196 resultados para DEFICIÊNCIAS
O objetivo deste livro não é suprir as deficiências ou as lacunas da história do pensamento geográfico e, tampouco, adotar o escrúpulo historicista de compreensão de uma história petrificada em narrativas e pontos de vista acerca de problemas científicos que interessam a poucos. Neste sentido, não se trata, fundamentalmente, da história do pensamento geográfico como tradicionalmente se concebe o conjunto de temas relacionados ao desenvolvimento científico da geografia. Se essa fosse a sua finalidade, sua deficiência seria manifesta e o desequilíbrio entre as partes retiraria todo o seu sentido. O seu propósito é o de reunir as contribuições de docentes e pós-graduandos em geografia, em torno de dois grandes eixos temáticos: história do pensamento geográfico e epistemologia em geografia.
Os professores de Matemática, assim como os que ensinam as demais disciplinas nos cursos de nível fundamental e médio, deparam com vários fatores desestimulantes:fraco desempenho dos alunos, currículos desinteressantes, deficiência na própria formação. Diante desse quadro, a autora investigou uma alternativa à formação tradicional de professores de Matemática. Ela analisa a educação a distância para tentar identificar se esse meio seria adequado para promover tanto a formação inicial quanto a continuada dos docentes da disciplina. Ela se baseia em um caso exemplar: o curso de licenciatura em Matemática a distância do Centro de Educação Superior a Distância do Rio de Janeiro (Cederj), que integra a Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB), ligada ao Ministério da Educação. O curso serve de modelo para outros cursos da UAB. A autora apresenta a implementação do projeto desde a etapa inicial, avaliando documentos e um grande volume de entrevistas, principalmente com alunos formados no curso, mas também com professores e gestores. O estudo capta diversos aspectos do curso da Cederj/UAB, como as expectativas dos alunos em relação ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem, as dificuldades que encontraram, a forma como tinham acesso às aulas a distância, o comportamento diante dos colegas nos encontros presenciais e os resultados práticos da formação. As conclusões da autora incluem pontos positivos e deficiências, mas ela levanta subsídios importantes para a discussão sobre o uso do instrumento educação a distância na formação de professores de Matemática.
This article analyzes the ideas and the work of Anísio Teixeira in the 1920s and 1930s, focusing on his views about the value of measurement for educational reform in Brazil. Considering that the thinking and practices of Teixeira should be understood in the context in which it was developed, the study presents the history of the presence of psychological knowledge in education, with special attention to the entrance of the Psychometrics in the New School movement. The paper concludes that, by defending the use of measurement, Teixeira has remained true to the goal of the New School that required to diagnoses scientifically the school universe, which was necessary to respond to the growing demand for schooling and the educational disabilities of the Brazilian educational institutions.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Technology advances and scientific studies in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) have contributed significantly to reduce mortality and morbidity of at-risk newborns (NB). However, they are more likely to present neurological and/or developmental psychomotor delay with neurological and sensory alterations. Therefore, proposals for neonatal intervention were developed with the aim of protecting the baby and offering appropriate incentives to minimize the effects of hospital intervention. To this end, programs of protective measures such as the Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) were developed. Given the relevance of the issue described, this systematic review critically appraises articles from the national and international literature, published in recent years (from 2000 to 2011), that describe whether the KMC can be a protective factor for the development of writing in premature infants. The textual search was conducted using the Virtual Health Library (VHL), a website that covers publications worldwide, allowing access to articles from health science, including LILACS, IBECS, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library and SciELO, as database. The findings revealed that infants who participated in the KMC program showed improvements in their development and that factors such as low-birth-weight prematurity and learning disorders have close relationship with the onset of motor impairments and changes in psychomotor development. The findings showed no articles describing the KMC as a protective factor for the incidence of dysgraphia. Thus, we emphasize the importance of conducting further studies on these topics.
