393 resultados para professores educadoras - educação infantil relações de poder conflitos estabelecidos e outsiders.


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The goal of this research is to identify and describe the recreational objects, or toys, childrens play and games offered by teachers from a public municipal school of early childhood education in Pederneiras, a city located inland So Paulo State. The research has started with a retrospective look of the childhood concept and of the recreational objects with in the classical era till the modernity, what has allowed to identify how to play was in history and what is its relation with education. In order to understand how the recreational objects have been seen at school we have made a survey of the oficial Brazilian documents related to the childhood education. The benchmark survey has allowed the organization of a half structured questionnaire and the Kobayashi studies (2009, 2011), was the mean used to identify and classify the recreational objects found at school. The data collected in the benchmark survey in the field remark and by the questionnaire have permitted to identify here recreational objects available by teachers in early childhood education of 3 to 5 years old children at the school mentioned and what they think about the theme, on the other hand the studies performed have allowed us to analyse the adaptation and validity of the recreational objects already found


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This research aims to understand how students of Early Childhood Education (considering the range of 2-3 years) build the space - geometric notions from the interaction established with the school routine. The venue was a municipal school Miners Tiet, within the State of So Paulo. The interest in this research took place from two reasons: the first because of course taken Mathematics in Early Childhood Education and the second stemmed from my professional work in a school for early childhood education. This research is initially composed by bibliographic studies concerning the topic and was grounded in a qualitative interpretive approach, aiming to investigate the psychological process of building space - geometric notions in children. The procedures used in the initial research to collect data were interviews using the method of clinical type and Piagetian tests. Thus allows us to understand the construction of the geometric space by children in their topological, projective and Euclidean relations


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The aim of this study was to identify which have the concept of curriculum kindergarten teacher municipal, city Sheets Pta.-SP, Dalben Marta Conti for how to translate the proposed curriculum for teaching daily. So whether using the guidelines of RCNEI pedagogical practice they do. The work begins with a short discussion on some theoretical curricular themes and a brief analysis of the National Curricular References for Child Education, from then to field research that describes the location where it was applied questionnaire surveyed the teachers, ending with data analysis collected by this instrument. This paper highlights some relevant concerns about the conceptions of curriculum and links witch the practice in teacher


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Este Trabalho de Concluso de Curso tem como objeto de estudo a prtica educativa em arte na educação infantil, focando em atividades que concedam ao aluno liberdade de ao e leve ao desenvolvimento emocional e intelectual. As aulas de arte muitas vezes resumem-se a um produto estereotipado, copiado, festivo, e no a um processo provocador, instigador da criatividade original. Considerando a importncia de um trabalho efetivo com Arte na Educação Infantil, pretendo levantar atividades, que estejam de acordo com os referenciais tericos e que fomentem o desenvolvimento da criatividade das crianas, oferecendo, aos professores desse nvel de ensino, facilitadores para o trabalho com arte


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This paper aims at discussion the construction of autonomy of cognitive development and child morality, according to the Piagetian approach view of the influence of socio-moral classroom in kindergarten. It is known that education is a very important part of participation in relation to the development of autonomy by the child, especially when it comes to kindergarten who becomes responsible for performing the initial encouragement of this ability, respecting the phase cognitive development in which the child is. We focus, therefore, the need for education and teaching activities that enable this construction offering little opportunity to exercise and build their first signs of autonomy. For their achievement, in addition to literature, which has been supported by theoretical studies of Jean Piaget, we chose a field research where we look, from the interview and observation, investigate the socio-moral environment of a room class of a school Kindergarten, highlighting the important opportunities for the exercise of autonomy for the children, amid the routine of the group. The interview was focused on the pursuit of basic knowledge of the educator on the subject, as well as what would be aware of the role of preschool in the process of moral development and about their own role as an educator this mode of education. Since the remark was directed at the teacher's procedures against the encouragement of social and moral ability, focusing mainly on interpersonal relationships in the classroom. Our classroom has proved to be a cooperative environment and therefore we emphasize the importance of the teacher's conduct that permeated the day-to-day classroom and encouraged to start building this skill by the student. The main objective of this study therefore was to investigate the possibilities and outcomes that have a school experience for the development of autonomy for children


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It is through the media that information is transmitted, both educational or noneducational. Among the various forms of media theres television, as one of the means of communication most used since the 50s. Most of the time, television displays images and words to reach the target audience, something that is done in a simple, but often appealing way. Media is present in our daily lives and takes a significant educational role in the constitution of subjects. That is to say, the persuasive power of television is amazing, in order to influence children in their habits and their ways of thinking and acting. It was intended to discuss in this paper the influence of media on kindergarten children. For this, the historic rescue of television in Brazil was presented and also its trajectory to the present day and the power of media on children in preschool


