142 resultados para Oral pathology


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The purpose of this study is to make a 3-dimensional (3-D) evaluation of the pharyngeal airway space (PAS) in patients with class I, II, and III malocclusion. Sixty patients were evaluated. The patients were divided in 3 groups according to their occlusion classification. The volume and area of PAS were evaluated using the software Dolphin 3-D Imaging in the preoperative period for orthognathic surgery. PAS volume and area were influenced by different patterns of malocclusion. The mean volume and area for class III patients were statistically bigger than for classes I and II patients (P < .001). There was also a significant difference for volume values between class I and II patients, being the bigger volume for the class I patients (P < .05). It was possible to conclude that the class III patients presented a bigger PAS compared with classes I and II patients.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Although tumors of minor salivary glands are rare, the pleomorphic adenoma is the most common pathology among the benign neoplasm and can be found with high prevalence in the junction between hard palate and soft palate. The treatment of choice for most of maxillary tumors is surgical through either a total or partial maxillectomy. However, surgical defects caused by such type of treatment lead to both clinical and psychologic disorders for the patient. The immediate oral rehabilitation using interim palate obturator after maxillectomy provides optimization on the healing process, recovers the stomatognathic functions after surgery, and avoids psychosocial sequelae for the patients. This clinical report aimed to present the rehabilitation with immediate palate obturator of a patient who underwent a partial maxillectomy due to a hard palate pleomorphic adenoma of minor salivary glands. We report the clinical importance of the prosthetic rehabilitation and the improvements on both quality of life and stomatognathic functions of this patient. It can be concluded that the immediate rehabilitation of the patient after partial maxillectomy by using an interim palate obturator was a great option and provided clinical benefits in the immediate postoperative period, improving the patient's quality of life, allowing the patient's reinsertion into society, and reducing the surgical treatment sequelae.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Several epidermiologic studies have shown the malignant transformation potential of oral lichen planus; however, this potential is subject of much controversy. To evaluate the expression of proteins related to the cell proliferation and apoptosis processes in oral lichen planus, we compared oral lichen planus with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Twenty-four cases of each lesion were submitted according to streptavidin-biotin technique to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen, p53, bax, and bcl-2 proteins. X 2 test showed no statistically significant differences between the expression of p53, bax, and bcl-2 in oral lichen planus and oral squamous cell carcinoma (P > .05). However, the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen was significantly lower in oral lichen planus than in oral squamous cell carcinoma (P < .05). No statistically significant differences between the expression of p53, bax, and bcl-2 in oral lichen planus and oral squamous cell carcinoma were observed, which may be an evidence of the potential of malignant transformation of oral lichen planus. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar o efeito da adequação do meio bucal sobre a contagem de Streptococcus mutans em gestantes de alto risco à cárie, participantes de um programa de prevenção em uma instituição de ensino público, antes e após adequação do meio bucal. Amostras de saliva de 30 gestantes (18 a 43 anos) que procuraram atendimento na Clínica de Odontologia Preventiva da FOAr-UNESP foram coletadas antes e após procedimentos de adequação do meio bucal, e examinadas para observação e contagem das UFCs de S. mutans. Foi demonstrado que houve diminuição na quantidade das UFCs (p<0,0001) entre as amostras. em relação à faixa etária, 70,0% das gestantes tinham entre 18 e 30 anos de idade e 30,0% pertenciam à faixa etária de 31 a 43 anos. Dados relativos ao período da gestação revelaram que 73,4% estavam no 2º trimestre e 13,3% estavam igualitariamente no 1º e 3º trimestres. A adequação do meio bucal se mostrou eficaz na diminuição das UFCs de S. mutans presentes na saliva de gestantes de alto risco de cárie. Este procedimento é simples e extremamente efetivo, atendendo às necessidades de tratamento básico de gestantes que procuram atendimento odontológico no serviço público de saúde.


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Objectives: To investigate the relationships between socio-demographic factors, infant feeding habits, oral hygiene and the prevalence and patterns of caries in Brazilian 3-4-year-olds. Methods: Systematic random sampling was used to select children enrolled in municipal nurseries in Araraquara, Brazil, in 1998. Clinical examinations were carried out by one examiner using dmft and dmfs indices and WHO criteria. Questionnaires for information related to the socio-demographic background, oral hygiene and dietary history of the children were completed by their mothers. Results: Caries was seen in 46% of the children; 17% of them had the more extensive pattern involving molars and incisors. Social class, mother's education, and age at which breast-feeding terminated showed statistically significant associations with caries. Feeding bottles with added sugars were still being given to 80% of the children. When the significant variables were taken into account only age at which breast-feeding terminated showed a significant relationship to the pattern of disease. Children who were never breast-fed or were breast-fed beyond the age of 24 months had a higher prevalence of the more extensive pattern of caries. Conclusions: The association between the length of time a mother breast-feeds and extensive caries should be a consideration in any local infant feeding policies or health promotion strategies. The duration for appropriate breast- or bottle-feeding should be emphasised.


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The knowledge of cell-cycle control has shown that the capacity of malignant growth is acquired by the stepwise accumulation of defects in specific genes regulating cell growth. Histologic diagnosis might be improved by a quantitative evaluation of more specific diagnosis biomarkers, which could help to precisely identify pre-malignant and malignant oral lesions. The aim of the present study is to evaluate whether computer-based quantitative assessment of p53, PCNA and Ki-67 immunohistochemical expression, could be used clinically to foresee the risk of oral malignant transformation. This retrospective study was carried out in ninety-five oral biopsies, 27 were classified as fibrous inflammatory hyperplasia, 40 as leukoplakia and 28 as oral squamous cell carcinoma. Sixteen out of the 40 leukoplakia were diagnosed as non-dysplastic leukoplakia, the other 24 being dysplastic leukoplakia, of which 50.0% were classified as moderate to severe dysplasia. Comparison of the four groups of oral tissues showed significant rises in p53 and Ki-67 positivity index, which increased steadily in the order benign, pre-malignant, and malignant. In contrast, it was not possible to relate higher PCNA levels with pre-malignant and malignant oral lesions. We therefore conclude that PCNA immunohistochemistry expression is probably an inappropriate marker to identify oral carcinogenesis, whereas joint quantitative evaluation of p53 and Ki-67, appears to be useful as a tumor marker, providing a pre-diagnostic estimate of the potential for cell-cycle deregulation of the oral proliferate status.


