208 resultados para lixiviação de potássio
With the objective of obtaining dry matter curves, and nitrogen and potassium accumulation in Piel de Sapo melon (Cucumis melo L.) hybrid Sancho, an experiment was conducted in Mossoró - RN in a randomized blocks design with three repetitions. Treatments consisted of doses in kg ha-1 of nitrogen: 0, 91, 140 and 184 and potassium: 0, 174, 260 and 346; which were applied by fertigation in depths of 281, 349 and 423mm. Stems, leaves and fruits were harvested 5 times at 28 to 70 days after transplantation, in intervals of 10 days for analyses of aerial dry matter, nitrogen, and potassium accumulation. Doses higher than 140 and 260 kg ha-1 of N and K respectively, did not induce greater accumulation of these nutrients increasing levels throughout the plant cycle. Nitrogen doses of 91 and 140 kg ha-1, potassium doses of 174 and 260 kg ha-1 as well as depth of 348mm provided higher accumulation of potassium in the plant.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study was conducted at the Department of Plant Production, Sector Horticulture, UNESP - Botucatu, SP, Brazil, in order to assess the dynamics of cationic nutrients in roots and leaves and effects on dry matter production of roots and shoots in eggplant grown on conditions of increasing doses of potassium from two distinct sources (KCl and K 2SO 4). The experiment was arranged in randomized blocks in factorial 2 × 4 (two sources of potassium, KCl and K 2SO 4 and four doses of each source equivalent, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 kg ha -1 K 2O) comprising eight treatments with three replicates. For the experiment we used Oxisol medium texture (615 g of sand, silt 45 g and 340 g clay per kg soil). The characteristics evaluated were: soil electrical conductivity, mass of shoot and root material, content and ratio of K +, Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ in roots and leaves of eggplant. We conclude that excessive doses of sources of K 2O affected the production of dry matter of roots and shoots, as well as electrical conductivity. The accumulation and the relationship of Ca2+/K+, Mg 2+/K + were affected by increased K + concentration; K 2SO 4 was the fertilizer that was less damaging.
Fertirrigation with phosphoric acid has been considered as an option to avoid drips from clogging. In some cases, this acid cause soil acidification and it can be substituted bypotassium hydroxide. This study had the objective of evaluating the effects of different phosphoric acid and potassium hydroxide doses, applied via fertirrigation, on soil fertility, plant nutrition and lettuce yield, compared to the conventional fertilization system. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse, in the College of Agricultural Sciences, FCA/UNESP, Botucatu-SP-Brazil. The experimental design was the completely randomized block, with 6 treatments and 4 replications. Treatments consisted of the combinations of doses (25% and 50% of the recommended complete dose for the lettuce) and application ofcomplete dose (100%) of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) applied via fertirrigation, and a control (conventional fertilization system). The results showed that P and K availability in soil and nutrient concentration in plants were affected by treatments. Low phosphorus and potassium doses, applied via fertirrigation, were not efficient for the appropriate development of lettuce plants. The results showed that agronomic characteristics and commercial lettuce were affected by doses and application systems, especially the treatment with application of P and K full dose fertirrigation.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The nutritional management of seedlings in the nursery is one of the most important practices that influence seedling quality. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the development of Schizolobium amazonicum seedlings grown in 250 cm containers with a commercial substrate in the North of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized design with five treatments and five replications, each replication being represented by 24 seedlings. The treatments were: control (only commercial substrate); nitrogen fertilization (150 g m-3 N using ammonium sulfate + 1.0 kg of ammonium sulfate dissolved in 100 L of water and applied in coverage); phosphorus fertilization (300 g P2O 5 m-3 using simple superphosphate); potassium fertilization (100 g m-3 K2O using potassium chloride + 0.3 kg of potassium chloride dissolved in 100 L of water and applied in coverage) and; complete (a mixture of the three nutrients, 150, 300 and 100 g m-3 N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively + 1.0 kg of ammonium sulfate + 0.3 kg of potassium chloride). The commercial substrate was composted milled pine bark plus vermiculite. Evaluations of the seedlings were performed at 90 days after sowing. The complete treatment (NPK) gave the highest values for biometric and best plant indices, which express the quality. When analyzing nutrients in isolation; potassium had the lowest effect. Based on these results it can be recommended to fertilize Schizolobium amazonicum seedlings in nurseries with 150, 300 and 100 g m-3 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively, plus 1.0 kg of sulfate ammonium and 0.3 kg of potassium chloride applied in coverage.
Although there are recommendations for the fertilization of commercial squash crops, studies which connect the effect of topdressing potassium fertilization and yield are still rare. Thus, this study aimed at evaluating topdressing potassium doses on squash (Mirian hybrid) yield, in an experimental farm of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, in São Manuel, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with five treatments (0.0 kg ha-1, 50.0 kg ha-1, 100.0 kg ha-1, 200.0 kg ha-1 and 400.0 kg ha-1 of K2O) and six replications. Plant growth parameters, yield and fruit quality were evaluated. After harvesting, plant (leaves + stem) and soil macronutrients were submitted to chemical analysis and data to variance and regression analysis. It was concluded that the highest yield resulted from the topdressing dose of 199.0 kg ha-1 of K2O. A reduction in calcium and magnesium contents in the plant canopy and a higher K+ content in the soil were observed for increasing K2O levels.
Balanced fertilizations with N and K often increase the performance of crops, however, when there is absence of one of these nutrients in poor soils, can reduce crop response to fertilization with the other. The objective of this work was to evaluate the productivity of sweet-potato, the amount of sweetpotato without quality, and leaf nutrients analysis, of sweet-potato crop fertilized with N and K. The trial was conducted in farming for commercial production, in Presidente Prudente, São Paulo State, during February-June 2007, in a dystrophic Ultisol of medium texture. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, with four replications, on factorial 4 x 4: levels of 0, 30, 60 and 120 kg N ha-1 (urea source) combined with levels of 0, 30, 60 and 120 kg K2O ha-1 (KCl source), applied to 39 days after planting of the crop. The sweet-potato is responsive to topdressing application with nitrogen and potassium, however, the greatest increases in productivity occur when doses of N and K are combined. Fertilization with N and K not increase the amount of sweet-potato without quality marketing. The highest increase in productivity of sweet-potato is reached with topdressing combined with 100 kg N ha-1 plus 120 kg K2O ha-1.
In order to maintain the nutrients available to plants have been studied controlled release fertilizers. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the residual effect of doses of potassium chloride, coated or not, applied in the corn crop, regarding the crop components and grains yield of irrigated winter common bean, cultivated in followed, in Cerrado region. The experiment was conducted in Selvíria - MS, Brazil, 51°22- west longitude and 20°22- south latitude, in a clayey Oxisol, in 2009 and 2010. A randomized block design with four repetitions was used, disposed in a factorial scheme 4 x 2, being: four K2O doses (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1) and two potassium sources (potassium chloride and coated potassium chloride by polymers) applied at sowing in the corn crop. The coated potassium chloride by polymers have the same residual effect as conventional KCl, because it provides results similar for the K and chlorophyll leaf contents, crop components and grains yield of winter common bean irrigated. The increment of potassium doses in the previous crop (corn) have residual effect, because it influenced positively the number of grains per plant in 2009 and increased linearly the chlorophyll leaf content and the grains yield of winter common bean irrigated in 2010, regardless of the source used for K.
The Gerbera is an ornamental perennial herb, belonging to the Asteraceae family. Its cultivation, as well as the entire market for flowers and ornamental plants, is now in full expansion phase. The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth and quality Potted gerbera cultivar Red, according to sources and doses of potassium. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at UNESP/Botucatu. The experimental design was randomized blocks, using a 2x5 factorial arrangement, with two sources (potassium silicate and chloride) and five doses (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg. L-1) 4 replications and 5 plants per plot. Weekly throughout the experimental period, assessments were made of the number of leaves (NL) and the diameter of the plant canopy (DP). at the end of the season and the reproductive cycle, at 42 and 60 days after acclimatization (DAA), respectively, were determined by leaf area (LA), mass (dry leaves (MSF), the dry mass of inflorescence (MSI) and total dry matter (TDM). at the point of marketing is that of open stamens, when the inflorescence had at least two rounds of open, releasing pollen, we determined the number of inflorescences (NI), the diameter of inflorescence (DI), the stem height (AH), the shank diameter (DH) and plant height (PH). Regardless of the doses, potassium silicate promoted greater diameter, leaf area, greater MSF, MST and increased stem height, characteristics that favor the sale of potted gerbera.
The aim was to evaluate levels and forms of application of potassium on the agronomic and alimentary characteristics of corn used for silage. The experiment was carried out at UNIFENAS during the agricultural year of 2008/2009. Fertilization at planting and sowing was performed manually using 120kg ha-1 P2O5 and 30kg ha-1 N, the potassium being applied according to the treatments. The experimental design used was of randomized blocks in a 4 x 2 factorial arrangement with four replications, using four amounts (0; 60; 90 and 120 kg ha-1) and two formsof application of K (100% at planting and 50% at sowing+50% coverage). The interaction between the factors of amount and forms of application of the potassium was not significant (p>0.05) for the variables studied: the main effect of each factor was then investigated. There was no effect (p>0.05) for K levels on the percentage of drymatter (DM) and bedded plants, DM and grain productivity and grain participation in the mass. The highest grain yield was obtained when using K at planting (p<0.05). High doses of potassium did not produce changes in DM, percentage of bedded plants, DM production, grain yield or grain percentage of the plant. The different levels and forms of application of potassium do not alter the alimentary characteristics of corn silage.
Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp] have great social and economic importance for the Para State. It grows well in areas with low precipitation and two crop cycles can be obtained annually. This study aimed to assess the effect of the residual fertilization from a previous culture (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and crop systems on cowpea yield and macronutrient concentration on leaves of three cowpea cultivars (BRSMilênio, BRS-Urubuquara e BRS-Guariba). The study was conducted at the UFRA. The treatments were two crop systems (minimum tillage and conventional), four levels of potassium (50, 100, 200 e 300 kg de KCl ha-1 applied to a previous sorghum culture) and the three cowpea cultivars. Treatments were organized as a three (4 x 2 x 3) factor experiment on a randomized complete block design. The soil was a yellow latosol. In each experiment plot five plants were selected to determine shoot dry matter and foliar nutrient concentration. Grain yield was determined after harvesting all plants on the experiment plot. The residual KCl fertilization affected foliar nutrient content, but did not affect shoot dry mass or yield of grain. Yield was higher in the minimum tillage system. Highest yield (1590 kg ha-1) was recorded int the cv. 'Guariba' when 100 kg of KCl ha-1 had been used in the previous crop. The highest content of leaf N and K was found in cowpea under minimum tillage system. The amount of P and Mg were higher in the conventional system whereas the amount of Ca did not change.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)