222 resultados para Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the role of immunochemistry in serous effusions.STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed cell blocks of 18 pleural and 18 peritoneal effusions diagnosed as malignant (18), benign (14) and suspicious (4). They were immunostained by the avidin-biotin complex method with a panel of four monoclonal antibodies-CEA, Ber-EP4, LeuM1 (CD15) and r53-and for lectins (Ulex europaeus) UEA-1, ConA and ConBr. RESULTS: Seventeen of the 18 cases of adenocarcinoma were positive for CEA (95%), 12 (66.6%)for Bev-EP4, 11 (61 %)for CD15 nild 11 (62 %)for p53. Twelve of the 18 (66.6%) were positive for UEA-1, CEA, Ber-EP4 and CD15. UEA-1 did not react with mesothelial cells. p53 Gave a positive reaction in only one case, reactive mesothelial cells. ConA and ConBr reacted indiscriminately with benign and malignant cells; thus, it was not useful in distinguishing between these cells.CONCLUSION: In this context no antibody used alone is reliable for corroborating a diagnosis, but the selective use of a small panel of three markers (CEA, Ber-EP4 and LeuM1) can be very useful in solving diagnostic difficulties in the cytodiagnosis of serous effusions.


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Background: Thyroperoxidase is the major antigen of the thyroid microsomal antibodies (TMA) detected in autoimmune thyroid diseases. Its amino acid sequence has 44% homology with myeloperoxidase (MPO), an enzyme present in the primary granules of neutrophils and one of the major antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) antigens. The objective of the present study was to investigate the presence of cross-reactivity to MPO of TMA. Methods: We studied sera from 51 patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases, all of them TMA-positive. The presence of ANCA was investigated by indirect immunofluorescence and by capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: ANCA were positive in 3.9% of the TMA-positive sera and none of them reacted with MPO. In contrast, the ANCA-positive sera revealed antielastase activity. None of the ANCA-positive cases presented clinical signs of vasculitis. However, these 2 patients had been on prolonged treatment with propylthiouracil. Conclusions: We conclude that there is no cross-reactivity to MPO of TMA in patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases, possibly because of difference in the spatial configuration of the immunodominant region. The presence of ANCA in patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases without evidence of vasculitis might result from propylthiouracil-induced polyclonal activation.


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New monoclonal antibodies have made the use of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded sections practical for immunotyping and immunodiagnosing many hematolymphoid neoplasms. In addition, they can be helpful in classifying malignant lymphomas and leukemias through patterns of immunoreactivity. The most useful. lymphoid antibodies and diagnostic situations in which they can be deployed are discussed.


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The number and activity of natural killer (NK) cells were studied in 20 patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), 15 uncomplicated pregnant women and 16 healthy non-pregnant women, All the pregnant women were primigravidae and were evaluated during the third trimester of gestation. Peripheral blood NK cells were detected with monoclonal antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence and cytotoxic activity was measured using a single-cell assay against K562 target cells. Hypertensive pregnant women had an increased number of circulating NK cells associated with a significant decrease of NK activity, the cytotoxic activity was significantly lower in normal pregnant and PIH women when compared with non-pregnant controls. The onset of immature NK cells in peripheral blood and the impairment of their cytotoxic activity in PIH patients may be associated with hormones and immunosuppressive substances produced by tissues occurring at the maternal-fetal interface.


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The Duffy antigen/receptor for chemokine, DARC, acts as a widely expressed promiscuous chemokine receptor and as the erythrocyte receptor for Plasmodium vivax. To gain insight into the evolution and structure/function relations of DARC, we analyzed the binding of anti-human Fy monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and human chemokines to red blood cells (RBCs) from 11 nonhuman primates and two nonprimate mammals, and we elucidated the structures of the DARC genes from gorilla, gibbon, baboon, marmoset, tamarin, night monkey and cattle. CXCL-8 and CCL-5 chemokine binding analysis indicated that the promiscuous binding profile characteristic of DARC is conserved across species. Among three mAbs that detected the Fy6 epitope by flow cytometric analysis of human and chimpanzee RBCs, only one reacted with night monkey and squirrel monkey. Only chimpanzee RBCs bound a significant amount of the anti-Fy3 mAb. Fy3 was also poorly detected on RBCs from gorilla, baboon and rhesus monkey, but not from new world monkeys. Alignment of DARC homologous sequences allowed us to construct a phylogenetic tree in which all branchings were in accordance with current knowledge of primate phylogeny. Although DARC was expected to be under strong internal and external selection pressure, in order to maintain chemokine binding and avoid Plasmodium vivax binding, respectively, our present study did not provide arguments in favor of a selection pressure on the extracellular domains involved in ligand specificity. The amino acid variability of DARC-like polypeptides was found to be well correlated with the hydrophylicity indexes, with the highest divergence on the amino-terminal extracellular domain. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences highlighted the conservation of some amino acid residues, which should prove to be critical for the structural and functional properties of DARC.


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HMB-45, named for the immunogen used (human melanoma, black) is a monoclonal antibody developed 10 years ago by Gown and colleagues to a whole-cell extract of a human melanoma. Over the years, it has been demonstrated that HMB-45 is a highly sensitive and specific reagent for the identification of melanoma. More recently, it has been found that HMB-45 reacts with a protein designated gp100-cl, which is apparently related to the pmel 17 gene product. Because gp100-cl is a melanosomal matrix protein, HMB-45 is more correctly identified as an organelle-specific rather than tumor-specific reagent. HMB-45 immunoreactivity is seen in normal fetal and neonatal melanocytes but not in adult resting melanocytes. Reactive or proliferating melanocytes present in inflamed adult skin or in skin overlying certain dermal neoplasms, can also ''re-express'' the HMB-45-defined antigen. Whereas the vast majority of melanomas are HMB-45-positive, one important exception is desmoplastic malignant melanoma, which consistently demonstrates a much lower rate of expression of the HMB-45-defined antigen compared with other types of melanoma. In recent years there have been scattered reports of HMB-45 immunoreactivity in nonmelanomatous tumors, such as breast and other carcinomas, but virtually all these reports employed commercial ascites fluid preparations of HMB-45 antibody that were subsequently shown to be contaminated with nonspecific antibodies. Thus, for most practical purposes, a positive reaction with HMB-45 indicates active melanosome formation and, therefore, melanocytic differentiation. There is also a set of HMB-45-positive tumors that consistently manifest HMB-45 immunoreactivity but do not display obvious pigmentation: clear cell ''sugar'' tumor of the lung, angiomyolipoma, and lymphangiomyomatosis. Nonetheless, these lesions are all unified by recent ultrastructural studies that confirm the presence premelanosomes. Curiously, all three lesions also manifest evidence for simultaneous smooth-muscle differentiation. HMB-45 remains, therefore, a reliable marker of melanoma but may also provide insights into a rare group of tumors.


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1. Cell proliferation is of interest since abnormal cell proliferation appears to be a precursor of tumorigenesis and also because the quantitative description of cell proliferation in tumors can be used to predict the biological behavior of a particular neoplasia.2. Them am several reliable methods of studying cell proliferation in tissues. One of the most important is the detection of the Ki67 defined antigen in frozen sections. The number of cells expressing Ki67 correlates with histological grades of tumors and can also be predictive of clinical outcome. The Ki67 can be localized in tissue sections using monoclonal antibodies in association with the immunoperoxidase technique.3. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a component of DNA polymerase-delta and is another important cell proliferation marker manifesting a striking increase in concentration during the S phase of the cell cycle. 19A2 and PC10 are two different monoclonal antibodies which can be employed to detect PCNA in paraffin-embedded tissues.4. Molecular biology has also been making a great contribution to the study of cell proliferation. The most recent innovation in tissue identification of proliferating cells is the use of in situ hybridization for the localization of histone H3 and/or H4 mRNA. H3 mRNA-positive cells appear to be present in basal cells of the skin and in crypt cells of the intestine which are sites with high proliferation rate.


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Background: the purpose this study was to investigate the relationship of anti-myosin and anti-heat shock protein immunoglobulin G (IgG) serum antibodies to the original heart disease of cardiac transplant recipients, and also to rejection and patient survival after cardiac transplantation.Methods: Anti-myosin and anti-heat shock protein (anti-hsp) IgG antibodies were evaluated in pre-transplant sera from 41 adult cardiac allograft recipients and in sequential post-transplant serum samples from 11 recipients, collected at the time of routine endomyocardial biopsies during the first 6 months after transplantation. In addition, the levels of these antibodies were determined from the sera of 28 healthy blood donors.Results: Higher anti-myosin antibody levels were observed in pre-transplant sera than in sera from normal controls. Moreover, patients with chronic Chagas heart disease showed higher anti-myosin levels than patients with ischemic heart disease, and also higher levels, although not statistically significant, than patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Higher anti-hsp levels were also observed in patients compared with healthy controls, but no significant differences were detected among,the different types of heart diseases. Higher pre-transplant anti-myosin, but not anti-hsp, levels were associated with lower 2-year post-transplant survival. In the post-transplant period, higher anti-myosin IgG levels were detected in sera collected during acute rejection than in sera collected during the rejection-free period, whereas anti-hsp IgG levels showed no difference between these periods.Conclusions: the present findings are of interest for post-transplant management and, in addition, suggest a pathogenic role for anti-myosin antibodies in cardiac transplant rejection, as has been proposed in experimental models of cardiac transplantation.


