215 resultados para Legume Germplasm


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Due to the confirmation of its medicinal properties, the demand and the area planted with 'espinheira-santa' have been increasing. However, there are no sources of propagation material with known characteristics. Progenies of Maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reiss (espinheira-santa), originating from Southern Brazil have been analyzed, and currently comprise a germplasm inventory for the species. Studies included the assessment of in natura growth features (height and production of biomass canopy) and plant chemistry (lignin, phenols and mineral element contents), and targeted the creation of a data base, characterizing populations/progenies to be used in future selection and breeding programs of the species. Among the features assessed, were considered desirable the ones related to productivity (high foliar mass to branch mass ratio) and also the absence of thorns on the leaves. High total phenol and tannin content were observed in all the progenies assessed and these features is desirable as long the absence of toxic effects and preservation of the therapeutic quality of the plant medicinal elements produced can be proved.


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Soil compaction may be defined as the pressing of soil to make it denser. Soil compaction makes the soil denser, decreases permeability of gas and water exchange as well as alterations in thermal relations, and increases mechanical strength of the soil. Compacted soil can restrict normal root development. Simulations of the root restricting layers in a greenhouse are necessary to develop a mechanism to alleviate soil compaction problems in these soils. The selection of three distinct bulk densities based on the standard proctor test is also an important factor to determine which bulk density restricts the root layer. This experiment aimed to assess peanut (Arachis hypogea) root volume and root dry matter as a function of bulk density and water stress. Three levels of soil density (1.2, 1.4, and 1.6g cm-3), and two levels of the soil water content (70 and 90% of field capacity) were used. Treatments were arranged as completely randomized design, with four replications in a 3×2 factorial scheme. The result showed that peanut yield generally responded favorably to subsurface compaction in the presence of high mechanical impedance. This clearly indicates the ability of this root to penetrate the hardpan with less stress. Root volume was not affected by increase in soil bulk density and this mechanical impedance increased root volume when roots penetrated the barrier with less energy. Root growth below the compacted layer (hardpan), was impaired by the imposed barrier. This stress made it impossible for roots to grow well even in the presence of optimum soil water content. Generally soil water content of 70% field capacity (P<0.0001) enhanced greater root proliferation. Nonetheless, soil water content of 90% field capacity in some occasions proved better for root growth. Some of the discrepancies observed were that mechanical impedance is not a good indicator for measuring root growth restriction in greenhouse. Future research can be done using more levels of water to determine the lowest soil water level, which can inhibit plant growth.


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Two new flavone glucosides, nitensosides A and B (1, 2), together with four known compounds, sorbifolin (3), sorbifolin 6-O-β-glucopyranoside (4), pedalitin (5), and pedalitin 6-O-β-glucopyranoside (6) were isolated from Pterogyne nitens. Their structures were elucidated from 1D and 2D NMR analysis, as well as by high resolution mass spectrometry. All the isolated flavones were evaluated for their myeloperoxidase (MPO) inhibitory activity. The most active compound, pedalitin, exhibited IC 50 value of 3.75 nM on MPO. Additionally, the radical-scavenging capacity of flavones 1-6 was evaluated towards ABTS and DPPH radicals and compared to standard compounds quercetin and Trolox®. © 2008 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.


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The objective of this study was to conduct an inventory of food plants cultivated and collected from the native and ruderal vegetation in the Atlantic Forest region by the rural population residing in the Santa Virginia Nucleus of the Serra do Mar State Park (Puruba and Guaricanga neighborhoods) and surroundings (Vargem Grande neighborhood). The 23 interviewees were sampled to meet the following criteria: originating from the rural area of the municipalities where the Nucleus is located; more than 45 years old; close familiarity with working the land. A total of 146 botanical species were identified, distributed among 43 botanical families, with the families Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae being the most represented and basically horticultural. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Pielou evenness were 1.90 (base 10) and 0.95, respectively, for the group residing in the Nucleus and 1.97 and 0.92 for the population located in the area surrounding the Nucleus. The two groups of neighborhoods presented similarity regarding the food plants cited (75%), and about 17% of the plants cited are native to the Atlantic Forest. We found significant richness and variety of species cultivated in the yards and fields which serve to complement the diet, which is composed mainly of items purchased at local businesses. The rural communities studied revealed themselves to be an important germplasm conservation system for cultivated plants, with 96 ethnovarieties identified for 12 botanical species, most of which are kept in the communities.


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The aim of this research was to evaluate the white mold severity (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) of Bary), bean production components and yield (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), variety Perola, according to the application of procimidone fungicide (Sialex 500), through fungigation (center pivot) and automotive sprayer (Uniport). The study was carried under field production commercial conditions, in Primavera do Leste - MT - Brazil. The experiment consisted of 5 treatments (with 4 repetitions of 4 ha each), all with two procimidone applications (1.2 kg ha-1 each application, same as, 0.6 kg a.i. per hectare) to the 42 and 52 days after seeding. The water depths of 5.5 and 11.0 mm were tested in the application through central pivot (this had your checked uniformity), providing volumes of 55.000 and 110.000 L ha-1, respectively, and the volumes of 120 and 200 L ha-1 in the automotive sprayer. The severity of disease was evaluated by the percentage of the area affected by plant damage using diagramatic grade scale of white mold severity, as described by Azevedo (1998). The values were used to calculate the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). They were also analyzed, the number of the fungus apothecia during the crop cycle and the residual sclerotias weight in harvest. On this occasion, it was also evaluated the crop yield parameters: number of plants per plot (final stand), pods per plant, grains per pod, medium weight of 200 grains and productivity of grains. The AUDPC values, apothecia to 42, 49 and 56 days after seeding, sclerotias in 2 soil kg and the crop productivity parameters were submitted to the variance analysis and Tukey Test at 0.05 of probability. This test was also applied in the comparison among the different fungicide application methods, independent of spray volumes in each one. The statistical processing was accomplished by STAT program. The results showed that weren't differences among application techniques studied in relation to productivity parameters, however, best white mold control, smaller apothecia number to 49 and 56 days after seeding and smaller weight of residual sclerotias in the harvest were obtained with the fungigation, independently of the spray volume used.


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It is well established that nitrate is a potent inhibitor of nodulation and nitrogen fixation in legumes. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the relative insensitivity of these processes to nitrate with Calopogonium mucunoides, a tropical South American perennial legume, native to the cerrado (savannah) region. It was found that nodule number was reduced by about half in the presence of high levels of nitrate (15 mM) but nodule growth (total nodule mass per plant) and nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction activity and xylem sap ureide levels) were not affected. Other sources of N (ammonium and urea) were also without effect at these concentrations. At even higher concentrations (30 mM), nitrate did promote significant inhibition (ca. 50%) of acetylene reduction activity, but no significant reduction in xylem sap ureides was found. The extraordinary insensitivity of nodulation and N2 fixation of C. mucunoides to nitrate suggests that this species should be useful in studies aimed at elucidating the mechanisms of nitrate inhibition of these processes. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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This study evaluated the dimensional alterations and the solubility of two experimental endodontic sealers based on Copaifera multijuga oil-resin (Biosealer) and castor oil bean cement (Poliquil), maintained in different storage solutions. Twenty specimens (3 mm diameter and 2 mm height) of each sealer were assigned to 2 groups (n=10) according to the storage solution: simulated tissue fluid (STF) or distilled water (DW). The specimens were stored in these solutions during 90 days, being removed every 30 days for weighting. The solutions were renewed every 15 days. The results were subjected to statistical analysis by Dunn's and Mann-Whitney tests (α=0.05). The solubility of Poliquil was higher in STF (38.4 ± 36.0) than in DW (28.4 ± 15.0), while Biosealer showed higher solubility in DW (34.61 ± 6.0) than in STF (18.59 ± 8.0). The storage solution influenced the behavior of sealers in relation to the weight variation (p=0.0001). Poliquil presented higher variation of weight independent of the solution (p=0.239). Biosealer also presented higher variation of weight regardless of the solution (p=0.0001). The solubility of Biosealer was different from that of Poliquil, but both sealers showed low solubility in STF. Under the tested conditions, neither of the materials were according to the ADA'S specification.


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In order to calculate the daily stress degree of a bean crop submitted to four water regime applications, cover crop and air daily measurements temperatures were accomplished by using a hand-held infrared thermometer. The treatments did not present crop water stress except the control (without irrigation). The highest yield was obtained by the treatment that received less irrigation frequency, and among the treatments that had the same number of irrigation. The largest yield was obtained with the one that received larger amount of applied water. The largest irrigation frequency did not result in larger productivity. The methodologies used for the irrigation planning were efficient for the replacement of soil water. The daily stress degree index was effective in determining crop water stress; and it was reliable presenting negative values in good water soil condition.


