155 resultados para raciocínio por analogia


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Bettelheim (2007), analyzing the infant psyche concluded that for the child to gain self-esteem and develop a balanced sense of self, need to learn to take certain decisions on a daily basis, which will be facilitated by identifying their problems, designed in the stories that are told (or read). Thus, it could find solutions and feel safer. Based on the reading of fairy tales, we dealt with this research, the resumption of fairy tales in homes and schools, in order to help parents and teachers to get parameters to work thinking of their children and students, from such stories, awakening the taste of children by reading and text production. The proposal considered different versions of the fairy tale Cinderella, noting as the moralizing process the messages each approach, and explores the plot and determines which versions would be appropriate for the psycho-cognitive development of children. We also investigated aspects pertinent to the narrative structure, based on literary theory, in order to work in comparative literature. From the discourse analysis, sought to address the marks left by the utterer, capable of denoting its cargo and its ideological worldview projected in the story, although he re-create the history and environment on real facts of a particular period (MARTINS, 2007)


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Criança gosta mesmo de brincar. Em casa, na rua, em qualquer lugar. E por que não na escola? O lugar de estudar não poderia ter mais espaços para brincar? Faltam em nossas escolas áreas mais interessantes e atraentes que o playground convencional, que incitem a aventura, o desafio, às brincadeiras em grupo. A melhor forma de se aprender na infância é através das brincadeiras, que formam o alicerce para o seu futuro lingüístico, de raciocínio, de lógica, de inserção na sociedade. Por meio das brincadeiras, as crianças evidenciam seus sentimentos, seu entendimento de mundo, suas descobertas, suas construções. Quando bem orientadas e acompanhadas, elas não são apenas passatempo e sim a forma mais consistente e genuína de aprendizagem. A aprendizagem na Educação Infantil acontece de forma experimental, ou seja, a criança necessita fazer e fazendo vai construindo os seus conceitos. No playground, a criança experimenta os brinquedos que ainda não usou, arrisca, persiste, esforça-se, sem a crítica e a vergonha que mais tarde inibe e desestimula as suas ações. Na EMEI Márcia de Almeida Bighetti, localizada no Núcleo Habitacional Mary Dota na cidade de Bauru, espaço é que não falta para um projeto lúdico. Por possuir um enorme terreno para um pequeno bloco de salas de aula e apenas alguns brinquedos no parquinho, essa foi a escola escolhida para a proposta de um espaço lúdico infantil


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Nos últimos tempos o futsal tem se desenvolvido muito rapidamente, modificando seu caráter amador e aumentando o número de participantes e de país que o praticam. Essas mudanças têm causado melhoras nas ações técnicas e táticas dos jogadores, além de aumento na rapidez do raciocínio para a tomada de decisão, além da forma física (necessidade de uma capacidade aeróbica e de uma massa muscular desenvolvidas para a melhora do desempenho em quadra). Um dos responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento do futsal foram os avanços na tecnologia que através de ferramentas específicas facilitam e auxiliam na evolução da equipe no decorrer dos treinamentos e jogos. Desta forma, as equipes conseguem controlar os aspectos técnicos, táticos, físicos e psicológicos que ocorrem com a equipe, podendo obter dados quantitativos e qualitativos que ajudam a alcançar melhor performance dos atletas e da equipe. Um exemplo destas ferramentas é o “scout”, o qual se mostra um instrumento viável para uma avaliação técnica e tática de uma equipe. Através desta ferramenta pode-se avaliar detalhes importantes do jogo como o número de finalizações (eficiência do ataque), local de finalização, número de desarmes, passes certos e errados, tanto da sua equipe como também da equipe adversária. Com isso, com o auxilio do “scout” independentemente da tecnologia que se utilize, mais avançadas como softwares específicos ou menos sofisticadas como planilhas de anotações, consegue-se além de realizar uma avaliação individual da condição técnica do atleta também analisar os sistemas de defesa e ataque de uma equipe.Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi de verificar e comparar a relação de acerto e erro das ações de passe, desarme e finalização apresentado pelas equipes vencedoras e as perdedoras de partidas de futsal, vislumbrando...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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When it comes to teaching physics in the early years of elementary school, the first question is: but there are opportunities to teach concepts to children of such complexity? This study sought to examine approaches and strategies to enter the Basic Education in Physics. To this end, we used low cost materials testing, taking as its starting point the work of Ferreira (1978) instrumentation for Teaching Physics, particularly with the theme electrostatics. The present study was made from the use of prototypes developed with the materials cited. Observations were made in the classroom looking for, from the records of teaching, analyzing the behavior of children and their arguments, possibilities for Physics Teaching this age group as well as some evidence of their cognitive development. In teaching discussions were held with students of the early years of elementary school involving conceptual and phenomenological aspects, adapting such knowledge at the level of logical and mathematical thinking that was still under development. The work shows that it is possible to work on electrostatic physical concepts with children belonging to the age group of nine to ten years. With the support of the group Pibid Physics city of Rio Claro, I realize my observations and practices at the Municipal School Marcelo Schmidt, which proved to be available and open for acceptance of this proposal


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This research aims at examining the relationship between the performance of elementary school students Cycle I in problem solving and attitudes toward mathematics. For this, a research was conducted at a state school in the city of Bauru which was selected for convenience. Participants were randomly selected consisting of 75 students, of whom 21 were third years and 57 were of three classes of fifth year. The instruments used for data collection were: a informative questionnaire to characterize the students in age, grade, favorite subjects and the least liked, among others, an attitude scale, Likert type, to examine the attitudes toward mathematics; a interviews with 11 selected students according to scores on the attitudes and mathematical problems to be solved through the method of thinking aloud. The results showed that the major difficulties encountered by students in solving problems were: to understand the problems, formalizing the reasoning, recognize in the problem the algorithms needed for its resolution, make calculations with decimal numbers, do combinatorics, using the sum of equal portions instead of multiplying, self-confidence and autonomy in what he was doing, and others; participants with positive attitudes towards mathematics showed greater confidence to solve problems as well as a greater understanding on what was required by them, but were not detected significant relation between the attitudes and performance, since it was unfavorable


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The goal of this study is to characterize the clinical outline of patients in postoperative of bariatric surgery attended in an Intensive Care Unit and identify the nursing diagnosis presented by these patients in accordance to Taxonomy II of North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA). This is a transversal, descriptive and prospective study that was desenvolved at the Intensive Care Unit of the Clinical Hospital of Botucatu Medical School – UNESP. The population was composed by all the patients who were submitted to the bariatric surgery and were attended at the Intensive Care Unit in the period between June and August of 2010, totalizing 13 patients. The data were collected based on the Nursing History that is composed by the Anamnesis, Physical Examination and Complementary Exams. The results were worked out: a) among the 13 patients studied, 10 are women (76,9%) and 3 men (23,1%); the majority is between 30 and 40 years old; 11 people of 13 are morbid obese, which means that they have Body Mass Index higher than 40 kg/m2; b) It was identified 22 nursing diagnosis and 14 of these were found in 100% of the patients. They belong to the dominions of Activity/Rest, Comfort, Elimination and Changing, Security and Protection, Functions and Relationships. Therefore, in relation to the factors, it was conclude that nursing diagnosis help nurses to understand the unsettled human answers or the risks to disturbance in an individual way, which contributes to plan specific interventions to these patients. It was possible to verify that the stage of the nursing diagnosis that is part of the nursing process should be executed by the nurses systematically, because it has been realized by the nurses’ clinical idea, but not in a systematical way


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A antecipação constitui uma capacidade de extrema importância à evolução dos vertebrados, pois, ao permitir a geração de previsões e a orientação atencional para estímulos pendentes, possibilitou interpretações mais refinadas do meio, além de uma preparação para a ocorrência de estímulos críticos, aumentando as chances de sobrevivência daqueles que a possuem. O presente trabalho visou avaliar a habilidade de gerar comportamento antecipatório, por meio do teste de extrapolação a partir de padrões seriais de estímulos. Ratos da linhagem Wistar, machos, foram treinados a correr em uma pista reta, ao longo de 22 dias, para obter reforço ao final de cada uma de 4 tentativas sucessivas. Os sujeitos, organizados em dois grupos, foram expostos a uma sequência de quantidades de reforço envolvendo 14, 7, 3 e 1 sementes de girassol (Grupo Monotônico) ou 14, 3, 7 e 1 sementes de girassol (Grupo Não-Monotônico). No 23° dia do experimento uma quinta tentativa, nunca experienciada antes, portanto cuja quantidade de sementes não era conhecida, mas passível de extrapolação a partir do padrão serial, foi adicionada à sessão. Os resultados mostraram que os animais expostos ao padrão monotônico exibiram, na quinta tentativa, substancial aumento do tempo de corrida, como se esperassem uma quantidade de sementes menor do que a experimentada na tentativa anterior. Em contraste, os animais expostos ao padrão não-monotônico exibiram, na quinta tentativa, tempos de corrida relativamente baixos, indicando que esses animais geraram uma expectativa de obtenção de maior quantidade de sementes em relação à tentativa anterior. No conjunto, esses resultados indicam que ratos são capazes de extrapolar a partir de padrões seriais de estímulos, mostrando que esses animais são capazes de gerar previsões sobre condições ambientais que estão por vir, com base no registro de regularidades passadas mantidas na memória e na ...