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This study is bound to the Research and Studies in Educational Policies, GREPPE (interinstitutional group) Rio Claro Section, more accurately to the Research Project entitled Evaluating the scientific production about financing and agreements in childhood education, coordinate by Prof. Dr. Regiane Helena Bertagna, that has as main objective to survey of scientific production at the national level related to the theme of financing and agreements in childhood education in the period from 2000 to 2010. This research has as objective to analyze the financing of childhood education examinee issues of educational policies related to this aspect in this stage of the basic education in national journals. It is intended to ascertain the discussion held in the articles about childhood education financing highlighting the strategies used by the government to offer treatment to the childhood education by means of agreements, or even, by means of public-private partnerships. For the development of this research will be conducted a survey and data analysis from journals of the Coordination of Improvement of Senior Staff (CAPES) classified as A2 in the evaluation of 2008. The research will make a cutting between the years from 2000 to 2010; will be analyzed only the national journals online available and that adress the thematic studied


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Atualmente, a sociedade vive em uma poca na qual o consumismo exacerbado e isso desencadeia diversas conseqncias negativas para o meio ambiente. No ambiente escolar, existem vrios objetivos a serem alcanados, dentre estes preciso dar uma ateno especial formao de valores dos alunos, auxiliando e ampliando o conhecimento e vivificando os que forem trazidos do ambiente familiar. Sendo assim o objetivo deste trabalho analisar a utilizao das Atividades Fsicas de Aventura na Natureza nas escolas do municpio de Rio Claro, na viso dos profissionais de Educação Fsica. Este estudo de natureza qualitativa e consiste na aplicao de um questionrio em uma amostra aleatria composta por 20 sujeitos que possuam graduao em Licenciatura em Educação Fsica e atuavam, nas redes pblicas e privadas, nessa rea. Os dados provenientes da aplicao dos instrumentos propostos foram analisados descritivamente, por meio da utilizao da Tcnica de Anlise de Contedo Temtico. Foi possvel verificar que existe a vontade dos professores em aplicar esse tema e o reconhecimento dos mesmos sobre a importncia das AFAN para seus alunos. Porm um obstculo encontrado por eles est na falta de preparao para poder trabalhar com estas atividades. interessante notar que eles atribuem esta falta formao acadmica dos professores, na qual esse tema no vem sendo abordado como deveria. H esperana que de este estudo tenha na comprovao de que as AFAN so um tema vivel dentro do ambiente escolar, principalmente no que se diz respeito aos benefcios para os alunos


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Este estudo est vinculado ao Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Poltica Educacional, GREPPE (grupo interinstitucional) Seo Rio Claro, mais precisamente ao Projeto de Pesquisa intitulado A oferta educacional na educação infantil: arranjos institucionais entre o pblico e o privado, coordenado pela Prof Dr Raquel Fontes Borghi que trata sobre a oferta de vagas das escolas de Educação Infantil no estado de So Paulo. O presente estudo pretende analisar as relações entre o pblico e o privado, buscando perceber se o repasse de subsdios s instituies conveniadas (com ou sem fins lucrativos) pelas prefeituras municipais representa uma poltica pblica educacional efetiva para a oferta de vagas na Educação Infantil. Para o estudo sero analisados os municpios denominados muito pequenos, com populao mxima de at 10 mil habitantes. A pesquisa ser qualitativa, bibliogrfica e documental, realizada atravs de entrevista previamente estruturada em forma de questionrio, anexo ao final deste relatrio, por meio de telefonemas e e-mails e referendado por outros estudos j concludos no GREPPE. Aps a coleta de dados, os mesmos sero analisados atravs de bases tericas relacionadas ao assunto e convertidos no relatrio de pesquisa para o Trabalho de Concluso de Curso


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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This article aims to describe how ICT can contribute to the training of teachers on sex education through the lived experience with the implementation of Workshops, which occurred on I COES - I Conference online of sexual education. This Conference was organized by the University of Lisbon-PT, in partnership with UNESP, SP and SC-UDESC. I COES involved education professionals, who work directly in the school to discuss and exchange their experiences related to sexuality education and related fields, through an online space. The research on teacher formation, initial and continuing on sexuality, sex education, gender and sexual diversity, have demonstrated the need to promote and encourage teachers from all areas, to adopt an intentional and emancipatory, their role as sexual educators . Through web conferencing tool Cisco System, I COES was enable the interaction and questioning of ninety five teachers from various parts of Brazil and Portugal, providing opportunities for rich moments of dialogue and reflection on the issues already mentioned, referring to the brazilian and portuguese realities.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)