, a more successful treatment. Hence, this study aimed at investigating the need and preference for different forms of information by oncologic patients submitted to chemotherapy. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study conducted at the chemotherapy division of the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital/SP on a sample of 50 patients older than 18 years. After previous knowledge of the study and formalization of Free Consent, the individuals answered a questionnaire containing 12 questions related to the importance attributed to the information received, from which professional and when to receive it. Data were analyzed by Fisher’s exact test and showed that 62% of the patients were females, and the remaining 38% were males of whom 46% were older than 60 years, 26% were from 50 to 60 years old, 24% from 30 to 50, and only 4% were younger than 30 years old. The patients had lymphatic (23.4%) and solid (76.6%) tumors. All the respondents reported that receiving information about the disease and its treatment was extremely important. As regards information related to side effects, 98% of patients answered that receiving it was extremely important, and only 2% answered that it was little important. Correlations were made between age, gender, and tumor type with the answers obtained for the best moment, how and from whom to receive such informatio... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
O câncer colorretal (CCR) é a terceira causa mais comum de câncer no mundo em ambos os sexos e a segunda causa em países desenvolvidos. Seu tratamento convencional é baseado na cirurgia associada à radioterapia e à quimioterapia em dose máxima tolerável, para tentativa de eliminação massiva das células tumorais. Tal abordagem, no entanto, pode causar efeitos colaterais importantes, entre eles as alterações hematopoiéticas e a supressão da resposta imune. As vacinas de células dendríticas mostram-se como opção terapêutica promissora para muitos tipos de câncer, havendo diferentes protocolos de preparação e sensibilização dessas células para dirigir a resposta antitumoral específica. Alguns agentes antineoplásicos em doses ultrabaixas mostraram modular positivamente as células dendríticas (DCs) e, na célula tumoral, promover alterações na transcrição de vários genes imunologicamente relevantes. Considerando que, em estudos prévios, tais mudanças transcricionais resultaram em aumento de imunogenicidade das células tumorais, hipotetizamos que o RNA das células pré-tratadas deve ser mais eficiente do que o RNA das células originais para preparação de vacinas de células dendríticas. Assim, objetivamos avaliar se o tratamento de células do tumor de cólon humano (HT-29) com PAC ou 5-FU/LEUCO torna seu RNA mais eficiente para preparação dessas vacinas. Para essa investigação, DCs humanas geradas a partir de monócitos de sangue periférico foram transfectadas com RNA total das células tumorais pré-tratadas e, a seguir, testadas quanto à capacidade de apresentação de antígenos e indução de células T citolíticas específicas. Apesar da baixa viabilidade celular pós eletroporação, os resultados obtidos sugerem que o tratamento de células tumorais com concentrações não tóxicas de 5-FU ou PAC promove alteração de expressão... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) offers a proposal to optimize the production of strength and muscular power when performing exercises near maximum to actions previously assessed . The present study aims to show the activation process of postactivation potentiation (PAP) through vertical and plyometric jumps, and explain the user function of these movements. The ratio of post-activation potentiation resulting from plyometric and vertical jumps and explosive strength in the lower limbs aims to improve the potency and maximal strength, proven through studies and protocols detailed here. The results of this research come can be applied both for athletes and for individuals with experience in strength training and jumps (sports like volleyball, basketball and handball). The study was conducted through a literature review, conducted in scientific journals indexed in major databases (PubMed, ISI-Web of Science, SCIELO), books and academic papers (theses and dissertations)
O câncer é causado pela proliferação descontrolada de células, demonstrando uma capacidade coletiva de invasão e metástase. Durante a metástase, as células malignas precisam resistir a anoikis, uma apoptose celular gerada por falta de adesão. No câncer, as integrinas influenciam as células do hospedeiro associadas ao tumor bem como as próprias células tumorais, tendo o potencial de modular a progressão tumoral, a sobrevivência celular, a invasão e a metástase. A integrina αvβ3 é expressa em diversos tumores humanos, mas está em níveis muito reduzidos ou mesmo ausente nos tecidos normais, sendo considerada um alvo privilegiado na terapia anti-tumoral. Células derivadas da medula óssea, como o monócito/macrófago, também expressam esta integrina, ainda que em níveis reduzidos. A desintegrina recombinante DisBa-01 atua principalmente sobre as integrinas αvβ3 e αIIbβ3, e parece possuir a capacidade de inibir a adesão celular de linhagens possuindo a integrina αvβ3 à vitronectina. Sendo assim, observou-se a apoptose que pode ser gerada pela inibição da adesão celular ou pela própria presença da desintegrina, um antagonista de integrina que afeta a adesão celular, em linhagem neoplásica e em linhagem imortalizada de macrófagos, utilizando os métodos de marcação com anexina V e técnica de TUNEL, bem como a presença de células viáveis através da técnica de MTT. As linhagens celulares utilizadas nesse experimento foram expostas a desintegrina DisBa-01 por 24 horas para realização dos testes e as populações celulares aderentes e não aderentes foram analisadas separadamente. Verificou-se uma diminuição na viabilidade celular quando ocorre perda de adesão e na presença da proteína, mas foi observado um resultado não significativo para a ocorrência de apoptose. A desintegrina DisBa-01 ocasiona uma diminuição na viabilidade celular, entretanto parece não ser por apoptose gerando anoikis
This work will discuss how magnetic fields can be produced, either generated by magnets, natural, artificial, or even by an electric current going through a wire, as discovered by Oersted. Besides the theoretical content, experimental studies on magnetic induction and on the Laws of Faraday and Lenz will be performed. In the Magnetic Induction experiment, the electromotive force generated by varying the flow of the field B in a solenoid, depending on the variation of the current intensity and frequency associated with it will be measured; the experiment on the Laws of Faraday and Lenz the electromotive force produced by the relative movement of the magnet in relation to a coil. Thus, this study experimental verification of magnetic induction using solenoids and magnets; analysis of magnetic induction by Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the country. Due to this factor, the interest of showing what relationship exists between vasectomy surgery and the incidence of prostate carcinoma has started. Some epidemiological studies showed an increased risk of prostate cancer in vasectomized men (Emard et al., 2001). On the other hand other authors have argued that there is no correlation (Patel et al., 2005) and there are those who said that vasectomy is linked to reduced risk of prostate cancer (Ross, 1983). Faced with an analysis of published works, such discussion remains today. The vasectomy, or deferentectomia, is a contraceptive male method, which is the section of the vas deferens of man by preventing the sperm from being expelled along with the seminal fluid during ejaculation, and is one of the most simple, economical, uncomplicated post- operative. This study aims to evaluate the process of cell proliferation and to evaluate immuno-histochemically the expression of specific markers of PCNA (Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen) and Ki-67, in the prostate of the gerbil after chemical induction by intraperitoneal injection of the carcinogen N-methyl -N-nitrosourea (MNU), because the regulation of the functional balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis is associated with hyperplasia and prostatic carcinoma. The experimental procedure was performed at the Laboratory of the Department of Anatomy, along with collecting the data for later analysis
Induction heating is a process closely linked to the concepts of heat transfer. It also covers electromagnetic induction and effect of film. Many companies use this technology in their processes due to the high accuracy that can be obtained at temperatures induced. However the dominance of this technology is not common among Brazilian industries. This involves complex systems of equation and heat exchange in transient conduction, and convection and radiation losses. With this work we seek the ability to analyze which parameters influence over this process and the order of magnitude of time required for heating a cylindrical part
A quimioterapia antitumoral convencional, baseada na aplicação da dose máxima tolerável de drogas antineoplásicas, está comumente associada com mielossupressão e causa diminuição da viabilidade e número de células dendríticas (DCs), principais células apresentadoras de antígenos (APCs) do sistema imune. Uma alternativa para limitar os efeitos tóxicos desses agentes é a quimioterapia metronômica, baseada na administração das drogas em doses baixas e frequentes que, entre outros aspectos, melhora a eficácia antitumoral pela inibição da angiogênese no sítio do tumor. Estudos prévios do grupo indicam que doses ultrabaixas de determinados agentes antineoplásicos modulam positivamente o estado de ativação e as funções das células dendríticas, sugerindo que a associação entre vacinas de DCs e quimioterapia metronômica possibilitaria a estimulação da resposta imune, ao mesmo tempo em que as células tumorais sofrem o efeito dos agentes antineoplásicos em doses ultrabaixas. Assim, hipotetizamos que o uso de 5-Fluorouracil e Leucovorina, drogas de escolha para o tratamento do câncer colorretal, em dose efetiva mínima ou dose ultrabaixa não tóxica, poderia modular positivamente as DCs humanas e potencializar a imunogenicidade de células tumorais, além de torná-las mais sensíveis à ação de linfócitos T citotóxicos. Desse modo, o presente estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar o efeito in vitro da dose efetiva mínima e dose não tóxica de 5-Fluorouracil e Leucovorina sobre as funções de células dendríticas humanas e sobre a imunogenicidade de células de câncer colorretal humano da linhagem HT-29. Com esse propósito as DCs humanas foram sensibilizadas com lisatos de células tumorais pré tratadas com as doses previamente determinadas das drogas e avaliadas quanto à capacidade de apresentação de antígenos e indução de linfócitos T citotóxicos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
In the LTP (Long-Term Potentiation) model of learning and memory formation, elaborated in the context of molecular neurobiology, the opening of NMDA (N-Metyl-D-Aspartate) channels to entry of calcium ions into the post-synaptic neuron depends on two excitatory events: the repeated activation of the post-synaptic neuron by only one pre-synaptic neuron (Alternative 1), or its concomitant activation by two or more pre-synaptic neurons (Alternative 2). With the purpose of testing these alternatives, in the context of Cognitive Psychology, we presented to 73 university students a sequence of slides, with the duration of 6 seconds each, containing sentences (one for each slide) considered as being relevant or irrelevant for the subjects. Relevant sentences (R1) were presented only one time, while irrelevant ones were divided in three groups: the first one with sentences presented only one time (I1), the second with sentences presented three times (I3) and the third with sentences presented five times (I5). We conjectured that relevant sentences presented only one time would mobilize two or more brain excitatory pathways (corresponding to Alternative 2 above), while repeated irrelevant sentences would progressively activate the same sensory pathway. After the presentation of the sentences, the subjects answered a written questionnaire with questions about each presented sentence. The results indicate a prevalence of correct answers to R1 over I1, I3 and I5, suggesting that the relevance factor has greater weight than repetition in the induction of declarative memories
Currently, Brazil has one of the largest cattle herds worldwide. In order to keep that milk and meat were introduced reproductive biotechnologies such as artificial insemination, embryo transfer and in vitro fertilization. In certain situations the technique may have undesired effect, for example, the production of calve calves due to the very large increase in the gestation period when performed in vitro fertilization. To avoid this problem we perform the induction of labor in order to prevent the product is longer the womb. This induction can also be made in case of diseases that compromise the life of the mother, twin pregnancy an abnormal size calf. The administration of short acting steroids, prostaglandins, association of short acting steroids and prostaglandins and association of short acting steroids, prostaglandins and long-acting corticosteroids are some of the possibilities of induction
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Proposta de uma metodologia de rebobinamento para converter motor de indução trifásico em monofásico
This paper proposes the conversion of a three-phase induction motor into single phase through rewinding its stator. It presents a methodology to calculate this rewinding process considering the constructive parameters of the, such as number of slots and number of poles, for instance. The operating principles of DC motors are highlighted to introduce the logic involved in the calculation of lap and wave windings. The construction of the stator three-phase induction motor generally uses the lap winding, which is also used in single phase to perform the conversion. The rewinding process is widely used for reconstruction of industrial and residential electric motors that have suffered damage or present flaws with use. Therefore, many three-phase electric motors that are discarded or disposed of could be recovered by the method described in this work for a purpose that contributes to energy efficiency or simply saving resources in single-phase uses