177 resultados para Controvérsias socioambientais
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In Brazil, the football is more than just a sport, it's a passion and part of country's DNA almost a century ago. By this prerogative the club national championship, nowadays known as Brazilian Championship and organized by Brazilian Football Confederation, it is a mark in this modality. During the soccer history, were made several changes of nomenclature, rules and dispute mode, that generated many controversies, contributing for discussing about credibility of the championship. There were many changes about dispute mode, alternating the mixed mode (eliminatory + classificatory and vice versa) and a dispute mode based on classification. This research aimed to described and to analyzed the changes that have occurred in dispute types of the Brazilian Championship, series A, in the last 15 years (1995 to 2010). It was analyzed each edition, with data like average of public, matches and participants number, period that the championship was conducted, beyond the dispute mode. In the last 15 years, have been used five different types and it was observed that the current mode to consecutive points is the most appropriate, because this mode showed the best public average, greater coherence to elect the competition champion and this mode also encouraged the clubs about planning, organization and professional management. This issues contributed to a significant improvement in quality of Championship
Em decorrência dos crescentes problemas ambientais e da perda de biodiversidade, diversas discussões tem ocorrido em todo o mundo com o objetivo de criar estratégias que solucionem ou minimizem tais problemas. O estabelecimento de áreas de proteção consiste em uma das estratégias já consagradas entretanto, sua concepção como ilhas isoladas tem se apresentado cada vez mais ineficiente. Reconhecendo as inter-dependências dos processos ecológicos, que se apresentam em diferentes escalas, tem crescido a concepção de gestão territorial integrada para as áreas de proteção, nas quais o manejo dos recursos naturais consideram, igualmente, a preservação da biodiversidade, o incentivo ao desenvolvimento sustentável e a valorização das dimensões sociais. Dentre os instrumentos propiciam a gestão integrada dos recursos naturais, tem-se os mosaicos de UC. No Brasil, os escassos remanescentes de Mata Atlântica representam áreas de grande preocupação ambiental, uma vez que estes ainda abrigam considerável parcela da biodiversidade mundial. O continnum ecológico de Paranapiacaba é um dos maiores e mais importantes remanescentes de Mata Atlântica e é composto por diversas UCs. Diante deste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as possibilidades e limites de uma proposta de criação de um Mosaico de UC na região deste continuum ecológico. Para tanto documentos diversos foram analisados e foram realizadas entrevistas com os gestores das UCs e com os moradores dos bairros localizados no entorno destas UCs. Percebeu-se que a relação entre os moradores do entorno e as UCs ainda precisam ser estreitadas, a fim de tornar estas UCs espaços de relevante interesse e utilização para os moradores auxiliando na resolução dos conflitos existentes. Os gestores entrevistados apontaram diversas vantagens da gestão integrada e acreditam que no continuum ecológico de Paranapiacaba existam diversos fatores favoráveis
The growth area of cities has resulted in a phenomenon of conurbation (or expressing tendency). This correspond to a combine of two or more urban cores, there are formations of conurbations. In this way, there are the formations of urban concentrations and can achieve the step metropolitan or not metropolitan. Besides, this kind of expansion generates many social and environmental problems related about habitation, rubbish, drain, and others. Piracicaba, a city in expansion, recently, shows evidences of conurbation not metropolitan around itself. Like this, the paulista government, at June, 26 of 2012, institutionalized the Urban Concentration of Piracicaba, a regional unity, intending the administration along with 22 cities. However, for this fact, must be taken into account functional integration among urban centers, because the number of municipalities are presented to compose a urban concentration of level not metropolitan. It has checked along this research, according with proposition about 22 cities. Thus, the objective of this research is identify and analyze the functional integration among participating municipalities through the commuting, in other words, the spatial displacement of people, important factor to be taken into account when defining urban concentration. Considering the displacement routine people, the commuting, also aimed identify the flow of public transport intercity travel among the cities of Piracicaba Regional Unity. Then, analyze the criteria used for establish the Piracicaba Regional Unity, if it was considered technical character or if it was prioritized the political character. To conduct this research, it was done the literature review related to the theme and data collection related lines of intercity transportation and often travel with ARTESP and companies responsible for it service
