206 resultados para Importância do casqueamento e ferrageamento
This project aims to study and verify the importance of effective communication in contemporary organizations, considering current factors such as globalization, new technologies and market competition that make companies be always updated. The choice of the theme is due to the necessity to know that it is important to have an integrated communication between the employees and the customers, so that the established functions in the organizations occur positively. In this context, we present the concept of management, communication and organizational culture, focusing on the integration of business communication. The importance of the employee was also a focus of the study, involving the positioning of organizations. In this context, the case study is placed, considering that companies are characterized by carefully reading the feedback and reformulating the communication, making it effective as “Grendene” has done. Opposing to those ideas is “Terra” company. Thus, the project defends the importance to work on the communication, so that it becomes effective. During the project ways and means to manage communication are shown, so that it recognizes this need and become efficient, benefiting organizations and their audiences
Atualmente a busca da mulher pelo esporte vem crescendo, juntamente com o seu desempenho e a participação em competições. No futebol de campo não é diferente e a adesão das mulheres, ou seja, o número de atletas do sexo feminino vem se tornado expressivo nos últimos anos. A motivação é o combustível para o atleta, seja ele homem ou mulher, independente da modalidade. Por isso não pode prescindir dela. “É através desse que o atleta vai conseguir empenhar-se, dedicar-se e até superar obstáculos dentro do meio esportivo” (MARQUES, 2003, p.99). A motivação é a totalidade daqueles fatores, que determinam a atualização de formas de comportamento dirigido a um determinado objetivo e é caracterizada como um processo ativo, intencional e dirigido a uma meta, o qual depende da interação de fatores pessoais (intrínsecos) e ambientais (extrínsecos). (SAMULSKI, 2002). Contudo o objetivo do presente estudo é verificar o quão importante e influente é o trabalho motivacional na preparação de equipes de futebol feminino para competições. Diante do exposto, estudaremos, no meio de uma revisão de literatura, a importância da motivação em atletas de equipes de futebol feminino
A prática da Restauração Ecológica teve um aumento considerável nas ultimas décadas no Brasil, a fim de remanejar a integridade ecológica dos ecossistemas degradados. No entanto, em virtude da prática ser ainda recente faz-se necessário maiores estudos na área para compreender a relação e a importância dos frugívoros nas redes de interações, bem como as mudanças no desenvolvimento da biodiversidade durante o processo de restauração, visando otimizar os resultados de práticas futuras. Desse modo, o presente trabalho teve como finalidade analisar a estrutura da comunidade de aves do sub-bosque, bem como determinar as principais espécies envolvidas no processo de dispersão de sementes realizado por elas em três áreas restauradas do interior de São Paulo (Iracemápolis, Santa Bárbara d’Oeste e Cosmópolis), com diferentes idades de plantio (14, 25, 57 anos respectivamente), tendo uma área nativa como referência. Para isso foram realizadas redes de neblina para capturar as aves do sub-bosque, e coletar amostras de fezes, afim de se analisar possíveis sementes no conteúdo estomacal/intestinal. Constatou-se que a espécie de Turdus leucomelas foi a mais abundante em todas áreas de estudo, e a mais expressiva para a dispersão de sementes. Iracemápolis e Santa Bárbada d’Oeste apresentaram a maior taxa de captura de indivíduos, enquanto que Cosmópolis apresentou a maior similaridade da avifauna com a mata nativa. Em relação à distribuição das guildas alimentares da avifauna nas áreas, predominaram-se espécies insetívoras em detrimento da baixa presença de frugívoros. Em conclusão, há uma importância significativa da restauração em áreas degradadas para recrutar a avifauna, mesmo que a maioria dos indivíduos sejam de espécies menos sensíveis à fragmentação
Experimental models composed by human and animal cell lines are simplified and informative, allowing them to be widely used for biomedical research. Most laboratories that use in vitro cultivated cells maintain a variation of cell lines stored and cultivated. Therefore, misidentification and cross-contamination events can happen during cell lines handling. This problem can generate a repertoire of dubious results and papers, which may prejudice biomedical research. Recently it was created the International Cell Line Authentication Committee (ICLAC), which aims to spread knowledge about cross-contamination and misidentification of in vitro cell lines. Despite of the efforts spent trying to aware scientific community about the importance of the correct identification of cells, the number of papers based on misidentified cell lines it´s still worrying, compromising the reliability of out coming results and conclusions regarding them. The present study aims to analyze and discuss the main advantages and limitations of eukaryote in vitro cell lines use, characterizing the cell lines authentication problems. Therefore, compilation and critical analyses of literature data was realized, aiming to improve the understanding about this subject. Based on information about 445 cell lines with issues published by ICLAC it´s clear that contamination in human cell lines represented 89,2 % of mentioned problems. HeLa cell line was the responsible for most contamination, especially in 92 normal tissue cell lines, representing 44,6% of the contamination. These results reinforce the importance of periodic maintenance of cell lines cultures by labs and implementation of authentication methods as polymorphic STRs, besides obtaining cell lines from reliable sources and cell banks
