205 resultados para crittografia aes algoritmo Rijndael cifrazione decifrazione
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper is the result of discussions held during the initial research on ways of reading and reading activities, to obtain the title of the Ph.D. graduate program in Education at UNESP - Marilia. The paper seeks to rethink the practice followed the reality historically constructed as reference, creating a dialectic movement, and a constant construction, and the overcoming of it. In this perspective, we approach possible practices that can enhance the student's prior knowledge, and from it, to propose ways of action that lead to the development of the subject through the processes of teaching and learning of reading in school. From the study of actions that are agreed as reading practices, the study proposes to work with the Reading Strategies to promote the development of the individual. Among the different results that have been announced in the research, we highlight the need for conscious mediation of the teacher in the act of teaching reading and conscious participation of the student in the process. Partial results give evidence to confirm the hypothesis that: intentional actions are driving the learning of children in activity in the classroom, considering their experiences and choices of the teacher as mediator in the process. Students in third grade of elementary school are the subjects of research, theory and practice. The researcher is the mediator and proposer of the actions based on microgenetic research.
Introduction: public health politics and education privilege school for disease prevention and healthpromotion activities. Objective: this paper describes inter-sector action for childhood accidentsprevention, teachers’ assessments and the knowledge of the students involved. Methods: it wasdone in a kindergarten City School in São Paulo interior. Thirty students from the Pre school secondyear, in the 5-6 age range and the teacher through a signed Consensus Term. The actions wereperformed in the classroom. Questionnaires were used with the teacher and school books with thechildren, formulated by speech and language pathology interns, who lead the actions in school.Results: the results showed an improvement in knowledge about children accident risks and formsof prevention by children and teacher. Conclusions: the educational activity was positively evaluatedfor both participant segments, being suggestive for other classes and/or schools, with health andeducation professionals’ partnership.
An investigation, with the objective of revising the use of a document of individual curricular adaptations, didactic and methodological resource, proposed in order to favor the academic development of students who have special educational needs attending the regular school, has tried to find out how the teachers from a common classroom evaluate their didacticpedagogical actions planned in the referred document, in two big areas of knowledge – Portuguese and Mathematics. Thirty-eight teachers from the first to the fourth grades of the fundamental school have participated in this study as well as twelve specialized ones who taught fifty-four students with a background of strong difficulties in learning and/or suspicion of deficiency, in a municipal school chain in the west of the State of São Paulo. It was possible to identify important aspects in the pedagogical behavior with these students by showing that the use of curricular adequacies can be understood as the promoter of the inclusive education, stimulating the educational progression of this group of students in the common school.
The paper analyzes the Articulated Action Plan of the municipality of Itabaiana, in the state of Sergipe, for the period 2008 – 2011, by identifying the actions and sub-actions under the local government’s responsibility, as well as those actions depending on the support of the Brazilian Department of Education which have been fully implemented, partially implemented and not implemented. The analysis demonstrates the potential of the Plan as a management tool to assist the council in recognizing and systematizing the reality they live in, also making evident its limits as an instrument for triggering the actions and sub-actions prescribed.
The objective of this paper is to introduce a model, called the Model of the System of Schemes of Actions and Operations on Symbols and Signs (MoSSAOSS), that articulates a systemic, systematic, and synthetic view of some of the principal theoretic and experimental results obtained by Piaget and his coworkers. Here, the term model means a schematic representation of experience, the relation of whose elements can be explored by means of logic and mathematics in order to deduce properties that correspond, in a sufficiently accurate form, to direct observable empirical properties. The MoSSAOSS model is intended to reveal in an abstract and simplified form, and through explicit hypothesis and definitions, the general structure and function of the System of Schemes of Actions and Operations on Symbols and Signs. It is this system that furnishes the elements that make possible the diverse structures necessary for the knowledge of the epistemic subject, the subject of knowledge, the stages in their construction, and the attribution of significations to objects, to situations, and to the actions and operations of the subject itself.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
In this work, a tabu search algorithm for solving uncapacitated location problems is presented. The uncapacitated location problem is a classic problem of localization and occurs in many practical situations. The problem consists in determining in a network, at the minimum possible cost, the better localization, in a network, for the installation of facilities in order to attend the customers' associated demands, at the minimum possible cost. One admits that there exists a cost associated with the opening of a facility and a cost of attendance of each customer by any open facilities. In the particular case of the uncapacitated location problem there is no capacity limitation to attend the customers’ demands. There are some parameters in the algorithm that influence the solution’s quality. These parameters were tested and optimal values for them were obtained. The results show that the proposed algorithm is able to find the optimal solution for all small tested problems keeping the compromise between solution’s quality and computational time. However, to solve bigger problems, the structure of the algorithm must be changed in its structure. The implemented algorithm is integrated to a computational platform for solution of logistic problems
Cardoso Island, settled in the south of paulista region, is characterized by its ecological importance due to the great biodiversity of Mata Atlântica and for accommodating several kinds of ecosystems as mangroves, which were considered by UNESCO as human natural ownership. The mangroves are among the most important marine ecosystems, known as warranty of biological productivity and diversity and supply of food and economical resources to the local population. Although the island has been transformed in a state park for preservation, it hasn’t become free from environmental impacts made by antropical activities. This way it was proposed a rebuilt of an evolutionary process in the region, having as an objective to subsidize programs of environmental conservation and planning , aiming to a sustainable development. For this it was used a isobasis methodological analyses where by the drainage channels and its confluences makes relative maps to the different base levels represented by the isobasis, characterizing itself by an attempt to rebuilt the preterit local landscape. There were elaborated eight maps referring to four orders of confluences met in the region of Cardoso Island and round it where you can conclude it is about an appropriate methodology to rebuilt preterits environments that specially aim to actions of environmental planning and conservation.