251 resultados para Nucleus accumbens shell
We give general expressions for the two-body decomposition of the transition amplitudes for the nonmesonic decay of Lambda-hypernuclei within a finite-nucleus shell-model approach.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
After adding 7 auxiliary scalars to the d = 10 super-Yang-Mills action, 9 of the 16 supersymmetries close off-shell. In this Letter, these 9 supersymmetry generators are related by dimensional reduction to scalar and vector topological symmetry in N = 2, d = 8 twisted super-Yang-Mills. Furthermore, a gauge-invariant superspace action is constructed for d = 10 super-Yang-Mills where the superfelds depend on 9 anticommuting theta variables. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper, synthesis of the Fe55Pt45/Fe3O4 core/shell structured nanoparticles using the modified polyol process combined with the seed-mediated growth method is reported. Iron oxide shell thickness was tuned controlling the Fe(acac)(3)/FePt seeds in the reaction medium. Annealing of the core/shell structure leads to iron-rich layer formation around the hard FePt phase in the nanoparticle core. However, the 2 nm Fe3O4 shell thickness seems to be the limit to obtain the enhanced magnetization close to the alpha-Fe and preserving an iron oxide shell after annealing at 500 degrees C for 30 min in a reducing atmosphere. The presence of both the oxide layer on nanoparticle surface and an intermediate iron-rich FePt layer after annealing promote strong decreases in the coercive field of the 2-nm-oxide shell thickness. These annealed nanoparticles were functionalized with dextran, presenting the enhanced characteristics for biomedical applications such as higher magnetization, very low coercivity, and a slightly iron oxide passivated layer, which leads an easy functionalization and decreases the nanoparticle toxicity.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a utilização de conchas de gastrópodes por Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802), na Praia dos Pescadores, em São Vicente (SP), Brasil. Foram realizadas amostras mensais no período de maio de 2001 a abril de 2003, na região intertidal durante a maré baixa. Todos os animais foram pesados e tiveram o comprimento de seu escudo cefalotorácico mensurados, suas conchas identificadas e medidas quanto ao comprimento (mm), abertura (mm) e peso (g). Capturamos 2.344 ermitões (644 machos, 1.594 fêmeas não-ovígeras, 45 fêmeas ovígeras e 61 em intersexo), utilizando 13 espécies de conchas de gastrópodes, das quais Stramonita haemastoma (Linnaeus, 1767), Cymatium parthenopeum (Von Salis, 1793) e Achatina fulica (Bowdich, 1822) representaram mais de 98% das conchas utilizadas. Obteve-se significativa diferença de tamanho entre os sexos, com machos e indivíduos em intersexo atingindo maior porte físico do que fêmeas. Este padrão influenciou fortemente na ocupação e utilização de conchas, principalmente em A. fulica, que foi a maior concha obtida por C. vittatus, utilizada somente por machos e indivíduos em intersexo. Cymatium parthenopeum foi a única espécie de concha em que se obtiveram elevados coeficientes de determinação para todas os parâmetros analisados. Stramonita haemastoma apresentou elevados e significativos coeficientes de determinação, indicando que esta espécie é o principal recurso de concha ocupada na Praia dos Pescadores.
We determined the effects of losartan (40 nmol) and PD 123319 (40 nmol) (both non-peptides and selective antagonists of the AT1 and AT2 angiotensin receptors, respectively), and [Sar¹, Ala8] angiotensin II (ANG II) (40 nmol) (a non-selective peptide antagonist of angiotensin receptors) injected into the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) on the water and salt appetite, diuresis and natriuresis and mean arterial pressure (MAP) induced by administration of 10 nmol of ANG II into the medial septal area (MSA) of male Holtzman rats weighing 250-300 g. The volume of drug solution injected was 0.5 µl over a period of 10-15 s. The responses were measured over a period of 120 min. ANG II alone injected into the MSA induced an increase in all the above parameters (8.1 ± 1.2, 1.8 ± 0.3, and 17.1 ± 1.0 ml, 217 ± 25 µEq/120 min, and 24 ± 4 mmHg, respectively, N = 10-12) compared with vehicle-treated rats (1.4 ± 0.2, 0.6 ± 0.1, and 9.3 ± 0.5 ml, 47 ± 5 µEq/120 min, and 4.1 ± 0.8 mmHg, respectively, N = 10-14). Pretreatment with losartan and [Sar¹, Ala8] ANG II completely abolished the water and sodium intake, and the pressor increase (0.5 ± 0.2, 1.1 ± 0.2, 0.5 ± 0.2, and 0.8 ± 0.2 ml, and 1.2 ± 3.9, 31 ± 4.6 mmHg, respectively, N = 9-12), whereas losartan blunted the urinary and sodium excretion induced by ANG II (13.9 ± 1.0 ml and 187 ± 10 µEq/120 min, respectively, N = 9). Pretreatment with PD 123319 and [Sar¹, Ala8] ANG II blocked the urinary and sodium excretion (10.7 ± 0.8, 9.8 ± 0.7 ml, and 67 ± 13 and 57 ± 17 µEq/120 min, respectively, N = 9), whereas pretreatment with PD 123319 partially blocked the water and sodium intake, and the MAP induced by ANG II administration (2.3 ± 0.3, 1.1 ± 0.1 ml, and 12 ± 3 mmHg, respectively, N = 9-10). These results suggest the angiotensinergic effect of the MSA on the AT1 and AT2 receptors of the PVN in terms of water and sodium homeostasis and MAP modulation.
We investigated the effect of L-NAME, a nitric oxide (NO) inhibitor and sodium nitroprusside (SNP), an NO-donating agent, on pilocarpine-induced alterations in salivary flow, mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) in rats. Male Holtzman rats (250-300 g) were implanted with a stainless steel cannula directly into the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO). Pilocarpine (10, 20, 40, 80, 160 µg) injected into the MnPO induced an increase in salivary secretion (P<0.01). Pilocarpine (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 mg/kg) ip also increased salivary secretion (P<0.01). Injection of L-NAME (40 µg) into the MnPO prior to pilocarpine (10, 20, 40, 80, 160 µg) injected into the MnPO or ip (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 mg/kg) increased salivary secretion (P<0.01). SNP (30 µg) injected into the MnPO or ip prior to pilocarpine attenuated salivary secretion (P<0.01). Pilocarpine (40 µg) injection into the MnPO increased MAP and decreased HR (P<0.01). Pilocarpine (4 mg/kg body weight) ip produced a decrease in MAP and an increase in HR (P<0.01). Injection of L-NAME (40 µg) into the MnPO prior to pilocarpine potentiated the increase in MAP and reduced HR (P<0.01). SNP (30 µg) injected into the MnPO prior to pilocarpine attenuated (100%) the effect of pilocarpine on MAP, with no effect on HR. Administration of L-NAME (40 µg) into the MnPO potentiated the effect of pilocarpine injected ip. SNP (30 µg) injected into the MnPO attenuated the effect of ip pilocarpine on MAP and HR. The present study suggests that in the rat MnPO 1) NO is important for the effects of pilocarpine on salivary flow, and 2) pilocarpine interferes with blood pressure and HR (side effects of pilocarpine), that is attenuated by NO.
Head dipping (HD) is a behavioral pattern considered to have a risk assessment or an exploratory role and is used as a complementary parameter to evaluate anxiety in experimental animals. Since rats with electrolytic lesion in the area of the median raphe nucleus displayed high frequencies of HD in a previous study, the present investigation was undertaken to confirm this observation and to determine its anxiety-related origin. HD episodes were counted in adult male Wistar rats (270-350 g) with electrolytic lesion (N = 11) and sham-lesioned controls (N = 12). When HD was measured for 60 min on an elevated open platform, lesioned rats emitted 13 times more HD than controls (264.7 ± 93.3 vs 20.3 ± 7.6 episodes), with the difference being statistically significant (P < 0.05). HD counts during 10-min sessions held 7, 14, 21, 27, and 63 days after lesion showed significantly higher means (range: 28.14 ± 5.38 to 62.85 ± 9.48) compared to sham-lesioned controls (range: 7.37 ± 1.13 to 8.5 ± 1.45). Normal rats stepped down into their home cages when the vertical distance between them and the cage was short (16 cm), and the step-down latencies increased with increasing depths (36.7 ± 7.92 to 185.87 ± 35.44 s). Lesioned rats showed a similar behavior when facing the shortest depth, but had a significantly increased number (23.28 ± 2.35 episodes) and latency (300 ± 0.00 s) of HD compared to normal rats (9.25 ± 1.37 episodes and 185.87 ± 35.44 s) when facing the greatest depth (30 cm). This suggests that HD may be a depth-measuring behavior related to risk assessment.
A subpopulation of retinal ganglion cells projecting to the pigeon ventral lateral geniculate nucleus was shown to contain cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity. These ganglion cells were mainly distributed in the peripheral retina, and their somata sizes were medium to large (14-23-mu-m). Taken together with previous findings, these results indicate that the retinal input to the ventral geniculate is chemically heterogeneous.
The cell bodies of 5-HT containing neurons that innervate the limbic forebrain are mainly found in the dorsal raphe nucleus and in the median raphe nucleus (MRN). To assess the role of the median raphe nucleus in anxiety, rats bearing either electrolytic or 5-HT-selective neurotoxic lesion of the MRN were tested in the elevated T-maze. This apparatus consists of two opposed open arms perpendicular to one enclosed arm. Two tasks are performed in succession by the same rat in one experimental session, namely inhibitory avoidance of the open arm, taken as a measure of conditioned anxiety and one-way escape from the open arm, considered as a measure of unconditioned fear. The test was performed 7 days after the electrolytic lesion (3 mA, 10 s) or 14 days after the neurotoxic lesion (5,7-DHT, 8 mug/1 mul). The results showed that while the electrolytic lesion impaired both inhibitory avoidance and one-way escape, the neurotoxic lesion impaired only inhibitory avoidance. Therefore, serotonergic pathways originating in the MRN seem to participate in the modulation of conditioned anxiety but not unconditioned fear. Other neurotransmitter systems that either originate in or pass through the MRN may regulate unconditioned fear. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We introduce a generalization of the relativistic eikonal amplitude originally developed to describe elastic scattering between structureless particles. The coherent and incoherent proton-nucleus scattering processes are analysed and closed-form expressions for elastic and inelastic amplitudes are derived. In particular, for the incoherent case, an energy-conserving version of Glauber's theory is obtained.
This study investigated the involvement of serotonergic mechanisms of the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) in the control of sodium (Na+) excretion, potassium (K+) excretion, and urinary volume in unanesthetized rats subjected to acute isotonic blood volume expansion (0.15 M NaCl, 2 ml/100 g of body wt over 1 min) or control rats. Plasma oxytocin (OT), vasopressin (VP), and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) levels were also determined in the same protocol. Male Wistar rats with stainless steel cannulas implanted bilaterally into the LPBN were used. In rats treated with vehicle in the LPBN, blood volume expansion increased urinary volume, Na+ and K+ excretion, and also plasma ANP and OT. Bilateral injections of serotonergic receptor antagonist methysergide (1 or 4 mu g/200 eta 1) into the LPBN reduced the effects of blood volume expansion on increased Na+ and K+ excretion and urinary volume, while LPBN injections of serotonergic 5-HT2a/HT2c receptor agonist, 2.5-dimetoxi-4-iodoamphetamine hydrobromide (DOI;1 or 5 mu g/200 eta 1) enhanced the effects of blood volume expansion on Na+ and K+ excretion and urinary volume. Methysergide (4 mu g) into the LPBN decreased the effects of blood volume expansion on plasma ANP and OT, while DOI (5 mu g) increased them. The present results suggest the involvement of LPBN serotonergic mechanisms in the regulation of urinary sodium, potassium and water excretion, and hormonal responses to acute isotonic blood volume expansion.