Ante a modernidade, a informação está em toda parte, tornando-se grande o desafio de separar as informações atualizadas das ultrapassadas, as confiáveis das questionáveis e as reais das imaginadas. Em relação aos medicamentos, a despeito dos inegáveis avanços terapêuticos, os produtos farmacêuticos passaram a sofrer uso indiscriminado e irracional. Não se pode negar, que o uso racional de medicamentos implica o conhecimento específico e atualizado sobre os mesmos, como também de profissionais envolvidos e compreensão dos pacientes sobre a importância do tratamento. Na expectativa de se contribuir para dirimir as frequentes dúvidas em relação aos medicamentos, reduzir as ocorrências do surgimento de doenças iatrogênicas e esclarecer ao usuário, conseguindo-se a consciência sobre os riscos da automedicação é que entram em cena os Centros de Informação sobre Medicamentos. Estes são locais, onde se acumulam, organizam, processam, avaliam e se informa sobre medicamentos, com o objetivo de melhorar a saúde. No Brasil, após cerca de 30 anos de experiência em Kentucky, EUA, alguns profissionais e acadêmicos atentaram-se à necessidade e importância da existência de tais Centros. Ante ao exposto, a partir de uma revisão não sistemática da literatura, no presente trabalho foram relatadas a importância, necessidade e desafios para se implementar um Centro de Informação sobre Medicamentos
The Services Sector stands out increasingly as an important element of support to various sectors of the economy. The interactions between the Industrial Sector and Services Sector show a process of decentralization of certain functions of the industries at the expense of the specialization of strategic and critical sectors to the production of goods in specialized industries. Thus, this paper aims to address what is the importance of industrial services for industries in the industrial district of Rio Claro (SP), verifying the characteristics of services, demand and supply of these services and the industries they serve
The city of San Carlos is known to have important centers of research aimed at developing high technologies, which are: Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), the University of São Paulo (USP). Thus, the portion of the population of students who are not from the city of San Carlos, but it has to be present daily to provide their respective courses in San Carlos, has the need to rent property. The housing market, in turn, uses the application of capital to meet the demands of students and business is taking steps that make the production of space and provide new scope of the place, giving new meaning to the settings and new residents. This work goes towards understanding the students, social workers, boosting growth in this market and the influences of space and real estate agents and their actions materialized in space to meet this demand
Fairy tales are popular stories that has been narrated for centuries, whether through oral tradition or printed manuscripts, over generations. It is known that fairy tales can, through symbolism, to penetrate the human unconscious, rescuing emotions, feelings and influencing their actions and ways of thinking, and are means of transmitting moral values propagated by particular historical and social contexts for variations that appear in the same story, because it can be modified by the intention of the person who transmits me story and the interpretation of those who read it, at a particular time and situation. Although, these changes, compared to the classic fairy tales of Perrault, the Grimm Brothers and Andersen, are marked clearly different, which shows the habits and customs of the time in which they are conveyed, whether in written or oral form. The present work aimed to study the differences between current and classic tales, as well as their influences on implications for the child's mind, from a work by the teacher, which consider the role of context in the situation, the characters and the plot. Thus it is intended that students be induced to question, to understand the values dealtturn in the story and to make inferences, and that logical reasoning be stimulated not only for reading, but for any act of communication to occur
The study analyzed contours of the thoracic region of patients undergoing radiotherapy of breast tumors in Hospital Manuel de Abreu of Bauru (institution 1) and the Hospital da Faculdade de Medicina of Botucatu (Institution 2). Were prepared isodose curves corresponding to the contours of the patient, which were presented for radiotherapists doctors both hospital services that enabled the choice of the curve isodose that provides the best distribution of radiation dose in the irradiated volume. Some boundaries were digitized in one institution and sent for preparation of isodose lines in the institution 2, both curves plotted in each of the institutions and for the same contour, were compared, showing that the methodology of Curves of distance is feasible and reliable, while optimizing the routine procedures regarding the handling of isodose plans provided by different radiation equipment. It compares the calculation of the exposure time determined using the isodose curve selected by calculating the value obtained considering the PDP at the point of the middle line of separation between the internal and external fields, the difference between the two methods for determining exposure time was around 2.4%. A study on the angle of the radiation beam at the input field (region breast-air) was conducted showing that, once known a tangent angle of the input beam, one can estimate the angle of the wedge filter used in some procedures for uniformity of dose within the irradiated volume compensation and the lack of tissue in the treatment volume. A comparative study between the isodose curves produced manually with the curves obtained in a two-dimensional computer system, the computer system showed that provides further information regarding the dose gradient within the irradiated volume, in addition to reducing the time spent in preparing the curves isodose
This paper demonstrates that in every society there are limits and these are imposed on its members. However, the awareness and the determination of theses limits are necessarily how they are transmitted by the educator to the learners. Its purpose is to show that autonomous, critical and cooperative individuals are result of the form they were educated and instructed in the classroom. Schools and educators should be concerned with the education of individuals able to reflect, discuss and solve the social and moral conflicts through dialogue, exposition of ideas, suggesting alternatives and the preparation and reworking of the principles and norms that govern society. The goal of this study is identify and highlight the importance of educator language in conflict resolution, its consequences and effects on the process of building the moral autonomy of children in preschool, as well as discussing, in theory the two types of language, evaluative and descriptive. In the same way, show the importance of descriptive language on the construction process from moral autonomy of learner. Several existing research about the chosen subject led to face this challenge, deepening the study to show that and educational system focused on cooperative environment, where teacher actions encourage social interaction, giving the student opportunity to talk, argue and present his thoughts, causes a significant development toward the construction of moral autonomy on the learner
Aspects are discussed on the chirality of drugs and their action in the human body, the benefits of using a drug in enantiomerically pure form and why, even today, despite the risks, many drugs are marketed as racemic mixture. Among the methods of separation there is the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) which can be given in different ways using chiral additives in the mobile phase as in the system of ligand exchange in the ion pair system and the system of cavity or inclusion. Note also the wide variety of chiral stationary phases available in the market that allow high specificity using them according to the need and purpose of the method. The review of the topic is extremely important since it is a matter of public interest world that brings into play issues and financial policies
O presente trabalho estuda questões relativas à área da Educação Infantil, no que tange à sua metodologia, em específico, ao método da Roda de Conversa e sua importância na sala de aula. Objetiva-se com este estudo, levantar o aporte teórico dessa estratégia metodológica, considerada por diversos autores e especialistas da educação, como uma ferramenta importante para os educadores, porque contribui no relacionamento e na interação entre professor e aluno e entre alunos e seus colegas, pois com o método da Roda de Conversa, o aluno passa a ter voz, é estimulado a se comunicar, melhor contextualizando seu aprendizado. O processo de ensino aprendizagem centrado nos métodos tradicionais de ensino, em geral, não valorizam o diálogo, ou seja, o professor é o único detentor do “status” do saber. Diversos autores que tratam do assunto foram abordados nessa pesquisa bibliográfica, com o intuito de oferecer subsídios para reflexões sobre a metodologia em pauta, considerando que ela pode se constituir em um importante instrumento para que o professor levante os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos, permitindo a eles, a expressão de suas idéias, o desenvolvimento da imaginação e da curiosidade, superando a relação controladora que normalmente está presente nos processos educacionais tradicionais, além de fomentar conceitos de democracia, respeito, valores, regras, cidadania e facilitar a análise de aspectos importantes do desenvolvimento, como a fala, a postura e a dicção. Parte-se do pressuposto, de que a Roda de Conversa pode auxiliar o aluno a tornar-se mais crítico, participativo e equilibrado na sua relação social
This work analyzes the importance of public policies in the process of urban-environmental preservation of the Alvares Machado city at state of Sao Paulo in Brazil, where priority was given to questions related to cultural heritage. Adopting the concept of territory as base to understand the complexities in the city, this work clarifies and contextualizes the historical heritage legislation through the Master Plan and the City Statute. The work also focuses on the contribution of the geographer toward studies related to urban-environmental planning.
The financial health of a family is one of the main generators of quality of life, and this is only possible through financial planning, which is nothing more than save and analyze before contracting debts. To do this, students must have notion of financial mathematics, especially of that used by the banks on overdraft interest, in investments and in the short-term and longterm loans, that is, compound interest, equivalent rates, depreciation and others. Starting from the knowledge of arithmetic and geometric progressions and, based on real situations which allow the application of the content learned, one intends to develop activities applied to high education. To start from real situations is one of the main lines of thought of the Problem Solving Methodology, in which the student is the active agent in the construction of his or her knowledge. As the National Curricular Parameters point out, the practice in the use of computers is essential for gaining a job. Therefore, this project proposes an activity where knowledge of Financial Mathematics can to be practiced, associated with the use of Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet
This paper was developed with students of the second year from high school, in a private school, identifying their motivation for the study of physics contents, when they are discussed in an not ordinary class, but critical. We incorporated the critical class as a didactic tool, able to stimulate and motivate the physics study and to help the teacher. Through questions, we evaluated how this class motivated the students, as well as how we investigate the type of class and teacher the students consider to be the most motivator for their learning