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Brazil's Atlantic Forest ecosystem has been greatly affected by land use changes, with only 11.26% of its original vegetation cover remaining. Currently, Atlantic Forest restoration is receiving increasing attention because of its potential for carbon sequestration and the important role of soil carbon in the global carbon balance. Soil organic matter is also essential for physical, chemical and biological components of soil fertility and forest sustainability. This study evaluated the potential for soil recovery in contrasting restoration models using indigenous Atlantic Forest tree species ten years after their establishment. The study site is located in Botucatu municipality, São Paulo State-Brazil, in a loamy dystrophic Red-Yellow Argisol site (Typic Hapludult). Four treatments were compared: i) Control (Spontaneous Restoration); ii) Low Diversity (five fast-growing tree species established by direct seeding); iii) High Diversity (mixed plantings of 41 species established with seedlings) and; iv) Native Forest (well conserved neighboring forest fragment). The following soil properties were evaluated: (1) physical-texture, density and porosity; (2) chemical-C, N, P, S, K, Ca, Mg, Al and pH; (3) biological-microbial biomass. Litter nutrient concentrations (P, S, K, Ca and Mg) and C and N litter stocks were determined. Within ten years the litter C and N stocks of the Low Diversity treatment area were higher than Control and similar to those in both the High Diversity treatment and the Native Forest. Soil C stocks increased through time for both models and in the Control plots, but remained highest in the Native Forest. The methods of restoration were shown to have different effects on soil dynamics, mainly on chemical properties. These results show that, at least in the short-term, changes in soil properties are more rapid in a less complex system like the Low Diversity model than in the a High Species Diversity model. For both mixed plantation systems, carbon soil cycling can be reestablished, resulting in increases in carbon stocks in both soil and litter.


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The experiment was developed based on the importance of the nutritional factor cunhã for large and small, animals and on the growth of this forage in typical soils of the semiarid region, generally with salinity from natural or anthropogenic action. The experiment was performed in vessels with a capacity of 5kg prepared in a protected environment with full sunshine in the Department of Technology and Social Sciences (DTCS) of UNEB Campus III in Juazeiro - BA. It evaluated the effect of seven different salt concentrations on increasing levels of irrigation water electrical conductivity - ECw (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 dS/m), at room temperature. The analysis of culture were taken every seven days observing the number of leaves, stem diameter, plant, plant length and total chlorophyll content at 13; 20; 27; 34 and 40 days after the start of irrigation with saline. The contents of proline, the ratio aero part/Root (AP/Rt), the root length and water content were evaluated in the 40 th day after the onset of treatment. The results showed that the elevation of ECw affected all variables.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of simulated chewing in the laboratory on the survival of seeds of four tropical forage legumes (butterfly pea, Clitorea ternatea; estilosantes, Stylosanthes capitata/S. macrocephala 'Campo Grande; archer, Macrotyloma axillare and perennial soybean, Neonotonia wightii) submitted to different periods of acid enzymatic digestion in vitro. Three trials were conducted to observe the percentage of destroyed seeds by the mastication; to compare the germination of the seeds (intact seeds, simulated mastication, scarification with sandpaper, mastication and scarification with sandpaper). And, finally the seeds were incubated at 39oC with hydrochloric acid and pepsin for: 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours. The percentages of not destroyed seeds in mastication (archer, 91,5; perennial soybean, 88.0; butterfly pea, 82.1, and estilo, 81.1), associated with the beneficial effects of scarification on germination (64.7, 60.0, 92.0 e 87.3%, respectively) and the effects of time of acid-enzymatic digestion (75% higher if they stay 24 hours in HCl + pepsin) associated to the hard and not permeable coats of legume seeds, allow a high potential for resistance, and to pass intact through the digestive tract of cattle, being able to germinate when defecated in the pastures. However, estilo should not be included in the feeding of cattle for this purpose, because it do not resists the acid-enzyme digestion.


