Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), was cut after nine weeks of regrowth and mixed with 10, 20, 30 and 40% of sugar cane bagasse (SCB) with the objective of reducing the moisture content of the ensiled mass. Willing of the grass for eight and twelve hours was used as a comparative treatment. Initial dry matter of the grass (13%) increased in the forage mass to 17, 23, 24 and 27% by the addition of 10, 20, 30 and 40% of the SCB respectively. Wilting for eight and twelve hours increased initial dry matter to 18 and 24% respectively. Buffering capacity of elephant grass was reduced by the addition of 40% of SCB. Clostridium spores in the ensiled mass tended to be lower due to the effect of the two pre-treatments. Initial dry matter and number of spores of Clostridium were negatively correlated although without statistic significance. The addition of SCB reduced (P < 0.0.5) soluble carbohydrates and crude protein percentages in the ensiled mass. It was concluded that wilting is more effective than the addition of SCB in the practice of ensiling elephant grass.
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) are used to investigate molecular organization in Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of two kinds of lignins. The lignins were extracted from sugar cane bagasse using distinct extraction processes and are referred to here as ethanol lignin (EL) and saccharification lignin (SAC). AFM images show that LB films from EL have a flat surface in comparison with those from SAC. For the latter, ellipsoidal aggregates are seen oriented perpendicularly to the substrate. This result is confirmed by a combination of transmission and reflection FTIR measurements, which also point to lignin aggregates preferentially oriented perpendicularly to the substrate. For LB films from EL, on the other hand, aggregates are preferentially oriented parallel to the substrate, again consistent with the flat surface observed in AFM data. The vibrational spectroscopy data for cast films from both lignins show random molecular organization, as one should expect.
An experiment was conducted to study the in vitro digestibility of dry matter (IVDMD) and gross energy (IVGED) of hydrolyzed sugarcane bagasse with different storage times and two periods of adaptation of the bovine to the diet. A completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications was used. Treatments A,B,C, and D which corresponded to the times of 0, 15, 30, and 45 days of storage time period of the bagasse, respectively. Each treatment was studied at 7 and 45 after adaptation of the bovine ruminal donor to the diet. After 30 days storage, the bagasse IVDMD was inpaired for both 7 and 45 days of adaptation. Averages values of 25.8; 25.9; 23.1 and 23.3% were obtained for IVDMD with seven days of adaptation, and 25.04; 21.6; 12.5 and 11.4% with 45 days of adaptation for storage periods of 0; 15; 30 and 45 days, respectively. For IVGED, the averages obtained were 33.4; 27.8; 30.9; and 27.2% with seven days, and 30; 26.6; 20.6 and 14.5% with 45 days of adaptation for storage periods of 0, 15, 30 and 45 days, respectively.
In Brazil there was little research related to Shiitake axenic culture. The aim of this research was to understand the substratum effects in the kinetics of the Shiitake mycelium growth. It was used two Shiitake strains and two different base substrate (eucalyptus sawdust and sugar cane bagasse) varying in three proportions of the supplements. The supplements, a blend of rice and wheat brans, were added in the proportion of 0, 10 and 20% of the base substrate. The experiment was composed of six treatments. The mycelium growth kinetics in volume had no effect relation to the strains and substrate and it followed a mathematical model represented by logarithmic equation. Beta, gamma and delta parameters didn't show any correlation with the growth velocity in volume. The strain L55 was better adapted than L17.
We studied the ingestion of 54 children with functional constipation (CC) and 41 without (Control), according to the Food Pyramid. A food frequency questionnaire was used, analyzing fruits with or without peel/bagasse, grains whole or refined, and beans separately. Total subjects and 2-6y CC ingested less DF (g/day) than Control (p < 0.05). The majority had high n degrees of dairy and of the meat group servings, but most groups/subgroups did not meet recommendation for fruit and vegetable. A greater proportion of fruit with peel/bagasse in Control than in CC was almost the only difference for 6-12y. There was a discrepancy between the high percentage of children with DF above AHF recommendation and the high percentage of children who did not meet Pyramid recommendations.
Rhizopus microsporus var. rhizopodiformis produced high levels of alpha-amylase and glucoamylase under solid state fermentation, with several agricultural residues, such as wheat bran, cassava flour, sugar cane bagasse, rice straw, corncob and crushed corncob as carbon sources. These materials were humidified with distilled water, tap water, or saline solutions-Segato Rizzatti (SR), Khanna or Vogel. The best substrate for amylase production was wheat bran with SR saline solution (1:2 v/v). Amylolytic activity was still improved (14.3%) with a mixture of wheat bran, corncob, starch and SR saline solution (1:1:0.3:4.6 w/w/w/v). The optimized culture conditions were initial pH 5, at 45 degrees C during 6 days and relative humidity around 76%. The crude extract exhibited temperature and pH optima around 65 degrees C and 4-5, respectively. Amylase activity was fully stable for 1 h at temperatures up to 75 degrees C, and at pH values between 2.5 and 7.5.
The study discusses how the revenue from the sale of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) can contribute to the attractiveness of investment in projects of bagasse-based cogeneration. It was observed that revenue from CERs is probably not enough to make these investments acceptable in the economic and financial aspect. However, this study speculates that Clean Development Mechanism projects will be strategic to build a positive image concerning the social responsibility and sustainability of the business in the Brazilian sugar cane sector.
Aiming to study the biogas produced by 5 substrates from both quality and quantity point of view, this research was conducted at the Rural Engineering Department of FCAV/UNESP - Brazil, State of São Paulo. The substractes that were used in the anaerobic digestion were characterized as: 1 - Slaughter fowls' manure with napier grass bed (MFNG); 2 - Slaughter fowls' manure with triturate napier grass bed (MFNGT); 3 - Suine manure (SM); 4 - Bovine manure (BM) and 5 - Bovine manure mixed with 50% of sugarcane bagasse (BM50S). From the data collected it was concluded that: the substract (MFNG) and the substract containing SM produced higher and lower volumes of biogas respectively, when compared to the others; the mixture of sugarcane bagasse in the substract containing Bovine manure damages the accumulated biogas production and its quality; 57 days after filling the biodigestors, all substrates produced biogas with a methane level higher than 48% except for the substrates containing Suine manure; the triturate substrates (MFNGT) did not present such distinct characteristics from the non-triturate substrates (MFNG); the quality of biogas at the maximum production stage was similar, for all the studied substrates; the biogas which presented higher quantity of methane in its composition was the one produced with BM, overcoming the value up to 17.7% over the MFNGT production.
The viability of the utilization of wood and agroindustrial residues available in the Amazon region in the formulation of alternative substrates for the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus was tested. Thus, two wood residues: marupa sawdust (SIAMP) and pau-de-balsa sawdust (SAPB), and two substrates derived from agroindustrial residues: sugar-cane bagasse (SIACN) and pupunheira stem (SIAPP), were used. These were supplemented with a mixture of rice bran, wheat and corn as protein source, with addition of 2-3% of CaCO(3) for pH correction (6.5). The substrates were placed in polyethylene (HDPE) bags, sterilized at 121 degrees C for 1h and inoculated in a laminar flow chamber. The cultivation was carried out in an axenic way, in a modified atmosphere. The productivity of the substrates was evaluated in relation to the biological efficiency, with the following mean results: 125.60, 99.80%, 94.00 and 64.60% for SIAPP, SIACN, SIAMP and SIAPB, respectively. The high biological efficiency of the substrates and the cultivation process clearly showed the viability of the utilization of the residues, suggesting the commercial cultivation of this mushroom, which may contribute for improving the social and economical conditions and sustainability of the regional biodiversity resources of Amazonia.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the mycelial growth of the Coprinus comatus strain CCO 01/01 in culture based on organic residues of Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane bagasse), Citrus sinensis (orange bagasse), Ananas comosus (pineapple residues) and Musa sp. (banana leaf), supplemented with wheat bran in the proportions of 0, 10 and 20%, kept at 27 degrees C. The mycelial growth of C. comatus was evaluated daily by measurement of the diameter of the colony during seven days of incubation. The banana leaf was considered the best residue for the cultivation of the C. comatus even without supplementation, meaning lower production costs. The supplementation of pineapple residues with 10% of wheat bran favored fungi growth. Sugar-cane bagasse was suitable for the growth of the C. comatus provided it is enriched with wheat bran. The orange bagasse, without pH correction, was not appropriate for the mycelial growth of C. comatus.
The aim of the present study was to carry out the physical, chemical and nutritional analyses of the alternative substrates formulated from wood and agroindustrial residues of the Amazon for Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) Kummer cultivation. The determination of C, N, pH, humidity, soluble solids, protein, fat, total fiber ash, carbohydrates (total and available) and energy were carried out. The substrates were formulated from sawdust of Simarouba amara Aubl. (marupa), Ochroma piramidale Cav. ex. Lam. (pau de balsa) and from the stein of Bactris gasipaes Kunth (pupunheira palm tree), and from Saccharum officinarum L. (sugar cane bagasse). The results demonstrated that the nutritional composition of the substrate is variable and the improvement of the quality of the spent substrate (energy and protein increment) promoted by the metabolism of the fungus during the cultivation, contributed for a more nutritive substrate than the initial one, which could be used as a compost for Agaricus sp. cultivation, as organic fertilizer and for bioremediation for contaminated soils.
In this work, a fibrous cellulose obtained from the sugar cane bagasse was analysed about its binder/disintegrating action and about its interference degree in the dissolution rate ('in vitro') of active principles, when incorporated in a compact system that has a water-soluble drug. It was used as reference drug the Lithium Carbonate, considering its solubility in water and it difficulties in the compressibility and flow rate. That cellulose was evaluated in a comparative study, involving another fibrous cellulose generally used in the tablet obtainment (Microcel 3E-200). After the experiment in methodologies of dry granulation and wet granulation, it was concluded that the analysed celluloses presents adequate binder/disintegrating efficience and they are equivalents in these aspect.
The objective of the present study was to assess the rate of mycelium development of Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler as an effect of depth and supplementation of the sugar cane bagasse substrate with different amounts of rice bran and sugar cane molasses. The experimental design consisted in a 7 × 2 factorial scheme (seven levels of bran or molasses x two growth phases) using autoclavable glass flasks to keep the substrates. The proportions of rice bran tested were: 0, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40% (dry weight/bagasse dry weight), and the concentrations of sugar cane molasses were: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 g/kg substrate. Graph paper strips externally slicked to the flask were used to measure the mycelial development. To differentiate the growth as a function of depth, the mycelial development was divided into two phases: an initial one (upper half of the flask) and a final one (lower half). The rate of mycelium formation was always higher in the early growth than in the final phase regardless of the amount of supplement. High bran proportions reduced the rate of mycelium formation, especially during the final phase, and sugar cane molasses did not affect growth rate.