141 resultados para Frente de masas


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The personal experience respective is a description of an psychosocial intervention effectuated in the year of 2007 in an institution not government, in the city of Taubaté, with a group of women infected with the virus HIV. We will present in the short form our work, which happened through a therapeutic group, that had as device, the production of new process of subjectivizing with these women in the conduction of them condition of life after the infection with the virus HIV. To determine our actions use the theoretical assumptions of genealogy, of psychology and the theory of institutional operating group with emphasis on aspects of group discussion. During approximately twelve meetings with the denser group work topics such as social violence (inequality of rights, prejudice and stigma), treatment of the condition of serum positive when marked by ambivalence to treatment and the use of defense mechanisms: denial, projection and omnipotence, the weak and intense physical and mental suffering resulting from this process.We end our exhibition while presenting the discursive constructions and, consequently, the multiforms singular potentialities of the group that appeared with our psychosocial interventions.


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O objetivo desse artigo é refletir sobre a experiência visual da revista mexicana Frente a Frente (1934-1937) publicação da Liga de Escritores y Artistas Revolucionários – LEAR (1933-1938). Após apresentar a trajetória da revista procuramos investigar o projeto visual da publicação e a complexidade de uma revista engajada e a tensão entre propostas de cultura proletária, realismo socialista e vanguarda. Procuramos averiguar a circulação da vanguarda fotográfica entre Europa e México no período entre guerras. Interessa-nos em particular a experiência da utilização de fotografias e fotomontagens.


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On heat cured acrylic resins by microwaves energy the action of electromagnetic waves on methylmethacrylate promote the polymerization process. However, part of this energy is absorbed by the gypsum present in the flask and the function of this gypsum is to maintain the characteristics of specimen, nevertheless is unknown in the literature as the amount of water present in this gypsum affects the characteristics of acrylic resin. The proposal of this study was verified if dried gypsum influenced in some properties of the acrylic resins thermally activated by microwaves: presence of porosity, microhardness, roughness, flexural strength and dimensional change. Two different types of acrylic resin for complete denture were utilized: Lucitone 550 e Vipi-Wave and groups were formed: Lucitone 550, polymerization by microwave energy without gypsum treatment; Lucitone 550, polymerization by microwave energy with pretreatment gypsum; Vipi-Wave by microwave energy without gypsum treatment; Vipi Wave, polymerization by microwave energy with pretreatment gypsum; Lucitone 550 control group polymerization in hot water bath. For both situations were performed analysis of microhardness and porosity three different metallic shaped specimens were formed with followed dimensions: 2,0x2,0x2,0cm (8cm3); 2,0x2,0x1,0 (4cm3) e 2,0x2,0x0,5 (2cm3). Standardized wax specimens was used to prepare groups (n=9) and included in glass fiber flasks. The gypsum dry was made by microwave oven cycle (10min and 600W) and then the flasks were maintained in dry oven during two hours. Polymerizations of specimens were made and then polished. Wax patterns #7 obtained from the metal were embedded in plastic flask and following the processes of pressing and polymerization of the resin according to established groups. To evaluate the flexural strength, specimens 65mm x 10mm x 3.0mm from metallic patterns in bar format were made. ...


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Recent bonding systems have been advocated as multi-purpose bonding agents. The aim of this study was to determine if some of these bonding systems could be associated to composite resins from different manufacturers. This investigation was conducted to test lhe shear bond strength of three bonding systems: Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (3M Dental Products), Optibond Light Cure (Kerr) and Optibond Dual Cure (Kerr), when each of them was associated to lhe composite resins: Z1 00 (3M Dental Products), Prisma - APH (Dentsply) and Herculite XRV (Kerr). Seventy-two flat dentin bonding sites were prepared to 600 grit on human premolars mounted using acrilic resins. The teeth were assigned at random to 9 groups of 8 samples each. A split die with a 3mm diameter was placed over lhe surface of lhe dentin treated with one of lhe adhesive systems, and lhe selected composite resin was inserted and light cured. The split mold was removed and all samples were termocycled and stored in 37ºC water for 24 hours before testing. Shear bond strength was determined using an lnstron Universal testing machine. Some failures were examined under lhe S.E.M. Data was analysed by one-way analysis of variance, that demonstrated a significant difference (p<0,05) in the mean shear bond strength among Optibond Light Cure (15,446 MPa), Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (13,339 MPa) and Optibond Dual Cure (10,019 MPa). These values did not depend on the composite resin used. The association between bonding system/composite resin was statistycally significant (p<0,05) and the best results were obtained when the composite resins Z100 and Herculite were used with the adhesive system Optibond Light Cure, and when the composite resin APH was used with the adhesive system Scotchbond Multi-Purpose


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The response of bone metabolism is directly related to hormonal factors and mechanical stimuli that the bone is exposed. The ultrasonic energy on bone healing have been shown to be crucial for the stimulation and improvement in quality of newly formed tissue. The aim of this study was to analyze the action of low intensity ultrasound on bone healing of tibial osteotomy in rats subjected to tail suspension, through histological analysis and histomorphometry. Eighteen Rattus norvegicus albinos, Wistar, adults were divided into three groups, arranged as follows: G1 (n = 6), who remained free for a period of 15 days, G2 (n = 5), suspended by the tail for a period of 15 days and G3 (n = 7), suspended by the tail for a period of 36 days. In all three groups, both tibias were subjected to mono-cortical bone injury 4X2 mm in the medial region of the diaphysis, and the left limb was used as control and the right limb undergoing treatment with ultrasound (U.S.). The right tibia was treated with pulsed ultrasound at a frequency of 1.5 MHz, duty cycle 1:4, 30mW/cm2, for 12 sessions of 20 minutes each. Samples of tibia were subjected to histological analysis, blindly, with light microscopy and histomorphometric analysis by specific software Image-Pro 6.1. The average percentage of new bone formation were subjected to analysis of variance in subdivided parcels and multiple comparison test "Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK), with a significance level of 5%. The average values and standard deviations of the percentage of newly formed bone for the groups showed the least amount of bone repair G1t (13.62% ± 4.88%) - G1c (8.68% ± 4.16%) compared G2t groups (27.17% ± 11.36%) - G2c (10.10% ± 7.90%) and G3t (23.19% ± 5.61%) - G3c (15.74% ± 7 08%). However, the mean values and standard deviations of the percentage of newly formed bone repair in the tibia treated G2t and G3t were significantly higher when compared to the repair of tibia in the control group (G2c and G3c). Consequently, we conclude that ultrasound has helped to accelerate bone repair in both the presence and absence of cargo.


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Overweight and obesity are pandemics and have been widely discussed in Public Health and Health at Work. Comorbidities such as metabolic syndrome, hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, orthopedic disorders and coronary diseases can induce to absenteeism, reduced work performance, disability and death. The aim of this review is to discuss the role of the nurse in control and prevention of these illnesses in the workplace. We concluded that occupational health nurses work should act proactively with a multidisciplinary team aimed at individual and collective monitoring of actions designed to control and prevent overweight and obesity. Furthermore, this professional should follow up the health of individual workers with a high body mass index in order to warn and prevent comorbidities related to these conditions.


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O tratamento endodôntico é de fundamental importância para abolir a infecção nos dentes com necrose pulpar. O sucesso desse tratamento depende: da eliminação eficiente da infecção no sistema de canais radiculares (SCR) e do correto selamento pela obturação dos canais radiculares. Devido à complexidade anatômica do SCR, certas áreas podem ser inacessíveis ao preparo biomecânico (PBM), portanto, o emprego de uma medicação intracanal potencializa a redução dos microrganismos (MO) e seus produtos tóxicos no SCR. Mesmo com o avanço técnico e científico da Endodontia, há MO que ainda sobrevivem ao PBM, sendo os principais responsáveis pela manutenção infecção endodôntica. Assim, novos tratamentos devem ser pesquisados. Com o advento dos aparelhos de laser e LED, surgiram alternativas de tratamentos na área da saúde, como a terapia fotodinâmica (TFD), que é um conjunto de procedimentos físicos, químicos e biológicos, que ocorrem após a administração de um agente fotossensibilizador (FS) ativado por meio de uma luz visível de comprimento de onda específico (laser ou LED) para destruir a célula-alvo, ou auxiliar no combate das infecções. Na Endodontia, foram demonstrados em estudos in vitro e in vivo que o emprego da TFD atua como um coadjuvante e potencializa a desinfecção do SCR, além de ser de fácil aplicação e não promover resistência microbiana. O objetivo da presente revisão é apresentar o estado atual da terapia fotodinâmica em Endodontia.


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Introdução: o trauma dentário na infância ocorre com grande frequência, em especial em ambientes escolares. Portanto, é importante que educadores e funcionários das escolas saibam o que fazer frente a essa fatalidade, pois, após sua ocorrência, a rapidez na intervenção do cirurgião-dentista é um dos fatores que determinará o prognóstico de sucesso no tratamento. Objetivo: o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o nível de conhecimento de professores de escolas públicas quanto ao tratamento emergencial em casos de traumatismo dentário. Métodos: quarenta professores de uma escola municipal e de uma creche foram entrevistados. O questionário abordava questões para identificação do perfil dos sujeitos, seu conhecimento acerca de primeiros socorros — incluindo traumas dentários —, qual tipo de traumatismo é mais frequente e quais são as condutas frente a esses traumatismos. Resultados: de um total de 40 entrevistados, 65% receberam treinamento de primeiros socorros, porém, apenas 52% receberam o treinamento do atendimento emergencial dos traumatismos dentários. Quarenta por cento já haviam presenciado casos de acidentes escolares envolvendo dentes, e a maioria dos entrevistados (55%) desconhecia a frequência com que isso ocorre. Um número significativo de pessoas tem dúvidas acerca da conduta correta a ser seguida quando da ocorrência de uma fratura coronária e da avulsão. Conclusão: conclui-se que o conhecimento dos professores sobre a conduta frente ao traumatismo dentário é inadequada. Programas educacionais, palestras explicativas e treinamentos devem ser realizados com esses profissionais, que são os primeiros a ter contato com casos de traumatismos dentários nas escolas.


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The pharmaceutical industry invests heavily in promoting their products, and studies suggest that these actions influence doctor’s prescribing. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the opinions and attitudes of doctors when facing promotional activities of the laboratories. To this end, questionnaires were sent to doctors in Araraquara (SP) containing statements on the subject. Data analysis included study of the association by the chi-square. The results indicated that physicians relate to the propagandists (98%) by considering them useful (55%), but not as a main source update (86%). For 62% of them their prescriptions are not influenced by such relationships, while 24% disagree that doctors in general are influenced as well as new graduates (37%). The majority also disagrees that are influenced by amenities (86%) or free samples (70%) but only 38% believe their colleagues are not influenced by the samples. As for the ethics of these receipts, 57% considered to be appropriate when benefit patients, but only 32% while for personal use. The results show that doctors are vulnerable to the influences of marketing. Therefore, mechanisms and interventions are needed for prescribing drugs solely by criteria of effectiveness, safety, convenience and accessibility to the patient.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS