250 resultados para acute renal failure


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Visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil is caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi and the dog is its most important reservoir. The clinical features in dogs include loss of weight, lymphadenopathy, renal failure, skin lesions, fever, hypergammaglobulinemia, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, and, rarely, neurological symptoms. Most infected animals develop active disease, characterized by high anti-leishmania antibody titers and depressed lymphoproliferative ability. Antibody production is not primarily important for protection but might be involved in the pathogenesis of tissue lesions. An ELISA test was used to determine if there is an association between neurological symptoms and the presence of anti-L. chagasi antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Thirty serum and CSF samples from symptomatic mixed breed dogs (three with neurological symptoms) from a region of high incidence of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil were examined for antibody using total parasite antigen and anti-dog IgG peroxidase conjugate. A high level of L. chagasi antibodies was observed in sera (mean absorbance ± SD, 1.939 ± 0.405; negative control, N = 20, 0.154 ± 0.074) and CSF (1.571 ± 0.532; negative control, N = 10, 0.0195 ± 0.040) from all animals studied. This observation suggests that L. chagasi can cause breakdown of filtration barriers and the transfer of antibodies and antigens from the blood to the CSF compartment. No correlation was observed between antibody titer in CSF and neurological symptoms.


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Crotoxin B is a basic phospholipase A(2) found in the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus and is one of the subunits that constitute crotoxin. This heterodimeric toxin, which is the main component of C. d. terrificus venom, is completed by an acidic, nontoxic and non-enzymatic component (crotoxin A) and is involved in important envenomation effects, such as neurological disorders, myotoxicity and renal failure. Although crotoxin was first crystallized in 1938, no crystal structure is currently available for crotoxin, crotoxin A or crotoxin B. In this work, the crystallization, X-ray diffraction data collection to 2.28 angstrom resolution and molecular-replacement solution of a novel tetrameric complex formed by two dimers of crotoxin B isoforms (CB1 and CB2) is presented.


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Crotoxin B (CB or Cdt PLA(2)) is a basic Asp49-PLA(2) found in the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus and it is one of the subunits that constitute the crotoxin (Cro). This heterodimeric toxin, main component of the C. d. terrificus venom, is completed by an acidic, nontoxic, and nonenzymatic component (crotoxin A, CA or crotapotin), and it is related to important envenomation effects such as neurological disorders, myotoxicity, and renal failure. Although Cro has been crystallized since 1938, no crystal structure of this toxin or its subunits is currently available. In this work, the authors present the crystal structure of novel tetrameric complex formed by two dimers of crotoxin B isoforms (CB1 and CB2). The results suggest that these assemblies are stable in solution and show that Ser1 and Glu92 of CB1 and CB2, respectively, play an important role in the oligomerization. The tetrameric and dimeric conformations resulting from the association of the isoforms may increase the neurotoxicity of the toxin CB by the creation of new binding sites, which could improve the affinity of the molecular complexes to the presynaptic membrane.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a apresentação clínica e a evolução de pacientes portadores de glomerulonefrite lúpica. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 37 pacientes portadores de glomerulonefrite lúpica, atendidos pela Disciplina de Nefrologia - Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, com seguimento médio de 52,4 ± 13,3 meses. Os dados foram obtidos através do levantamento retrospectivo dos prontuários. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 26,05 ± 11,12 anos, com predomínio do sexo feminino (84%) sendo que a glomerulonefrite classe IV foi a mais freqüente (80%). No início do seguimento a média da creatinina sérica foi de 1,74 ± 1,15 mg/dl, e a da proteinúria de 24h foi de 2,62 ± 2.89 g. Cinqüenta e um porcento dos pacientes com creatinina sérica elevada apresentaram, durante o seguimento, diminuição desses valores. Dentre diferentes variáveis estudadas, à época da biopsia renal, (idade, sexo, proteinúria, presença de hipertensão arterial e creatinina sérica) a única que se associou com pior prognóstico foi a elevação da creatinina sérica. Remissão da síndrome nefrótica ocorreu em 65% das vezes. A sobrevida atuarial foi de 96%, 82%, 70% e 70% em 1, 5, 10 e 12 anos. Cinco pacientes desenvolveram insuficiência renal crônica terminal e sete morreram, sendo infecção a principal causa de óbito (57%) CONCLUSÃO: em pacientes com nefropatia lúpica, o aumento da creatinina sérica, à época da biópsia, se associou com o desenvolvimento de insuficiência renal crônica ao fim do seguimento e a principal causa de óbito foi processo infeccioso.


