154 resultados para Restrição proteica materna


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Conventional resistance training (TRC) is capable to generate muscular responses according to provided stimuli, as, training volume and intensity. The TRC results in force gains in general. Studies aim this gain to neural adaptation initially, followed by hypertrophy gains. However, studies that used TRC associated to blood flow restriction (RFS) found rise in force and hypertrophy without necessarily detecting rise in neural activity. Therefore this review had as objective, bring up literature data that report this fact and yet, speculate possible elucidation about this responses inversion


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As respostas fisiológicas durante o estresse emocional são mediadas por estruturas límbicas no sistema nervoso central através da ação de vários mecanismos neuroquímicos. O córtex pré-frontal medial (CPFM) é uma região límbica envolvida na integração de respostas comportamentais e fisiológicas ao estresse. Estudos anteriores demonstraram que as sub-regiões do CPFM denominadas pré-límbica (PL) e infra-límbica (IL) parecem ter funções diferentes no controle das respostas ao estresse. Neste sentido, estudos tem sugerido uma função inibitória do córtex PL, ao passo que a ativação do córtex IL parece ter uma ação facilitatória sobre as respostas comportamentais, cardiovasculares e neuroendócrinas ao estresse. Apesar das evidências de um importante papel do CPFM na integração das respostas ao estresse, informações acerca dos mecanismos neuroquímicos locais, envolvidos no controle destas respostas, ainda são escassos. Diante disso, o presente estudo teve o objetivo de investigar, em grupos independentes de animais, o efeito da microinjeção bilateral no córtex PL de WB4101 (antagonista seletivo de adrenoceptores α1), RX821002 (antagonista seletivo de adrenoceptores α2) ou propranolol (antagonista não-seletivo de adrenoceptores β) nas respostas de aumento da pressão arterial (PA) e frequência cardíaca (FC) e redução da temperatura cutânea da cauda induzidas pelo estresse por restrição agudo em ratos. A microinjeção bilateral no córtex PL tanto de WB4101 quanto de RX821002 reduziram as respostas de elevação da PA e FC e a redução na temperatura cutânea da cauda induzidas pelo estresse por restrição. O tratamento local do córtex PL com propranolol reduziu a resposta de temperatura cutânea da cauda, sem afetar os demais parâmetros investigados. Assim, os ...


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Experimental models are necessary to elucidate pathophysiological mechanisms not yet understood in humans. To evaluate the repercussions of the diabetes, considering two methodologies, on the pregnancy of Wistar rats and on the development of their offspring. In the 1st induction, female offspring were distributed into two experimental groups: Group streptozotocin (STZ, n=67): received the β-cytotoxic agent (100mg STZ/kg body weight - sc) on the 1st day of the life; and Non-diabetic Group (ND, n=14): received the vehicle in a similar time period. In the adult life, the animals were mated. After a positive diagnosis of pregnancy (0), female rats from group STZ presenting with lower glycemia than 120 mg/dL received more 20 mg STZ/kg (ip) at day 7 of pregnancy (2nd induction). The female rats with glycemia higher than 120mg/dL were discarded because they reproduced results already found in the literature. In the mornings of days 0, 7, 14 and 21 of the pregnancy glycemia was determined. At day 21 of pregnancy (at term), the female rats were anesthetized and killed for maternal reproductive performance and fetal development analysis. The data were analyzed using Student-Newman-Keuls, Chi-square and Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) Tests (p<0.05). STZ rats presented with increased rates of pre (STZ=22.0%; ND=5.1%) and post-implantation losses (STZ=26.1%; ND=5.7%), reduced rates of fetuses with appropriate weight for gestational age (STZ=66%; ND=93%) and reduced degree of development (ossification sites). Conclusion: Mild diabetes led a negative impact on maternal reproductive performance and caused intrauterine growth restriction and impaired fetal development


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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La théorie des opérations prédicatives et énonciatives de A. Culioli ne porte pas en elle une conception prête à l’emploi de l’enseignement des langues. Ce texte se propose de faire le pont entre cette théorie et les questions d’enseignement. Il construit surtout une réflexion sur les concepts d’activité ou de pratique au sein de l’enseignement des langues maternelles en se basant sur l’activité épilinguistique. Nous souhaitons, en outre, mettre en débat la division qui existe dans l’enseignement des langues entre activité physique et activité mentale.


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Ce texte aborde l’importance de la recherche liée à l’activité é pilinguistique, entendue comme l’activité propre du langage dans le cadre de l’enseignement de la langue maternelle. Le concept d’activité épilinguistique adopté ici est celui de la Théorie des opérations prédicatives et énonciatives élaborée parle linguiste français Antoine Culioli. Dans le but de délimiter l’objet de la recherche et de présenter un modèle d’activité applicable en salle de classe, nous avons choisi d’étudier la conjonction de coordination et d’opposition mas (mais, en français), comprise comme un marqueur lexico - grammatical. L’exercice a été proposé à une classe de septième année (la 5 ème du système français) du collège d’État Dr. Joaquim Batista, dans la ville de Jaboticabal, au Brésil. Dans le cadre de ce travail sur l’activité épilingui stique, les apprenants ont eu l’opportunité d’observer les divers contextes d’occurrence de ce marqueur, mais aussi de comprendre que les mots ne sont pas dotés d’une signification statique. En outre, ce travail a permis aux apprenants de construire leur propre connaissance et d’élaborer une grammaire plus opérationnelle et pertinente.


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The objective of this study is to examine if economic growth in Brazil was blocking due to external constraints, that is, in consequence of its Balance of Payments. We work with the approach first proposed by Thirlwall (1979) which was later modified by Lima and Carvalho (2009). We can conclude that economic growth was restricted by the external sector, which is consistent with the economic history of Brazil, and verify that the real exchange rate, and to influence the trade balance in the course run, also excerce some influence on this account balance of payments in the long run.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate maternal stress and anxiety and the quality of interaction of 10 mothers and their 0-3-month-old babies with Pierre Robin Sequence hospitalized in a university hospital. We used the Inventory of Stress Symptoms for Adults to evaluate stress and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory to assess anxiety of the mothers, and a protocol to assess the recording of the mother-infant interaction. The results showed high levels of maternal stress and anxiety. A statistically significant inverse relationship was found: the higher the maternal anxiety and stress, the lower was the mother-infant interaction. The results indicate that work needs to be done to minimize the anxiety and stress of mothers with inpatient babies in order to encourage interaction.


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Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT