166 resultados para Agir autrement !
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
This essay aims at presenting the book Le Cabinet noir of Max Jacob, a book of fictional letters with comments, taking into consideration the moral judgment: right conduct, principles that govern modes of action. This strategy demonstrates the ambiguity of Max Jacob’s project: divided into a certain Catholicism, which he practiced, and avant-garde literature. On the other hand, this study points to the various contradictions such as a certain morality towards the family preservation or friendship, virtues or Christian attitudes and bourgeois conveniences. Finally, it establishes the dimension of desire in face of René Girard’s questionings in the essay Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque.
Durante a transformação maligna dos melanócitos, padrões de metilação do DNA encontram-se alterados, afetando a expressão gênica. As citosinas metiladas (5mC) podem ser hidroxiladas pelas dioxigenases dependentes de 2-oxoglutarato e Fe(II), Tet1, 2 e 3, resultando na formação de 5-hidroximetilcitosina (5hmC) (Globisch et al., 2010; Ko et al., 2010). A 5hmC pode agir tanto como um produto intermediário na desmetilação ativa do DNA quanto na desmetilação passiva ao longo de sucessivas replicações, o que pode contribuir com a dinâmica da metilação do DNA (Tahiliani et al., 2009). Além disso, demonstrou-se que Tet1 e Tet2 são expressas em células tronco embrionárias (Ito et al., 2010) e que 5hmC desempenha importante papel na manutenção e diferenciação destas células (Koh et al., 2011). No entanto, o papel da 5hmC e das proteínas Tet tanto na fisiologia normal quanto em doenças como o câncer ainda não está claro. Utilizando um modelo linear de progressão do melanoma, observamos aumento na expressão gênica de Tet1 nas linhagens celulares correspondendo a melanócitos pré-malignos (4C) e células de melanoma não metastático (4C11-), comparado a melanócitos não tumorigênicos (melan-a) e células de melanoma metastático (4C11+). Em relação à expressão proteica, há um aumento da expressão de Tet1 nas linhagens 4C e 4C11+, o que pode ser relacionado às fases de transição epitélio-mesênquima (EMT) e mesênquima-epitélio (MET), respectivamente. Além disso, constatamos aumento na expressão gênica e proteica de Tet2 na linhagem metastática 4C11+, o que pode indicar diferenças funcionais entre as proteínas Tet1 e Tet2. Também verificamos aumento significativo do conteúdo de 5hmC na linhagem 4C11+, o que se correlaciona com maior expressão gênica e proteica de Tet2. Por fim, linhagens humanas de melanoma metastático menos agressivas apresentaram aumento significativo na expressão dos genes TET1 ...
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
L'historie récente du Brésil, particulièrement en cetre première décennie du XXI siècle, montre que ce pays tourne son regard vers l'autre côté de l'océan Atlantique afin de définir une forme nouvelle et différence de relations avec les Pays Africains de Langue Portugaise (PALOP).Au XXI siècle, le Brésil joue un nouveau rôle et adopte une nouvelle posture politique dans le contexte international, notamment lorsqu'il occupe sa place stratégique das l'Atlantique Sud et qu'il se rend compte de son potentiel politique, économique, culturel et démographique sur le sous-continent et à l'égard des nations africaines situées au sud du Sahara, surtout celles de culture bantoue.
The curriculum is an important instrument, through which are outlined the main aspects to be achieved in the educational context . It can be real, occurs in the classroom as a result of the education program, and be hidden normally be transmitted without being mentioned by teachers. Sexuality although it is not integrated with the components of the formal curriculum, and is present in said prohibited school , the way you act, speak and articulate the school community , expressing itself through the hidden curriculum. Considering this, the present study based on qualitative and quantitative aimed to analyze the curriculum of a course in pedagogy of a State University located in the State of São Paulo, as well as giving voice to students of that course in order to analyze if sexuality is to clearly present the formal curriculum. Therefore , a study of the documents in that course , but precisely its curriculum process n º 342/89 , their volumes I to IX , the period extending from 1959 to 200, as well as the curriculum in force until the year 2007. In addition, we used a closed questionnaire containing 20 questions which included the participation of 70 students Pedagogy daytime and night of that educational institution. Since its initial curriculum to the latest nonexistent space for disciplines sexuality, and the ' progress ' that can be noted is the introduction of the limited elective courses that no longer exist in the current course. In the words of most students sexuality is not a matter encompassed in that course. These data show that both the real and the hidden curriculum does not give due importance to this issue. Therefore, it is imperative that this course, as well as the different undergraduate courses, should adhere to sexuality need to be part of the actual curriculum, in order to allow students access to this knowledge.
Practices of violence such as physical and verbal aggression, provocations, humiliations and exclusion that occur mainly among young people in schools are named as bullying and the aim of this qualitative-descriptive study was to investigate how this phenomenon is represented by magazines directed to teenage girls. The analysis was conducted in fifteen articles of four Brazilian magazines: Capricho, Todateen, Atrevida and Yes Teen through thematic categories: 1) Definitions and explanations about bullying; 2) Magazines’ proposals to the confrontation against bullying (2.1 Campaigns and orientations against bullying; 2.2 Advices about how to act in the presence of bullying; 2.3 Examples of “overcoming” to people who suffered bullying and 2.4 Advices given to people who practice bullying). It was identified the presence of hierarchies, stereotypes and the incentive to competition. There is the predominance of normative and excluding patterns, advices that individualize the issue and lack of critical reflection.
This article presents a descriptive-qualitative study aimed at investigating the perception of seven teachers, 5 parents and 18 mothers about the sexual expression of children until 6 years old, through a questionnaire with semi-open questions for content analysis. The sexual behavior identified by adults at home or school refers mainly to gender issues and the discovery of the body: the children reproduce conceptions of masculine and feminine, they manipulate their own bodies or that of others, and they talk about dating, kissing in the mouth and sex. The teachers have a higher perception of the children’s sexual behaviors than their parents at home, because they are more explicit in school. Teachers report that the observed behaviors cause anxiety and discomfort, while the parents report that they usually talk with their children about the theme. In general, there are reports of little knowledge about how to deal with children’s sexual manifestations: for teachers, who have little academic training in the area of sexuality, and for the family, who show some personal and moral difficulties. It was concluded that participants understand children as having sexuality because they perceive different expressions of infant sexuality that are typical in the development. It is necessary to invest in teachers’ academic and continuing education in early childhood, and in a joint work with family and school, in search of a positive experience of an emancipatory sexual education for children.