The Pirambóia Formation is a lithostratigraphic unit of the Paraná Basin, positioned between the Corumbataí (lower) and Botucatu (upper) Formations on the eastern edge of the basin. This unit is focused by many studies due to its great importance as an essential component in the Guarani Aquifer System (SAG) and the petroleum system “Irati-Pirambóia”, as excellent reservoirs. The Pirambóia Formation is historically the subject of several controversies on issues like age, contact relationships with the upper unit and depositional paleoenvironment. Despite these aspects, the Pirambóia Formation is commonly taken to be of Triassic age and is considered a product of wet aeolian systems, with plenty of wet interdunes and subordinate fluvial facies. In this work, by using techniques such as facies analysis, depositional architecture and facies association, facies of this unit were characterized and their depositional paleoenvironment was inferred particularly in Jundu Mining, region of Descalvado in northeastern São Paulo. Techniques such as grain size and petrographic analyses, aimed to characterize this unit as a potential reservoir rock. Five facies were described for the Pirambóia Formation in the studied region: St, Sh, Sm, Sr and Gt facies, generated by sedimentary processes of the bottom load type, mostly under low flow regime (with exception for the Sh facies, which is formed by upper flow regime processes). In addition to that, four facies associations were recognized from the architectural elements, primarily contained within the main channel: complex channel bars, composed by foreset macroforms (FM), sandy bedforms (SB) and gravel bars and bedforms (GB); flood deposits, constituted by laminated sand sheets (LS); deposits of hyperconcentrated flows and eolian deposits. It was interpreted that the Pirambóia Formation in Descalvado (SP) is the record of the sedimentation of braided rivers, with dunes and interdunes deposits...
Dormitories are places offered by Brazilian public Universities to undergraduate students evaluated as socio-economically less favored aiming to guarantee the housing of the student in the locality they take a given undergraduate course, once housing is one the points which compose the tripod that supports the concept of student permanence, along with conditions of transportations and food. These places, however, present problems in their management, specially the ones related to social and environmental questions, caused by wrong attitudes and pre-concepts of their own residents, other students and the communities who live around them. So, this project aims to identify and analyze the socio-environmental conditions of a students’ dormitory located in Botucatu/SP which is supported by the Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (Unesp) as well as the community that surrounds it. The data collecting is based on an exploratory research characterized for interviews that used semi-structured questionnaires and for the creation of a photography record of the region. The obtained data corroborated the tendency of an increasing gap between the Brazilian public universities and the society as well as to the disengagement of them and their students. This diagnosis has permitted to build proposals of educational interventions based on Permaculture, Agroecology and Critical Environmental Education to the improvement of the existing relationships among the students who live at the dormitory and among them and the local community. These interventions may be used as subsidies to the development of future research and extension projects to the local community
The present study sought to identify which are the facilitators and restrictive in the creation and management of franchises from the point of view of process factors franchisees. For this, we first proposed to critically analyze its creation and management.The specific objectives of this work are: a) to understand in the light of the theory , the basic requirements for creating franchises b ) identify, from the literature review , facilitators and restrictive factors in the process of franchise management , c) develop a survey tool to critically analyze the processes of creating and managing a franchise from the point of view of the franchisee , and d ) to review the process of creating and managing franchises , from the perspective of four franchised food services in the municipalities of Ribeirão Preto and Sao Jose do Rio Preto - SP . A descriptive qualitative work, which found the most important features about the franchises, through a study of 4 franchises in the food industry of São Paulo was performed. To complete the survey was conducted a semi-structured interview, containing questions regarding the main elements of a business: creating, planning, organization, direction and control. It was found that franchising is a business model with controversies. There are people who deal well with the system and that through him realize dreams such as owning their own business. Others need to think many times before embarking in business since the entrepreneurship factor can be so intense that it hinders the acceptance of norms and duties to the system. This causes some factors such as communication, measurement of outcomes, implementation plan and among others are considered restrictive or facilitators in the process of strategy management of franchises
Oncology is presenting an important role in clinical practice as a speciality in recent years in Veterinary Medicine. Mammary gland tumors are detected mainly in old and middleaged bitches that are sexually intact or spayed and the caudal abdominal and inguinal mammary glands are the most affected and they present a percentage up to 75% of malignancy. The majority of dogs with mammary neoplasms are clinically healthy at the time of diagnosis and the tumors can be identified by the owner or a professional during a routine physical examination. Cytological examination of fine needle aspirates can be performed. This procedure is easy and low cost and some criteria that may indicate malignancy are evaluated, however to obtain a definitive diagnosis is performed histopathology of the excised tissue or from biopsy. Regional lymph nodes are the first lymph node to receive lymphatic drainage from the neoplasm. They are at the highest risk of regional metastasis, while the lung is the most common site for distant metastasis. Determining the clinical stage enables the definition of the extension of the tumor. As a consequence, this allows a prognosis to be established and treatment to be planned. The type of therapy to be chosen incites controversy since there are numerous treatment options described, but the surgery is the chosen treatment. However, surgery is not always effective for malignant tumors, and recurrences may occur and in these cases, auxiliary chemotherapy treatments are used. The prognosis for animals that have mammary tumors depends on several factors, such as: size, stage, type of tumor cells and clinical behavior of the tumor, age and medical condition of the animal, and presence of metastasis. Because of this, more detailed studies are needed based on epidemiological surveys in order to provide more informations about risk factors, prevalence and follow-up after treatment of mammary... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
With the accelerated urbanization process of Brazil from the 50s, there was a disorderly occupation of spaces and consequent soil sealing. Unlike this growth, the support capacity of urban environments has not evolved in the same way, generating negative environmental impacts to the citizens. Among these impacts are the effects of flooding. In order to minimize the negative effects of extreme precipitation over cities, the government invests in corrective measures, like compensatory techniques on urban drainage, which have as a basic principle the retention and infiltration of the rainfall, dampening the peak flow and runoff. An example of applying these techniques in urban areas are the detention basins, commonly called large pools. The hydraulic design of these structures is dependent of complex data and variables, and projects involving small areas generally use simplified methods for defining the reservoirs volume of the storage (Tassi, 2005). One of these methods is presented in this study, which relates to the percentage of soil sealing to the specific storage volume (m³/ha) in combination by applying the hydrological model of the Rational Method and analyzing regional rainfall and soil occupation over the basin. Within this context, the basin of the Wenzel stream, which is located amidst the urban area of Rio Claro/SP, also presents the problems related to human occupation in its valley. Thus, by the method presented has been adjusted a curve correlating the percentage of impermeable area and the specific volume of a detention basin. For the current situation of Wenzel Basin with 82% of impermeable area, and return period of 10 years, the specific volume is 262.1 m³/ha. The presented method is consistent with the results of other studies in the area, and the expression obtained allows estimating the volume of storage required to match hydrograph pre and post-occupancy. It presents itself as a useful tool in the planning stage of...
