295 resultados para Beverage containers
This research studied the effects of the independent variables whey protein concentrate - WPC (3.0; 3.5; 4.0%), skimmed milk powder - SMP (4.0; 5.0; 6.0%), and isolated soy protein - IPS (1.5; 2.0; 2.5%) on the rheological and sensorial characteristics of functional dairy beverages. In all tests 7% of sucrose was added to the ingredients. The rheological parameters were obtained in duplicate at the temperature of 10° C using a cone and plate rheometer, and fitted to the Power law model. The samples revealed a non-Newtonian fluid behavior both in the upward and downward curves, typical of a tixotropic fluid. The dairy beverages were submitted to a sensory analysis by a group of fifty untrained tasters who used a hedonic scale of nine points, the extremes being 1 - disliked extremely and 9 - liked extremely, in order to evaluate the following parameters: general acceptability; appearance and color; consistency; taste and aroma. The dairy beverage produced with 3% WPC, 6% SMP and 1.5% IPS, (treatment 3), was the one that obtained the best average score for those attributes and was preferred by the tasters. The variables SMP and IPS and the interaction between WPC and SMP presented a positive effect on the sensory consistency attributes: the higher amount of those ingredients in the formula the more the tasters liked the consistency.
This study evaluated the effect of different light energy densities on conversion degree (CD) and Knoop hardness number (KHN) of RelyX ARC (RLX) resin cement. After manipulation according to the manufacturer's instructions, RLX was inserted into a rubber mold (0.8 mm X 5 mm) and covered with a Mylar strip. The tip of the lightcuring unit (LCU) was positioned in contact with the Mylar surface. Quartz-tungsten-halogen (QTH) and light-emitting diode (LED) LCUs with light densities of 10, 20 and 30 J/cm2 were used to light-cure the specimens. After light curing, the specimens were stored dry in lightproof containers at 37°C. After 24 hours, the CD was analyzed by FT-Raman and, after an additional 24-hours, samples were submitted to Knoop hardness testing. The data of the CD (%) and KHN were submitted to two-way ANOVA and the Tukey's test (α=0.05). QTH and LED were effective light curing units. For QTH, there were no differences among the light energy densities for CD or KHN. For LED, there was a significant reduction in CD with the light energy density set at 10 J/cm2. KHN was not influenced by the lightcuring unit and by its light energy density. © Operative Dentistry.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this in vitro study was to quantify the alterations in human root dentin permeability after exposure to dietary acids and to evaluate the effect of toothbrushing after acid application. METHOD AND MATERIALS: Extracted human third molars had their crowns sectioned above the CEJ, pulp tissue removed, and cervical root dentin exposed using a high-speed bur (approximately 1 mm in depth of substance loss). From each root fragment, one specimen was prepared. A total of 25 specimens were used and distributed randomly into five groups. The specimens were attached to a hydraulic pressure apparatus to evaluate the alterations of root dentin permeability after exposure to different acids. Dentin permeability was measured after the following sequential steps: (1) treatment with EDTA for 3 minutes to obtain the maximum permeability; (2) root planing to create a smear layer; (3) exposure to different acidic substances for 5 minutes (vinegar, cola drink, lemon juice, white wine, and orange juice); and (4) brushing for 3 minutes. RESULTS: All acidic substances increased dentin permeability after root planing. Lemon juice produced higher values for permeability when compared to the other substances (P = .009); moreover, orange juice showed similar results (P < .02) except when compared to vinegar (P = .12). Brushing right after acid exposure significantly reduced dentin permeability except in the vinegar group (P = .07). CONCLUSION: Under the experimental conditions, dietary acids increased root dentin permeability, and immediate brushing reduced permeability levels.
This study quantified alterations in root dentin permeability after exposure to different acid beverages. Twenty-five third molars were sectioned below the cementoenamel junction, the root segment was collected, and the pulp tissue was removed. The root segments were connected to a hydraulic pressure apparatus to measure the permeability of root dentin after the following sequential steps, with 5 specimens in each: 1) phosphoric acid etching for 30 s (maximum permeability), 2) root planning to create new smear layer, 3) exposure to different acid substances for 5 min (orange, cola drink, vinegar, white wine, lemon juice), 4) toothbrushing with sonic toothbrush for 3 min, 5) toothbrushing with sonic toothbrush plus dentifrice for 3 min. Considering step I as 100%, the data were converted into percentage and each specimen was its own control. Data were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's post test at 5% significance level. All acidic substances increased dentin permeability significantly after scraping (p<0.05). Toothbrushing after exposure to acid substances decreased dentin permeability and the association with dentifrice accentuated the decrease (p<0.05), except for the specimens treated with cola drink. Thus, it may be concluded that all tested acid fruit juices increased dentin permeability, and toothbrushing with or without dentifrice can decrease root dentin permeability after dentin exposure to acid diet.
The aim of this work was to develop an isotopic analysis method to quantify the carbon of C3 photosynthesis cycle in grape nectar and to identify the commercial beverages in disagreement to the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) regulation. The nectars were produced in a laboratory, according to the Brazilian Law. Adulterated beverages with quantity of grape juice lower than the legal limit were also produced. Isotopic analysis measured the relative isotopic enrichment of grape nectar and its purified sugar fraction. Based on these results, it was possible to estimated the quantity of source C3 by means of isotopic dilution equation. To determine the existence of adulteration in commercial nectars, it was necessary to create a legal limit according to the Brazilian Law. One of the twelve commercial brands of nectar analyzed was classified as adulterated. The developed methodology proved to be efficient to quantify the carbon of C3 origin and identify the adulterated commercial grape nectar.
This work aimed to evaluate the effect of cattle manure levels in the phase of implementation Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson (Eucalyptus citriodora) seedlings in field, produced from seeds collected from four mother trees. The experiment was carried out in green house, in pots filled with 5 dm 3 of Oxisol. Five cattle manure levels were applied 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 t ha -1 (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 g pot -1). All treatments received lime levels which were calculated to increase the base saturation degree to 50%. The soil fertility was evaluated after 30 days of soil incubation with manure and lime. The seeds were collected from mother trees called 2, 8, 20 and 29. Sowing was performed directly in rigid plastic containers of 50 cm 3 and seedlings were transplanted when they were around 17 cm height. The experimental design was entirely randomized, in a factorial 5 × 4 (five doses of cattle manure and seeds of four mother trees) scheme and four repetitions. Each parcel was a pot with two plants. At 90 days the height, foliar area, stalk diameter, shoot and root dry matter. The plants responded positively to application of manure, but differently for each evaluated growth characteristic linearly or quadratically. The manure levels had linear effects on growth characteristics and dry matter production of the plants from mother trees 2 and 20 moreover these plants require more cattle manure levels than ones from mother trees 8 and 29. The cattle manure promoted the best development of plants from mother trees 8 and 29, in relationship with dry matter production of shoot components was approximately 27 t ha-1, equivalent to 67.5 g pot.
Ganoderma lucidum is an edible medicinal mushroom with immunomodulatory and antitumor properties, which are mainly attributed to polysaccharides and triterpenes that can be isolated from mycelia, fruiting bodies and spores. G. lucidum has been us d in a powdered form, as a medicinal beverage and a nutraceutical food (usually dried). In the present review we report some historical facts and the experimental evidence that polysaccharides and triterpenes obtained from this mushroom present potential antitumor activity. Direct effects on tumor cells include induction of apoptosis and interference in the cell cycle, whereas indirect effects are based on the modulation of immune response, usually impaired by cancer cells. Data indicate that G. lucidum can be used as a complementary tool for treatment of cancer patients. © by São Paulo State University.
Purpose: Staining of prosthodontic materials may result in patient dissatisfaction and additional expense for replacement. This study aimed to determine the color stability of two heat-cured denture base acrylic (Lucitone 550, Vipi Cril) and one nylon denture base resin (Transflex) after immersion in beverages. Materials and Methods: Forty disks of each resin (20.0-mm diameter, 3.0-mm thick) were prepared and stored in distilled water for 24 hours at 37°C. During that time (T 0), the color of all specimens was spectrophotometrically measured. Each specimen was immersed in coffee, cola, red wine, and distilled water as a means of control. After 15-day (T 1) and 30-day (T 2) periods of immersion, the color of the specimens was measured again. The CIE (Commission Internationale de L' Eclairage) L*a*b* system was used to determine mean ΔE (color changes) values for each material and compared statistically with two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni intervals at 0.95. Results: In ΔET 0T 1 and ΔET 0T 2 the most severe staining was apparent with red wine (p < 0.001), followed by coffee (p < 0.01), when compared to the specimens stored in distilled water. Transflex also showed significant color change after immersion in cola (p < 0.01). In ΔET 1T 2 only red wine promoted significant staining of all resins (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: Chromatic changes were exhibited by specimens immersed in red wine, followed by coffee. For Transflex, cola also promoted color changes. The values of color changes converted to National Bureau of Standard units showed them to be perceivable to the human eye. © 2011 by the American College of Prosthodontists.
We investigate the nonlinear oscillations in a free surface of a fluid in a cylinder tank excited by non-ideal power source, an electric motor with limited power supply. We study the possibility of parametric resonance in this system, showing that the excitation mechanism can generate chaotic response. Additionally, the dynamics of parametrically excited surface waves in the tank can reveal new characteristics of the system. The fluid-dynamic system is modeled in such way as to obtain a nonlinear differential equation system. Numerical experiments are carried out to find the regions of chaotic solutions. Simulation results are presented as phase-portrait diagrams characterizing the resonant vibrations of free fluid surface and the existence of several types of regular and chaotic attractors. We also describe the energy transfer in the interaction process between the hydrodynamic system and the electric motor. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.
Coloring in drinks decreases the color stability of composite restorations, reducing their longevity. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of immersion media on color stability of seven different composite resins (Solidex - Shofu, Resilab-Wilcos, Signum - Heraeus, Epricord - Tokuyama, Adoro - Ivoclar Vivadent, Admira - Voco and Sinfony - 3MESPE). Seven resin-based composite specimens were prepared using a cylindrical teflon mold 2 mm thick and 10 mm in diameter Fifteen specimens of each resin were light-cured according to manufacturers' instructions and randomized into 3 groups (n= 5) according to immersion media: coffee, cola beverage and water A digital spectrophotometer Easy Shade (VITA) was used to evaluate the color changes at baseline and 7 days after immersion in each solution. Specimens were stored in the different staining media for 24 h/day during one week. The color differences were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey 's test (p< 0.05). Color change was observed after one week of immersion and there were statistical differences in staining, composite and interaction factors. The least staining was observed in Admira (deltaE= 3.934+/-0.814) and Resilab (deltaE= 3.993+/-0.735), followed by Adoro (deltaE= 4.044+/-1.001), Epri-cord (deltaE= 4.049+/-1.234), Signum (deltaE= 4.260+/-1.785), Solidex (deltaE=5,122+/-0.534) and Sinfony (deltaE=5.126+/-0.838). All of the composites tested except Adoro were susceptible to staining by substances present in coffee and cola, when stored in beverage for seven days. The lowest deltaE means were obtained with Admira.
The addition of phosphoric acids and their (by)products became a common practice in areas like metal treatment, detergent production, water and effluent treatment, as well by food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries. The phosphoric acids exhibit different radionuclides activity concentration, being important to evaluate the implications for the human and animal health. The 238U concentration in almost all raw acid phosphoric are within the worldwide range and the mean exposure rate for the filtration cake is 10 nGy/h, which is mainly attributed to 40K. The results obtained for total and (bio)available uranium concentration in filtration cake indicate that only 40% is (bio)available for plants. The radionuclides present in phosphoric acid food grade and filtration cake do not raise their concentration in human food chain or soils to harmful levels, consequently, not offering hazard to the ecosystem and animal or human health.
The nutritional management of seedlings in the nursery is one of the most important practices that influence seedling quality. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the development of Schizolobium amazonicum seedlings grown in 250 cm containers with a commercial substrate in the North of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized design with five treatments and five replications, each replication being represented by 24 seedlings. The treatments were: control (only commercial substrate); nitrogen fertilization (150 g m-3 N using ammonium sulfate + 1.0 kg of ammonium sulfate dissolved in 100 L of water and applied in coverage); phosphorus fertilization (300 g P2O 5 m-3 using simple superphosphate); potassium fertilization (100 g m-3 K2O using potassium chloride + 0.3 kg of potassium chloride dissolved in 100 L of water and applied in coverage) and; complete (a mixture of the three nutrients, 150, 300 and 100 g m-3 N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively + 1.0 kg of ammonium sulfate + 0.3 kg of potassium chloride). The commercial substrate was composted milled pine bark plus vermiculite. Evaluations of the seedlings were performed at 90 days after sowing. The complete treatment (NPK) gave the highest values for biometric and best plant indices, which express the quality. When analyzing nutrients in isolation; potassium had the lowest effect. Based on these results it can be recommended to fertilize Schizolobium amazonicum seedlings in nurseries with 150, 300 and 100 g m-3 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively, plus 1.0 kg of sulfate ammonium and 0.3 kg of potassium chloride applied in coverage.
Introduction: Excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverage is positively related to overweight. Despite the epidemic of childhood obesity, body mass can have a positive or negative effect on bone health. Material and methods: Wistar rats 8 weeks olds were randomly assigned to consume water (Control group, n = 10), sucrose 30% (HS group, n = 10) and water + sucrose 30% (WHS group, n = 14) for 8 weeks. All animals received standard laboratory chow ad libitum. Femur measurements included microhardness, bone mineral density (BMD) by DXA, mechanical compression test and microcomputed tomography (microCT) analysis. Results: We observed significant difference in final body weight in HS and WHS groups, significant increase in triacylglycerol/fructosamine in HS and WHS groups, significantly high BMD in WHS group, increased periosteal/endosteal cortical microhardness in WHS group. Compared with control, microCT parameters evidenced lower amount of connected trabecular bone, decreased bone volume, lower trabecular number with high trabecular separation in distal epiphysis in WHS animals. Conclusion: High-sucrose consumption causes obesity induced by a liquid diet with negative effects on cancellous bone.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coffee is considered the primary host of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). The infestation of C. capitata in the State of São Paulo has reached economic importance in coffee plantations. Although little information about changes caused by the fly on the coffee beverage, it is known that the fruit fly infestation causes rapid change from cherry to raisin stage, causing qualitative damage on the parchment coffee production. The objective of this work was to study the population dynamics and diversity of Tephritidae and Lonchaeidae in coffee cultivars of Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045, Vermelho IAC 99, Novo Mundo 388-17-1, Obatã IAC 1669-20, Icatu Amarelo IAC 2944, grafted on Apoatã (IAC 2258) (Coffea canephora) and Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045 ungrafted and Apoatã (IAC 2258)-grafted with approximately 3 years. The experiment was conducted in Presidente Prudente, São Paulo State, Brazil, from June 2006 to July 2008. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications in a factorial design (3 years X 6 cultivars). From each plot of 100 plants we randomly collected 250 mature fruits. The samples were taken at 15 day intervals. The population dynamics were evaluated by using one plastic McPhail trap per cultivar. After 26 months a total of 36,932 specimens of C. capitata were trapped in all cultivars, corresponding to 49.27% males and 50.73% females. Approximately 83.3% of the specimens were collected from January to December 2007. The population fluctuation showed population peaks in May, June and July, relative to fruit ripening period. We trapped 21 specimens of A. montei Lima and A. fraterculus (Wied.). The coffee fruits of Presidente Prudente, SP, are infested by the following species of Lonchaeidae: Neosilba pendula (Bezzi), N. zadolicha McAlpine & Steyskal, N. inesperata Strikis & Prado and Neosilba pradoi Strikis & Lerena. Neosilba pendula occurred in all evaluated cultivars and N. inesperata was recoverd only from Icatu Amarelo IAC 2944 and IAC Icatu Vermelho 4045/un-grafted. No Anastrepha specimen was recovered from the fruits. Cultivars did not differ due to tephritid and lonchaeid infestations, but in 2008 the highest infestation by C. capitata occurred in the field.