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The dependency of psychoactive substances whether licit or illicit, among adolescents is a topic that has aroused much discussion today. One of the psychoactive substance that has caught the attention of authorities and experts, its potential dependence, increasing the number of addicts and speed with which triggers the human degeneration is the crack (a derivative of cocaine - Erythroxylon coca), used via the smoked administration. Understanding the phenomenon of increasing their use requires an analysis of the concepts of addiction throughout history, current research encompassing scientific findings in epidemiology and statistics involving several types of pharmacological substances, and especially the analysis of data related specifically to crack the focus of our theme. In order to contribute to ongoing discussions and offer possible alternatives for effective intervention, especially in schools, we conducted a survey that sought to find evidence of a possible relationship between crack use and moral reasoning. Since our work specifically theoretical nature, we use to reach our goals, assumptions, two researchers in the concept of human morality: Jean Piaget (1994) and Lawrence Kohlberg (1992) both traveling within the proposed cognitive-evolutionary human development. For an understanding of the proposals of these two researchers, we use research to (Lepre, 2005), as guiding thesis of this work. The results presented indicate that adolescents who use crack are very close to a level of moral reasoning pre-conventional and conventional, although it is important to state that more accurate results require further research on the subject, including those involving field research. Yet we can conclude that prevention must go through a dialogue that privileges the moral education as possible means of effective intervention against the use of crack, allowing the construction of autonomy... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This work has as its aims to offer a general view on the teaching of logics in the basic education by means of different materials on the theme. There are highlighted considerations on academic works in the area of math education that claims the teaching of logics on basic education as a means of developing the reason and promote the learning. It is done a bibliographic review on works that approach the theory of formal logics that presents different ways of working the teaching of logics. The curricular proposition of São Paulo State for the Math area is analyzed and its characteristics are discussed. The learning evaluation in a large federal scale for the teaching of middle and basic education are detailed in its matrix of references and content approached in its editions searching the evidences of a logical reasoning worth. A portal M3 Multimedia math is presented in activities in video format for the teaching of logics. After an analyze of the references where the focus was related to the learning of Math by means of an approaching where logics acts as a tool. It is possible to consider that there is a relevant number of researches and publishing in the area of Math education that approaches the concepts of formal logics. There is also evidences of a changing in National and State orientations for a basic education that reflects in its didactics resources and evaluations in a large scale. Even though, we can face difficulties on implementation of these proposes that is pointed out by constant critics by teachers concerning the changes in the resources and cited evaluations by the resistance of a considerable percentage of teachers to adopt the didactics materials distributed by the State and by the low performance of students in Public Schools in tests of learning


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Todos nós sabemos o quanto é importante uma base de conhecimentos sólida, para que, posteriormente, quando forem ensinados os novos conceitos, os alunos possam fazer relações com o conhecimento que já possuem, com maior facilidade. Verificamos no Ensino Médio a grande dificuldade dos alunos têm para o aprendizado de Física, além da idéia pré-concebida que eles possuem de que é uma disciplina de difícil compreensão. Porém, essas dificuldades, em sua grande parte são advindas da compreensão dos textos de e do desenvolvimento de cálculos, ou seja, essas dificuldades provêm das disciplinas de Língua Portuguesa e de Matemática. Com base na situação descrita acima, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de buscar alternativas para este problema, trabalhando desde a base destes conhecimentos, através de atividades desenvolvidas com o primeiro ciclo do Ensino Fundamental. Dessa maneira, levamos para escola pública de um bairro periférico de Presidente Prudente, mais especificamente, para a 3ª série do ensino fundamental, uma atividade com conceitos de Física para desenvolver com as crianças, estimulando o raciocínio das mesmas e a incentivando a busca por soluções para situações-problemas, utilizando-se para isso das idéias propostas pelo Construtivismo, fundamentadas na epistemologia de Piaget. Este trabalho sempre visou a valorização do conhecimento prévio desses alunos e estabelecendo relações com o seu cotidiano


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR