435 resultados para temperatura e umidade relativa do ar


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Soil tillage is one of the agricultural practices that may contribute to increase the loss of carbon through emission of CO2 (FCO2). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of three soil tillage systems on FCO2, soil temperature and soil moisture in a sugarcane area under reform. The experimental area consisted of three tillage plots: conventional tillage (CT), conventional subsoiling (CS), and localized subsoiling (LS). FCO2, soil temperature and soil moisture were measured over a period of 17 days. FCO2 showed the highest value in CT (0.75 g CO2 m(-2) h(-1)). Soil temperature presented no significant difference (p > 0.05) between LS (26.2 degrees C) and CS (25.9 degrees C). Soil moisture was higher in LS (24%), followed by CS (21.8%) and CT (18.3%). A significant correlation (r = -0.71; p < 0.05) between FCO2 and soil temperature was observed only in CT. The conventional tillage presented a total emission (2,864.3 kg CO2 ha(-1)) higher than the emissions observed in CS (1,970.9 kg CO2 ha(-1)) and LS (1,707.7 kg CO2 ha(-1)). The conversion from CT to LS decreased soil CO2 emissions, reducing the contribution of agriculture in increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi adequar o teste de envelhecimento acelerado para avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de diásporos de Oenocarpus bacaba Mart. (bacaba). Inicialmente, os diásporos foram expostos às temperaturas de 41; 43 e 45 ºC, durante 3; 6; 12; 24; 36; 48 e 72 h, com cerca de 100% de umidade relativa do ar. Foram considerados dois critérios de germinação: emissão da primeira bainha igual ou superior a 1cm e plântula normal. o teste de germinação foi realizado com 6 repetições de 20 diásporos, em temperatura de 30 ºC e fotoperíodo de 12 h. Pelos resultados preliminares, observou-se que os lotes de diásporos de bacaba podem ser separados em níveis de vigor por meio do envelhecimento acelerado, em 43ºC e com cerca de 100% de umidade relativa do ar, por 48 h. os quatro lotes de diásporos foram então submetidos, num segundo experimento, a 43 ºC por 24; 48 e 72 h, sendo adotada como critério de germinação a emissão de primeira bainha. em 45 ºC, a porcentagem de germinação foi drasticamente reduzida após 12 h. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os critérios de germinação utilizados. Os lotes de diásporos foram separados em diferentes níveis de vigor após 48 e 72 h de exposição a 43 ºC. de acordo com os resultados obtidos, sugere-se o uso de primeira bainha como critério de germinação e período de envelhecimento de 48 h a 43 ºC, para a avaliação da qualidade fisiológica de diásporos de bacaba.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper presents the results of a study on the thermal comfort in open urban spaces, undertaken in pedestrian streets located in the three towns, Campinas, Baurú, and Presidente Prudente, in the state of Sao Paulo. The study was developed as part of a more extensive project on thermal comfort in different kinds of open public spaces in Brazil. The methodology involved monitoring the microclimatic variables (air and globe temperature, humidity, air velocity and global solar radiation), and structured interviews, in order to assess the actual thermal comfort through the Actual Sensation Vote (ASV) and the personal users’ variables. The Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) was also calculated. The results show different limits for neutral temperature in each city: 20-29ºC for Campinas, 21-30 ºC for Bauru and 14-24 ºC for Presidente Prudente). However, 59.5% of the total sample (308 out of 519 individuals) indicated comfort limits ranging from 18 to 26 ºC, which is consistent with the limits proposed by Monteiro and Alucci for the city of Sao Paulo. These results can contribute to evaluate the thermal quality of other public spaces in the same towns.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Many fire occurrences in vegetation happen annually in the city of Rio Claro, causing material losses, environmental damage and discomfort to population. When identified the source, notes that the higher index is intentional, however, climatic factors such as wind speed, temperature, relative air humidity, rainfall, or even the local relief also affects in the spread and its devastating effects. Scientific studies that would assist the local community in the prevention and repression of them still are scarce. This way, the work has as objective contributes in the understanding of the relationship among the fire occurrences in vegetation registered (recorded) by Fire Department of Rio Claro/SP, and their relationships with the atmospheric time. To achieve this goal was made to build a database related to fires in vegetation during the years 2009-2013, and subsequently correlated with data of precipitation and relative humidity the air, provided by Center for Analysis and Planning Environmental (CEAPLA). The result identified the profile of the fires, the seasons of higher frequency, neighborhoods and districts with the highest number of records and correlate events with climatic factors that act in the ignition, propagation and control of fires in the Municipal district of Rio Claro/SP


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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The use of Information and Communication Technology has grown in most agricultural activities. As a consequence, it has changed the way of thinking and acting of the farmer who wants to establish a more and more competitive market. However, the high costs of acquisition and maintenance of those technologies may be a factor which can inhibit its spread and acceptance, mainly to a large number of small grain Brazilian farmers. In this context, there is a need for innovative solutions that are proper for this universe of farmers. Starting from this premise, this paper presents the development of a low cost prototype to the monitoring process of temperature and humidity values of grains stored in silos, using communication based on wireless technology by radio frequency. Therefore, the economic implications of cost/benefit ratio of innovative application of wireless transmission in the process of thermometry of grains were analysed. The prototype was made of two electronic units, one of acquisition and another one of data reception, as well as computational software, which offered the farmer more precise information for the control of aeration. By means of stability, integrity and reliability tests of data transmission via radio, using low cost electronic components, the development system can be considered as potentially viable. It presented the difference regarding the wireless communication via radio in the process of grains thermometry, providing mobility, reducing cabling costs and maintenance, and also offering an easy system expansion; it was also appropriate to temperature and humidity monitoring in grain silos; and revealed operational viability, besides the low cost development when compared to similar products available in the Brazilian market.


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Mudas de mamoeiro da cultivar Baixinho de Santa Amália foram transplantadas para covas de 40x60x40 cm, em áreas de três estruturas contíguas: (a) estufa sombreada (cobertura de plástico), (b) estufa sombreada + sombrite (cobertura adicional de sombrite com 30% de sombreamento sobre o plástico) e (c) telado (cobertura exclusiva de sombrite 30%). Ao lado de tais estruturas foi implantada uma área de cultivo de mamoeiro em ambiente natural. Os tratos culturais aplicados foram os condizentes às normas técnicas vigentes na agricultura orgânica. As irrigações foram procedidas com mangueira plástica, evitando-se molhar folhas e frutos. Aos 45 dias pós-transplantio e, subseqüentemente, a intervalos mensais, as plantas foram inspecionadas em relação à incidência de lesões foliares causada pelo fungo Asperisporium caricae. Para efeito de análise estatística, após o teste de homogeneidade das variâncias, foram consideradas quatro repetições por ambiente (tratamento), com seis plantas úteis por parcela. O modelo de quantificação da doença indicou efeito altamente significativo dos ambientes protegidos, estufa e estufa sombreada, quanto à incidência de sintomas, em comparação com ambientes de telado e em área natural de cultivo. Durante os 12 meses de avaliações foi constatada alta correlação entre incidência da doença e pluviosidade e umidade relativa do ar. As estruturas cobertas com plástico demonstraram alto potencial de controle de A. caricae, sendo, portanto, recomendáveis no sistema orgânico de produção do mamoeiro.