233 resultados para Solanum tuberosum


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the phytotoxicity of Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq. leaves ethanolic extract in seeds germination, development and fixation of Lactuca sativa seedlings. The same study also aimed to assess the mitotic index of lettuce roots meristematic cells, quantification of phenols and total flavonoids and triage by mean of phytochemical testing of the main secondary metabolites classes. Bioassays of germination, development of root and hypocotyl were carried out in Petri dishes using achenes of Lactuca sativa L. cv. 'Grand Rapids' (lettuce). Concomitantly, were evaluated the physico-chemical characteristics (pH, osmotic potential and electrical conductivity), mitotic index, quantification of total phenols and flavonoids and determination of phytochemical profile of the treatments extract. The results obtained in the bioassays demonstrate that the ethanol extract of S. aculeatissimuma presents phytotoxic potential in the development of lettuce seedlings, given that the concentration of 20 mg/ml showed greater inhibition (41% of germination). The extract contains significant amounts of antioxidants, total flavonoid and phenols, where the concentration 1000µg/mL showed higher values (86.50%). Furthermore, it was possible to observe the presence of compounds with allelopathic activity in the phytochemical screening test as coumarins, tannins, terpenes, flavonoids and alkaloids. Given the above it is clear that the ethanolic extract of S. aculeatissimum presents allelopathic substances with phytotoxic activity that can affect the germination and development of other plant species in their natural environment.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Phytochromes are red/far-red light photoreceptors that mediate a variety of photomorphogenic processes in plants, from germination to flowering. In addition, there is evidence that phytochromes are also part of the stress signalling response, especially in response to water deficit stress, which is the major abiotic factor limiting plant growth and crop productivity worldwide. In this study, we used the phyA (far red-insensitive; fri), phyB1 (temporary red-insensitive; tri) and phyB2 mutants of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) to study the roles of these three phytochromes in drought stress responses. Compared to wild type (WT) plants grown under water-deficit stress conditions, the fri, tri, and phyB2 mutants did not exhibit altered dry weights, leaf areas, stomatal densities, or stomatal opening. The stomatal conductance of all three mutants was severely reduced under both fully-hydrated and water-deficit conditions. Although relative water contents did change after drought stress in each mutant, the most significant reduction in water potential during water stress was observed in the fri mutant. However, this mutant returned its water status to WT levels during rehydration. Although the phyB2 mutant lost more water from detached leaves during abscisic acid (ABA) treatment, phyB2 behaved like WT plants, indicating that this mutant was not insensitive to ABA. Overall, these results indicate that the phytochromes phyA, phyB1, and phyB2 modulate drought stress responses in tomato.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. The capacity of natural antioxidant from phytochemical has increase attention from researchers and public. However, the extraction process is affecting the activity and the bioavailability of bioactive compounds. The Solanum lycocarpum is a plant of the Brazilian “cerrado”, popularly used as a hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic and control of metabolic diseases. Its effects are attributed to the presence of several glycoalkaloids (solamargine, solasonina) and solasodine. Therefore, the purpose of this communication was, investigate the optimization of extraction condition and evaluation of antioxidant activity from fruits of Solanum lycocarpum. The extracts were obtained using different solvent systems, i.e., water, 50% ethanol, ethanol absolute and ethyl ether (1:10 and 1:20) and different extraction processes: maceration with constant agitation at room temperature, maceration with constant agitation and heating at 30°C and ultrasound. The extracts were characterized by the amount of material extracted (1, 6 and 24 h) and the action of antioxidant activity by DPPH method. The results showed that the polar solvent (50% ethanol) and extractive process maceration with agitation to ambient temperature showed higher contents of extractable of fruits of S. lycocarpum (3.4 g %) and also showed higher antioxidant activity (88.57±2.41% de inhibition). This action whether the presence of glycoalkaloids (solamargine, solasonine and solasodine) in fruits S. lycocarpum which are polar compounds and may explain this increased antioxidant action of this extract.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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On tomato production in Brazil, around two/thirties is designated to consume "in nature". Thus, the skin aspect and its quality became an important factor on buying decision. Tomato presents high mass of water, and its quality depends on temperature and humidity variation. Water loss brings weight and fruit aspect loss, affecting the quality. This work aimed to verify the influence of harvest season on the fruit quality grown in alternative, organic and biodynamic systems. It was evaluated tomato quality characteristics, including mass loss, texture, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids. The cycle stage of the tomato plant interferes on fruit quality. The third, fourth and fifth harvests were those which showed the highest values to quality parameters, with more fresh mass fruit. The sixth harvest showed fruits with high total soluble solids and sugar contents. on the evaluation of mass loss on the three harvest seasons, it was observed that on the first harvest there was a smaller loss. The period of harvest cycle interferes on the time of storage, and fruitd harvested on the first have more conservation time in relation to the other ones.


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Sunflower is an annual dicotyledonous plant, herbaceous, erect and native of North America. It is thermo- and photo-insensitive, hence, can be grown round the year in sub-tropical and tropical countries. Only two spp. H. annuus and H. tuberosum are cultivated for food, remaining spp. are ornamentals, weeds and wild plants. However, H. annuus is allelopathic and inhibit the growth and development of other plants thus reducing their productivity. Much information is available about the allelopathic effects of sunflower crop on following crops in crop rotations. Although it is harmful to all crops, but, is less harmful to crops of Graminae family than other families. It seems that the harmful effects of sunflower in crop rotations are due to release and accumulation of root exudates during crop growth in soil. Soil incorporation of its fresh (green manure) or dry biomass in soil is inhibitory to both crops and weed spp. Several allelochemicals have been characterized from the H. annuus, which inhibit the seed germination and seedling growth of A. albus, A. viridis, Agropyron repens (Elymus repens), Ambrosia artemsiifolia, Avena fatua, Celosia crustata, Chenopodium album, Chloris barbara, Cynodon dactylon, D. sanguinalis, Dactyloctenium ageyptium, Digitaria ciliaris, Echinochloa crus-galli, Flaveria australasica, Parthenium hysterophorus, Portulaca oleracea, Sida spinosa, Trianthema portulacastrum, Veronica perisca the inhibitory effects of this crop may be used for weed management with less herbicides for sustainable agriculture.


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Several Alternaria cassiae isolates were recovered from diseased sicklepod plants (Senna obtusifolia) in the southern regions of Brazil. A representative isolate (Cenargen CG593) was tested for its host range under greenhouse conditions. The fungus promoted symptoms in sicklepod, cassava (Manihot dulce), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and eggplant (Solanum melongena) when tested at a spore concentration of 10(6) spores ml(-1). When the plants were inoculated with a suspension of 10(5) spores ml(-1) and held at a dew period of 12 h (cassava) or 18 h (tomato and eggplant), the plants showed symptoms of the disease, but they recovered and continued their normal vegetative growth. These results show that the fungus A. cassiae is safe to use for the control of S. obtusifolia under Brazilian conditions, because it did not cause excessive damage in the three plants tested.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de quantificar as interações competitivas e os índices de competitividade entre plantas de tomate industrial (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Heinz 9553) e maria-pretinha (Solanum americanum). Usou-se como método um experimento substitutivo, com densidade total de 40 plantas m-2 e 11 proporções, além das monoculturas em densidades, que variaram de 20 a 100 plantas m-2, em intervalos de 20 plantas, conduzidos no delineamento de blocos casualizados com três repetições. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados pelo método convencional de análise de experimentos substitutivos e pela produção recíproca total. A maria-pretinha mostrou ser um competidor mais agressivo que o tomate, sendo mais importante a competição interespecífica para a planta cultivada. Para a biomassa seca total, as duas espécies não competiram pelos mesmos fatores de crescimento. Já para a área foliar, as duas espécies se mostraram competidoras pelos mesmos fatores de crescimento, mostrando ser essa a característica mais sensível à interferência.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Determinou-se os efeitos da convivência com plantas de maria-pretinha sobre a produtividade do tomateiro industrial, híbrido Heinz 9992, em um experimento com dois grupos de tratamentos: no primeiro, o tomate permaneceu livre da competição (60 mil plantas ha-1 de maria-pretinha) do transplantio até 15; 30; 45; 60; 75; 90; 105 e 120 dias (colheita); no segundo, a cultura permaneceu em competição com a maria-pretinha do transplantio até os mesmos períodos citados. Utilizaram-se blocos casualizados, três repetições e parcelas de quatro linhas. Altura, área foliar e massa seca da parte aérea da maria-pretinha foram obtidas a partir de amostras de dez plantas. A área foliar das plantas de maria-pretinha cresceu até 75 dias de convivência com as plantas de tomate (1.588 dm² planta-1), a altura até 60 dias de convivência (85 cm) e a massa seca da parte aérea até 120 dias de convivência (31,7 g planta-1). As produtividades mais alta (108,6 t ha-1 ou 87,6% da produção total de frutos) e mais baixa (14,2 t ha-1; 59,0%) de frutos maduros de tomate foram observadas quando a convivência entre tomate e maria-pretinha ocorreu respectivamente apenas nos 15 primeiros dias e ao longo de todo o ciclo do tomate. Nestes tratamentos, o peso médio de frutos maduros foi de respectivamente 58,7 e 38,0 g. Verificou-se que cada cm² de acréscimo em área foliar das plantas de maria-pretinha causou uma redução de 0,04 t ha-1 na produção de frutos maduros (PFM) (R² = 0,90), cada centímetro em altura da planta daninha reduziu 0,82 t ha-1 na PFM (R² = 0,78) e cada grama de acréscimo em massa seca de caules e folhas da planta daninha causou uma redução de 2,84 t ha-1 PFM (R² = 0,97). O período anterior à interferência, considerando-se a redução na produtividade do tomate em 5%, foi de 27 dias após o transplantio (DAT) da cultura; o período total de prevenção à interferência foi de 46 DAT e, o período crítico de prevenção à interferência, de 27 a 46 DAT.


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Foram estudados os grãos de pólen de 12 gêneros e 41 espécies de Solanaceae ocorrentes na Reserva do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga: Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schlecht., Athenaea picta (Mart.) Sendtn., Brunfelsia latifolia Benth., Brunfelsia pauciflora (Cham. & Schlecht.) Benth., Capsicum flexuosum (L.) Sendtn., Capsicum villosum (L.) Sendtn., Cestrum amictum (L.) Schlecht., Cestrum corymbosum (L.) Schlecht., Cestrum lanceolatum (L.) Miers, Cestrum schlechtendalii (L.) G. Don, Cestrum sendtnerianum (L.) Mart. ex Sendtn., Cyphomandra diploconos Sendtn., Cyphomandra velutina Sendtn., Dyssochroma viridiflora (Sims) Ducke, Nicotiana langsdorffii (Weinm.) Roem. & Schult., Physalis peruviana L., Physalis viscosa L., Sessea brasiliensis Tol., Solandra grandiflora Sw, Solanum americanum Mill., Solanum atropurpureum Schrank., Solanum bullatum Vell., Solanum capsicoides Allion., Solanum cernuum Vell., Solanum concinnum Schott ex Sendtn., Solanum didynum Dun., Solanum diflorum Vell., Solanum excelsum St. Hil. ex Dun., Solanum granuloso-leprosum Dun., Solanum hoehnei Morton, Solanum inaequale Vell., Solanum inodornum Vell., Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. ex Dun., Solanum mauritianum Scop., Solanum paniculatum L., Solanum rufescens Sendtn., Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam., Solanum swartzianum Roem. & Schult., Solanum vaillantii Dun., Solanum variabile Mart., Solanum viarum Dun. São apresentadas descrições para todas as espécies estudadas, ilustrações, observações e seis chaves polínicas.


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Quatro experimentos foram conduzidos na Unesp, Brasil, com o objetivo de determinar a viabilidade agronômica de cultivos consorciados de alface e tomate em ambiente protegido. Consórcios estabelecidos por transplantes da alface aos 0, 10, 20 e 30 dias após o transplante (DAT) do tomate e de tomate aos 0, 10, 20 e 30 DAT da alface, foram avaliados em duas épocas e comparados às suas monoculturas. Cada experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com nove tratamentos. Verificou-se que a produtividade do tomate e a classificação dos frutos não foram influenciadas pela alface, mas a produção da alface foi menor em consórcio. Quanto mais atrasado o transplante da alface menor foi a sua produtividade. Houve efeito de época de cultivo sobre a dimensão da vantagem agronômica do consórcio sobre a monocultura. Na primeira época de cultivo, os consórcios estabelecidos com o transplante da alface de 30 dias antes e até 20 dias após o transplante do tomate proporcionaram índices de eficiência do uso da área (EUA) de 1,63 a 2,22. Na segunda época, os consórcios estabelecidos com o transplante da alface antes do tomate, em até 30 dias, proporcionaram índices EUA de 1,57 a 2,05.