202 resultados para IMPRENSA PORTUGUESA


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A autora analisa as interpretaes construdas por parte da imprensa brasileira sobre os Estados Unidos e a Argentina nos ltimos anos de vigncia do regime monrquico, focando particularmente os jornais A Provncia de So Paulo, que representava a elite poltica, econmica e cultural associada campanha republicana, e o Jornal do Commercio, peridico monrquico-conservador, sediado no Rio de Janeiro, a capital imperial, que gozava de grande prestgio. A autora optou por analisar esses pases porque, no conjunto de pases americanos, ambos tiveram especial destaque nos peridicos analisados. Ela observa que a cobertura dos Estados Unidos se justificava por ser aquele pas um parceiro comercial importante do Brasil, que representava consistente mercado consumidor para seu principal produto, o caf, e, ainda, em consequncia da admirao que vrios setores da sociedade brasileira expressavam por seu crescimento acelerado. A Argentina era acompanhada de perto porque interessava enormemente ao Brasil entender os fatos que se desencadeavam no territrio vizinho, em especial no mbito poltico e militar. A imprensa do perodo, porm, tambm enfatizou o crescimento econmico argentino. A imprensa refletiu as posies de grupos polticos distintos a respeito dos Estados Unidos e da Argentina, muitas vezes antagnicas. E acabaria por divulgar o debate de suas propostas sobre o lugar que o Brasil deveria ocupar na Amrica e sobre a forma ideal de governo para o pas


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O autor realiza uma detalhada anlise da repercusso do processo de independncia cubana na imprensa brasileira, por meio do exame dos peridicos Jornal do Commercio e O Estado de S. Paulo no perodo compreendido entre 1895 e 1902. Os posicionamentos e opinies emitidos pelos jornais foram observados a partir de uma perspectiva comparada e com base na configurao poltica e ideolgica de cada veculo. O livro tambm investiga, ainda levando em conta o posicionamento desses jornais, as propostas ou opinies acerca da insero do Brasil no mbito das relaes polticas internacionais, sobretudo no que diz respeito aos Estados Unidos. poca, este pas comeavam a despontar como uma das grandes potncias polticas e econmicas do planeta e a consolidar um papel hegemnico nas Amricas. A histria da independncia cubana a mais longa do continente, e uma das mais dramticas: Cuba chegou tarde independncia, em comparao com os outros pases hispano-americanos e mesmo assim no a conquistou por completo, pois ficou por um longo perodo sob a tutela poltica dos Estados Unidos. O extenso processo de independncia de Cuba culminou com mudanas importantes para a Amrica Latina, marcando o fim da presena colonial espanhola no continente e abrindo caminho para uma nova fase da poltica externa dos EUA para a regio, de carter francamente imperialista


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This paper has approached the coastal and Atlantic characters of such commercial activity in the port of Santos between 1808 and 1822 and the contradictions arising of this double condition, which is unique in the Southern coast of Portuguese America. This discussion was based on data collected in importation and exportation maps produced by customs of Santos to the Royal Board of Trade.


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Baseia-se em uma pesquisa interinstitucional que focaliza o mbito mais amplo em que so formuladas e implementadas as polticas de formao de professores no Estado de So Paulo. Tem por objetivo contribuir para a elucidao das foras presentes em movimentos de reforma curricular nos cursos de licenciatura, cotejando dados e aspectos socioculturais e institucionais circundantes. A anlise incide sobre projetos pedaggicos de dois cursos de Letras de duas universidades pblicas paulistas. Essas instituies desenvolveram, nos ltimos anos, projetos ou aes de formao de professores para a escola bsica, e nesse contexto que se inserem os projetos pedaggicos analisados, que so tomados como exemplos de caminhos diferenciados que as universidades traam, influenciadas pela histria de cada instituio. O procedimento de pesquisa adotado foi a anlise documental e o conceito de currculo em processo orientou as reflexes desenvolvidas. Reafirma-se, como em outros estudos, que a necessria integrao entre saberes pedaggicos e saberes provenientes da rea de referncia continua sendo tarefa difcil, que as circunstncias na criao dos cursos e a formao superposta deixou suas marcas nas instituies e que as tentativas para super-la constituem exemplos esparsos e no modelos generalizados, o que ressalta a relevncia da continuidade das pesquisas sobre o currculo dos cursos de licenciatura.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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The article analyses three school exams of Elementary School, two belonging to a mother and one of her son, which were kept and provided to the researcher by the mother. The first two exams were dated March 30 and November 13, 1935 of the 3rd grade of Grupo Escolar Fernando Lobo in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. The third one was produced at Grupo Escolar Coronel Amncio Bueno in Jaguarina, So Paulo in March 28, 1963 in a 4th grade class. The analysed data all together point out school products which are the result of the relationship between teacher, student and school culture. School exams are as important documents as the notebooks in order to understand the school culture, and as this paper tries to indicate, they are the means for the insertion into the world of written culture. The methodology based on the microanalysis of these documents reveals records about the structure of the exams and the Brazilian school curriculum in the teaching of Portuguese as a mother tongue in 1935 e 1963.


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The aim of this study was to verify the reliability of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the instrument Cerebral Palsy: quality of life questionnaire for children: primary caregiver questionnaire (CP QOLChild: primary caregiver) translated and culturally adapted. Thus, the translation and cultural adaptation of the instrument was made, and then the procedures to verify its reliability were performed. The translated and culturally adapted questionnaire was answered by 30 caregivers of children with cerebral palsy and inter and intra-observer analysis followed. The data allowed the authors to identify an internal consistency rangering from 0.649 to 0.858, intra-observer reliability from 0.625 to 0.809 and inter-observer reliability from 0.498 to 0.903. The analysis suggests that the instrument has acceptable psychometry.


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Culture and the arts in Brazil were impacted directly by the military coup from 1964 onwards. In spite of repression and censorship, the activity of intellectuals and artists in the pre-1964 period was not interrupted nor became stagnant, but gained even greater force due to the presence of control and restrictions by the institutions of repression over against the freedom of creation and thought. As in many sectors of cultural production, literature played a vigorously combative role against the arbitrariness of the regime and implemented projects of resistance on the basis of key elements of representation. This occurred, for instance, through the writing and circulation of works such as Pessach: a travessia, by journalist Carlos Heitor Cony, and Quarup, by journalist Antonio Callado. The two novels enabled a broad debate on the narrative form and the scope of involvement in the literature of the 1960s, such as the confrontation between Paulo Francis and Ferreira Gullar in the pages of Revista Civilizao Brasileira, which is the focus of this article.


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The colection Histria Nova do Brasil, produced and published in the early 1960s by a group of intellectuals of the Instituto Superior de Estudos Brasileiros (ISEB), has become a field of discussion and debate among military and the left after 1964. Accused of promoting communist subversion, the collection had a new methodology to analyze the history of Brazil, with marxist approach. For this and other reasons, copies were seized by military agencies and the authors were indicted in military investigations, accused of violating the National Security Law.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Ps-graduao em Lingustica e Lngua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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The main goal of this work is to evaluate the realization of the linguistic phenomenon of preposition and also to investigate how current normative pressures influence the production and the perception of processes of variation and change in Brazilian Portuguese. We analyze the use of prepositions a and para in verbal complementation contexts in contemporary journalistic texts from So Paulos press the web newspapers. The contexts considered are constructions with complements of direction, movement with transference, material transference, and verbal/perceptual predicators (Berlinck, 1996; Corra, Canado, 2006). Because written texts tend to be more conservative (i.e. more normative) this research provides an important linguistic investigation that contributes to the sociolinguistic knowledge of the language. However, the newspapers also tend to reflect the use, so they constitute a privileged place for us to understand the conflicting relationship between norm and use. Besides this, the research is relevant for General Linguistics for considering linguistic and extralinguistic factors which determine the use and frequency of the prepositions, like syntactic-semantic relations between the preposition, the verb, the complement, and the text genre. We collected data from web newspapers from Araraquara, with small and medium circulation. Based on previous results, we have ascertained the predominance of the use of the preposition a in the newspapers from So Paulo in the 20th century. However, we have also ascertained representative records of variation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)