177 resultados para Especialização territorial produtiva


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Nesta obra, Roberto Leme Batista analisa a ideologia da nova educação profissional no momento histórico criado e vivido pelo capitalismo globalizado. O ponto de partida da análise é a crise estrutural do capital a partir da década de 1970, que motivou a ofensiva do capital contra o trabalho como uma forma de superá-la. Batista trata a reestruturação produtiva como um dos componentes essenciais da ofensiva capitalista, explicando como se processou a transformação do conceito de qualificação para o de competências, e como a reforma da educação na década de 1990, no Brasil, assimilou essa ofensiva no âmbito da educação profissional. Para o autor, busca-se com um novo tipo de educação profissional um sujeito social palatável e útil ao capital, um trabalhador flexível e adaptável às transformações organizacionais e técnicas do capitalismo global, cujo momento predominante veio a ser o toyotismo, a experiência mais bem sucedida de flexibilização da produção e do trabalho da moderna sociedade industrial.


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This article questions some elements that can help to make early work understood nowadays. From a local reality, the city of Franca in São Paulo, it records the production restructuring, the expansion of the informal, autonomous and domestic work, and the early inclusion of boys and girls in the work market, as well as the maintenance of the distance between the paradigm of whole protection to children and adolescents and the daily reality in which they are inserted.


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ


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This article presents a discussion about the fetishism of the intellectual capital, analysing the ideology of knowledge and the need of adaptation of the worker in connection with the restructuring of capital in recent decades. We analyze the emergence of this ideology - through the concepts of knowledge society, information society, intellectual capital, among others - in some authors of the area human resource management, following it presents the critique of this notion based on the analysis of some authors of critical social thought. Finally we position ourselves in order to assert that this is a new version of fetishism in the time of globalization of the capital.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Rouanet law is a tax incentive law that allows companies to invest up to 4% of their taxes - based on actual profit - in sponsoring cultural projects previously approved by the Ministry of Culture. By sponsoring these projects, companies can have their name attached to them and, consequently, strengthening their brand and increase its visibility in the market. Whereas this project is aligned to the company vision, its image will be strengthened and the sales will increase. Large companies use the Rouanet Law to sponsor cultural events and have very strong names in the Brazilian market, perhaps worldwide. Examples: Petrobras, Banco do Brasil, Banco Bradesco, BNDES, Usiminas, Vale, among others. The Public Relations professional, who’s responsible for internal and external communication of a company, can use it as a differential of his work, expanding the company's profits with minimum investments, aligning the company's vision to actual practices and using the sponsorship as an agent capable of strengthen its social responsibility and, due to that, to increase the trust of its target audience. This study will address the theoretical and practical aspects of the Rouanet Law and of the public relations professionals, beyond mentioning examples on the subject, with special attention to Petrobras, the largest sponsor of cultural projects in Brazil. The greatest problem of the Rouanet Law is the fact that its sponsored projects are mostly concentrated in the Southeast, specifically in the Rio - São Paulo region. The more popular the Act become, for most places it will spread and Brazil may, after some time, become a world reference in the Cultural point


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In this work, we analyze a measurement system that will be implanted in a wheels production line, in order to use those wheels for buses and trucks. The measurement device has to be approved according to the MSA study, due to the fact that the mentioned industry is an automobilistic supplier, so that it has to be conform with the ISO/TS 16949 standards. We showed the MSA studies, as well as some concepts for the work understanding. The airlock wheels systematic production is also broached, that is to say, wheels that use airlock tyres, with a better attention given to the rim production, where the device must be implanted. We analyze and assess the data’s acceptance according to the guidelines showed in this study, along with this, improvement proposals are elaborated and their analysis is made, in order to check the obtained results. Finally, we survey the analyzed measurement system, and new studies are suggested, with the intention of improving it


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O presente trabalho objetivou oferecer subsídios para o Planejamento Territorial, através da caracterização geomorfológica da Bacia do Ribeirão Piracicamirim, caracterização esta que permitiu reconhecer a morfodinâmica dos ambientes pleiteados à ocupação e/ou já ocupados. Através desta caracterização foi possível conhecer as suscetibilidades geomorfológicas da área e, a partir daí, verificou-se algumas especificações da Legislação Ambiental Brasileira referente a estas áreas. Além das características do relevo, foram analisadas também algumas das regulamentações referentes à conservação da vegetação, para assim, apontar sob a forma de registro cartográfico, os setores onde ocorre legalmente a limitação ao uso e ocupação do solo. A fim de se alcançar os objetivos traçados, foi utilizada a abordagem direta e indireta da bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Piracicamirim. A primeira foi realizada através de trabalhos de campo e a segunda foi efetuada através da revisão bibliográfica, cartográfica e da elaboração de documentos cartográficos da área. Como orientação metodológica foi adotada a Teoria Geral dos Sistemas aplicada à ciência geográfica. Os documentos cartográficos produzidos mostraram que alguns setores da presente bacia necessitam de uma melhor atenção quanto às questões ambientais. Tratase de áreas onde o conjunto das características físicas do ambiente, juntamente com o uso e ocupação da terra predominante tem ocasionado intensos processos erosivos em diferentes estágios de evolução. Constatou-se que a retirada da mata original para o cultivo da cana-de-açúcar tem ocasionado grandes problemas erosivos que merecem uma melhor atenção dos órgãos responsáveis pelo Planejamento Territorial da bacia.


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This final course project originates itself from the discussions of the Group of Studies and Pedagogical Research in Gymnastics (GEPPEGIN) of Unesp/RC and starts with the Pedagogy of Sport, with the purpose of knowing, analysing and discussing its existence and paths, in a series of discussions about the early specialization. The early specialization is a theme that relates frequently to the modalities of gymnastics, the focus point being that most gymnasts are specialized younger than most athletes from other sports (SCHIAVON, 2009), and not always in a proper way. It is from this issue that the intention of this study begins: knowing, analysing and discussing the existence and the ways of discussions about early specialization in researches and publications related to Rhythmic Gymnastics in the last decade (2002-2012) in Brazil. For the development of this qualitative research of scientific initiation a bibliographic research will be conducted about Rhythmic Gymnastics, with the focus on arising researches from post graduation programs stricto-sensu, recognized by Capes and, scientific papers, published during indexed periods in Brazil and classified in Qualis of Physic Education


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The consuming of the natural resources in the agricultural sector does not represent only one external factor of the productive process, but also it implies in a bigger cost for the production, justified for this environmental degradation. In view of the necessity of evaluating the sustainment of the agricultural businesses, the use of performance indicators if makes of extreme importance. The measurement of the support through environmentalindicators is one of the most accepted forms of performing the evaluation of one given agricultural activity. In this context, the Base System for Eco-certification of Agricultural Businesses (Eco-cert Rural) developed by the Embrapa Environment at Jaguariúna/SP, has for purpose to present a method of evaluation of the agricultural businesses, not only of the point of view of the ecological performance, as well as considering the social, economic and organizational aspects. Through the analysis of the performance of the activity and the regularization of the disconformities found, it makes possible the eco-certification of the activities in the varied existing protocols, offering technologies designed to the sustainable development of the agricultural businesses. Using Eco-cert.Rural, this work evaluated the contribution of the use of mechanized harvest in sugar cane handling, front to the traditional system of manual harvest, using the fire. In the Sugar Cane Activity General Performance Index, Agrícola Rio Claro scored 2,08 of a maximum of 15. Amongst all the indicators, those wich reached performance worse had been related to the Use of Energy and the Income, by increasing fossil fuel consumptiom, and implying income concentration due to resignations of rural workers. However, the improvements on the environment quality by supressing manual harvest through fire are very significant. Beyond the great reduction in...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The presented text aims to evaluate the causes that led to the formation of the current agrarian structure in Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay as well as the characteristics of the agro-export model that takes place in these countries, which is based on production and export of soybeans. Because of its contemporary importance and represent the bulk of agricultural production in the countries under study, is established the objective of identifying the particularities and commonalities between these soybean production, with regard to its production structure and the benefits and impacts generated by this. Finally, statistical historical data are presented, enabling this comparison, showing the development and crucial moments for the establishment of the current standard


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present paper is a reflection of studies and analyzes on issues involving the training of Geography Teachers. By realizing this projetc, we aim to analyze the influences of specialization training in the teaching practice of the subjects who graduated in Geography at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Rio Claro Campus. This is primarily a discussion of the university curriculum, the professionals it forms and the current politics of training teachers of Geography. Thus, we conducted a literature review, and will be used questionnaires and interviews with the subjects, graduated in degree course and a BA in Geography in the last four years


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O trabalho analisa como se estabelece o processo de construção social de uma identidade territorial em dois assentamentos humanos na cidade de Huánuco, Peru. Os processos de assentamento se configuram por movimentos migratórios autônomos, por processo de migração forçada (refugiados), ou por políticas públicas específicas de assentamentos humanos, seja por instrumentos de reforma agrária e ou por reordenamento territorial, bem como por iniciativas concretas construídas pelos sujeitos a partir de sua atuação em movimentos sociais. Estes últimos se estabelecem de forma mais acentuada na América Latina, no campo e na cidade, por meio dos movimentos sociais de luta pela terra; no Brasil, em particular no campo, o MST se constitui em um grande protagonista, assim como em lutas por moradia também se encontra um movimento mais articulado denominado Movimento dos Sem Teto. Buscou-se compreender melhor como esses movimentos ocorrem no Peru e tendo como base empírica o município de Huánuco. Destaca-se que esse processo de reorganização espacial dos sujeitos gera dúvidas quanto a se constituir em um território de emancipação, de constituição de liberdade organizativa e de gestão, com capacidade de se transformar em elemento de alteridade, ou simplesmente de subordinação, confinamento, não permitindo a constituição de uma comunidade livre e autônoma. Diante destas questões exige-se uma reflexão sobre o processo de construção social de uma identidade territorial, como forma de entender as dinâmicas de apropriação territorial que se efetiva por comunidades nesta nova espacialidade ocupada e vivenciada, delimitando claramente se esta espacialidade constitui um território per si ou em si. Para Sartre o per si é o fazer conscientemente, construindo para si significação sobre sua existência prática e cotidiana no mundo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)