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Guava and araçá, species of the Psidium genus, are important options for Brazilian agribusiness, especially the former species, due to their fruit characteristics, such as appearance, taste and richness in minerals and phenolic compounds. These fruits can be consumed in natura or in several processed forms. The active germplasm bank is an important tool for genetic resource characterization and plant breeding studies. Sixty guava and ten araçá accessions of the Psidium active germplasm, sampled in 44 different Brazilian regions and grown at Embrapa Semiarid, were chemically and biochemically characterized in order to support breeding programs. The accessions were grown in a randomized block design, with two replications and three plants/plot. The sugar, proteins, soluble solids, titratable acidity, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus contents were determined. Large variations were observed in the analyzed compounds, which could be attributed to the diversity of genotypes and also to the environmental conditions, which affect the plant metabolism. The high variability observed in most parameters of the accessions is an important factor for the improvement of these species. Most guava accessions showed higher titratable acidity and soluble solids than those found in commercial cultivars and, in araçá, these levels were even higher, which makes them promising for commercial exploitation. Moreover, fruits of the guava and araçá accessions present good sources of sugars and minerals. Special attention should be given to some guava and araçá accessions from Maranhão and Pernambuco States, respectively, which showed high levels for titratable acidity, soluble solids, SS/TA ratio, total soluble sugars, calcium, magnesium and iron, should be targets of breeding programs for new Psidium cultivars. © ISHS.


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Tillandsia gardneri is a bromeliad with ornamental value and a wide geographical distribution over Brazil. However, due to habitat loss and illegal overcollection in the wild it is included as a vulnerable species in the official list of endangered plants of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The development of a protocol for T. gardneri seed propagation in vitro may be useful for reintroducing plants in their natural habitats, and for germplasm conservation. A difficult problem encountered during the establishment of an in vitro culture is explants disinfection, especially when working with endangered species, from which explant availability is restricted. Thus, the establishment of a sterilization protocol is crucial for the initiation and success of a micropropagation system for T. gardneri. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of sodium hypochlorite concentration and exposure time in seed and seedling surface disinfection, tissue sensitivity and development. Sodium hypochlorite solutions (10 or 20%/5, 10 or 15 min; 25%/5 or 10 min; and 50%/5 min) were effective in eliminating seed superficial contaminants. There was no significant difference among the effective sterilization treatments in relation to seed germination (%), and seedling length and number of leaves, after 120 days in vitro. Also, no damage to seed and seedling tissues were observed. Surface sterilization of seedlings, for initiation of an in vitro culture, required higher concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (25%/15 min; 20 or 50%/5, 10 or 15 min; and 40%/5 and 10 min) for controlling fungal and yeast contamination, compared to seed sterilization. No significant differences among these treatments were found in relation to seedling length and number of leaves, after 60 days in vitro.


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Tissue engineering has been defined as an interdisciplinary field that applies the principles of engineering and life sciences for the development of biological substitutes to restore, maintain or improve tissue function. This area is always looking for new classes of degradable biopolymers that are biocompatible and whose activities are controllable and specific, more likely to be used as cell scaffolds, or in vitro tissue reconstruction. In this paper, we developed a novel bionanocomposite with homogeneous porous distribution and prospective natural antimicrobial properties by electrospinning technique using Stryphodedron barbatimao extract (Barbatimão). SEM images showed equally distribution of nanofibres. DSC and TGA showed higher thermal properties and change crystallinity of the developed bionanocomposite mainly because these structural modification. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Hebanthe eriantha (Poir.) Pedersen (Amaranthaceae), which is known as Brazilian ginseng is widely used in folk medicine as an aphrodisiac and antidiabetic tonic. The anti-tumor activity, attributed to the pfaffic acid present in roots of H. eriantha, is responsible for the great interest in the commercialization of this species. In Brazil, the species H. eriantha is mainly used in commercial preparations, although other plants of the genus Pfaffia and Hebanthe have been marketed as Pfaffia paniculata or Brazilian ginseng. The pfaffic acid present in the roots is mainly conjugated with sugars (pfaffosides) and can be used as an active marker of H. eriantha, which helps to differentiate this species from others marketed as Brazilian ginseng. The main objective of this study was to develop and validate a liquid chromatographic method to quantify pfaffic acid in the roots of H. eriantha. The extraction and hydrolysis conditions were optimized using an univariate and experimental design, respectively, and the quantification of pfaffic acid by high performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection (HPLC-DAD) was validated. This method was used to evaluate the pfaffic acid content in 30 different genotypes of the species from a germplasm collection. The content of pfaffic acid ranged from 0.97 to 4.29% (w/w) on a dry weight basis. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.