Com o intuito de promover uma ação internacional para a gestão sustentável, conservação e desenvolvimento das florestas e chamar a atenção da população para o papel destas na geração de benefícios econômicos, sociais e ambientais, principalmente para os povos que dependem delas para sobreviver, a Assembléia Geral da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), declarou 2011 como o Ano Internacional das Florestas. Paradoxal a esta ação, o ano de 2011 é também marcado pela inauguração da Rodovia Interoceânica Sul (IOS) no Peru, que ao conectar-se a malha rodoviária brasileira cria um elo de ligação direta entre o Oceano Atlântico e o Oceano Pacífico. Segundo seus idealizadores, o projeto aumentará as possibilidades de comércio internacional. Além de incrementar o comércio bilateral e integrar a Macro-Região Sul do Peru ao restante do país, a IOS proporciona ao Brasil uma alternativa de acesso ao Oceano Pacífico e aos mercados da Ásia e, ao Peru, um acesso mais eficiente ao Atlântico e aos mercados da costa leste dos EUA e da Europa. Por outro lado, a IOS passa por uma das mais preservadas regiões da Amazônia e, é considerada de importância única em termos de risco para os esforços mundiais de conservação da biodiversidade e de respeito aos direitos das últimas populações humanas que ali vivem sem ou com muito pouco contato com a sociedade moderna. Os impactos socioambientais ligados à construção e/ou reabilitação de estradas em territórios tropicais úmidos adquiriram fama mundial precisamente com a BR- 364, trecho principal desse corredor no território brasileiro. A pavimentação desta estrada nos anos 1980 provocou desastres ambiental e social gravíssimos no norte de Mato Grosso, em Rondônia e no Acre. Desta forma, a presente pesquisa tem por objetivo fazer um estudo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The prolonged postpartum anoestrus in cows reduces the number of calves leading to a significant economic loss to producers. Suckling and nutrition are the factors of great importance to the extension of the post-partum period. Besides, the occurrence of short cycles within 30 to 40 days postpartum contributes to an increase in the parturition–conception interval. These cycles are related to development of a corpus luteum with reduced duration after the first ovulation (less than 12 days). It is known that the short persistence of the corpus luteum is caused by advance of the luteolytic mechanisms. However, there is a lack of consensus regarding the cause of this anticipation. There are two currently accepted hypotheses, one related to the lack of prior exposure to progesterone, and the other related to the low concentration of pre-ovulatory estrogen. Considering the decrease in the incidence of short cycles in cows treated with progesterone and estrogen, the main protocols of ovulation induction include combination of both hormones. Therefore, this study aimed at describing the post-partum anestrous in cows and the main predisposing factors, emphasizing the first postpartum ovulation, short cycle and, its respective causes and consequences
From the beginning of the century, with the advent of the flex fuel car, successor fluctuations in oil prices and the rise of awareness of the impending shortage of fossil fuels, the alcohol sector begins to reappear in the panorama of national economy making Brasill reaches the point of becoming a leading exporter of this product. Ethanol assumed the role of such importance in Brazilian exports, which Petrobras through the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) has made investments in the Brazilian pipeline network to better ensure the production of ethanol to major ports. The means of transport in pipelines are safe and inexpensive, but require careful evaluation in its implementation, they may lead to negative social and environmental impacts. Thus, the purpose of this project is to propose the best route for an ethanol pipeline connectin the Tietê-Paraná, leaving the municipality of Santa Maria da Serra (SP), to the Planalto Paulista Refinery (REPLAN), located in Paulinia (SP), belonging to the passage of ethanol export corridor, currently under revelopment. The technique used for the development of the stroke is the association of multicriteria evaluation, the geographical information system (SIG) and geotechnologies. This study presented three possible layouts for the ethanol pipeline, highlighting the best option, in addition, demonstrated the suitability of the area to receive projects of similar nature to a pipeline
This research was mainly focused on public policy analysis of solid waste, and the National Policy and State Solid Waste, as well as determining the performance of the Blue Green Municipality strategic project in relation to the management of municipal solid waste in Regente Feijó, São Paulo. The objective of this research was to analysis of the consequences of the deployment project of selective collection and integration of recyclable material collectors in an association of collectors, called the Association of Recyclable Material Collectors Rock, held in the city from the year 2008, with effective implementation in 2010. We analyzed the actions of the municipal government since the implementation of selective collection, to the development of the Association. The methodology used was literature concerning the issue; routine field surveys to monitor the activities in the landfill and association of collectors, collecting data from questionnaires appropriate to the research topic. We sought to examine old and new forms of urban solid waste management, the evolution of the historical process of this issue in the city and its social and environmental impacts, and the collectors the main social actors in this process. The complexity that addresses this issue was dealt with in this dynamic study, analyzing all parts involved