158 resultados para Planta inseticida


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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The present work aimed to evaluate the volumetric distribution profiles, droplet spectra, surface tension, contact angle of droplet and the spraying liquid deposition over the peanut leaves (Arachis hypogaea L.), under artificial rain, in comparison with deposition without rain, using two hydraulic nozzle models of plain fan and insecticide spraying liquids with and without adjuvants addition. It were used a patternator for volumetric distribution analysis, a laser particles analyzer to evaluate droplet spectra produced by SF 110015 and XR 110015 nozzles and tensiometer for droplet tension and contact angle. The spraying liquids evaluated were: water, lambda-cialotrina, lambda-cialotrina + nitrogen fertilizer and lambda-cialotrina + mineral oil. All experiments followed a completely randomized design. Data were submitted to variance analysis by F test and the means comparisons by Scott-Knott test at 5% of probability. According to the results, it must be considered the maximum spacing in spray boom usage of 50 and 90 cm between the nozzles SF110015 and XR110015, respectively. The adjuvants effects on droplet spectra have shown addicted to the nozzle and the product used, and the adjuvants addition to the spraying liquid affected the potential risk of drift; The Volumetric Median Diameter (VMD) of produced droplets by nozzles filled into thin class and were not influenced by the adjuvants. The nitrogen fertilizer adjuvant may be indicated to promote improvements on coverage and droplet deposition on target.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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With the purpose of provide students with the practical contact with the operation of a thermoelectric plant, the steam plant Laboratory College of Engineering Guaratinguetá was restored, this work was undertaken so that the necessary equipment was specified for this steam plant had their instrumented processes, enabling greater precision of the measurements performed in the tests and also storing your information. The instrumentation of the plant is to approximate the practices carried out in the laboratory with real situations encountered in industrial steam plant, thus collaborating with the most comprehensive training of students and ensuring the safety of operations performed in the laboratory


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Brazil is nowadays the greatest bet of investors for the future due to its stable economy growth. The country has grown side by side with the greatest demand for electrical energy. The international appeal for renewable sources is causing a change in the Brazilian energetic matrix, raising the amount of energy generated by thermoelectric power plants. The construction of new power plants, running on biomass, requires a crescent number of capacitated personnel to run them. The Faculdade de Engenharia de Guaratinguetá – UNESP – has a steam laboratory; witch is deactivated, which has a thermoelectric plant of small capacity. The laboratory reactivation and the return of its activities can be an important tool in order to graduate engineer able to operate on such units. This paper proposes four new experiments to be simulated on the Collage’s Energy Dep. Steam Lab when it gets back to its educational activities


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Photodynamic therapy, term introduced by von Tapeiner in 1900, can be defined as the administration of a non toxic drug, i.e., a dye, known as photosensitizer (FS), which subsequently will be illuminated with light of specific wavelength. PDT is based on the interaction among FS, oxygen and light, which through photochemical reactions cause cell death. The FS molecules must have a high probability to form the singlet state after the excitation, which can induce chemical changes in the neighborhood in two ways, called reactions type I and type II. The type II reaction is based on the exchange of energy to molecular oxygen, exciting it to its state of higher energy (singlet), which is highly reactive. The proposed mechanisms for cell death are linked to damage to the DNA, mitochondria and to the cytoplasmic membrane. Several pre‐clinical and clinical trials have been carried out and the PDT is already used in many countries for treatment mainly against certain types of cancer. The therapy also has been gaining strength in antimicrobial control, since the microorganisms have appeared increasingly resistant to current antibiotics. Another attempt to use the PDT is for the inactivation of macro‐organisms, such as micro‐crustaceans and mosquitoes. To this end I tested whether the photosensitizers methylene blue, rose Bengal and the chlorophyll a has insecticidal activity against the yellow fever and dengue vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Since these diseases have no effective treatments, its control is linked to the vector control, which has shown resistance to chemical pesticides used. Based on this, this work shows its importance, because it is a new type of mosquito control since all the photosensitizers used are low cost, do not generate toxic products at the concentrations used and showed good results in mortality. The best photosensitizer was rose Bengal... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a diversidade, a composição e a riqueza de espécies de aranhas e suas relações com as diferentes fenofases de Mimosa bimucronata. Visou também comparar a abundância de aranhas entre ramos com inflorescência e com frutos, e investigar se os níveis de infestação de Acanthoscelides schrankiae são reduzidos ou intensificados (alta taxa de predação intraguilda) devido à presença de aranhas. Foram coletadas 777 aranhas, distribuídas em 140 morfoespécies, com uma grande proporção de indivíduos jovens (ninfas). No total, treze famílias de aranhas foram identificadas, sendo que a família Araneidae foi a mais representativa em número de indivíduos coletados e em número de morfoespécies (riqueza). Outras famílias bem representativas foram Anyphaenidae, Thomisidae, Salticidae e Theridiidae. Quando as proporções de aranhas encontradas em ramos com inflorescência e com frutos foram comparadas, não se constatou diferença significativa, mostrando que o tipo de ramo não afetou a abundância das aranhas. No entanto, os estágios fenológicos parecem ter influenciado a riqueza e a diversidade em uma das áreas, uma vez que correlações positivas significativas foram encontradas entre a riqueza e diversidade de morfoespécies e os valores mensais da fenologia reprodutiva. Assim, é possível que o surgimento do conjunto das estruturas reprodutivas, como ramos com botões, flores e frutos, aumentou a complexidade estrutural do habitat, interferindo significativamente na riqueza e diversidade de aranhas. Quando o número médio de orifícios deixados por parasitóides e bruquídeos foi comparado entre áreas, tipos de agregados de frutos (com e sem a presença de teias de aranhas), e considerando a interação entre os fatores, constatou-se diferença significativa apenas entre as áreas, ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Ocimum basilicum L., popularmente conhecido como manjericão, é uma planta pertencente à Lamiaceae, cujo óleo volátil possui diversas atividades biológicas, tais como antifúngica, antigiardíase, antioxidante, antibacteriana, antileishmaniose, inseticida, dentre outras. É constituído principalmente por monoterpenos, sesquiterpenos e fenilpropanoides. A composição de metabólitos secundários nas plantas, dos quais os óleos voláteis fazem parte, pode sofrer influência de diversos fatores. Neste trabalho, foi investigada a influência das doenças virais no perfil dos óleos voláteis do manjericão. Para isso, sementes de Ocimum basilicum L. cv. Genovese foram semeadas e mantidas em casa de vegetação. Ao atingirem tamanho adequado (dois pares de folhas acima das cotiledonares), foram inoculadas com vírus não identificado, isolado de manjericão, além do Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) e Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). O óleo volátil de plantas sadias e infectadas foi extraído por hidrodestilação em aparelho de Clevenger e analisado em cromatógrafo gasoso acoplado ao espectrômetro de massas. Os cromatogramas revelaram a presença de metileugenol e ρ- cresol,2,6-di-terci-butílico como principais componentes, sendo que a porcentagem de metileugenol diminuiu significativamente nas plantas infectadas com o vírus não identificado. Houve mudanças na composição do óleo volátil, sendo alguns componentes encontrados apenas nas plantas sadias e outros somente nas infectadas


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The bee Apis mellifera has a great importance because it is the most economically valuable pollinator for crops worldwide, ensuring cross-pollination and increasing fruit yield. Moreover, agriculture increasingly develops chemicals to control weeds, fungi and insect pests to ensure productivity. Insecticides are used on a large scale in the state of São Paulo, in cultures of citrus for control of greening. Applications are usually made by aircraft and as a result of the effect derives a significant mortality is observed in apiaries near the plantations. Honey bees can get in contact with such chemical agent through their activities of water harvesting, plant resins, pollen and nectar. Intoxication resulting from this exposure can be lethal, which is easily detectable, or cause effects on the physiology and behavior of the insect. These, in turn are hardly detectable, such as paralysis, disorientation, behavioral changes, but can compromise the entire social structure of the colony, therefore aimed to study the effects of the insecticide Thiamethoxam behavior of honeybees A. mellifera. Newly emerged individuals and with 10 days of age were tested. Applications of 1 μL de Thiamethoxam, diluted in acetone, were made on the dorsal thorax with a microapplicator. Preliminarily, it was observed LD50 twenty four hours after topical treatment of Thiamethoxam. It was found that the LD50 for newly emerged honeybees is 8 ng/bee and for honeybees with 10 days of age is 18 ng/bee. The behaviors were analyzed 1 hour after application of insecticide at doses corresponding to LD50/100, LD50/50, LD50/10 and LD50, besides the control group. In the test reflex proboscis extension, there was impairment of behavior at doses of 8 and 18 ng/bee workers in newly emerged workers and 10 days of age, respectively. And in locomotor behavior was no change only at a dose of 18 ng/bee workers at 10 days of age... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), leishmanioses são antropozoonoses e estão entre as seis doenças tropicais de maior importância no Velho Mundo e nas Américas. São endêmicas em 88 países e estima-se que sua prevalência seja de 12 milhões de casos no mundo. Nas duas últimas décadas, o número de casos tem aumentado, assim como sua ocorrência geográfica. No Brasil, é uma realidade em diversos estados, apresentando perfis epidemiológicos diferentes. A terapêutica empregada atualmente conta com poucos fármacos, em uso há mais de 40 anos, e que apresentam potencial nefro, hepato e cardiotóxico. Além disto, são contraindicados a idosos e gestantes, o que caracteriza mais um entrave à terapêutica atual. Tendo em vista a imensa biodiversidade brasileira, uma fonte alternativa para o tratamento destas e outras inúmeras enfermidades é a busca de novas moléculas por meio da pesquisa com extratos vegetais e seu fracionamento, a partir de diferentes espécies de plantas. Este trabalho avaliou a atividade leishmanicida do extrato acetato de etila, frações e subfrações obtidas da planta Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC sobre a espécie Leishmania amazonensis. Os ensaios biológicos foram realizados in vitro pelo método colorimétrico de MTT (Brometo de 3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2,5-difenil-tetrazólio) utilizando formas promastigotas do parasito e macrófagos da linhagem J774, para estudos de citotoxicidade. Os testes foram realizados em triplicata, utilizando-se microplacas de 96 orifícios. Como resultado, três frações (CI50 = 23,56 μg/mL; 29,89 μg/mL; 42,31 μg/mL) e cinco subfrações (CI50 < 1,56 e CI50 = 5, 07 μg/mL ; 5,21 μg/mL; 24,61 μg/mL) apresentaram interessante potencial leishmanicida, sendo que duas destas subfrações também demonstraram baixa citotoxicidade (IS = 64,1). A partir de análises cromatográficas das frações e subfrações... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Steam generation plants have several industrial applications, being important for the national and global energetic matrix. Operational knowledge of steam plants is extremely important to forming a Mechanical Engineer. The facilities from Faculty of Engineering of Guaratingueta have a no operated steam pilot plant, named Thermal Machine Lab. Nowadays, the Energy Department from the faculty cannot explore this lab for its classes, even being essential to consolidate the theoretical concepts with tests simulating industrial applications. The goal of this project was to restore the operational condition of equipment of steam laboratory by fixing the equipment, and creating operational scripts for them. In a close future this lab could be used for classes, research and other applications