INTRODUCTION: developmental dyslexia is characterized by impairment in reading and writing of simple words often involving deficits in phonological decoding and spelling. It affects individuals without sensory disabilities, free of significant emotional commitment and adequate educational opportunities. OBJECTIVE: to characterize the performance in activities related to writing observed in children with developmental dyslexia. METHOD: a total of six children (boys and girls) from 3rd to 7th grade from public schools in a city in the state of Sao Paulo, eight to thirteen years of age, participated in this study. Data were collected in CEES - Centro de Estudos de Educação e Saúde of UNESP - in Marília -SP in writing tasks. The results were analyzed descriptively by the score in percentage of correct answers. RESULTS: children with developmental dyslexia presented alterations in relation to the activities: writing of isolated words and writing of dictated words were below expectations for the education level, presenting phonological and orthographic changes. CONCLUSION: it is important that children with school problems make a more specific evaluation concerning these tasks.
The Assistive Technology makes the lives of people without disabilities more practical, but for people with disabilities it can make things possible. For these individuals can provide the conditions, making their limitations are not obstacles to their social and personal empowerment, and may contribute to their effective participation in tasks that were previously impossible, such as remaining seated correctly. A segment on which the necessary assistive technology works, is the adaptation of furniture such as chairs, tables, chairs-to-wheels for individuals with disabilities, as well as cerebral palsy. The study aimed to conduct a survey and brief description of theses and dissertations produced in Brazil on furniture adapted for students with cerebral palsy. We made searching in databases of libraries of major universities and federal state national banks, theses and dissertations. Nine studies were selected for description. It was concluded that there is a considerable array of professionals, both in engineering as the field of rehabilitation, to contribute in the adaptation, creation and even the manufacture of furniture for children with cerebral palsy and that the securities most studied are the chairs and their components.
The specialized teachers' training to work in multifunctional resource classrooms still has to reach a satisfactory level. These teachers are expected to keep a set of resources and devices used to teach a wide range of students with different disabilities. That fact leads to reflection by the academic community. Thus what specific content should such training address? This paper aims to analyze the set of resources and equipment in a classroom and infer the teaching knowledge underlying their use. The analysis was conducted by classifying 63 resources and equipment items, which led to three categories: 1) set of materials that do not require academic knowledge; 2) set of materials that require academic knowledge related to any training course for teachers; 3) set of materials that require specific academic knowledge on working with students with disabilities. It concluded that around 36% of the resources do not require academic knowledge to be used; 35% of these resources and equipment require some academic knowledge to be properly handled, and around 29% of these resources and equipment require specific academic knowledge of their content. For instance, a specific training of those resources is necessary for acting with students with severe communication disorders, multiple disabilities and visual impairment or deafness.
This research aims to investigate the possible causes for the dropout of participants under instruction in distance courses. Data gathered from the Specialization Course in Specialized Educational Support Services - SES, sponsored by the Department for Continuing Education, Literacy and Diversity of the Ministry of Education - SECAD / MEC - and the Open University of Brazil – OUB, will be analyzed. The objective of the course is to graduate teachers who work in classrooms equipped with multifunctional resources in regular schools to give specialized educational support for students with special educational needs marked by disabilities, global development disorders and high abilities/highly gifted students. In order to analyze dropout data in the first semester of the ongoing course, a sample of 1349 participants enrolled in the distance course was considered; 216 of these had their enrollment cancelled on request or because they stopped accessing the Virtual Learning Environment - VLE / Teleduc Platform showing no interest in the course. However, the information below aims to present and discuss only the tabulated data of the 98 participants who requested to have their enrollment officially cancelled by submitting the online dropout term. The findings showed the main reasons for dropping out were personal problems, lack of time to commit to an ongoing distance course, difficulty using ICT and the tools available in the VLE. The research also highlighted the importance of developing digital inclusion initiatives as well as on-site supporting poles as a way to soften the barriers of technological accessibility and the dropout rate in this kind of courses.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)