350 resultados para Proteína plasmática
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de teores crescentes de PB na MS total da dieta (11,5; 13,0; 14,5 e 16,0%) sobre os consumos e a digestibilidade total dos nutrientes e a produção e composição do leite de vacas leiteiras no terço inicial da lactação. O experimento foi constituído de quatro períodos experimentais de 15 dias, sete para adaptação dos animais à dieta e oito para coleta de dados. Foram utilizadas oito vacas, manejadas em cochos individuais, distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos balanceados 4 × 4. Utilizou-se concentrado à base de farelo de algodão e fubá de milho (40%) e, como volumoso, cana-de-açúcar corrigida com 1% de uréia + sulfato de amônio (9:1), na proporção de 60% (% MS). Os consumos médios diários de nutrientes, exceto EE e CNF, diferiram à medida que os teores de PB da dieta aumentaram. Os teores de PB na dieta não afetaram os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente total dos nutrientes. A produção de leite corrigida ou não para 3,5% de gordura e seus componentes (gordura, PB e lactose), expressa em g/dia, e o nitrogênio uréico no leite (NUL) tiveram efeito linear crescente, enquanto a eficiência de utilização de N sofreu efeito linear negativo dos teores de PB da dieta. A dieta com 16% PB resultou em valores numericamente maiores de consumo e produção do leite e de seus componentes se comparada às dietas com menores teores de PB.
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do fornecimento, no período das águas, de suplementos formulados com diferentes fontes de proteína sobre os parâmetros nutricionais de bovinos de corte em recria. Foram utilizados cinco novilhos mestiços Holandês × Zebu com peso vivo médio inicial de 300 kg, fistulados no esôfago e no rúmen, distribuídos em cinco piquetes de Brachiaria decumbens de 0,3 ha, em delineamento quadrado latino incompleto (5 × 5), com quatro períodos e cinco tratamentos, em quatro períodos experimentais de 14 dias. Como tratamentos, avaliaram-se suplementos à base de farelo de soja (FS), farelo de algodão (FA, 38% PB), farelo de glúten de milho (FGM, 60% PB) e farelo de trigo + uréia (FTU) e um tratamento testemunha, constituído apenas de mistura mineral (MM). A quantidade diária de suplemento fornecida foi fixada para fornecer aproximadamente 180 g de PB/dia. As fontes protéicas afetaram apenas o consumo de carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF) e o de PB, que foi maior quando fornecido o suplemento à base de farelo de algodão e menor quando fornecida a mistura mineral. Não houve efeito das fontes protéicas sobre as digestibilidades total e parcial dos nutrientes. O pH e os níveis de nitrogênio amoniacal do líquido ruminal (N-NH3) não foram influenciados pelas fontes protéicas avaliadas, mas todos os valores mantiveram-se nos limites favoráveis à digestão da forragem. As fontes de proteína não afetaram a eficiência microbiana, em média 9,96 g PBmic/100g NDT, nem as concentrações de nitrogênio uréico no plasma (NUP), média de 12,78 mg/dL, e a excreção de nitrogênio na urina (NUr), média de 63,14 g/dia.
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes relações entre proteína verdadeira e nitrogênio não-proteico sobre a digestibilidade, a síntese de proteína microbiana e o balanço de compostos nitrogenados em bovinos em pastejo durante o período das águas. Foram utilizados cinco novilhos mestiços Holandês × Zebu, castrados, com peso vivo inicial de 335±35 kg fistulados no rúmen e no abomaso. Os tratamentos foram: controle (somente pasto); e suplementos com ureia; com 2/3 de compostos nitrogenados oriundos da ureia e 1/3 de compostos nitrogenados oriundos da albumina; com 1/3 de compostos nitrogenados oriundos da ureia e 2/3 de compostos nitrogenados oriundos da albumina; e com albumina. Foram fornecidos 200 g/dia de proteína bruta (PB) a partir dos suplementos. O experimento foi conduzido segundo delineamento em quadrado latino 5 × 5, com cinco períodos experimentais, cada um de 15 dias. A suplementação não afetou os coeficientes de digestibilidade total nem o teor de nutrientes digestíveis totais da dieta; elevou as estimativas do coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente ruminal da PB, que migraram de negativa, no tratamento controle, para positivas, porém não diferentes de zero, nos tratamentos envolvendo suplementação. O fornecimento de suplementos elevou a concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal ruminal. O balanço de compostos nitrogenados aumentou com a suplementação. A substituição de ureia por albumina influenciou de forma cúbica o balanço de compostos nitrogenados, cuja estimativa foi maior para o suplemento com 1/3 de PB oriunda da ureia. A eficiência de síntese microbiana no rúmen não foi influenciada pelo fornecimento ou pela composição dos suplementos. A suplementação de bovinos em pastejo com fontes de compostos nitrogenados degradáveis durante o período das águas amplia a eficiência de uso do pasto, principalmente por ampliar a retenção de compostos nitrogenados no organismo.
Em 27 pacas (Cuniculus paca Linnaeus, 1766) objetivou-se descrever aos 30, 60 e 90 dias (D) de prenhez diagnosticada por ultrassonografia (US), os tipos celulares do epitélio vaginal em esfregaços vaginais, relatar as condições de abertura da vulva e as características do muco vaginal, determinar a concentração plasmática de progesterona (P4) por radioimunoensaio, e ainda, mensurar por ultrassonografia (US) o diâmetro biparietal (DBP) fetal aos 60 e 90 dias de prenhez. No D30, 40% das amostras exibiram células (com características estrogênicas) superficiais e presença de núcleos nus. Nos D60 e D90, células parabasais, intermediárias, superficiais e naviculares estavam presentes nas mesmas proporções, mas células endocervicais foram descritas em apenas 73,9% e 69% das amostras daqueles dias, respectivamente. No D30 a maior proporção de células naviculares e superficiais diferiu (p < 0,05) em relação aos outros tipos celulares presentes. O muco vaginal apresentou-se cristalino e fluido em 100% e em 70% das fêmeas nos D30 e D60, respectivamente. Observou-se o vestíbulo vaginal aberto em torno de 50% das fêmeas em todos os dias de exames. Valores mínimos detectáveis de P4 foram obtidos em 72% e em 83% das fêmeas, enquanto que as médias das medidas dos DBP foram 1,25 cm (± 0,16) e 2,34 cm (± 0,25) nos D60 e D90, respectivamente. O quadro citológico vaginal nos D30, D60 e D90 e o DBP fornecem elementos que contribuem para diagnóstico de gestação em pacas. A concentração de P4 demonstra a necessidade de maiores estudos da endocrinologia da gestação em pacas.
To evaluate the nutritional value of rations supplemented with different protein sources, an in vivo digestibility trial was conducted to determine the coefficients of digestibility for dry matter (DMDC) and crude protein (CPDC), nitrogen balance (NB) and the fecal non-protein nitrogen (NPN). Twenty - four 11-months - old lambs weighing 30.4 +/- 3.0 kg were blocked on the basis of their body weight and randomly allocated to three treatments groups; suplemented with cottonseed meal (CSM), starea (ST) or urea (UR). The DMDC was statistically superior for the Starea treatment (67.7%) over the others (64.3% and 64.1% for CSM and UR). The CSM, UR and ST rations had no influence on CPDC (63.9; 66.9 and 69.4%, respectively) and on fecal NPN (1,3; 1,2 e 1,3 g/day, respectively). The NB results were similar also among treatments (13,4; 9,0 e 10,5 g/day to CSM, UR and ST, respectively) although the ST treatment lambs excreted larger amounts of nitrogen in the urine (7.7 g/day) in relation to CSM (4.8g/day) and similar to UR treatment (6.5 g/day). Starea supplement in ruminant diets increased dry matter digestibility when compared to cottonseed meal and urea, but did not improve the efficiency of the nitrogen utilization by lambs.
The objectives of this work were to evaluate three protein sources - soybean meal, fish meal and feather meal - and two methods of calculation of rations - the calculated in terms of crude protein (CP), according to recommendations of NRC (1988); and the proposed by the AFRC (1993), and calculated in terms of metabolizable protein (MP) - through the performance of calves. The animals were confined and submitted to five diets, that varied only protein sources in its composition, thus discriminated: SM- Soybean Meal, FsM- Fish Meal, FeM- Feather Meal, FsMU- Fish Meal and Urea, and FeMU Feather Meal and Urea. A complete diet was supplied, composed of 40% of sorghum silage and 60% of concentrate. All treatments possessed about of 2.56 Mcal/kg DM of metabolizable energy, being the treatments SM, FsM and FeM calculated by the system of CP, with 18% of CP, and the treatments FsMU and FeMU, calculated by the system of MP, with 16.3% of CP and a same amount of metabolizable protein than the treatment SM, with 112.0 grams of MP/day. Individually, the treatments did not present significant differences (P > 0.05) in the final alive weight, in daily gain weight and in dry matter intake, having differences only in the feed:gain ratio. The best feed:gain ratio happened in the treatment FsM and the worst in the treatment FeMU. It is concluded that the MP method provides similar results to the method of CP. The treatments with fish meal provide larger weight gains, smaller intake and better feed:gain ratio than the treatments with feather meal, staying the treatment soybean meal with intermediary daily gain.
This work was carried out at FCAV-UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, Brazil, to study the effects of nitrogen fertilization (0 and 50 kg N/ha/cut), three sucessive periods of growth (December 21st 1987, January 25th 1988 and February 29th 1988)) and three cutting ages (28, 35 and 42 days) on composition in crude protein and in vitro dry matter digestibility of two cultivars of Panicum maximum Jacq. i.e., Coloniao and Tobiata. Plants were harvested in five vertical layers above soil level (0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80 and over 80 cm). The samples were divided in: green leaves, green stems and dry material. Generally, values of in vitro dry matter digestibility and the levels of crude protein of both cultivars were greater in the higher layers of the vegetation, with a decrease, however, for the other layers and more advanced phases of plants development, mainly with no N fertilization.
This research was designed to study the effect of addition of 5, 10 e 15% of textured soy protein (TSP) on sensorial, chemical, and physical-chemical parameters of chicken loaf with ground meat. The sensorial properties were not affected by textured soy protein. The addition of textured soy protein in preparing chicken loaf increased the water absorption and holding capacity, and decreased the moisture and ether extract content, but did not increase the final product yield.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the plasma concentration of diclofenac sodium (DS) in dogs submitted to diclofenaco phonophoresis and to evaluate if phonophoresis induces greater absorption of this drug in dogs. Five dogs were used in eight different groups at different times: One group received oral administration of 40mg of DS per dog and seven groups received topical application of emulgel DS. The topical application area was 20cm(2). A continuous ultrasound frequency of 1MHz and intensity of 0.4W cm(-2) was used. Blood collections were performed before the treatment (T0), and 1h (T1) and 4h (T2) after ultrasound application for all groups. DS concentrations in plasma were measured by high performance liquid choramatohraphy (HPLC). There was significant increase of DS plasma concentration only at T1 in the oral administration group. It was not possible to detect any concentration of DS in the plasma of dogs after topical application of DS, even after DS phonophoresis. The facilitation of transdermal penetration by ultrasound has not been verified under the protocol specified in this research.
The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the performance of commercial layers between 1 and 18 weeks of age submitted to different crude protein (CP) and metabolizable energy (ME) levels. The trial was carried out at the poultry sector of the Department of Animal Science, of the Centro de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidade Federal of Paraiba, Areia-PB, Brazil. Four hundred and thirty-two Lohmann Brown chicks were used at 3 days of age according to a completely randomized design in a 3 x 3 factorial scheme, with three CP levels and three ME levels. In the first phase (1-6 wk), the birds were fed with diets containing three levels of CP: 21, 22 or 23% CP and three levels of ME: 2,900, 3,000 and 3,100 kcal/kg diet. In the second phase (7-12 wk) and in the third phases (13-18 wk), CP levels of feeding were 18, 19 or 20%, and 16, 17 or 18%, respectively, and three ME levels being 2,700, 2,800 or 2,900 kcal ME/kg diet in these two phases. It was not found interaction between CP and ME levels. Based on the results obtained one recommends for the phases from 1 to 6, 7 to 12 and 13 to 18 weeks of age the levels of 21 % of CP and 2900 kcal of ME/kg diets, 20% of CP and 2700 kcal of ME/kg diets and 16% of CP and 2700 kcal of ME/kg diets respectively.
