201 resultados para Devir (Conceito filosófico)
O conceito de região e o ensino de Geografia: desencontros entre o saber escolar e o saber acadêmico
The school geographic knowledge must remain in line with theoretical advances produced by academic geographical knowledge. This is important for guarantee much better quality of education which is offered in schools. In this context, there are some important questions: do the teaching manual of geography for the basic level are updated according to the geographical knowledge produced by academia? Do the teachers of Geography in the basic education level have accompanied the theoretical and methodological innovations produced recently by geographical science? Through a research conducted with 51 teachers of Geography, who working in public schools in Marília, and after an analysis of geographic knowledge transmitted by textbooks used in most schools, the goal of this paper is to present some response to these questions. The research with teachers and the analysis of the contents of the textbooks were guided by one principal issue: the meaning of region.
In the context of current scientific studies toward Information Science and Semiotics, this study highlights that Semiotics is relevant to the field, since that signs are interpreted in different ways by each person primarily when they arise from the interpretation of documental analysis, maintaining large amplitude and diversity. In this sense, Semiotics can furnish support for several areas since it focuses on elements which enable the understanding of the phenomena, in order to guide an adequate theory about the concerns pointed by research on information and knowledge organization. This study aims to present a theoretical reflection about the subject analysis from Peirce’s philosophical-semiotics approach. Thus, this study presents some relations and contributions of Semiotics on issues involving subject analysis as well as concepts of habit, experience, representation and types of signs generated in the process.
The focus of this work is to present an example of refutation of the concept of element inside the seventeenth-century scientific revolution, mainly through Robert Boyle’s The Sceptical Chymist. On the first section of this paper the notion of element as considered by the ancient Greeks in Aristotle’s Physics and modern chemists in Paracelsus will be briefly presented. After that in the second section Boyle’s deconstruction of the idea of element will be exposed considering his argumentation of why this notion is prejudicial to the study of nature. Finally, in the third section follows the constructive stage in which a new hypothesis is presented (the corpuscular hypothesis) as the best option to replace the notion of element.
The objective of this essay is to make a connection between E. P. Thompson and Georg Lukács seeking rescue the ontological foundations of the concept of “experience”, as used by Thompson. At first, we present the category of experience in Thompson and then, category of work and the ontology of social being, according to Lukács. Approximate the concrete historical analysis developed by E. P. Thompson of reason dialectical-materialist presupposed in the ontology of social being of Georg Lukács is a contribution to overcoming the poverty of reason, just so you can achieve the necessary dialectical understanding of the category of experience that while social praxis is modeled the work category.
What does it mean to say that Hegel is an idealist philosopher? Such determination is appropriate? If appeals Hegel to speculative approach, then how to understand their idealism? These questions guide the role of art in Hegel's philosophical system identifying a philosophy deeply committed and involved in its determination that takes place in the history or thought. If art is the moment of sensible intuition that Hegel considers carefully, then it is possible to conclude that the idealist perspective attributed to Hegel must be taken with reservations or its own idealism needs to be seen beyond all subjective levy.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
The increasing demand for alternative fuels lead to the search for solutions to use these fuels in old equipments and bring for new equipments the necessity of alternative fuels based burners. As a solution for these necessity the Gas Interchangeability`s studies came in evidence, because it studies the possibility of changing one fuel for another without changing the initial condition. In integrated industries, as most of steel industries, there is a link between process, the byproducts of one process are used as fuel for other process. There are new conditions for the equipments, that will be developed for these fuels, but even in these industries there will be situations which the byproduct won`t be available, and the process cannot stop. Using the gas interchangeability`s concepts is possible to work with security in both cases. Using alternative fuels in fossil fuel based burners and having a back-up solution for new technology burner. But using these new solutions were verified that there are some cases which the interchangeability`s methods does not work with satisfactory results, and for this reason, this study came to develop a new concept for the Method of Wobbe Index to evaluate the possibility to increase the range of the satisfactory results
The work aims to analyse the concept of economics as the science of scarcity is distorced in the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo. Neoclassical economists characterize the economy as the science that is concerned with the welfare of the people, satisfying their needs. However, the economy in the newspapers of the mainstream media appears in contexts where only the profit of companies and businesses are addressed, leaving aside the problem of economic inequality, unemployment, working conditions and other issues that are also part of economy, but they are hardly concerns of journalists. In this work, the object of study was the notebook Market and content analysis followed the criteria of Bardin (1977). Ten words were chosen in the category science of scarcity and ten words were chosen in the category science of abundance. From these categories, a careful reading was done, counting how many times each word appeared in the newspaper. Also paid attention to the words that appeared and contexts in which they fell journalistic genre. In a second step, interviews were conducted with journalists from economics to know what they mean by the economy and what the guidelines are more common. Data collection and interviews contributed to the interpretation and confirmation on whether or not the distortion of the concept of economy and how it happens
The quality control is of great importance for the development of any organization, mainly for providing an assurance of delivering high quality services and goods for the consumers. Quality can be defined by the word „change‟, for the company which intends to implement a quality control system must be open to changes. This can be noticed from the JURAN concept (1992 In SILVEIRA ET AL., 2002): “Quality is to fit for usage”, i.e., depending on the goal, the situation and the consumer, quality is seen in different ways, since each one has different wishes and opinions. Taking in to account the availability of means such as norms, theories and tools, that contribute for an efficient quality management system, this discrepancy of opinions and the lack of objectivity of this concept can be solved, since through the analyzes of these means one can set quality standards, i.e., market references which fulfill both consumers and builders demands. Thus, the quality concept ceases to be something so abstract, non-measurable, to become a more objective concept. Finally, the goal of this work is to analyze the quality concept through bibliographic studies and possible consumers‟ enquires, aiming at the building industry, and show how the quality, often taken as something abstract, can be a measurable and objective concept, that benefits both the consumer as well as the enterprise of this branch
Sabe-se até hoje, que falar sobre o corpo não é só tratar de matéria. O corpo tem uma importância bastante grande e interessante dentro do contexto social e filosófico. Sócrates, Platão, Descartes são exemplos de filósofos que tentavam compreender o corpo de alguma forma. Desde a Grécia Antiga, o corpo é encarado como um santuário. Os Jogos Olímpicos representavam essa visão, com toda a beleza de corpos atléticos e vigorosos. Ficava clara a concepção de que um corpo bonito e saudável era sinônimo de beleza e virilidade. Mas nem sempre isso foi assim. Na Idade Média, corpos bonitos eram aqueles que, esteticamente falando, não pareciam tão atraentes assim. Ser gordo nessa época representava saúde. Para as mulheres, ser gorda significava ser uma boa reprodutora e mãe de filhos saudáveis. Além disso, a Igreja exercia forte influência nessa época, chegando até a extinguir os Jogos Olímpicos. Qualquer culto ao corpo era estritamente proibido. Até chegarmos aos dias de hoje, o corpo passou por diversas modificações. O que se vê hoje, são corpos construídos, seja pela mídia ou por cirurgias plásticas. A concepção de corpo da sociedade contemporânea é puramente artificial.
Esta monografia teve como objetivo demonstrar as diferentes concepções culturais do corpo ao longo de diferentes épocas e como os padrões sociais estabelecidos influenciam diretamente a maneira de visualizar esse corpo. Os meios de comunicação do século XX se desenvolveram de maneira vertiginosa, ficando mais acessíveis a população e aumentando a influência sobre esta. A geração fitness do início da década de 1980, que tinha como objetivo incentivar a prática de exercícios físicos para a população, acabou sendo amplamente divulgada pela mídia e exercendo grande influencia na sociedade. O padrão de corpo, bastante divulgado na sociedade atual, consiste em mulheres jovens, magras, e com o corpo bem delineado e homens fortes e musculosos. O corpo ficou banalizado. A mídia impõem o corpo ideal para toda a sociedade utilizando de inúmeras propagandas, com pessoas famosas e bem sucedidas relacionando muitas vezes o sucesso delas com o seu corpo. Várias pessoas acabam utilizando métodos nada saudáveis para a obtenção desse corpo ideal. Porém, isso pode causar inúmeras complicações de saúde e em alguns casos, a morte. O corpo perfeito, que deveria significar saúde, está virando sinônimo de doença e obsessão.