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This article is the first known case report of Fraser syndrome in the dental literature. Its purpose was to present the clinical manifestations, oral findings, and dental treatment of a 14-year, 10-month-old female patient. Fraser syndrome is a rare recessive autosomal genetic disorder characterized by multisystemic malformation, usually comprising cryptophthalmos, syndactyly, and renal defects. The child presented with: (1) hydrocephaly; (2) face asymmetry; (3) low-inserted ears; (4) flat nose bridge; (5) cryptophthalmos; (6) bilateral absence of eyeballs; (7) hypertelorism; (8) syndactyly on the left fingers and toes; (9) skeletal defects; and (10) lower limb asymmetry. The intraoral examination revealed: (1) complete primary denture; (2) malocclusion; (3) tooth crowding; (4) ogival palate; (5) normal labial frena; (6) absence of lingual frenum (not compromising the tongue movements); (7) parched lips; (8) supragingival calculus adhered to all tooth surfaces; and (9) moderate gingivitis. The dental treatment consisted of periodic monitoring of the patient's oral health status and supragingival scaling associated with topical applications of 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate gel at 2-week intervals to reduce gingivitis.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of coronal leakage on the healing of dogs' periapical tissues after root canal filling, post space preparation and protection or not with a temporary sealer plug. Forty root canals of dogs' teeth were instrumented and filled by the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and Endomethasone or CRCS sealers. After post space preparation, the remaining filling material was protected or not with a plug of temporary Coltosol sealer and exposed to the oral environment for 90 days. Thereafter, the animals were sacrificed and the specimens were removed and prepared for histomorphological and histobacteriological analysis. The findings revealed 35% of microbial leakage in the groups without plugs and 15% of leakage in the groups with plugs. Statistical analysis showed that the use of a Coltosol plug improved significantly the histomorphological results regardless of the type of root canal sealer (p=0.05) and that CRCS and Endomethasone sealers showed similar results (p>0.05).


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The potential for malignant transformation of oral lichen planus is still controversial. The expression of proteins related to cell proliferation and apoptosis in oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia was analyzed to evaluate the true potential for malignant transformation of this disease. Twenty-four cases of each lesion were subjected to the streptoavidin-biotin technique for identifying the immunohistochemical expression of PCNA, p53, bax, and bcl-2 proteins. Of the 24 cases of oral lichen planus, 14 (58.33%) were positive for PCNA, 10 (41.67%) for p53, 4 (16.67%) for bcl-2 and 12 (50%) for bax, whereas of the 24 cases of epithelial dysplasia, 20 (83.33%) were positive for PCNA, 10 (41.67%) for p53, 6 (25%) for bcl-2, and 20 (83.33%) for bax. Chi-squared test showed no statistically significant differences between the expression of p53 and bcl-2 in oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia, regardless of the grade (P > 0.05). However, the expression of PCNA and bax was significantly increased in epithelial dysplasia (P < 0.05). The results of this study showed that alterations in expression of these proteins are observed in oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia, suggesting the potential for malignant transformation in both lesions.


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Lichen planus (LP) is a mucocutaneous disease with well-established clinical and microscopic features. The oral mucosa and skin may present clinical and microscopic alterations similar to those observed in LP, called lichenoid reactions (LRs), which are triggered by systemic or topical etiological agents. The difficulties faced to establish the differential diagnosis between the two pathologies were investigated in the literature. It was observed that the etiology of LP is still under discussion, with a tendency to self-immunity, while the etiology of LRs is related to the contact with specific agents, such as metallic restorative materials, resins, and drugs, allowing the establishment of a cause-effect relationship. In this case, the disease is caused by the antigen fixation in the epithelial cells, which are destructed by the immune system. Based on these data, protocols are suggested for this differentiation. The important role played by the integration between the clinician and the oral pathologist in the diagnostic process is highlighted. The treatment of LP comprises mainly the utilization of corticosteroids and the LR is treated by removal of the causal factor. Differentiation between the two diseases allows an effective and correct therapeutic approach.


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This study compared the sampling efficacy cia cytobrush and metal spatula for exfoliative cytology of the oral mucosa. Thirty students with no detectable oral alterations upon clinical examination were submitted to exfoliative cytology of the lateral border of the tongue, using a metal spatula on the left side and a cytobrush on the right side. The smears were stained using the Papanicoiaou technique and evaluated for cellularity, cell type, cell distribution, homogeneity, and cellular distortion, as well as the presence ol mucus, inflammatory infiltrate, and hemorrhage. A statistical test (Z-test) with a 95% confdence interval (Cl) showed a significant difference between the metal spatula and cytobrush in terms of cellularity (p = 0.02) and homogeneity (p = 0.01). No difference between the two methods was observed regarding cell type (p = 0.4, Z-test) or cell distribution for the 95% confidence interval (p = 0.2, Fisher's test). Cell distortion and the presence of mucus were observed in five cases that used the metal spatula and in two cases that used the cytobrush. No hemorrhage or inflammatory infItrate was detected in any of the slides. Based on the results of this study, the cytobrush produced qualitatively better smears in terms of cellularity and homogeneity compared to the metal spatula.