This study was carried out to determine the best digestible protein/digestible lysine ratio that should be present in feed fed to Nile tilapias. Two hundred and sixteen tilapias (11.0 +/- 0.43g) were distributed in 36 fish tanks (205 L) at a density of 6 fish/tank. Twelve feeds were formulated with three different digestible protein (DP) levels 22.0; 26.0 and 30.0% (based on digestible amino acids) and four different lysine percentages of 4.5; 6.0; 7.5 or 9.0% in relation to digestible protein. The fish were fed ad libtum during a 60-day period. There was significant effect of the digestible protein and digestible lysine ratio on weight gain, because the increase in lysine levels in feeds with 26 and 30% DP promoted linear increase in this parameter. The best values for feed conversion were obtained at the levels 26 and 30% DP that increased the daily consumption of digestible protein. The lysine level caused a linear reduction in feed conversion and linear increase in the protein efficiency rate. The results suggested that the 26% DP level might be used in ration to feed Nile tilapia juveniles; however, these should contain digestible amino acids and the digestible lysine/digestible protein ratio should be 6.0%. However, for levels higher than 26% DP, a maximum digestible lysine level of 7.5% DP improved weight gain for the species.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the nutrient intake, blood parameters, follicular diameter and performance of pre-puberty crossbred heifers fed isoproteic diets (14.1%CP) containing 0.0; 0.44; 0.88 and 1.32% urea on the total dry matter (DM) of the diet, with a 77:23 roughage:concentrate ratio. Twenty-four 18- month old heifers (Holstein x Zebu), 277.9 kg mean live weight (LW) were used, distributed in four treatments and six replications in a randomized complete design. The following were evaluated: dry matter intake (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), ether extract (EE), hemicellulose (HEM), plasmatic ureic nitrogen (PUN), plasmatic glucose, plasmatic total cholesterol, follicular diameter and daily weight gain (DWG). No influence of the urea levels in the diet was observed on NDF and HEM intake. A maximum intake was obtained of DM (8.75 kg day(-1)), CP (0.88 kg day(-1)), ADF (2.5 kg day(-1)) and EE (0.17 kg day(-1)) respectively for the levels 0.7, 0.8, 0.7 and 0.7% urea in total DM. The 0.6%; 0.77% and 0.6% urea levels in diet were the critical points for obtaining maximum response for the PUN (10.96 mg dL(-1)) and plasmatic glucose (84.97 mg dL(-1)) concentrations and, for follicular diameter (11.08 mm) on the 40(th); 24(th) and 31(st) day, respectively. The plasmatic total cholesterol concentration and DWG were not influenced by the urea added to the diet, with averages of 119.39 mg dL(-1) and 1.66 kg day(-1), respectively. It was concluded that urea can be added up to 1.32% on the total DM of the diet for pre-puberty crossbred heifers.
This study was carried out to determine the best digestible energy and digestible protein ratio in feeds for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles 30.0 +/- 4.21 g) based on digestible amino acids and the ideal protein concept). Twelve rations were formulated with protein levels 22.0; 26.0; 30.0 and 34.0% of digestible protein and levels 3,000, 3,300 and 3,600 kcal/kg digestible energy. The digestible energy/digestible protein ratio was between 8.94 and 15.19 kcal/g. Three hundred and twenty four tilapias were randomly distributed in thirty six 250 L circular tanks at a density of 9 fish/tank, a total of 12 treatments with three replications. After 60 days, there was no significant difference in weight gain, daily weight gain and feed conversion ratio among the studied treatments. A linear increase was observed in fillet yield with increasing digestible protein. With respect to feed cost/kg weight gain, the treatment with 30.0% DP and 3,000 kcal/kg DE presented low cost and better cost effectiveness index. Therefore, it was concluded that digestible energy did not influence the productive performance parameters and that effective feeds can be formulated with DP levels lower than 34% when feeding juvenile tilapias. The ration should be formulated based on the concept of ideal protein.
The objective of this experiment was to determine the protein requirements for hen pullets from 1 to 18 weeks of age, by factorial method, using the nitrogen balance and the comparative slaughtering techniques. Protein requirements for maintenance, was obtained by the nitrogen balance technique using four diets with different protein levels (18,9, 4 and 2% of CP) aiming to obtain positive balance, next to zero and negative nitrogen balance. The endogenous nitrogen losses (0.2575 g of N/kg·75/day) was obtained by regression of nitrogen balance (NB) on ingestion nitrogen (IN). The requirements of nitrogen for maintenance was estimated by the intercept of axis X (0.3831 g of N/kg·75/day). The slope of the straight line still supplied the efficiency of N of the diet (67.21%). The regression coefficients of the equation represented the requirements of net nitrogen for weight gain. Considering the conversion efficiencies of nitrogen of the diet into nitrogen for weight gain, the requirements of nitrogen were determined for weight gain of .065, .087g and .090 g of N per gram of weight gain, for the phases 1 to 6, 7 to 12, and 13 to 18 weeks of age, respectively. Based on the results, three equations of prediction of the daily nitrogen requirements were fitted in function of live weight (LW in kg) and daily weight gain (G in g): 1 to 6 weeks N=.3831 x BW·75 + G .065, 7 to 12 weeks N=.3831 × BW·75 + G .087, and 13 to 18 weeks N=.3831 × BW·75 + G .090.