144 resultados para interação dos atores sociais
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This proposed project is to analyze the strategies for building and maintaining relationships, as well as the possibilities of intervention of the public relations in the virtual world. For this purpose, we used the multicase study of beer brands - Devassa, Nova Schin, Heineken, Skol and Brahma - to verify their roles in the communication process in their social media channels. Analyses were based on communication theories covering concepts such as the Excellence in Public Relations, the questioning about the definition of public flashing and discussion about the processes of interaction mediated by the Internet. The evaluation of the channels covered the period of 30 days and that the end of the checks it was found that most brands promote specific actions with surface interconnections between media channels, referring only to the effectiveness of social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Orkut in order to consolidate of relationships
The growing concern of experts in organizational communication with appropriate business relationships with its various stakeholders through digital platforms causes an upgrowth on the number of studies on the topic of social media. The social network communication receives analysis in different approaches, ranging from behavioral changes to the instrumentalization of these tools for marketing, relationship and information exchange. The objective of this monograph is to make an exploratory study that relates to organizational communication and social media, and discuss how the theories can contribute to the optimization of communication mediated by specific platforms that bring with them opportunities for interaction and relationship in the digital environment
This paper aims to propose a communication plan to Internet media that explores interaction, expanding “Agência Propagação” institutional communication and of its principal product, the social propaganda messages named “Minuto Consciente”. This study will be based on the concepts of Convergence Culture (JENKINS, 2009), Digital Marketing (TORRES, 2009), Integrated Communication (KUNSCH, 2003) and Computer Mediated Interaction (PRIMO, 2007) to understand the communication an interaction phenomenon in digital era and select the strategies to establish a continuous communication flow in different medias. Therefore, this paper will use exploratory and empirical methodology
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
As questões que motivaram o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram decorrentes do debate permanente acerca do significado dos partidos políticos na atualidade. Partiu-se da hipótese de que a dinâmica organizacional do partido político poderia ser explicada por meio da análise das relações entre os seus filiados, substancialmente dos vínculos estabelecidos com os líderes partidários, com vistas a atenderem os objetivos políticos dos respectivos atores e, ao mesmo tempo, do partido. Assim, foi adotada uma abordagem e uma metodologia de análise que compreende a dinâmica organizacional a partir do capital político que circula no interior do partido, considerando os elementos orientadores das estratégias políticas: as relações entre os atores políticos, os aspectos institucionais e os resultados eleitorais. Para demonstrar o potencial teórico- metodológico da análise de redes sociais na compreensão do capital político, intra-organizacional, dos partidos políticos brasileiros, o texto apresenta resultados referentes a um estudo de caso: o Partido da Social Democracia Brasileria no estado de São Paulo (PSDB-SP), período entre 1988 e 2006.
The world we have been living in has adopted competition as the way for surviving in it, especially due to the capitalism and consumer habits. In this research speaking English is considered one of these differentiations, i.e., distinguishing individuals a unique people. In addition, it is expected that by using this language, among other things, people could have access to: education, a better job and a higher quality of life. However, the process of learning a foreign language is very complex caused by many features that are involved in it, e.g. the impossibility to dissociate language, culture and society. Moreover, it was contemplated if from this language learning, it would be possible to build social and ideological relations as well as personal identities. The most applicable conclusion of this research is the requisite of making students aware of the process for an effective foreign language learning. As a consequence, the context and social, cultural, and ideological characteristics that are part of the mother tongue society must be taken into consideration in the same way as the foreign language society.
The presidency of Evo Morales, indigenous leader and who heads the party Movement Towards Socialism (MAS), opens a series of transformations in several dimensions. The changes in socio-economic and political power express the critic of long-term coloniality relations between a dominant white elite and an indigenous subordinate majority that deepens after national independence. Following this perspective, present in sectors of support to the government, the strategy of the MAS cannot follow the tradition of social revolutions that operated structural breaks in the mode of production and the state organization, but points to a new decolonizing revolution, cultural and political, articulating an indigenism of broad nature, flexible and open to popular social movements. This view is facing critics in sectors of the left that identify the renewal of capitalist modernization process initiated in 1952 under the leadership of the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (MNR), extending citizenship and democratizing access to the state for recognition of Indians as such. From this perspective, the transformations proposed by MAS tend to favor a system restoration by diversifying its economic and social base. From the contrast provided by these two lines of interpretation, we intend to analyze the structural possibilities of the strategy of the government of Evo Morales, taking as historical reference the transformations wrought by the nationalist revolution of 1952 and the neoliberal reforms initiated in 1980.
The present study is a result of a Master’s degree’s research in Psychology, which has been developed with the objective of identifying the social representations of teachers about indiscipline in the classroom. We adopted a qualitative and quantitative approach and also the theory of Social Representations. Data were collected through individual semi-structured interviews. There were three high school teachers, three technical teachers and three teachers from both types of education, resulting in nine teachers from a technical school in São Paulo countryside. We defined three themes to process data through a content analysis, which are: indiscipline causes, alternatives to deal with this issue and conception of indiscipline. This division into themes allowed us to identify categories and we were able to measure frequency and percentage of answers. So far, we analyzed data of interviews corresponding to technical teachers. We noted that most of the answers related to the indiscipline were due to individual and family factors of students. Regarding the alternatives to deal with indiscipline, the answers were mostly related to the relationship of teachers and students. In general, we can say these pre-results show us a difference between the indiscipline causes and the alternatives to deal with them: teachers tend to blame the students themselves and their family problems, but they also say the alternatives are centered on the interaction teacherstudent.
This paper analyzed and mapped social networks among cassava farmers in São Paulo, gathered in search of information regarding production and marketing. A descriptive research, using semi-structured questionnaires, in Tupa and Assis regions, was conducted. UCINET software assisted the analysis of interactions within networks. The results indicate that Tupa network is diffuse and there is little interaction with technology transfer institutions. In Assis, the network is cohesive with greater technological diffusion.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT