567 resultados para Broiler chickens
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o nível mínimo de proteína bruta para atender às exigências nutricionais de frangos de corte Hubbard, machos e fêmeas, na fase de crescimento. Oitocentos e oitenta pintos machos e fêmeas de 22 a 42 dias de idade foram distribuídos ao acaso em esquema fatorial 5x2 (níveis de proteína bruta x sexos), com quatro repetições de 22 aves. Os níveis de proteína testados foram 15%, 17%, 19%, 21% e 23%. Houve efeito quadrático dos níveis de proteína no ganho de peso e na conversão alimentar dos machos. em relação às fêmeas, o efeito foi quadrático no ganho de peso e linear na conversão. A relação entre o rendimento de carcaça e o nível de proteína bruta da ração foi linear e independente do sexo. O consumo de ração, a gordura abdominal e o rendimento de peito foram influenciados apenas pelo sexo. Recomenda-se 21,70% de proteína bruta para os machos e 19,00% para as fêmeas, na fase de crescimento.
Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o uso da alga Lithothamnium calcareum (Pallas) Areschoug nas rações para frangos de corte de 1 a 21 e 21 a 42 dias de idade, em substituição à fonte de cálcio tradicional (calcário calcítico). Para isso, foram utilizados 300 pintos machos, da linhagem Cobb®, que receberam rações contendo o calcário calcítico e a alga Lithothamnium calcareum (colhida de inteira e na forma de areia biodentrítica) como fontes de cálcio. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e cinco repetições de 20 aves cada. As variáveis analisadas foram: ganho de peso (g/ave), consumo de ração (g/ave) e conversão alimentar (g/g). No final do experimento foram avaliados os parâmetros ósseos: peso da tíbia (g), comprimento da tíbia (mm), diâmetro da tíbia (mm) e teor de cinzas na tíbia (%). Na fase inicial (1 a 21 dias) houve efeito (P<0,05) entre os tratamentos para o ganho de peso e conversão alimentar, sendo que o tratamento controle apresentou melhores resultados. Para a fase de crescimento (21 a 42 dias) e período total (1 a 42 dias) não houve efeito entre os tratamentos estudados. A utilização da alga Lithothamnium calcareum (independente da forma de colheita) em substituição à fonte de cálcio tradicional (calcário calcítico) pode ser recomendada para as rações de frangos de corte, sem prejudicar o desempenho zootécnico. Porém, deve-se levar em consideração a viabilidade econômica do uso dessa fonte alternativa nas rações.
Este estudo foi conduzido para avaliar os efeitos dos níveis de lisina digestível da ração e da temperatura ambiente sobre o desempenho e as características de carcaça de frangos de corte dos 22 a 42 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 672 frangos Ross®, machos, com peso médio de 726 g, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado segundo arranjo fatorial 4 × 4, com seis repetições de sete aves. Os frangos foram mantidos nas temperaturas de 18,5; 21,1; 24,5 e 27,0ºC e foram alimentados com rações com diferentes níveis de lisina digestível (0,934; 1,009; 1,084 e 1,159%). Não houve interação temperatura ambiente × níveis de lisina da ração para as variáveis estudadas. O consumo de ração (CR) e o ganho de peso (GP) não foram influenciados pelos níveis de lisina. O consumo de ração reduziu linearmente com a temperatura ambiente e o ganho de peso aumentou até a temperatura estimada de 21,5ºC. A conversão alimentar melhorou até o nível estimado de 1,085% de lisina digestível. Os pesos de carcaça (PC), peito com osso (PPO), coxa (PCX) e sobrecoxa (PSCX) aumentaram até as temperaturas estimadas de 21,9; 21,0; 22,7 e 23,7ºC, respectivamente. Os rendimentos de carcaça (RC), coxa (RCX) e sobrecoxa (RSCX) aumentaram, enquanto o peso do peito sem osso (PPSO) e os rendimentos de peito com osso (RPO) e sem osso (RPSO) reduziram linearmente com a temperatura ambiente. O PCX e o RCX aumentaram, mas o RSCX reduziu linearmente com os níveis de lisina da ração. O PC, PPO, PSCX, RC, RPO e o RPSO não foram influenciados pelos níveis de lisina. A temperatura ambiente no intervalo de 18,5 e 27,0ºC não influenciou as exigências de lisina das aves. A condição para melhor conversão alimentar no período de 22 a 42 dias foi obtida com o nível de 1,085% de lisina digestível na ração e com a temperatura ambiente estimada de 23,3ºC.
As condições ideais dos frangos de corte no momento do abate devem ser conhecidas a fim de possibilitar a produção de carne de excelente qualidade, uma vez que diversos fatores pré e pós-abate estão envolvidos na qualidade final. em condições normais de abate e processamento, a retirada de ração é feita de 6 a 8 horas antes da apanha das aves, resultando em um período total de jejum de 8 a 12 horas antes do abate, para esvaziar o intestino e com isso minimizar a contaminação no abatedouro. A escalda, depena e evisceração são pontos importantes de contaminação cruzada no abatedouro devido à grande quantidade de microorganismos aderidos às penas, pele e patas das aves e ao rompimento das vísceras durante a evisceração. Entretanto, a desidratação da carcaça começa imediatamente após o início do jejum. Períodos prolongados de jejum podem afetar o pH das diversas partes do intestino, aumentando a presença de Salmonella e outros microorganismos patogênicos. Além disso, determinam uma maior contaminação pela bile, e são, subjetivamente, associados à fragilidade dos intestinos durante a evisceração mecânica. Portanto, os esquemas de processamento devem ser estabelecidos levando-se em conta a integridade e o esvaziamento do intestino e da vesícula biliar, bem como a desidratação e os seus efeitos sobre o bem estar das aves, contaminação da carcaça e qualidade da carne. Como alguns efeitos do jejum ainda não são bem conhecidos, sugerem-se pesquisas nas seguintes áreas: definir o tempo ótimo de jejum para atender o bem estar das aves, minimizar a contaminação e otimizar os parâmetros de qualidade de carcaça; estudar os efeitos de períodos prolongados de jejum sobre o pH e a colonização do papo, pró-ventrículo, moela, intestino delgado, intestino grosso e cecos por enterobactérias, como Salmonella, por exemplo; efeito do jejum sobre o tamanho e cor do fígado. O resultado esperado é um aumento na qualidade final dos produtos aliado a uma redução nas perdas e no custo de produção.
1. The synthesis of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) mRNA and the expression of Hsp70 in the liver of broiler chickens submitted to acute heat stress (35 degrees C for 5 h) was investigated.2. Hsp70 expression was detected by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis using a polyclonal antiserum against Hsp70 of Blastocladiella emersonii. The specific signal of Hsp70 mRNA was analysed by Northern blot using as probe a Hsp70 cDNA of B. emersonii.3. An increase in the amount of Hsp70 was detected from the first up to the fifth hour of acute heat exposure. This increase in the amount of Hsp70 was accompanied by an increase in Hsp70 mRNA which peaked at 3 h.4. This study shows that the heat induced increase in Hsp70 mRNA and protein in broiler liver, in vivo, are time dependent, similar to that in mammals.
The effect of feed restriction and enzymatic supplementation on intestinal and pancreatic enzyme activities and weight gain was studied in broiler chickens. Quantitative feed restriction was applied to chickens from 7 to 14 d of age. An enzyme complex mainly consisting of protease and amylase was added to the chicken ration from hatching to the end of the experiment. Birds subjected to feed restriction whose diet was not supplemented showed an increase in sucrase, amylase, and lipase activities immediately after the restriction period. Amylase, lipase, and chymotrypsin activities were higher in chickens subjected to feed restriction and fed a supplemented diet than in those only subjected to feed restriction. Trypsin activity increased after feed restriction and after supplementation, but there was no interaction between these effects. Early feed restriction had no effect on enzyme activity in 42-d-old chickens. Chickens subjected to early restriction and fed the supplemented diet presented higher sucrase, maltase, and lipase activities than nonsupplemented ones (P < 0.05). There was no effect of early feed restriction or diet supplementation on weight gain to 42 d. Percentage weight gain from 14 to 42 d of age was equivalent in feed-restricted and ad libitum fed birds. Feed-restricted broilers fed a supplemented diet showed a higher percentage weight gain than nonsupplemented birds. We conclude that enzymatic supplementation potentiates the effect of feed restriction on digestive enzyme activity and on weight gain.
This work was conducted aiming to evaluate the effect of dietary energy level and the previous heat exposure on the respiratory activity of the mitochondria from the cardiac muscle of broiler chickens. It was used broiler chickens (Hubbard) from both sexes and fed with diet containing 2900 kcal ME/kg or 3200 kcal ME/kg. The birds were heat stressed (35°C/4h) in the 1 st, 21 st and 42 nd days of age. The respiratory activity of mitochondria from cardiac muscle was evaluated in a Gilson oxygraph, model 5/6, by using alpha-ceto-glutaric as substrate and the ADP (adenosine-di-phosphate) to stimulate the respiratory activity. There was not effect of dietary energy level and previous heat exposure on the respiratory activity of the mitochondria from cardiac muscle. However, the females presented higher respiratory activity than males. By reason of the low oxidative capability of the heart muscle fiber of the male broiler chickens, these could be more sensitive to cardiac disease than females.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A trial was carried to verify the effect of increasing levels (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40%) of canola meal in diets of broiler chickens on performance and mucous morphology, during the starting period (1 - 21 days). One thousand 1-d male chicks were assigned to a randomized experimental assay, with five treatments, four replicates and 50 birds per experimental unit. At the 1 st, 21 st and 41 st days, the birds and the rations were weighed. At the 21 st day, two birds of each experimental unit were sacrificed for collection of a duodenum segment to evaluate the intestinal morphometry. The results demonstrated that increasing levels of canola meal resulted in linear reduction on weight gain, weight and feed intake and worst feed conversion. During the growing period (21 to 41 days), when all birds received similar diet, average weight and weight gain decreased, as the canola meal levels increased, while feed conversion and feed intake were similar. Data regarding mucous morphology, submitted to the regression analysis, demonstrated that the crypt depth increased, as the canola meal levels increased. It is possible to include up to 20% of canola meal without damages on broiler performance and digestive tract.
The effect of protein or energy restriction during the second week post-hatching on body weight gain and femur development of broiler chickens reared at different environmental temperatures (18°C, 25°C and 33°C) was studied. From 1 to 7 days of age and after a restriction period broilers were fed on a control diet with 2850 kcal ME/kg and 20% crude protein. From 8 to 14 days of age, two groups of broilers were fed on restricted energy and protein diets with 2565kcal ME/kg and 20% of crude protein or 2850kcal ME/kg and 15% of crude protein, respectively. At 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days, the bones were weighed and the length and width of bones measured. The protein restriction reduced the body weight gain and the diameter of bone at second week of life. After 21 days of age no differences between treatments for these traits were observed. The body weight gain and femur growth were not affected by energy restriction. The high temperature (33°C) reduced weight gain and femur diameter from 21 to 42 days of age, and femur length at 42 days of age. The protein restriction at second week or the high environmental temperature after 21 st day of life decreased body weight gain and femur growth of broiler chickens.
Heat stress causes significant economic losses on broilers production due to poorer performance and carcass quality. Considering that protein has the highest heat increment among nutrients, it has been suggested that protein levels should be reduced in diets for heat-exposed broilers. Nevertheless, there are no conclusive results on the benefits of such practice, and further studies should be performed to elucidate some reported discrepancies. Thus, a trial was carried out to evaluate the effects of dietary protein levels (17, 20 and 23%) and environmental temperature (22 and 32°C) on the performance, nutrients digestibility, and energy and protein metabolism of broiler chickens from 21 to 42 days of age. Nutrients digestibility was determined by total excreta collection, and energy and protein metabolism was evaluated by comparative slaughter method. It was concluded that (1) heat exposure impairs broilers performance and increases nitrogen excretion, but do not change nutrients digestibility; (2) high-protein diets are technically feasible and promotes lower heat production for broilers reared under thermoneutral or hot environments, however, high-protein diets increases nitrogen excretion. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2007.
Aspectos nutricionais de farinhas de vísceras de aves e sua utilização em rações de frangos de corte
In the process of slaughtering chickens, parts of them are discarded because are unfit for human consumption. These wastes should be directed to a destination that does not promote any risk to the environment and above all, according with the laws regulating waste disposal. So, the wastes are transformed into byproducts for utilization in the animal nutrition, poultry and swine feeding, but cannot use for ruminant feed, only non-ruminant feeding. In Brazil, the first scientific studies on the use of by-products of poultry slaughter as a protein source in diets for broiler chickens were started in the 1960's, and these results were used for a long time for food formulation, but the need to improve the herds stimulated the search for improvement in technologies for more accurate diet formulations. The objective of this article is to review some aspects of the physic-chemical composition, energy values and their use in diets for broilers.
This study was aimed to verify if chicks from eggs injected with ascorbic acid and subjected to thermal stress would have higher immunity than chicks from incubation at thermoneutrality without injection of ascorbic acid. The parameters evaluated were temperature on oxygen saturation in hemoglobin, glucose, number of erythrocytes, hematocrit rate and number of hemoglobins of newly hatched male chicks, hatched from eggs injected with ascorbic acid (AA) and subjected to thermal stress during incubation. The experimental design was completely randomized in factorial scheme 5 (application levels of ascorbic acid) x 2 (incubation temperatures). The data were subjected to analysis of variance using the General Linear Model procedure (GLM) of SAS ®. For the parameters (number of erythrocytes, rate of hematrocit and values of hemoglobin), there was significant interaction (p <0.05) between treatments in egg and incubation temperatures. Analyzing the interactions for these parameters, it was observed that the application of 0% ascorbic acid in egg minimized the effect of heat stress when compared with treatment without injection. The application of ascorbic acid levels in eggs incubated under heat stress failed to maximize the immunity of newly hatched chicks. It is assumed that the increased liquid in the amniotic fluid, in those embryos injected with water, favored the lower heat conductance for these embryos, thus helping in their development in relation to immunity. Considering that hemoglobin is related to the transport of gases, these data suggest that increasing the concentration of AA solution inoculated may influence the respiratory rates of eggs.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)