158 resultados para principal components


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objetive of this research was to study the relation among body weight and average daily gain in different ages, using principal components analysis. Data on 1663 birth weight (BW), weaning weight adjusted to 230 days (WW), yearling weight adjusted to 365 days (YW), long yearling weight adjusted to 550 days (LYW), average daily gain from birth to weaning (AGW), average daily gain from weaning to 365 days (AGY) and average daily gain from 365 days weight to 550 day weight (AGL) from crossbred animals, and data on 320 observations of the same traits from straightbreed Nellore animals were analysed. The model included the fixed effects of breed (only crossbred data), contemporary group, and linear and quadratic effects of age at calving. For body weight in different ages, the first principal component contrasted heavier and light animals after birth and explained about 79,0% and 78,0% of the variation for data on crossbred and Nellore animals, respectively. The second principal component compared heavier animals at weaning and yearling weight those at long yearling weight. It explained around 13,5% and 15,5% of the total variation, respectively, for data on F1 and Nellore breed. The major source of variation among animals on the two data set for body weight was due to differences in weight followed by differences in the ages they got those weight. For the traits expressed as average daily gain, the variation among animals was due to differences in birth season, the first principal component explaining about 52,0% of the variation on crossbred animals. This component compared animal with higher AGY with those with higher AGW and AGL. For data on Nellore breed, the first component explain about 56,0% of the total variation and also compared animals with higher AGY with those with higher AGW and AGL.


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The soybean crop is considered a high expression around the world. In plant breeding programs, knowledge of genetic diversity is extremely important and in this context, are frequently used multivariate analyzes. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the genetic divergence between soybean crosses through multivariate techniques. In total, 16 crosses were evaluated, which were in the F2 generation of inbreeding. The evaluated characteristics were plant height at maturity, height of the first pod, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, number of nodes per plant, hundred seed weight, grain yield and oil content. For the analyzes was used Euclidean distance, methods of hierarchical clustering UPGMA and Ward and principal component analysis. Genetic distances estimated using Euclidean distance ranged from 1.24 to 8.13, with the smallest distance observed between crosses C1 and C4, and the greatest distance between the C2 crosses and C6. The methods UPGMA clustering and Ward met crossings in five different groups. The principal component analysis explained 86.2% of the variance contained in the original eight variables with three main components. The APM characters, NV, NR, NN, PG% and oil were the main contributors to genetic divergence among traits. Multivariate techniques were crucial to the analysis of genetic diversity, and the methods of Ward and UPGMA clustering and principal components have consistent results in this way, the simultaneous use of these tools in genetic analysis of crosses is indicated


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The growing interest in the use of groundwater resources is directly related to the economic advantages that the groundwater exploitation offers when compared to surface waters. This happens especially in large urban centers, such as the city of Americana / SP, where the rivers are increasingly contaminated by household and industrial waste. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the Tubarão Aquifer System, in the city of Americana, to identify and evaluate the spatial distribution of different hydrogeochemical facies as well as understand the rock-fluid interaction through the construction of a conceptual hydrogeochemical model. This study was made based on the recognition of the possible chemical reactions that print the chemical characteristics of groundwater in the area. To do the job, there were two water sampling campaigns of all deep wells used by the City of Americana public water supply. From the results of hydrochemical, classification of water was made by Piper and Stiff diagrams as well as geostatistical data using cluster analysis of principal components. Based on information from the profiles obtained from the survey SIAGAS as well as in geological profiles provided by the city of Americana, we sought to detail the subsurface geology of the Subgroup Itararé in the city of Americana. The results obtained allowed the identification of three hydrochemical types in the study area: Bicarbonated calcium-sodium (1), bicarbonate sodium (2) and sodium chloride (3). The waters have bicarbonate alkaline pH to alkaline and can be considered weakly saline, with electrical conductivity values of around 161 mS / cm. Samples classified as sodium bicarbonate average of 174.99 mS / cm. The pH values ranging from 6.74 to 7.99, averaging 7.52. For the group of waters classified as sodium chloride, conductivity average is 164.32 mS / cm and pH values ranging... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This work presents a study about the use of standards and directions on parallel programming in distributed systems, using the MPI standard and PETSc toolkit, performing an analysis of their performances over certain mathematic operations involving matrices. The concepts are used to develop applications to solve problems involving Principal Components Analysis (PCA), which are executed in a Beowulf cluster. The results are compared to the ones of an analogous application with sequencial execution, and then it is analized if there was any performance boost on the parallel application


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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The objective of this paper is to relate the set of financial ratios that are directly related to the success of public traded companies using a methodological approach and the method of multivariate principal component analysis. This study consists in the use of profitability ratios, debt and liquidity, to define the relationship between financial ratios with the best public traded companies listed in the magazine Exame Melhores e Maiores of 2013. Multivariate analysis was used to reduce the dimensionality of multivariate data, making linear combinations of the original variables (financial ratios) and express the data in principal components that result in new variables that contains much of the original data. As a result, we got the optimal number of five principal components, and both represent 95.6% of the original data. Among of all financial ratios, we can highlight the direct relationship between profitability ratios for the first principal component, and the direct relationship between the liquidity ratios, both inversely related with non-capital participation rates and degree indebtedness to the second principal component


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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In this paper, data on the fauna of Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera (ET) from a Cerrado stream was analysed in order to test the hypothesis that the high seasonality of this biome can influence the composition of ET between the wet and dry seasons. The community structure was evaluated using Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Cluster Analysis (Morisita Horn-UPGMA). Environmental factors were analyzed using the Principal Components Analysis. In order to test the effect of abiotic variables on the fauna, It was applied the Procrustean Randomization Test (Protest) and Mantel Test. The environmental factors recorded for this study had a significant effect on the ET fauna from Córrego do Pedregulho. Faunal similarity was high throughout the year, indicating that although there was density of fluctuation, due to rainfall variation, the faunal composition showed little temporal variability. On the other hand, it was possible to observe that the genus Lachlania (Ephemeroptera) occurred preferably during the rainy months and that the faunal composition during the dry season was less variable than those from other seasons. Therefore, environmental seasonality had a partial effect on the faunal composition of ET from Córrego do Pedregulho.


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Two drainage basins located in the mid-southern region of Paraná state were comparatively studied for analysis of limnological characteristics in lotic ecosystems. Ten segments of rivers and streams were evaluated in each basin, from June 4th through to June, 29th , 2007. The following physical and chemical parameters were measured: water temperature, specific conductance, oxygen saturation, pH, turbidity, current velocity and depth. The two drainage basins presented similar nominal values for all parameters investigated. There were significant differences between the two environments in relation to temperature, pH, and oxygen saturation. Cluster analysis revealed five small groups of samplings, each one with particular limnological characteristics. The Principal Components Analysis (PCA) confirmed the difference among the drainage basins. These results suggest an influence of regional and local factors in limnological characteristics of rivers and streams in the studied drainage basins.