393 resultados para professores educadoras - educação infantil relações de poder conflitos estabelecidos e outsiders.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coming as a result from a comprehensive research based on Limas studies (2008), this article is intended for investigating the process of reorganization of the Pedagogy course offered by a state public university since 2006, when the new National Curricular Guides were instituted. The subject matter brings up as one of its purposes to identify the main difficulties and the possible answers given in order to cause the changes to happen, taking in consideration both the external and internal interests of the institution. To further these aims, actual instruments were applied to the research: documents related to the Pedagogy course that were kept in the Council of the university and interviews with the members who took part in the process of readjustment. Because it is a public university, at first there was a mistaken presumption of the primacy of an administration founded upon democratic principles, in which the divergent opinions do not turn out to be taken as mere pretexts, but as an opportunity of dialogue and to establish collective projects. However, the results of the analysis shook that basic assumption and proved the opposite: the process was led to a rational/bureaucratic pattern of administration, the goals of which intended to adjust the institution to the external precepts and to establish the consensus understood here as an absolute lack of conflicts. Nevertheless, it was chosen to conciliate the Pedagogy course to the national guides, without causing any harm to the departmental interests. These are reasons that justify satisfactorily the fact of this article being supposed to raise and quicken new and revitalized debate whenever there is an engagement of those who are most concerned for the duty of student teachers instruction, but mainly that of being expected to participate in the effective discussion/decision making process of creating ends which to strive and work for.


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This article presents elements that make up the quality of education in the age group of zero to five years, offered by institutions of Early Childhood Education in Brazil, based on research results disseminated in theses and dissertations that focus on this theme. It was used as the methodological procedure outlined mapping Brazilian literature of academic research related to the Post-Graduate Education, which focus on the issue in the period between 1996 and 2012. The results of the study provide insights on funding, teacher training, family, quality of care in the school systems, institutional assessment, perceptions of quality and educational practices that allow discuss the quality of early childhood education offered in Brazilian institutions. Moreover, considering that not convenient to take the concept of quality of early childhood education as universal as this is linked to the context, the conceptions about children and their education.


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This article leads to reflect on the analysis of contexts of early Childhood Education and Elementary School concerning the space for playtime in the educational routine with groups of children between five and six years old. There was a reflection on official documents about the extension of Elementary School and the presuppositions from the Cultural- -Historical Theory. Actions related to bibliographical research, questionnaire application, photographic and written documentation of playful practices observation, collective meetings with teachers and construction of a toy library have been taken. Specifically on the studied aspect, the make-believe play is the main child activity and may be considered as a mediator from the learning and from the humanization possibilities until about six years old. With this understanding, this issue deserves attention from the government (expressed in public policies), from the teachers and from the school staff in order to offer better conditions of success on the full formation during childhood.


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Objective: To characterize the communicative behaviors of children who entered in Primary School after the age of five. Methods: It was a descriptive study, held in a city at the countryside of Parana state (Brazil), in the years 2007 and 2008, in both school and home environments. Twelve children of both genders joined in the study, with age ranging from five years and two months to six years, besides their mothers and respective teachers. Interviews were conducted with mothers and a questionnaire for teachers. Afterwards, observations of the communication of children in school and home environments were conducted. Data analysis focused on those relevant to childrens development and school performance, trying to determine their communicative profile in school and home environments, from protocols regarding the indicators of communication means and functions. Results: The results indicated the presence of a child with poor general health, with complications from the pregnancy period, with motor and language delays and low school performance. It was also observed that all children used verbal means to communicate and the highest frequency of communicative functions appeared in home environment, indicating an important aspect to be considered in the stimulation of communication of these children. Conclusion: Data from this study showed that the children benefited more of contexts planned with family interlocutors.


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This study aims at indicating possibilities for speech therapists at schools of Primary Education. The project was developed in three centers of Primary Education in Irati, Paran. It took into consideration 114 students and 30 teachers. Teachers filled in questionnaires and attended conferences. Regarding to the children, it was constructed a profile and activities related to phonological subjects. The extension project represented an important role for development of academic skills and competence of the school community.


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Pacifier use is very common among children, but despite being considered a harmless article, there is ample evidence of their misdeeds. Therefore, concern about its use is great for us who work in the promotion of breastfeeding. It is this delicate subject in schools because the child, in most cases, already goes to school with the habit installed. The pacifier use may interfere with speech aspect, because the child can come to the wrong talk, dental, dental occlusions, may cause bacterial contamination and encourage early weaning. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pacifier use among children of pre - school and knowledge of educators about the role of pacifier and its consequences. The research methodology was based on a questionnaire to teachers, monitors and direction and determine the prevalence of pacifier use with parents. According to the result, we developed an orientation for school. The results show that of the 57 children at the age of 4 months to 3 years, 50.88% used a pacifier, 92.98% and 96.49% used the bottle were breastfed. The guidance given after the data collection has clarified many questions for educators. We conclude that the methodology was effective because we can collect data addressing quantitative and qualitative questions and managed to get percentages on pacifier use and breastfeeding and student opinions, comments and more relevant phrases that emerged from parents and educators, complementing the result. Furthermore, through the data, it was possible to do an intervention. The results indicate that half of the children between 4 months and 3 years investigated makes use of a pacifier, so despite the advice given, it would be important to follow up these data over the next few years. We also conclude that a partnership is needed between parents and the school, because if the family does not help, you can not work in school guidance


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Estudos comprovam que os fetos desde o tero j respondem a estmulos sonoros e que a msica, por sua vez, pode influenciar no desenvolvimento cognitivo, afetivo e social do individuo. a partir de tais consideraes que o presente trabalho identifica, atravs de levantamento bibliogrfico mais aprofundado, quais os fatores que a linguagem musical pode desenvolver nas crianas e como tal linguagem se constitui num treinamento para o crebro, visando, primordialmente, a busca de novas prticas de aprendizagem. Analisamos, ainda, o currculo de formao dos professores do curso de Licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia das universidades federais e estaduais brasileiras, observando a nfase dada modalidade do ensino de msica nos cursos de formao de professores unidocentes. Por fim buscamos oferecer subsdios metodolgicos, dos quais os professores unidocentes possam lanar mo para o desenvolvimento de atividades destinadas ao trabalho com musicalizao infantil


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Alguns estudiosos e pesquisadores nos ltimos anos tm voltado ateno para a formao de professores, no que se refere sobretudo as questes dos saberes docentes, tentando, assim, compreender que saberes esto presentes na prtica pedaggica. No mbito desse processo e com o ingresso no PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciao Docncia), tive um contato mais prximo com a escola, especificamente com os professores em exerccio. Assim algumas indagaes surgiram sobre o fato dos estudantes apresentarem um tipo de saber (discursivo) e os professores outros (pragmtico). Embora ambos possam compartilhar algumas experincias comuns vinculadas ao processo de escolarizao, cada um fala de um lugar diferente. Isto aponta para outro questionamento: qual o lugar que o estudante, os professores da escola e da universidade ocupam no campo da formao. A partir deste contexto, o presente trabalho abrange a formao dos professores, a prtica docente e os saberes docentes. Dessa forma objetiva-se compreender como os estudantes da disciplina de estgio supervisionado na escola e os professores da escola constroem/constituem/apontam os saberes que so mobilizados na prtica de ensino. Especificadamente se busca (a) identificar os saberes que so mobilizados por estudantes de Educação Fsica na construo dos Projetos de Ensino e da Prtica de Ensino no estgio;(b) analisar a origem desses saberes, tomando como referncia a elaborao do Projeto de Ensino, a Prtica de Ensino na escola e as Experincias no processo de escolarizao;(c) estabelecer relações, se possvel entre a aquisio desses saberes e a identidade docente;(d) apontar a compreenso que os professores da escola que recebem estagirios tm sobre os saberes docentes.Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva, que utiliza como tcnicas para a coleta, a entrevista e a fonte documental, tendo na anlise do contedo a...


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Even though we have an advanced protective legislation regarding children, the maltreatment perpetrated against them is still considered a public health problem in our country, with significant rates in the 0 to 6 years old range. This practice results in serious damages to the development of the assaulted individual: mental health, social adaptation and integration, and even repetition of the learned model. The school, although required (art. 245, ECA) to denounce and notify suspected and/or proven cases of violence to the eligible public agencies, has a very low percentage of participation in these notifications. Therefore, the objective of this study was to map the conception, placement and forwarding done by kindergarten professional about suspected and/or proven cases of maltreatment in their students to determine how such phenomenon is known, recognized, (re)constructed and (re)produced in social relations. The surveyed institutions were five kindergarten public schools, located in a mid-size city in the state of So Paulo. The adopted methodological procedures were the collection and analysis of quantitative-qualitative data, based on the anthropological research method on urban social groups. To collect the data, we used the following instruments: the questionnaire (38) and the interviews (6), applied in the period of October/2009 to May/2010. The analysis of the obtained data indicated some factors that hinder an effective positioning in fighting violence: professionals report the presence of suspected maltreatment (45%), however, the allegations are not investigated; the lack of knowledge and/or distorted concepts about the legislation, and also indicators of the presence of maltreatment, of its negative consequences to the development of the child, the false belief in the sanctity of the family and that maltreatment only occurs in the ghetto, in the lower classes... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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The study focuses on the training of the pedagogue and working with dance in kindergarten. We conducted a brief study on corporal expression, Art Education and Dance History. We observed during this study the difficulties in working with the Dance School. So we conducted a search of the literature on teacher training, and a documentary research studying the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Sciences, State University Julio de Mesquita Filho - FC/UNESP by analyzing its Educational Policy Project, its goals, its disciplines and whether any or some of them encouraged the study of dance as a method of teaching Art education. We seek the input of authors who study dance as well as others that investigate the training of teachers. We achieved some of the intended objectives and the analysis of the Educational Policy Project of the Education Course noting that two disciplines open space to work with movement, you can insert your content and practices related to dance. But we must emphasize that long for the lack of teacher training addressing the real needs of body language in kindergarten


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This research will try to understand how the concept of gender works at school, since working and discussing the body and sexuality is not a matter to be treated only within the family environment, school is a place for formal and appropriate new knowledge about sexuality, gender and body, in order to be part of the child framework according to adequate theory. At school, which is a place of different social values and especially to build readings world is surrounded by theoretical frameworks appropriate to think of the body not only as biological, but as one that can vary, feel desires and pleasures, changes and growth. This research aims to understand the notes of literature regarding to teaching children about respect for others, how children notice parts of your body, the space they are in, how they build their own and other perceptions, supported by their teachers, how they express themselves and show social rules and behaviors, focusing on building an egalitarian and respectful society regarding to relations between men and women which begin in childhood and is part of sexuality taught at school by teachers. This research will focus on methodology bibliographic through exploratory, interpretive and selective reading


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi o de levantar, a partir de aportes tericos da rea, as contribuies do desenho para o desenvolvimento infantil. Analisar a prtica pedaggica de professores com a utilizao do desenho na Educação Infantil em duas escolas municipais e, a partir desse contato, traar paralelos e investigar como so aplicados o desenho em sala de aula, como tambm verificar como as coordenadoras pedaggicas orientam o grupo de professores de sua escola e como consideram a importncia do mesmo. O conhecimento sobre a arte infantil precisa ser respeitada, pois por meio do desenho a criana expressa o conhecimento de si mesma e a sua relao com o mundo. O referente estudo tambm apresenta as caractersticas e etapas de desenvolvimento do desenho infantil, de acordo com as concepes dos estudiosos mais conhecidos, como Lowenfeld, Luquet, Piaget, Marthe Berson e Kellogg, que permitem esclarecer de que maneira acontece a evoluo dos desenhos de acordo com a faixa etria de cada criana, facilitando assim, a construo do portiflio, ferramenta avaliativa utilizada na Educação Infantil. O desenho traz para a criana a ampliao do conhecimento de mundo que a ela possui e a manipulao e explorao de diversos materiais e objetos. E tambm proporciona para a criana a ampliao da sua capacidade criadora, desenvolvendo a imaginao, atuando de forma significativa para a organizao de pensamentos e sentimentos, alm de impactar positivamente sobre os aspectos emocionais, motores, intelectuais, fsicos, perceptuais, sociais e estticos.


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O acesso educação infantil um direito da criana, a sua oferta obrigao do poder pblico municipal embora a matrcula seja uma opo da famlia. Devido a crescente demanda nesta etapa da educação, surgiram estratgias para ampliar o atendimento. Em sendo assim, atualmente tem-se expandido, na rede pblica, a oferta de vagas para educação infantil principalmente por meio de convnios e parcerias pblico-privadas, de certa maneira, incentivados pelo Fundo de Manuteno e Desenvolvimento da Educação Bsica e de Valorizao dos Profissionais da Educação (FUNDEB), que admite a distribuio dos recursos pblicos s instituies conveniadas. Este estudo est vinculado ao Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Poltica Educacional, GREPPE (grupo interinstitucional) Seo Rio Claro, mais precisamente ao Projeto de Pesquisa intitulado Avaliando a produo cientfica sobre financiamento e convnios na educação infantil, coordenado pela Prof Dr Regiane Helena Bertagna. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo mapear e analisar a temtica relacionada ao conveniamento e financiamento da educação infantil a partir de peridicos cientficos nacionais de educação, avaliados pela CAPES como A1 ano de referncia 2008 - durante os anos de 2000 a 2010. Por meio de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, de levantamento e anlise bibliogrfica, foram verificados e analisados os assuntos mais abordados em relao temtica nos estudos cientficos, a saber: teoria econmica em educação; globalizao e educação; Estado e educação; organismos internacionais e a infncia; poltica de fundos para educação; atendimento na educação infantil. Verificou-se que o peridico que mais apresentou artigos sobre a temtica foi o Educação & Sociedade (CEDES). Em defesa da importncia da garantia do direito... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)