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The occurrence of antibodies to Neospora caninum and Toxoplasmagondii was determined in 400 domestic cats (Siamese, Persian, and undetermined breeds) from the Municipality of Aracatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, through the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT). of the 400 cats, 100 were seropositive to T. gondii (25%, titer >= 64) and 98 to N. caninum (24.5%, titer >= 16). The rate of seropositive cats for T. gondii was correlated with age (chi(2)=35.7; p < 0.001), with a higher number of infected animals at older ages. of the 219 cats younger than 1-year-old, 13.2% were seropositive for T. gondii, while 39.2% were positive in the 181 older animals. The presence of N. caninum was also correlated with age (divided by(2)=8.8; p < 0.01), with 18.7% (41/219) and 31.5% (57/181) of positive animals at ages below and above 12-month, respectively. An association between the occurrences of both protozoa in the felines was also observed (chi(2)=19.6; p < 0.001).


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There has been persistent controversy regarding the nature of cell differentiation in alveolar soft-part sarcoma (ASPS) since its first description in 1952. Some studies suggest that ASPS might represent an unusual variant of skeletal muscle tumor, Given the availability of new monoclonal antibodies to probe for skeletal muscle differentiation and the rapid advance in immunocytochemical techniques for deparaffinized, formalin-fixed tissue sections, we wished to test the proposed hypothesis that ASPS might represent a new type of rhabdomyosarcoma Twelve archival samples of ASPS were retrieved, and we investigated the expression of two myogenic regulatory proteins, MyoD1 and myogenin, as rvell as other muscle-associated proteins, using sensitive immunocytochemical techniques. Despite the presence of desmin immunostaining in six ASPSs, no tumors were positive for either muscle actin or myoglobin Most importantly, no specimen showed nuclear expression of MyoD1 or myogenin, In 11 tumors, however, there was considerable granular immunostaining in the tumor cell cytoplasm with the anti-MyoD1 monoclonal antibody 5.8A, a phenomenon observed in various nonmuscle normal and neoplastic tissues with this antibody, To analyze the exact nature of immunostaining of MyoD1 and desmin in ASPS, biochemical analyses using available fresh frozen tumor tissue were performed, Although a 53-kDa band was noted with antidesmin antibody on Western blot analysis, no specific protein band that corresponds to the 45-kDa MyoD1 was detected with antibody 5.8A. These results confirm the presence of desmin in ASPS but argue against authentic expression of MyoD1, They also suggest that the cytoplasmic immunostaining observed with anti-MyoD1 antibody 5.8A most likely represents a nonspecific cross-reaction with an unknown cytoplasmic antigen, Considering the master role that MyoD1 and myogenin play in skeletal muscle commitment and differentiation and the lack of expression of these two proteins in ASPS as determined immunocytochemically and biochemically, we think that the histogenesis of ASPS remains unknown.


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In Latin America, rabies cases related to frugivorous bats have been reported since 1930's. Recently, two viruses isolated from Artibeus lituratus were proved to be vampire bat variants by monoclonal antibodies panels [2], but their genetic information is not well known. In this report, four rabies viruses were isolated from frugivorous bats (Artibeus spp.) in Brazil and their nucleoprotein gene sequences were determined. These isolates were found to be genotype 1 of lyssavirus and showed the maximum nucleotide sequence homology of 97.6-99.4% with vampire bat-related viruses in Brazil [6]. These results indicate that the Brazilian frugivorous bat rabies viruses in this study are closely related to vampire bat-related viruses that play a main role in rabies virus transmission to livestock in Brazil.


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A liquid phase blocking ELISA (LPB-ELISA) was adapted for the detection and quantification of antibodies to Newcastle disease virus. Sera from vaccinated and unvaccinated commercial flocks of ostriches (Struthio camelus) and rheas (Rhea americana) were tested. The purified and nonpurified virus used as the antigen and the capture and detector antibodies were prepared and standardized for this purpose. The hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test was regarded as the reference method, the cutoff point for the LPB-ELISA was determined by a two-graph receiver operating characteristic analysis. The LPB-ELISA titers regressed significantly (P < 0.0001) on the HI titers with a high correlation coefficient (r = 0.875). The two tests showed good agreement ( = 0.82; P < 0.0001), relative sensitivity (90.91%) and specificity (91.18%), and accuracy (91.02%), suggesting that they are interchangeable.