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We explored the role of angiotensin II and vasopressin in the maintenance of blood pressure during the nephrotic syndrome of adriamycin-induced nephropathy in rats. All 91 rats treated with adriamycin developed chronic renal failure with nephrotic syndrome, which was more pronounced in the normotensive rats than the 35% who became hypertensive. Angiotensin II blockade with DuP 753 produced a significantly greater hypotensive response in both the adriamycin-hypertensive (-16+/-3 mmHg) and adriamycin-normotensive (-14+/-5 mmHg) groups than the saline-treated controls (-5+/-1 mm Hg, P<.05). Vasopressin blockade with either a V1V2 inhibitor or a selective V-1 inhibitor produced a hypotensive response in adriamycin-hypertensive rats only (by -16+/-4 and -17+/-2 mm Hg, respectively, P<.01), although the nonselective vasopressin inhibitor produced similar fluid loss and body weight reduction in all three groups. The data suggest that in adriamycin-induced nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome, angiotensin II contributes to blood pressure maintenance in both hypertensive and normotensive animals, whereas the presser action of vasopressin contributes to elevated blood pressure in hypertensive animals only.


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The effects of cyclosporine A (CSA) administration, started as early as renal lesion is induced, on the development of Adriamycin-induced nephropathy were assessed by comparing the time course of this nephropathy in rats receiving CSA with that in non-treated animals (group ADR) over 16 weeks. Throughout the experiment, no significant difference in proteinuria was observed between the groups. At the end of the experiment, there was no significant difference between the groups regarding the frequency of glomerular lesion (Group AADR: Md=23%, P25=15%, P75=75%; Group ADR-CSA: Md=48%, P25=11%, P75=70%); tubulointerstitial lesion index (Group ADR: Md=1.5, P25=1.0, P75=2.5); glomerulosclerosis area (Group ADR = 18.2 +/- 4.2%; Group ADR-CSA = 13.2 +/- 1.4%); and, interstitial fibrosis area (Group ADR+V: 1.75 +/- 0.10%; group ADR-CSA: 1.34 +/- 0.09%). In conclusion, CSA, when, administered since nephropathy induction does not change the course of the disease.


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Hepatozoon sp. was diagnosed in three naturally infected cats from São Paulo state, Brazil. The first animal was admitted to the veterinary clinic with renal failure. During the hematological examination, gamonts of Hepatozoon sp. were observed within polymorphonuclear cells. Another two cats, which lived in the same house as the first cat, were also positive for this hemoparasite. This is the first report of a Hepatozoon sp. infection in domestic cats from Brazil.


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HLA-G is a non-classic Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA-G) Class I of low polymorphism and restricted tissue distribution that displays tolerogenic functions. In heart transplantation and in combined liver/renal allograft transplantation, the expression of HLA-G has been associated with a lower incidence of acute graft rejection episodes and absence of chronic dysfunction. Since the expression of HLA-G in renal biopsies has been investigated only in few patients who received a combined kidney and liver transplant, in this study we performed a cross-sectional study, systematically comparing the expression of HLA-G in post-transplanted renal grafts, stratifying patients according to the presence or absence of rejection.Patients and Methods: Seventy-three renal specimens (10 with acute rejection and 13 with chronic allograft nephropathy, and 50 with no signs of rejection) were immunohistochemically evaluated for HLA-G expression.Results: In the group as a whole, HLA-G molecules were detected in 40 cases (54.8%). Among specimens that presented HLA-G expression, 2 out of 40 (5%) exhibited acute rejection, 2 (5%) exhibited chronic allograft nephropathy, and the remaining 36 (90%) exhibited no signs of rejection. The comparison between patients with rejection and those without rejection showed that the expression of HLA-G was significantly increased in specimens exhibiting no signs of rejection (p<0.0001). Considering only patients with acute rejection, 8 out of 10 patients showed no HLA-G expression in their kidney biopsies when compared to patients exhibiting no signs of rejection and absence of HLA-G was observed in 14 out of 50 (p=0.0032). Similarly, considering only patients with chronic allograft nephropathy, absence of HLA-G expression was observed in I I out of 13 specimens, whereas in patients without rejection absence of HLA-G was observed in 14 out of 50 (p=0.003). Therapy with tacrolimus was significantly associated with the expression of HLA-G and a better graft prognosis. Conclusions: Our results suggest that HLA-G expression in the kidney allograft and the use of tacrolimus are associated with a lower frequency of acute renal rejection and chronic allograft nephropathy. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rats treated with two injections of adriamycin (week 0 and week 12) developed glomerusclerosis and severe tubulointerstitial lesions as described in the literature. In addition, a number of glomerular alterations were present. These included capillary loop dilation, insudation of eosinophilic material, necrosis, duplication of the glomerular basement membrane, severe mesangiolysis with disruption of the mesangial matrix and segmental double- contours. The renal arterioles and interlobular arteries showed endothelial cell swelling. The subendothelial space was infiltrated by fibrinoid material and there was intensive fibrinoid necrosis of the wall of both arteries and arterioles extending into the glomerular tuft. These alterations were very similar to those observed in the hemolytic uremic syndrome. This observation suggests that the two injections of adriamycin, with a long interval in between them, might induce renal lesions similar to those observed in the hemolytic uremic syndrome.


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The role of superoxide in adriamycin-induced nephropathy (single dose; i.v. 3 mg/kg) has been studied by blocking superoxide synthesis through the administration of allopurinol (500 mg/L in drinking water). In Experiment I (EI), allopurinol administration was started 3 days prior to nephropathy induction and continued until day 14. In Experiment II (EII) allopurinol administration was started 2 weeks after nephropathy induction and was maintained until the end of the experiment (26 weeks). Affected glomeruli frequency and tubulointerstitial lesion index (TILI) were determined at Weeks 2 and 4 (EI) and Week 26 (EII). In EI, and 24 h mean proteinuria in the nephrotic control group (NCG-I) differed from that of the treated nephrotic group (TNG-I) at Week 1 (TNG = 33.3 ± 6.39 mg/24 h; NCG = 59.8 ± 6.3 mg/24 h; p < 0.05) and 2 (NCG-I = 80.0 ± 17.5 mg/24h; TNG-I = 49.1 ± 8.4 mg/24 h; p < 0.05). No glomerular alterations were observed and TILI medians were not different in both nephrotic groups at week 2 (NCG-I = 1+: TNG = 1+) and 4 (NCG = 4+; TNG = 4+). In EII, NCG-II and TNG-II presented different 24 h proteinuria values only at Week 6, (136.91 ± 22.23 mg/24 h ad 72.66 ± 10.72 mg/24 h, respectively; p < 0.05). Between nephrotic groups, there was no statistical difference in the median of affected glomeruli (CNG-II = 56%; TNG-II = 48% and TILI (NCG-II = 8+; TNG-II = 9+). Thus, allopurinol was associated with a transient reduction in proteinuria and it did not alter the progression of the nephropathy.


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The effect of ticlopidine on rats with adriamycin nephropathy was observed during 26 weeks. In the ticlopidine-treated nephrotic animals (TNG), proteinuria was less than in the untreated nephrotic animals (NG), but this difference was significant only at week 6 (TNG = 47.27 ± 16.52 versus NG = 100.08 ± 13.83 mg/24h, p < 0.01) and week 26 (TNG = 157.00 ± 28.73 versus NG = 217.00 ± 21.73 mg/24h, p< 0.01) after ADR injection. NG presented severe tubulointerstitial abnormalities with a tubulointerstitial lesion index of 3+. No difference in glomerular lesions was observed among the groups (NG median = 6%, TNG median = 4% and TCG median = 2%). The tubulointerstitial lesion index of TNG was less intense (median = 2+) but not different from those of the control groups (CG median = 1+; TCG median = 0+) nor NG (median = 3+). We concluded that the treatment with ticlopidine produced some partially beneficial effects but did not prevent the development of adriamycin-induced nephropathy.


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Three experimental protocols were carried out with the aim of evaluating the role of protein restriction on the progression of the established adriamycin-induced nephropathy, and whether the protective effect of the diet persists after the diet is discontinued. The effect of a low protein diet (LPD) was studied for 6 weeks in protocol 1, 16 weeks in protocol 2 and for 28 weeks in protocol 3. In protocol 3, one group (LL) received LPD and another (NN) was given a normal protein diet (NPD). A third group (LN) received LPD for 16 weeks and then NPD for 12 weeks and a fourth group (NL) was fed NPD for 16 weeks and then LPD for 12 weeks. In protocol I the tubulo- interstitial index (TILl) of rats on LPD (Md = 2, P25 = 0.0; P75 = 3.5) after six weeks, was smaller than that of the animals on NPD (Md = 6.0; P25 = 3.0; P75 = 8.0; p < 0.05). In protocol 2, the group taking LPD presented an area of interstitial fibrosis (IF) (Md= 0.5%, P25 0.2%; P75 = 1.9%) smaller than that of the NPD group (Md = 6.8%; P25 = 5.2%; P75 = 7.1%; P < 0.05). No significant difference in the area of glomerulosclerosis (GSA) was observed between the animals on LPD (Md = 0.0%; P25 = 0.0%, P75 = 0.0%) and NPD (Md = 0.37%; P25 = 02% P75 = 1.25%; p > 0.05). In protocol 3, the group LL showed GSA (Md = 1.3%; P25 0.6%, P75 = 2.5%) and IF (Md = 3.60/0; P25 = 1.6%; P75 = 5.9%) smaller that those of LN (GSA Md = 10.1%; P25 = 6.6%; P75 = 14.8%; IF; Md = 17.3%; P25 = 14.1%; P75 = 24,5%), NL (GSA: Md = 9.1%; P25 = 5,8%; P75 = 11.7%; IF; Md = 25.0%; P25 = 20.4%; P75 = 30%), and NN (GSA: Md = 6. 75%; P25 = 4.9%; P75 = 11.7%; IF: Md = 20.9%; P25 = 16.2%; P75 = 32.4%). In conclusion, in order to be effective, LPD must be introduced early and maintained for a long period of tune.


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Although systemic hypertension is very common in patients with glomerulonephritis there is a dispute if this alteration is consequence of the glomerulonephritis per se or is a consequence of the renal failure secondary to the glomerular lesion. With the aim to analyze the factors associated with systemic hypertension, 196 patients with different forms of nephritis were studied. The systemic arterial pressure was measured by standard sphygmomanometer, renal function was evaluated by the determination of the serum creatinine concentration or creatinine clearance. The diagnosis of the type of glomerulonephritis was made on the basis of an examination of kidney biopsy specimens. The prevalence of arterial hypertension among patients with glomerulonephritis was 62.7%. The hypertensive patients were older (hypertensive = 30.6 ± 12.8; normotensive = 25.4 ± 1.6 years; P = 0.03). The prevalence of arterial hypertension was lower in patients with minimal glomerular lesion (12.5%), though their ages were also lower (18.1 ± 3.6 and 29.1 ± 1.03 years; P = 0.03). Arterial hypertension did not correlate with the serum levels of creatinine and albumin; creatinine clearance and 24-h proteinuria. In conclusion: In the patients with glomerulonephritis, the presence of arterial hypertension was associated with a higher mean age whereas the intensity of proteinuria, the level of renal function or the type of glomerulonephritis was not different between the two groups.


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Renal interstitial fibrosis has been observed in a large number of nephropathies and contributes to the progressive deterioration of renal function. Myofibroblasts have been implicated in the reparative process of tissue injury, including renal scarring secondary to glomerular diseases. We performed a retrospective study on 28 patients with biopsy-proven primary membranous nephropathy, to determine whether interstitial myofibroblasts and tubulointerstitial lesions correlated with renal function at follow-up. Tubulointerstitial pathology was evaluated by morphometric and semiquantitative methods. Interstitial myofibroblasts were counted; 24-hour urinary protein and serum creatinine at the time of diagnosis and at the end of follow-up were available for all the patients. There were 20 males and 8 females, age 2-67 years (mean 42.3±153), most of them with nephrotic syndrome (78.6%). The final renal function had deteriorated in 16 patients (57.1%) and in 5 patients (17.8%) reached end-stage. The renal outcome was correlated with histological changes. We found a positive correlation between the severity of tubulointerstitial damage and the deterioration of the final serum creatinine (r 2=0.185; p=0.016). Myofibroblasts did not predict impaired renal function at the final follow-up. The current data do not support previous suggestions that myofibroblasts are a useful a predictor of end-stage renal disease.