153 resultados para Processo de investigação


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A fisiopatologia da esquizofrenia parece envolver uma complexa interação entre vulnerabilidades genéticas e fatores de risco ambientais. O uso de Cannabis tem sido apontado como um destes fatores, que contribui para o surgimento de sintomas psicóticos em indivíduos predispostos e piora o curso da doença pré-estabelecida. O sistema endocanabinóide está envolvido neste processo, podendo apresentar possíveis implicações na manifestação de sintomas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral verificar se variantes dos genes CNR1 (codificador do receptor endocanabinóide tipo 1) e AKT1 (codificador de proteína serina-treonina quinase), individualmente ou interativamente, e o uso de Cannabis podem ser fatores de risco para a esquizofrenia e para a refratariedade ao tratamento com antipsicóticos. Foram estudados 202 pacientes portadores de esquizofrenia e 277 indivíduos saudáveis. Os polimorfismos rs1049353 (G/A) e rs806380 (A/G) do gene CNR1 e os rs2494732 (C/T) e rs1130233 (A/G) do gene AKT1 foram genotipados por meio da técnica de PCR (polymerase chain reaction) em tempo real com sistema de detecção Taqman®. Tais polimorfismos foram correlacionados ao diagnóstico de esquizofrenia e a outras variáveis, tal como o uso de Cannabis, resposta ao tratamento e subtipos da doença. Também foi realizada análise de estratificação populacional a partir de marcadores genéticos escolhidos para a população brasileira a fim de correção estatística de fatores confundidores relacionados a diferenças étnicas. Foi visto uma influência positiva da idade de acometimento em pacientes refratários quando comparados com os pacientes respondedores (p = 0,006), confirmando os dados da literatura que sugerem uma idade de acometimento mais precoce da doença em portadores de esquizofrenia refratária. A interação dos genótipos AA do polimorfismo rs806380...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This research aims to understand how students of Early Childhood Education (considering the range of 2-3 years) build the space - geometric notions from the interaction established with the school routine. The venue was a municipal school Miners Tietê, within the State of São Paulo. The interest in this research took place from two reasons: the first because of course taken “Mathematics in Early Childhood Education” and the second stemmed from my professional work in a school for early childhood education. This research is initially composed by bibliographic studies concerning the topic and was grounded in a qualitative interpretive approach, aiming to investigate the psychological process of building space - geometric notions in children. The procedures used in the initial research to collect data were interviews using the method of clinical type and Piagetian tests. Thus allows us to understand the construction of the geometric space by children in their topological, projective and Euclidean relations


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Este trabalho objetivou analisar a qualidade da água de três córregos tributários do rio Bauru, levando em conta a poluição causada por produtos orgânicos e industriais que vinham sendo descartados nos mesmos e as eventuais melhorias conseqüentes das medidas paliativas assumidas pelo DAE-Bauru, mediante a instalação de interceptores-coletores de águas residuárias ao longo Daqueles corpos de água, até que a Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos do município seja construída e se dê início ao seu funcionamento. O monitoramento destes corpos de água durante o período de estiagem e de cheias proposto nesta pesquisa, incluiu investigações sobre as variáveis químicas e físicas de amostras das águas, obtidas mensalmente em 7 pontos de coleta, localizados a montante e a jusante dos pontos de instalação dos emissários, ao longo dos córregos. As amostras de água foram posteriormente analisadas para fossem obtidas informações sobre a eficácia da instalação dos interceptores com relação ao processo de recuperação da saúde dos corpos aquáticos em questão. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, de um modo geral, as águas de todos os sistemas estudados ainda sofrem impactos, até porque ainda há aquelas que recebem o esgoto descartado “in natura”. No entanto, como ja era esperado, nos pontos de coleta localizados em segmentos dos córregos nos quais os emissários já foram instalados, o impacto ambiental é menor. Mediante a comparação dos resultados obtidos das análises das características físicas e químicas das águas dos sistemas estudados realizadas durante esta investigação com aqueles obtidos nos mesmos corpos de água, em 2007, pudemos observar melhorias da água em alguns dos pontos de coleta


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This research presents an investigation on the subject: Quantities and Measurements. The research is dedicated to this subject due to its importance in the school curriculum, and adopts the use of history of mathematics and investigative duties in a manner that will enable the production of knowledge by the student. Following a phenomenological orientation, we conducted field work in a public school in Guaratinguetá, with students from the 6 th grade. The analyze of data of the research, undertaken in accordance with the understanding of the texts FINI (1994), MACHADO (1994), BICUDO (1993, 2000, 2011), understanding how students construct knowledge measures. The data from field work were obtained from images recorded on video, the researcher's field diary and notes of the students. The descriptions of the data, transformed into text, had been detached the strechs most revealing for what it searchs to understand. The understood meaning through the analysis, indicates two categories: measure is to express values and measure is to compare quantities. When interpreting the open categories we understand that the student builds knowledge of measurement making comparisons


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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This paper aims at observing the particular case of an author’s and self-translator’s style concerning normalisation features present in the self-translation. Our study has its theoretical starting point based on Baker’s proposal (1993, 1995, 1996, 2000) and Scott’s investigation in order to carry out an analysis of the use of linguistic choices involving evidence of normalization. The results point out that, while participating as a self-translator, Ubaldo Ribeiro reveals individual, distinctive and preferred stylistic options which present less lexical variation; in contrast, in the situation of participating as an author, Ubaldo Ribeiro shows stylistic choices of higher lexical diversity. Observed normalisation features reveal conscious or subconscious use of fluency strategies, making the target text easier to read. Due to his renowned sound command of the target language, the results may also suggest the challenges during the translated text re-creation process faced as a self-translator could have been greater than the challenges during the previous original text creation process faced as an author


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Este trabalho situa-se na discussão sobre escrita na universidade e investiga o processo de textualização verbo-visual e extraverbal em contexto de Educação a Distância (EaD) semipresencial. Com base no conceito de letramentos acadêmicos, advindo dos Novos Estudos de Letramento, busca problematizar relação entre cor escolhida e imagem, no processo de produção do texto realizado por universitários (professores em formação), num Curso de Pedagogia semipresencial de uma universidade pública do Estado de São Paulo. Procura, assim, contribuir com os estudos da linguagem no que se refere ao estabelecimento de critérios para investigação da integração entre semioses diversas na constituição de conceito de “texto” não restrito ao reconhecimento de sua base gráfica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Dissolution representations in Chemistry textbooks: the case of PNLEM. In Chemistry education, so as in other sciences, the use of images is fundamental in the process of teaching and learning. By virtue of this, the textbooks can be a vehicle of such importance, therefore contributing with many images and representations. In this context, the present work has as objective to promote the analysis of the six books approved by the “Programa Nacional do Livro do Ensino Médio, (PNLEM)”, being the main subject of investigation, the dissolution phenomena. Although the recognized importance of opperate in the theoretical and conceptual level to understand chemistry phenomena, our results suggest the need of greater reflection concerning the emphasis attributed to this hability. And so, this paper has as purpose contributing in the reflection of the professor during the choice and use of the LDs and in the process of evaluation of the same.


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Circus activities have formed over the years as an important content to be exploited by the teachers in the school environment, and current projections, the inclusion of circus activities in physical education classes has been presented and defended by several authors. That being so, the objective was to offer a continuing education program thematising circus activities having as research focused on the analysis of this training process, as well as their implications, contributions, opportunities and challenges for teacher pedagogical practice. The research, qualitative, was developed in two phases: a questionnaire for physical education teachers working in public schools in order to highlight the reasons for the absence of most of the teachers in the training program. The second phase included the development of the continuing education program content circus activities in the continuing education of physical education teachers, the two teachers in the school environment, as well as analysis and reflection of teacher participation in the training program, described in daily class and daily meetings ending this step with a final interview. Participated in the study, 13 physical education teachers of the municipal school system of a city of São Paulo, of which only two teachers participated in the development of the training program in schools. The teachers manifestations through the questionnaire and participation in the training program showed that teachers make themselves available to participate in continuing education programs, however, the priorities of each teacher (such as family, leisure or other chores) can demarcate difficulties in establishing common to all teachers moments, preventing the effective participation of teachers within the continuing education programs. On the other hand, the school is set up as a rich space of experiences and exchanges of experience, contributing to the development of continuing education programs


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INTRODUCTION: The children's schools are expanded spaces of education and care for infants. The educator's role as mediator in learning is crucial to child development, and the use of children's books can act as an important methodological and pedagogical resource in this process. METHODS: This paper describes a psychoeducational intervention performed with the educators of a public pre-school with the following objectives: (a) register the collection of children's books of the school, (b) investigate the acquisition and use of children's books by the teachers and (c) offer an intervention to teachers regarding the educational use of children's books. The participants were seven educators who worked with children from 2 to 6 years old. RESULTS: The results indicate that among the 315 books in the school, the majority was about animal stories (75 books), fantasy and mystery (38), fairy tales and fables (34), formal learning (33), learning rules (33) and about nature and environment (22). The educators reported that the choice of books was made mainly considering the age group to which the books were directed, and also from the themes found in texts and/ or illustrations. Although the teachers believe that the books can encourage reading among children, they don't describe their use in planned activities and they report lack of knowledge about their use. CONCLUSION: The proposed intervention to the teachers allowed them to rethink the use of books in pre-school, instructing them to the utilization of the books aiming to stimulate the imagination and creativity, improving the critical and reflexive capability of the children.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC